

单词 不复存在的

See also:

不存 adj

non-existent adj


be out
not be present
be deceased
(euphemism) pass away

存在 v

be v
exist v
remain v
appear v
occur v

External sources (not reviewed)

促进世界 主要宗教与文化之间的互动对话与谅解是一种崇高
[...] 的思想,我们都必须予以适当尊重,而且必须为此采 取一致行动并作出持久承诺,以实现我们的希望,建 设一个和平世界,一个普遍存在相互宽容和尊重及互 谅互让,而不是排斥和对抗的世界,一个不同民族之 间因无知和恐惧而产生误解的情 不复存在的 世 界
The promotion of interactive dialogue and understanding between and among the world’s major religions and cultures is a noble idea to which we must all pay due respect and towards which we must exert our concerted action and sustained commitment, so that we can attain our hope for a peaceful world, where tolerance, respect and accommodation, rather
than rejection and
[...] confrontation, prevail, and where misunderstandings based on ignorance and fear between and among peoples are removed.
为了确保 1988(2011)制裁名单尽可能及时更新且准确无误,要求委员会定期 审查名单上的每个条目,包括酌情审查阿富汗政府认为和解的个人的条目资料、
[...] 没有提供确保有效实施各项措施所需的足够信息的个人条目、据报告已死亡的个 人以及据报告或已证不复存在的实 体
To ensure that the 1988 (2011) Sanctions List is as updated and accurate as possible, the Committee has been requested to review each entry on this list on a regular basis, including, as appropriate, by means of reviews of individuals whom the Afghan Government considers to be reconciled, individuals whose entries lack identifiers necessary to ensure effective
implementation of the measures, individuals reportedly deceased, and entities reported
[...] or confirmed to have ceased to exist.
第二,委员会正以简化方式开 展第 1989(2011)号决议所述审查,特别是关于据报告 已死亡人员不复存在的实体 或缺乏足够辨识特征 的条目。
Secondly, the Committee is conducting reviews outlined in resolution 1989 (2011) in a streamlined fashion, in particular regarding reportedly deceased individuals and defunct entities or entries that lack sufficient identifiers.
但是,由于危机——不仅是金融危机,也是燃 料和粮食价格危机——我们多的进 步 不复存在 ,也 失去了增长的动力。
But because of the crises — not only the financial crisis, but also the fuel and food prices crises — we lost years of progress, and the momentum has been derailed.
如果弄走儿的理由不复存 在,法 院就可以应父母的请求命令把儿童送还。
If the reasons for
[...] removal of a child cease to exist, a court may order return [...]
of the child at the request of a parent.
对于依法实现私有化不复存在或无 法恢 的 财 产 ,应对其价值进行补 偿,如用货币或其他手段补偿,应使用申请审查当日的市场价。
If the goods have not survived or cannot be recovered, being privatised [...]
as provided by law, their value is compensated,
if covered in money or other means, using the market prices of the date the application is examined.
我们将在冻结和/或限制您账的理由 不复存在 之 后 ,解除对您账户的冻结和/或限制。
We will lift the suspension and/or the restriction as soon as practicable after the reasons for the
[...] suspension and/or restriction have ceased to exist.
冷战不复存在,但合作的逻辑 并没有消失。
The Cold War no longer exists, but the logic of cooperation has not disappeared.
非洲统一组织于 2002 年 7 月 8 日不复存在,由 2002 年 7 月 9 日正式成的非洲联盟取代。
On 8 July 2002, the
[...] Organization of African Unity ceased to exist and, in its place, the African Union came [...]
into force on 9 July 2002.
有权为建立一个家而获得支助的年轻成年人,是到 达成年年龄后教不复存在而他们的 现 金 、保险或其他资产的价值不超过法规规 定的数额的人。
Those young adults who are entitled to support
towards creating a home are those
[...] whose education ceased to exist upon the coming of age, [...]
and the value of their cash, insurance
or other assets does not exceed the rate specified in the legal regulations.
应定期审查剥夺决定;依照下文第 49 段规定的评估,一旦剥夺的原始理由已得到解决 不复存在 , 为儿 童 的 最 大 利益 考虑,应使儿童重新回到父母照料之下。
Removal decisions should be regularly reviewed and the child’s return to parental care, once the original causes of removal have been resolved or have disappeared, should be in the best interests of the child, in keeping with the assessment foreseen in paragraph 49 below.
除因刑事罪行而被逮捕或拘留的情形外,这类人应尽速予以释放,而 无论如何,一旦逮捕、拘留或拘禁所依 的 情 况 不复存在 , 应 即予释放。
Except in cases of arrest or detention for penal offences, such persons shall be released with the minimum delay
possible and in any event as soon as the circumstances justifying the
[...] arrest, detention or internment have ceased to exist.
如果该机构委员会已不复存在,本 委员会将决定处理新工 作拟的修正案的最佳方法。
If such body committee is not in existence, the Commission will determine how best to deal [...]
with the new work proposed amendment.
委员会请秘书处调查这个问题并确认 心理学和社会变化中心是不复存在 , 特别是科斯莫斯伙 的 主 席 在以往答复委 员会问题时表示她本人仍代表心理学和社会变化中心。
The Committee requested the Secretariat to investigate the issue and verify whether the Center for
Psychology and Social
[...] Change had ceased to exist, especially since the President of Kosmos Associates, in her responses to previous [...]
questions posed by
the Committee, had indicated that she still represented the Center for Psychology and Social Change.
Clean Bottle易清洗水壶,难以清洗的的污垢和灰尘 不复存在 , Cl ean Bottle独的双开 口设计彻底解决了水壶底部污垢难以清洗的问题,清洁和干燥变得更加的容易。
With the Clean Bottle, the days of trying in vain to wash out that funk at the bottom of your bottles are gone.
提 案国的最终的是使联合不复存在 , 就 像欧洲国 家促使国际联盟解体那样,以满足它们的殖民贪欲 和掠夺发展中国家财富的欲望。
The ultimate goal of the sponsors was to put
[...] the United Nations out of existence, just as European nations [...]
had put the League of Nations
out of existence in order to satisfy their colonial greed and their desire to plunder the wealth of the developing world.
如果前战斗人不复员和 重返社会,武装抢的 风险就会继存在。
In the absence of demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, the risk of armed banditry remains.
正常预算不存在未清偿承付款复 计 算 的 问 题 , 因为每一个双年度财务期都是完全独立的,前一个双年度财务期的未清偿承付款不会被补加 到下一个双年度财务期的开支项中。
(The problem of
[...] double-counting of ULOs does not exist for the regular budget, as each [...]
financial period – biennium – is
completely independent and the ULOs of one biennium are not added to the expenditures of the following biennium.
如果认定这种互补不复存在,就不 再 向 执行局建议予以续延, 其作为第 2 类中的地位亦将取消。
Unless such a complementarity is determined, a renewal shall not be recommended to the Executive Board and its designation as a category 2 centre shall lapse.
因此,草莓行业复甲基溴熏不存在风险 ;此外,对草 的 需 求 时时在增加,市场价格有利让农民能够实 施适当的控制措施。
Accordingly, there is no risk for the strawberry sector to revert to MB fumigation; moreover, the demand for strawberries is steadily growing and the favourable market price allows farmers to implement proper control measures.
主计长注意到,一旦伊 拉克发展基金完全归并国有、完全由国家控制,同该基金有 的 特 权 和豁免就不复存在,但 安全理事会另作决定者除外。
The Controller noted that once the Fund becomes fully nationally owned and controlled,
privileges and immunities
[...] associated with the Fund will cease to exist unless otherwise decided by the [...]
Security Council.
有两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 量剧增使许多专利不堪重 负,二是专利系统 存在的 大 量 重 复 做 功 的现象,尤其是需要 为同一个发明而不同的授权机关递交多份专利申请。
This issue is raised by both the increase in the number of patent applications which is imposing heavy demands
on the resources of
[...] many patent offices, and the recognition that there is considerable duplication of effort in the system, particularly with regard to the need to submit [...]
multiple applications
for a single invention in different jurisdictions.
在特殊情况下,如家属自由且无可争议地表示不想再追查案件,或消息来源不复存在或无 法再追踪案件,而且工作组为与其他消息来源建立联系采 的措 施均遭失败的情况下,工作组可决定中止案件的审议。
In exceptional circumstances, the WGEID may decide to discontinue the consideration of cases where the families have manifested, freely and indisputably, their desire not to pursue the case any further, or when the source is no longer in existence or is unable to follow up the case and steps taken by the WGEID to establish communication with other sources have proven unsuccessful.
该组织鼓励赤道几内亚采取步骤确 不存在 基 于 这些 理由而实的法律和社会歧视。
It encouraged Equatorial Guinea to take steps to ensure that there was no legal and social discrimination on these grounds.
除了提供防故障更新机制以外,IGEL 还支持随时复所中断 的更新,而不存在发生技术问题的风险,这对于 BCS 这种在 广大地区中分布有多家办事处的组织来说是一个非常有用的 [...]
In addition the fail-safe update
mechanism provided by IGEL
[...] enables interrupted updates to be resumed at any time without the risk of [...]
technical problems, which
is a very useful tool for an organization such as BCS, with thin clients at multiple offices across a wide area.
这种做法使得有担 保债权人能够对其登记发生效力的时间和效率拥有一定的控制权,其原因是, 由于技术的进步,在提交能够提供所需数据的通知与将已输入的数据提供给查 询人员的时间之的任何时滞几 不复存在。
This approach would give secured creditors some control over the timing and efficiency with which their registrations would become effective since technological advances should virtually eliminate any time lag between
submission of a notice that
[...] provides the required data and the point time at which data entered become available to searchers.
经社会认识到,世界上近三分之二的穷人仍然生活在亚太 区域,而且农村与城市区域之间不 同 的社会和各族群体之间、以及各国国不同地区之间仍存在着明显的差 距
It recognized that the Asia-Pacific region remained home to almost two thirds of the world’s poor and that there were visible disparities between rural and urban areas, between different social and ethnic groups, and between regions within countries.
不同于这一非常敏感的永久假定, EM法可以运用广泛接受的一个经济原则,即 由于竞争,随着时间推移企的高额 回报 不复存在。
Unlike such traditional valuation approaches that utilize highly sensitive eternity assumptions, the Economic Margin approach can use the following widely accepted economic principle: that over time its competitors will compete away excess returns.
本公司可以董事會認為適合的有關方式出售本公司擁有留置 的 任何 股份,惟除存在留置權股的某些款額目前應付 存在 留 置 權股份有 的 負 債 或協 定需要現時履行或解除,且直至已向當時的股份登記持有人或因有關持有人身故、破 產或對股份進行清盤而有權收取的有關人士發出書面通知(聲明及要求支付現時應付 的款項或指明負債或協定及要求履行或解除負債或協定及通知有意出售欠繳股款股 份)後十四日已屆滿,否不得出售。
The Company may sell, in such manner as the Board thinks fit, any shares on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made
unless some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged, nor until the expiration of fourteen days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of intention to sell in default, shall have been given to the registered holder for the time being of the shares or the person entitled by reason of such holder’s death, bankruptcy or winding-up to the shares.
[...] 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机 不 平 等 ,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方的歧视 ,形成恶性循环 存在 种 族 貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 [...]
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as
discrimination in
[...] the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation [...]
in political and
institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.




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