

单词 不失时机



Opportunity knocks but once. [idiom.]

See also:


from time time
now and then

时机 n

opportunity n
timing n
place n


fortunate timing

不时 adv

regularly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,只有全球社会各主要部门都认识到这一挑战的性质和严重 性,不失时机地修正各自的议程,才能做到这一点。
However, this will happen only if key sectors of global society come to understand the nature and the gravity of the challenge, and seize the opportunity to revise their agendas.5 5.
总干不失时机地与 会晤的政府官员探讨这一问题,尤其是在正式出访时,他强调会员国有责任确保其全国委员 会应有的地位,并提供充足的资源。
Whenever appropriate, the Director-General has discussed [...]
this matter in his meetings with government officials, particularly,
during his official visits to underline the responsibilities of Member States to provide their National Commissions with adequate status and resources.
我们希望安全理事会和国际社会所有负责任的政 权不失时机地立 刻谴责伊朗的仇恨言论。
We expect the Security Council and all responsible members of the international community to condemn
[...] Iranian hate speech without any further delay.
更有甚者,一些人不失时机地附 和这些言论。
Rather, some even spare no occasion to align themselves with such statements.
一些国家强调称选举出一个来自从未有 人担任过此职位的东欧国家的女性总干事,同选举出一个来自加勒比地区小岛国的大会主席一样,再一 不失 时机地表明了本组织的普遍性。
Several States emphasized that the election of a Director-General from Eastern Europe, a region which had never before provided one, together with the election of a President of the General Conference from a small Caribbean island, provided an additional indication, if one were needed, of the universality of the Organization.
联合国 教科文组不失时机地倡 导以多方协作的战略来实施信息社会世界首脑会议(WSIS)的活 动,并制定了在其职权范围内采取具体行动的建议案。
UNESCO took the opportunity to foster its multi-stakeholder approach to WSIS implementation activities and to formulate proposals for concrete actions in its areas of competence.
不失时机地加 强对话,帮助商订地方一级的协定缓 和紧张关系,促进双方之间的停火,并在可能的情况下加深接触,将加强“斡旋” 能力,作为建立信任和实现稳定的步骤,只要双方发出鼓励采取这些措施的信号。
Capacities for “good offices” would be strengthened in order to seize opportunities to foster dialogue, to broker local-level agreements to calm tensions and promote ceasefires between the sides, and to deepen engagement where possible, as steps towards confidence-building and stability where signals from the sides encourage such measures.
另外,“下一阶段,如果CPI明显回落,意味着一个非常宝贵的推进资源税改革的窗口到来,应 不失时机 地 推 进。
In addition, "the next stage, if the CPI was down, which means a very valuable resource tax reform to promote the arrival of the window, should seize the opportunity to advance.
根据它的各 种方案,领事官员、外交人员、 维和人员、公安干警和移民官员与来自拉丁美 洲国家各政府部门和民间社会的人员一道 不失时机 地 分析在不同情况下预防和 打击人口贩运活动的做法,并了解人口贩运受害者简况,包括性别和年龄,将这 些作为决定因素来考量。
Through its programmes, consular officers, diplomats, peacekeepers, public security officers and migration officials, together with personnel from various government ministries and civil society in Latin American countries, have had the opportunity to analyse different scenarios to prevent and combat trafficking and learn about the profiles of victims of trafficking, including gender and age as determining factors.
国家迈向一体化的重要一步,是同意对批准重要欧洲文书和社会安全条约 的后果负责,不失时机地批准摩尔多瓦共和国 2003 年 9 月 16 日签署的《欧洲 社会安全法典》、2002 年 5 月 22 日签署的《欧洲社会安全公约》,以及《关于 适用欧洲社会安全公约的补充协议》。
An important step towards integration for a state is to accept responsibility for the consequences of ratification of important European instruments, of social security treaties, and the opportunity to ratify the European Social Security Code, signed by the Republic of Moldova on 16 September 2003 and the European Convention on Social Security and the Complementary Agreement on the application of the European Convention on Social Security, signed on 22 May 2002.
1992年2月28日第1992/35 号决议中,它呼吁
[...] 尚未确立类似人身保护令的程序的国家尽快这样做,以使被剥夺自由的任何人能 向法院提起诉讼,法院不失时机地 裁 定对其拘留是否合法,如果发现不符合法 [...]
Both the Human Rights Council and the Commission on Human Rights have stated this, notably in Commission resolution 1992/35 of 28 February 1992, which calls on all States that have not yet done so to establish a procedure such as habeas corpus to enable anyone who is
deprived of his or her liberty to institute proceedings before a court so that the court
[...] may decide without delay on the lawfulness [...]
of his or her detention
and order his or her release if the detention is found to be unlawful.
希腊代不失时机地忘 记提到当时希族塞浦路 斯人领袖起草的臭名昭著的种族清洗计划,以剥夺土 [...]
族塞浦路斯人受宪法保护的权利并通过与希腊统一 使其臣服——换言之,目的是劫持塞浦路斯。
The representative of
[...] Greece had conveniently failed to mention the [...]
notorious ethnic cleansing plan drafted by the Greek
Cypriot leadership at the time to deprive Turkish Cypriots of their constitutional safeguards and subjugate them through reunification with Greece — in other words, the aim had been to hijack the State of Cyprus.
如果塔利班相信,可以通过对话实现和平,那 么现在正是发出信号表明这一信念的时候,因 机不 可失,时不再来
If the Taliban believe that peace can be
achieved through dialogue,
[...] then now is the time to signal that belief, because the window of opportunity will not remain open [...]
南非的情况就是这样:由于增长速 不 快 , 2009 年经济陷入衰退时 失去的成千上万个工机会并没有在 2010 年得到恢复。
South Africa is a case in point, where
[...] thousands of the jobs lost when its economy dipped into recession in 2009 were not recovered in 2010 [...]
because of the modest speed of growth.
这在 后金融机时代尤其重要,因为援助 不 稳 定性 和 不 可 预 测性可能会有损受援国 实现《千年发展目标》的努力。
This was particularly important in the post-financial crisis era, whereby aid volatility and unpredictability could endanger the countries’ efforts towards achieving the MDGs.
时,从有可能失机构 记忆方面看,五年和十年的退休模式给教科文组织提出了重大挑战。
At the same time, both the five-year and the [...]
10-year patterns of retirement represent a significant challenge to the Organization
in terms of the potential loss of institutional memory.
2006 年,联大根据三委的一份报告, 通过了第 61/159 号决议,其中联大就解决人权高专办工作人员地 失 衡 问 题提出 了若干具体措施,包括设立一个 时机 制 , 招聘预算外 P-2 一级员额,而不局限 于国家竞争性考试的上榜候选人群体。
In 2006, the General Assembly, on the basis of a report of the Third Committee, adopted resolution 61/159, in which it proposed a number of concrete
measures to redress the
[...] geographical imbalance of the staff of OHCHR, including the establishment of a temporary mechanism whereby recruitment for extrabudgetary posts at the P-2 level would not be restricted [...]
to successful candidates
from the national competitive examination.
这可能是由于机不能在适当时间 内将联系人资料转到 Jabra FREEWAY,因此它只能播报来电者号码。
This might be due to fact that the mobile
[...] phone could not forward contact details to the Jabra FREEWAY within the reasonable time, and hence it would [...]
only announce the Caller Number.
但是,仍未作出努力,以确定关键和必需的 业务流程,确保建立各项制度以管理(影响总部或外勤业务的 ) 危 机 , 并 确保在机期间及之后,指挥和控制系不失 灵 , 特派团关键业务不中断。
However, there is still a lack of efforts to identify critical and essential business processes, to ensure
that systems are in place
[...] to manage crises (whether they affect Headquarters or a field operation) and to ensure continued [...]
command and control
and mission-critical operations during and after a crisis.
这些原因包括生命权的根本 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残 不 可 逆转性;发生事实和判断失误的可能性; 无辜旁观者被杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 命失时,每 个相关者受到的创伤——这可能包括有关的警察。
These include the fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, and in some cases, disability; the potential of errors of fact and judgement; the possibility
that innocent bystanders may be killed
[...] or wounded; the effect on the legitimacy of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
我们的 IEC 安全接触器和控制继电器有助于机 器 意 外启动或安全功能 失时 保 护 人身安全。
Our IEC safety contactors and control relays help protect
[...] personnel from unintended machine starts and loss of the safety function.
还请允许我重申,葡萄牙向在为联合国和国际社 会服时在最近发生的机失事中丧生者的家属、同 事和朋友表示慰问。
Allow me also to reiterate Portugal’s condolences to the
families, colleagues and
[...] friends of those who lost their lives in the recent plane crash while serving the United Nations [...]
and the international community.
秘书长表示,两法庭作为时机构成 立以来,离职 后健康保险的负债一直不断累积,但始终未曾供资,等待大会核准建 立供资机制(同上,第 79 和 81 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates that
[...] since the establishment of the Tribunals as temporary bodies, the liabilities pertaining to after-service [...]
health insurance
have been accruing but remain unfunded, pending approval by the General Assembly of a funding mechanism (ibid., paras. 79 and 81).
在赴澳前事先安排好一个时住宿将 不失 为 一个较好的办法。
It is a good idea to
[...] arrange some form of temporary accommodation before [...]
you come to Australia.
民间社会倍感沮丧的是,发达国家通过金融和粮食 机 、 不 公 正 贸 易规则、附加有偿条件的不合理贷款、以及包括气候变化在内的生态损害,给最 不发达国家造成巨大失,却 连承诺向最不发达国家提供更多援助都没有做到。
Civil society is frustrated that, having caused massive costs in the LDCs through financial and food speculation, unjust trade rules, illegitimate loans with onerous conditionality, and ecological damage, including climate change, the developed countries have not even committed to provide more aid to LDCs.
这些风险和不确定性包括不限于预期的新产品发 时机 和 特 色;以及在Callidus呈报美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的包括2011年10-K表年报和2012年一季度10-Q表季报中详细介绍的其他风险,上述报告副本可致电925-251-2248联系Callidus [...] [...]
Software投资者关系部获取,或从Callidus Software网站(www.calliduscloud.com)的投资者关系栏目下载。实际结果可能与上述前瞻性表述中所描述的结果存在实质性差异。
These risks and uncertainties
[...] include, but are not limited to, the expected timing and features of our [...]
new product release; and
other risks detailed in Callidus' reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including its Form 10-K for 2011 and Form 10-Q for the first quarter of 2012, copies of which may be obtained by contacting Callidus Software's Investor Relations department at 925-251-2248, or from the Investor Relations section of Callidus Software's website (www.calliduscloud.com). Actual results may differ materially from those described in the forward looking statements.
由正 式任命的政府专家组成的技术联合委员会(JCOMM) 使联合国两不同机构如 何既能在业务方面进行合 作,又不失去其独立性和特性方面树立了一种有益 的榜样。
JCOMM, whose members are governmental experts officially nominated, provides an interesting example of
how two different agencies of the
[...] United Nations can cooperate at an operational level without losing their independence and identity.
(d) 提交 2015 年付款申请时制订并提交一项战略,积极鼓励制冷和空调设备的 最终用户在遇到制冷和空调系统的制冷剂 失时 采 取 渗漏检测和修理措施, 并致力于在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划剩 时 间 里 不 用 额 外费用执行该战略。
(d) Developing and submitting with the 2015 tranche request a strategy to strongly encourage end-users of refrigeration and air conditioning
equipment to carry
[...] out leak detection and repair measures in case of refrigerant losses from refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and committing [...]
to implement the
strategy during the remainder of the HPMP without additional cost.
若本 EV 证书在任何方面存在不准确或误导,而这种不准确或误导是因 CNNIC 可信网络服务中心的疏忽所导致,则
[...] CNNIC 可信网络服务中心将可以因合理信 任本 EV 证书中的这种不准确或误导事项而造成的经证实损失向每名信赖方支付 最多为 EV 证书购买价格的 10 倍,只有这种失不属于 并且不包括(1)任何直 接或间接损失,包括利润或收入损失、信誉或商誉损失或伤害、 机 或 契 机 损 失、 失 去项目、失去或无法使用任何数据、设备或软件等;(2)任何间接、相应而生 或偶然引起的损失或损害。
If this EV Certificate is inaccurate or misleading in any aspect, while such inaccuracy and misleading is caused by the omission of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center, CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center shall pay each relying party at most ten times of the purchase price of EV Certificate according to the testified loss caused by reasonably trusting inaccurate or misleading matters in this
EV Certificate,
[...] except that such loss does not belong to and exclude: (1) any direct or indirect loss, including loss of profit or income, loss or injury of fame or commercial fame, business opportunity or chance, [...]
loss of item, loss
or failure to use any data, device or software, etc.; (2) any indirect, correspondent and accidental loss or injury.




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