

单词 不安












External sources (not reviewed)

相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮不安剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部分逆转了最不发达国家多 [...]
Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as
[...] increased food insecurity, volatile energy [...]
and commodity prices, and the global
financial and economic crisis partly reversed development gains that least developed countries achieved over the years.
此外,区域合作有助 于亚太各国应对共同的脆弱性和风险,例如,粮食和能不安各种灾害、 自然资源和可持续性所承受的压力、社会排斥和日益扩大的不平等。
In addition, regional cooperation could help Asia-Pacific countries address their shared vulnerabilities
and risks, such as food
[...] and energy insecurity, disasters, pressures on natural resourcesand sustainability, [...]
social exclusion and rising inequalities.
然而,许多国家的森林砍伐和退化情况依然令 人深不安
However, in many
[...] countries therate of deforestation and forest degradation remains deeply disturbing.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速使和儿童约束装置、酒后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车不安及创伤护理不当。
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading
causes, which include excess speed, lackof seat-belt and
[...] child restraint use, drinking and driving, lack of helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles,poorly designed and inadequately maintainedroads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, [...]
andinadequate trauma care.
The latent threat looming over the staff in post feeds
[...] the sense of insecurityand dissatisfaction [...]
that today characterizes the members of staff.
[...] 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令不安实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage
of their domestic economies are
[...] some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situationhas given rise to.
不安胎造成的死亡一样,法律限制堕胎国家中的那些年轻、贫困 [...]
Aswith deaths related tounsafe abortion, the [...]
women most at risk of suffering serious complications are young, poor, and
reside in rural areas of countries with restrictive abortion laws.
国际安全环境的日益动不安别是 2001 年 9 月以来,以及 2003 [...]
年巴格达联合国 机构办公楼遭轰炸事件,加大了联合国人员的安全风险的程度;需要在安全部(DSS--原为 联合国安全协调员办公室)的领导下加强驻地的安全措施。
The increasingly unsettled
[...] international security environment, [...]
in particular since September 2001, and the bombing of the
United Nations premises in Baghdad in 2003, have heightened the level of security risks of the United Nations personnel and called for the reinforcement of the security measures in the field, under the authority of the Department of Safety and Security (DSS – previously UNSECOORD).
我们欢迎秘书长的报告(S/2010/181),但它读起 来仍然相当令不安们还要赞扬负责儿童与武装 [...]
冲突问题的秘书长特别代表及其办公室在这个问题 上进行的全心全意的工作。
We welcome the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/181), which again makes
[...] for rather disturbing reading, and [...]
we commend the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and her Office for their highly dedicated work on this topic.
遗憾的是,工程处在不同场合被 迫采取的紧缩措施让难民们忧不安心国际社 会不再致力于必要的人道主义援助,甚至最终不再 支持公正解决他们的困境。
Regrettably, the austerity measures the Agency had been forced to apply on various occasions had made the refugee population fearful that the international community was no longer committed to the necessary humanitarian assistance, or even ultimately to a just resolution of their plight.
它敦促厄立特里亚同国际社会合作,以便结束次区域不安面;制定 旨在帮助长期冲突的受害者康复的国家行动计划;以及修订目前适用于新闻机构 和人权组织的规定。
It urged Eritrea to cooperate with the international community to end the instability in the subregion, to develop a national plan of action for the rehabilitation of the victims of the successive conflicts and to revise the rules applicable to press bodies and human rights organizations.
强调会员国必须继续将《世界预防道路交通伤害报告》作为道路安全工作的 纲领,酌情采用其中的建议,特别注意其中列出使和儿童约束装置、 不使用头盔、酒后和吸毒后驾驶、车速不当和超速以及缺乏适当基础设施等重大 风险因素,加强道路安全管理,尤其注意行人、骑自行车和骑摩托车以及使不 安共交通工具的人等易受伤害的道路使用者的需要,以及改进道路重大碰撞 事故受害者碰撞后的救治
Underlining the importance for Member States to continue using the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention as a framework for road safety efforts and implementing its recommendations, as appropriate, by paying particular attention to
the main risk factors
[...] identified, including thenon-use of safety belts andchild restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, inappropriate and excessive speed and the lack of appropriate infrastructure, by strengthening roadsafety management and by paying particular [...]
attention also to
the needs of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, and users of unsafe public transport, as well as by improving post-crash care for victims of road crashes
单纯地与该政权领导层建立联 系而不与整个国家培养更广泛的伙伴关系会导致 民众与精英的观念对立,甚至导致社会动不 安而加剧对中国海外投资的威胁。
Simply consolidating ties to the leadership of a regime without cultivating broader relationships in the country can alienate segments of both public and elite opinion, and lead to instability that threatens investments.
执行这些改革不仅会创造绿色岗位,而且 亦有助于处理粮食、燃料和不安及导致气候变化的根源。
Implementing such reforms would not only promote the
creation of green jobs, but also help address the root causes of food,
[...] fuel and water insecuritiesaswellas climate change.
该员额的任职者将在医务长的领导下从总部获取关于健康和安全事项的 准则;走访特派团各主要区和地点,评估特派团总体健康和安全状况;起草联刚 特派团健康和安全准则;就健康和安全问题提供日常咨询意见;进行常规检查,不安场和特遣队驻地的投诉进行调查,查明工作区域内有哪些领域存在疏 忽情况,并提出必要的建议。
Under the supervision of the Chief Medical Officer, the incumbent of the post would obtain guidelines for health and safety matters from Headquarters; visit all Mission main sectors and locations and assess the general health and safety situation of the Mission; draft MONUC health and safety guidelines; offer day-to-day advice on health andsafety issues; and undertake routine inspections and investigate complaints of unsafeworkplaces and contingent quarters to identify areas of negligence within working areas and provide necessary recommendations.
自然灾害――并非 所有自然灾害都与气候变化有关――引起的相关威胁,正在增加对于各国特别是 最为贫困和最为脆弱国家日益严重的环不安况的关切。
Related threats from natural disasters, not all of which are
linked to climate change,
[...] are adding to concerns about growing environmental insecurityin allcountries, [...]
in particular in
the poorest and most vulnerable.
例如,有些巩发党员目前可能会 担忧在一个更自由公正的选举环境中他们自身的命 运或政党的前途;一些政客和裙带商人可能会担心 改革会威胁他们的经济利益;有强烈民族主义情结 的人可能会对所谓的对西方世界的妥协行为感不 安他一些人可能会反对与昂山素季及民盟达成 和解,尤其是在议会补选之后。
For example, some USDP members now likely have concerns about their fate or their party’s in a more free and fair electoral environment; some politicians and crony businessmen may have concerns that some reforms will threaten their economic interests; those with a strong nationalistic disposition may feel uncomfortable with what they might classify as concessions to the West; others may object to reconciliation with Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD, particularly in the wake of the by-elections.
目前的冲突不安状况是 不可接受的,它不符合以色列的利益,也不符合巴 勒斯坦、中东地区或整个国际社会的利益。
The current
[...] situation of conflict, insecurity and uncertainty [...]
was unacceptable and not in the interests of Israel, the Palestinians,
the Middle East region or the broader international community.
[...] 是“危险”人物的看法和媒体对公不安反应等均造成对服刑人或遭审前拘 [...]
In the specific case of prisons, various cultural factors such as ideas that inmates are ―outside society‖ or that they are
―dangerous‖ people and the reactions of the
[...] media to publicinsecurity,contribute [...]
to the neglect and vulnerability of persons
serving prison sentences or held in pre-trial detention.
我们认为,应当强调防止核扩散,尤其是防止横 向扩散,同时我们也认为淡化核裁军的重要性或限制 和平利用核能将会引起极不安使人们对该条约是 否可信,是否正在以全面和非歧视性的方式执行该条 约产生怀疑,尤其是鉴于威胁到整个地球上人类生存 的核武库的存在。
We believe in emphasizing nuclear non-proliferation, especially horizontal non-proliferation, and that downplaying the importance of nuclear disarmament or restricting the peaceful uses of nuclear technology would cause great alarm and cast doubt on the credibility of the Treaty and its implementation in a comprehensive and non-discriminatory manner, especially in view of the presence of nuclear arsenals that threaten the presence of human life on the entire planet.
诱发不稳定的潜在因素包括:在这些省持续存在人道主义危机以及 保护平民方面的挑战;卢民主力量、上帝抵抗军以及残余刚果武装团体继续存在, 他们仍有军事能力给平民和国家机构以及在更广泛的次区域内制造普遍不安况;在 3 个省的大部分地区,缺乏有效的国家权力;在联刚特派团缩编的过 程中,如果国家法治和安全机构没有及时部署到战略地区,有可能产生安全真空; 执行《3 月 23 日协定》不彻底;随着境内流离失所者和难民回返,可能重新爆发 土地冲突和其他族裔间冲突;无证件人员跨界流动;以及持续非法开采自然资源。
The potential triggers of instability include the continuing critical humanitarian crisis and challenges related to the protection of civilians in those provinces; the continued presence of FDLR, LRA and residual Congolese armed groups that still have a military capacity to cause widespread insecurity for the civilian population and State institutions, as well as more broadly in the subregion; the absence of effective State authority in most areas in the three provinces; a security vacuum that may be created if national rule of law and security institutions are not deployed to strategic areas in a timely manner as MONUC draws down; the incomplete implementation of the Agreements of March 23; the possible resurgence of land and other intercommunal conflicts as internally displaced persons and refugees return; the cross-border movement of undocumented persons; and the continuing illegal exploitation of natural resources.
亚太区域在正规部门的就业机会仍然不足,而年轻 人的失业情况和极不稳定就业状况日趋严重更引发了各方不安表明必 须设法大力增强国内生产总值的增长与就业的增长二者之间的关联。
The region had also witnessed insufficient job creation in the formal sector, while youth unemployment and vulnerable employment remained alarmingly high, signalling that the linkage between GDP growth and employment growth should be strengthened.
冲突造成的直接后果包括:死亡和个人和 集体资产的损毁,国内流离失所者和难民,阻碍了经济发展,令有限的经济资源
[...] 越发不堪重负,造成社会心理创伤、前战斗人员包括儿童兵康复与重返社会的需 要,以及由于恐怖活动的威胁,形成不安恐惧的气氛。
Direct fallouts of the conflict include: death and destruction of personal and collective property, internal displacement of persons and refugees, impeded economic development and strain on limited economic resources, psycho-social trauma, the need for rehabilitation and reintegration of
ex-combatants including child soldiers,
[...] and a climate of insecurityand fear due to[...]
threats posed by terrorist activity.
这种情况的特别令不安子是,秘书处缺乏资源积极 地为一些重要的法规提供必要的服务,如《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》 [...]
(《销售公约》)和《联合国承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(《纽约公约》),尽 管跟踪这些法规的执行情况并审查可能的后续工作非常重要(见下文,
A/CN.9/752/Add.1,第 2 段)。
A particularly disturbing illustration [...]
of that situation is to be found in the lack of secretariat resources to service
such essential texts as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) or the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York Convention) as actively as might be required, despite the importance of following up on the implementation of those texts and examining possible follow-up work (see below, A/CN.9/752/Add.1, para. 2).
在过去一年中,难民署不断地强调难民营的军事 化、对难民或境内流离失所者居住点的武装攻击以及难民人口集中区域的其他形 式不安响了有关人口的安全并且影响了公众对人道主义行动和庇护制度原 则的支持。
Over the course of the year, UNHCR repeatedly emphasized that militarization of refugee camps, armed attacks on refugee or
IDP settlements and
[...] other forms of insecurity inrefugee-populated areas compromise the safety of the affected [...]
populations as
well as public support for the principles of humanitarian action and the institution of asylum.
会议 建议 粮农 组 织与 成员 国共 同致 力 于提 高对 粮不安营 养不 足人 群 的饮食尤为重要的作物的生产率,其中包括淀粉类主食、豆类、粗粮、蔬菜、园艺 作物和油料作物。
The Conference recommended that FAO work with member countries to increase productivity of crops that are of particular relevance to the diets of food- and nutritionally-insecure people, including starchy staples, pulses, coarse grains, vegetables, horticultural crops and oil crops.
2010 年, 中国证交所约占全球IPO 交易总数的37%,这是因为越来越多的中国公司能够达到上市要求,表明尽管年内全球金融动不安国经济仍然保持强劲增长。
The Chinese stock exchange was responsible for around 37 per cent of the global total IPO deals in 2010, as more Chinese companies could meet the requirementsfor public offerings, reflecting China’s strong economic growth duringthe year despite the global financial uncertainty.




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