单词 | 不孚众望 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不孚众望 —failing inspire confidence among peopleless common: unpopular • not living up expectations [idiom.] See also:众望—people's expectations
我们应当不负众望,并在今天 发出一致的信息:我们同心协力探索履行这一职责的 办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should live up to expectations and send a unanimous [...] message today that we commit ourselves to developing the means to fulfil this responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种多样性由伦敦德里夫人(Lady Londonderry)伊迪斯(Edith)提出,她希 望 来 自各个大洲的植物能够打造出一个 与 众不 同 的 花园。 discoverireland.com | This great diversity of style, and plants from every continent were ingeniously combined by Edith, Lady Londonderry, to produce a garden of outstanding quality and character. discoverireland.com |
在民众期望不断升 高,历史怨怼 亟待解决,以及人民新近被赋予集会结社自由的大 背景下,缅甸有可能会爆发更为极端、冲突性更强 [...] 的社会运动。 crisisgroup.org | In a context of rising popular expectations, serious unaddressed [...] grievances from the past, and new-found freedom to organise [...]and demonstrate, there is potential for the emergence of more radical and confrontational social movements. crisisgroup.org |
使儿童有机会通过媒体表达自身的观点和 期 望 , 不 仅 参 与儿童的 方案,而且参与制作和传播各种信息,包括作为记者、分析员和评论员,以 支持在公众中塑 造适当的儿童和儿童期形象。 daccess-ods.un.org | (x) Opportunities for children to express [...] their view and expectations in the media and be not only engaged in children’s programmes, but also involved in the production and transmission of all kinds of information, including as reporters, analysts and commentators in order to support an adequate image of children and childhood in the public. daccess-ods.un.org |
(7) 國 務 大 臣 可 不 時 修 訂 根 據 本 條 發 出 的 職 務 孚 則 的 全 部 或 任 何 部 分 , 並 發 出 經 修 訂 的 孚 則 , 而 本 條 前 述 的 條 文 ( 已 予 適 當 修 訂 ) 應 適 用 於 經 修 訂 的 孚 則 , 正 如 適 用 於 首 次 發 出 的 孚 則 一 般 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (7) The Secretary of State may from time to time revise the whole or any part of a code of practice issued under this section and issue that revised code, and the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply (with appropriate modifications) to such a revised code as they apply to the first issue of a code. hkreform.gov.hk |
不過,局長表示,於7月 5日發 生的事故及於7月 7日在港鐵美孚站發 生的事故,均是輔助制動系統部 件故障,引致摩擦產生過熱。 legco.gov.hk | However, [...] the Secretary has also said that the incident which happened on 5 July and the one which happened at the MTR Mei Foo Station on 7 July [...]were due to the failure [...]on the part of the auxiliary brake system, leading to overheating caused by friction. legco.gov.hk |
因此,正如我剛才在主體答覆中所說,就同一型號的自動梯於7月 7日在港鐵美孚站所 發生的事故,無論是港鐵或機電署的跟進,均確 定事故並不涉及設計的缺陷。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, as I have said in the main reply, insofar as [...] the incident [...] involving an escalator of the same model in the MTR's Mei Foo Station on 7 July is concerned, the conclusion reached by [...]both the MTRCL [...]and the EMSD is that no flaw in design was detected. legco.gov.hk |
在石油领域,拥有深水石油勘探先进技术的美国公司,如埃克森 美 孚 ( 《财 富》全球 500 强排名第 2 位)、雪佛龙(第 6 位)、美国康菲石油公司(第 10 位)、 瓦莱罗能源(第 49 位)和马拉松石油公司(第 108 位),由于赫尔姆斯-伯顿法的限 制不能在古巴投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the oil sector, United States companies with advanced technology for deepwater oil exploration, such as Exxon Mobil (ranked No. 2 in the Fortune Global 500), Chevron (ranked No. 6), ConocoPhillips (ranked No. 10), Valero Energy Corporation (ranked No. 49) and Marathon Oil Corporation (ranked No. 108), cannot invest in Cuba, owing to restrictions under the Helms-Burton Act. daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来,卡塔尔渴望成为本地区持久 不 衰 的 文化之都,国家当局明确地表明了这一愿 望,众多的 文化基础设施开发项目显然也表明了这一点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In recent years, Qatar’s aspiration to become a long-lasting cultural capital of the region has been clearly manifested by the national authorities and made evident through numerous cultural infrastructure development projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今后,本产品预备在贡献于集众望于 一 身的LED产品的高亮度化、加工精度和 信赖性的同时,不仅仅 局限于LED的制造,而是面向各个领域进行宣传、贩卖。 hpc-j.co.jp | HAYASHI PURE CHEMICAL contributes to increase [...] in High Brightness LED products that high growth is expected in future, and improve processing accuracy and reliability, [...]and is planning [...]to propose and distribute our ideas to various market as well as LED production market. hpc-j.co.jp |
本港的市區重建工作雖已由土地發展公司 (下稱「土發公司」)轉移至 市區重建局 (下稱「市建局」) ,社會上批評的聲音未嘗間斷,顯示當年訂定 的市區重建策略未孚眾望,尤 其是市建局重建物業破壞城市景觀,「推土機式」 發展模式違反保育原則,強制收樓與「以民為本」宗旨相違背。 procommons.org.hk | Loads of incidents indicate that the urban renewal strategy has failed to meet the expectation of general public. For insta nce, the redeveloped properties of the URA have brought about a deterioration of the cityscape; the “bulldozer” mode of redevelopment has violated the principles of conservation, whereas compulsory acquisition is in stark contrast to its underlying “people‐based principle”. procommons.org.hk |
埃克森美孚工艺 在提纯和净化阶段使用活塞推料离心机,而回收阶段使用过 滤式离心机,原因是推料离心机不适 合 分离在最冷阶段温度下生成的较小的晶体。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | The ExxonMobil process uses pusher centrifuges for the purity and scavenger stages, and a screen bowl centrifuge for the recovery stage, as pusher centrifuges are not suitable [...] for the smaller crystal [...]size produced at the coldest stage temperature. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
(4) 在投票後的數日內,有㆒個團體由極 孚 眾 望 ㆒ 變 為大失㆟心,顯示了公眾在投 票期間並無堅定或成熟的看法。 legco.gov.hk | It indicated that the public had not formed a firm or mature opinion at the time of polling. legco.gov.hk |
2 8 有 關 搜 查 令 , 《 職 務 孚 則 B 》 規 定 警 務 人 員 應 該 查 明 資 料 是 否 準 確 , 而 不 應 未 經 查 證 匿 名 資 料 便 採 取 行 動 ; 並 訂 明 該 員 應 搜 集 有 關 [...] 物 件 及 處 所 的 資 料;及 應 諮 詢 所 屬 地 區 的 警 民 聯 [...]絡 主 任 以 考 慮 對 警 民 關 係 造 成 的 影 響 。 hkreform.gov.hk | With regard to search warrants, [...] Code of Practice B provides that the officer should check the accuracy of the information and not act on anonymous information [...]without corroboration; [...]that he should obtain information about articles and premises; and that he should consider the effect on community relations by consultation with the local police community liaison officer. hkreform.gov.hk |
但 該 孚 則 並 不 禁 止 大 律 師 以 分 期 方 式 收 費 , [...] 或 按 議 定 的 費 用 或 經 訟 費 評 定 而 准 予 的 費 用 收 取 利 息 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It does not, however, prohibit the payment [...] of fees by instalments or payment of interest on fees either as agreed or allowed on taxation. hkreform.gov.hk |
斯凱孚(SK F)今日假香港君悅酒店首度會見傳媒,以介紹集團過去十年在亞洲地區的強勁增長,同時顯示SKF的未來 展 望 及 願 景。 ipress.com.hk | SKF arranged its first media meeting in Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong, to introduce its strong growth in Asia over the last decade and to share its outlook and expectations for the future. ipress.com.hk |
在 接 受 一 名 人 士 為 擔 保 人 之 前,個 案 人 員 應 首 先 進 行 調 查,以 求 能 令 組 長 或 以 上 職 級 人 員 相 信 候 准 擔 保 人 有 能 力 監 管 獲 准 保 釋 者,而 倘 獲 准 保 釋 者 不 遵 孚 具 結 條 件,該 擔 保 人 亦 有 足 夠 財 力 去 繳 付 規 定 的 款 額 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Before accepting a person as a surety, a case officer will make enquiries sufficient to satisfy an officer of or above the rank of Group Head that the proposed surety is able to exercise a degree of control over the bailee, and is of sufficient substance to enable him to pay the sum involved in the event of the bailee failing to comply with his recognizance. hkreform.gov.hk |
社区民众不 愿意将伊斯兰教与暴力挂钩,也不喜欢自我封闭、拒 绝传统的人,他们不希望被击 毙的恐怖分子在当地的 墓地入葬,他们也不赞同煽动极端行径的人在当地的 清真寺传讲圣战思想。 crisisgroup.org | They do not like Islam associated with violence, they do not like people who keep to themselves and reject traditional practices, they do not want dead [...] terrorists buried in local [...]cemeteries, and they do not approve of firebrands preaching jihad in their local mosques. crisisgroup.org |
拟订准则,保护儿童不受大众媒体 制作的不尊重儿童人格尊严和 完整的信息和材料,废除丑化性语言,避免传播有关家庭或其他地方影响儿 童事件因而会造成二次伤害的报告,推动使用可由所涉各方审查的不同来源 信息的专业调查方法; 使儿童有机会通过媒体表达自身的观点和 期 望 , 不 仅 参 与儿童的 方案,而且参与制作和传播各种信息,包括作为记者、分析员和评论员,以 支持在公众中塑造适当的儿童和儿童期形象。 daccess-ods.un.org | (ix) Development of guidelines for protecting children from information and material produced by mass media disrespecting the human dignity and integrity of the child, abolishing stigmatizing language, refraining from the dissemination of revictimizing reports on events in family or elsewhere affecting a child and promoting professional methods of investigation based on the [...] use of diverse sources which can be examined by all parties involved daccess-ods.un.org |
對南昌邨 居民來說,距離或許還 不算遠,但對美孚或荔枝角的居民而言,他們則有可能要先乘坐港鐵至 南昌站,才能走到海邊。 legco.gov.hk | For Nam Cheong Estate [...] residents, it may not be too far away, but Mei Foo or Lai Chi Kok [...]residents may have to take the MTR [...]to Nam Cheong Station before walking to the waterfront. legco.gov.hk |
某代表团强调应巩固形成共同空间的框架,并强调共同 空间应为超越争论和指控的开诚布公的对话创造条件,以 便 不 负 众望 , 缩 小政府 与民间组织之间的差距。 daccess-ods.un.org | One delegation emphasized the need to consolidate the framework in which the Common Space is held, emphasizing that the Common Space should provide for frank and open dialogue that [...] went beyond arguments and complaints [...] in order to fulfil expectations in respect of bridging [...]the gap between governments and civil society organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
支持执行局第一七一届会议通过的有关全民教育的决定,强调教科文组织需要更加积 极地协调全民教育,更加专注教科文组织作为一个专门机构的作用,支持制定一项管 理计划使该组织成为一个灵活、高效的组织,使之能 够 不 负 众望 , 承担起教育领域的 领导责任。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Invites the Director-General to develop a time schedule that enables the Working Group on EFA to make policy recommendations to the High-Level Group, based on findings in the Global Monitoring Report, ensuring that the High-Level Group on EFA can make strategic policy advice unesdoc.unesco.org |
Charles说,在Borderlands成功之后,团队需要面对的其中一个最大的挑战是要如何才 能 不 负 众望 – 其中包括不辜负他们自己。 unrealengine.com | Charles said one of the biggest challenges facing the team was [...] meeting such high expectations – including their [...]own – since the success of Borderlands. unrealengine.com |
面对普通采矿机械无法顺畅运作的严苛环境,中铝广西分公司选择使用了Cat® 采矿机械:Cat® 的推土机、铲运机、液压挖掘机和铰接式卡车和矿场运输 车 不 负 众望 , 大刀阔斧地投入到矿山开拓、采准和复垦作业中。 china.cat.com | Considering the harsh challenges on the site, CHALCO Guangxi chose the Cat® equipment on site includes bulldozers, scrapers, hydraulic excavators and articulated trucks, mainly used in mine development, stope preparation and reclamation operations. china.cat.com |
財政司司長強調 要 削 減 公 共開支佔經濟的比重 , 並 定 下 在 2006-07 年 度 , 將 公 共開支佔經濟的比重控制 在 20%或 以 下,這是符 合實情 , 審 慎 和 負 責 任 的 理財舉 措 , 可 說 是 深 孚 眾 望 。 legco.gov.hk | The Financial Secretary stresses that we must contain public expenditure as a share of the GDP and has therefore made it his target to reduce the share of public expenditure in the economy to 20% of GDP or below by 2006-07. legco.gov.hk |
Netbiter Argos平台是随着多年经验一起建立起来的,而且实现 了 不 负 众望 的 解 决方案。 netbiter.cn | The Netbiter Argos platform has been built with many years of experience and delivers a [...] solution that lives up to the expectations. netbiter.com |
由 於 各 規 例 的 詳 細 規 定 會 收 納 入 律 師 會 的 《 費 用 資 料 孚 則 》 之 中 , 預 料 對 輕 微 違 反 孚 則 行 為 作 出 不 合 比 例 的 制 裁 , 機 會 不 大 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It was envisaged that by moving the detailed requirements of the regulations to the Law Society‟s Costs Information Code, it would be less likely that minor failures to comply would result in disproportionate sanctions. hkreform.gov.hk |
法 則 亦 應 有 一 項 賦 與 一 般 權 力 的 條 文,以 便 處 理 上 述 各 項 條 件 未 能 恰 當 應 付 的 情 況 , 並 且 施 加 為 了 達 到 保 釋 的 作 用 而 有 理 由 附 加 的 條 件 , 但 必 頇 不 屬 懲 罰 性 質 , 或 是 不 可 能 遵 孚 的 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Code should also contain a general power to cater for situations not specifically covered above and to impose such conditions as would be reasonably necessary for achieving the objects of bail, without being punitive or incapable of being met. hkreform.gov.hk |
山猫滑移装载机和Bobcat5600 多功能车以及抛雪机、推雪斜角清扫器附 件领命天安门广场,开始紧张的除雪工 作,Bobcat5600多功能车也不负众望,快 速高效的完成了广场的积雪清理工作。 doosan.com | Bobcat equipment is widely used in snow removal in Europe and the U.S. snow removal in Tiananmen Square drew much attention from people. doosan.com |
每月新闻: 31/10/2011 拉菲在葡萄酒销售中辜负 众望 , 高 品质二级品被抢购 • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 27/10/2011 Dom Joly与CIVB协作推进波尔多葡萄酒 销售 • 26/10/2011 DRC有可能成为“中国新的拉菲” • 26/10/2011 针对下月拍卖,拉菲——罗斯柴尔德垂直品鉴 • 25/10/2011 Liv-ex高端葡萄酒公司展示了增长征象 • 24/10/2011 2011年份波尔多葡萄酒有可能成为“意 想 不 到 的 年份” • 21/10/2011 经济市场波动“未影响葡萄酒拍卖” • 20/10/2011 白马庄以拍卖会名次为荣 • 19/10/2011 Oddbins葡萄酒公司正在准备它的新征程 • 18/10/2011 德国葡萄酒制造商期望2011年份葡萄酒带来更大产量 • 17/10/2011 高端葡萄酒市场多样化? dittonwinetraders.co.uk | The month’s news: 31/10 Super seconds snapped up as Lafite disappoints in wine sale • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 27/10 Dom Joly and CIVB team up to promote Bordeaux • 26/10 DRC may be 'the new Lafite in China' • 26/10 Lafite-Rothschild verticals up for auction next month • 25/10 Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 shows some signs of growth • 24/10 Bordeaux 2011 could be an 'exceptional vintage' • 21/10 Financial market volatility 'not affecting wine auctions' • 20/10 Cheval Blanc [...] takes pride of place at auction [...]• 19/10 Oddbins wine merchant prepares its re-launch • 18/10 German winemakers expect greater yields for 2011 • 17/10 Is the fine wine market diversifying? dittonwinetraders.co.uk |