单词 | 不备 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不备 —off guardunpreparedExamples:以备不测—be prepared for accidents 乘人不备—take sb by surprise • take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment [idiom.] 准备应付(不愉快的事) v—steel v 备而不用—keep sth for possible future use • have sth ready just in case
必须满足以 [...] 下两个条件才能够操作本设备:(1) 本设备不产生干扰,并且 (2) 本设备 必须能够接受包括可能导致设备意外操作的任何干扰。 axient.net | Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) [...] this device may not cause interference, [...]and (2) this device must accept any interference, [...]including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. axient.net |
人们认为这些 设备不属于 PC,因此去年我们没有丢失一台 IGEL 设备。 igel.com | And because people [...] recognise that the devices are not PCs, we [...]have not had a single IGEL stolen in the past year. igel.com |
这些设备不仅展 示了印度人民卓绝的建筑技艺,还展示了设备本身的科学力量。 shangri-la.com | These structures not only showcase [...] the impressive architectural skills of the Indian people but also display their scientific prowess. shangri-la.com |
如果缺乏适当维修 [...] 的市场需求是主要问题,仅仅提供培训和供应 设 备不 足 以实现维修消费模式的转变,缺乏 对优质维修的需求实际上会继续将不合格且缺乏装备的人员引入市场。 multilateralfund.org | Should the lack of market demand for proper servicing be a major [...] issue, training and equipment supply alone would [...]be insufficient to achieve changes in [...]the servicing consumption pattern, and the lack of demand for qualified servicing would actually continue to draw unqualified and ill-equipped personnel into the market. multilateralfund.org |
此种合作与协调对于确保有效保护整个海洋环境来说,必不可少,因为不 同机构具备不同程 度的知识专长和监管权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such cooperation and coordination is essential in order to ensure effective protection of the marine environment as a whole, because different bodies have different levels of expertise and regulatory power. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,我们已经注意到报告无关逻辑、目标导向的规划的 模糊成果方面的分歧;“排挤掉”治理任务的政治问题; 准 备不 足 的 辩论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (We have, for example, noted the [...] ramifications of reporting on [...] vague results unconnected to logical, goal oriented programming; political issues “crowding out” governance tasks; and poorly prepared debates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
农业原料和设备不得不重建 、更新甚至创建。 cigr.org | Farm materials and equipment had to be rebuilt, [...] renewed or even created. cigr.org |
通过测试单一应用,来评估和认证内容识别设备,如HTTP,似乎只适合其他测试提供商,但对于当今的网络 设 备不 适 合 ,因为现在的设备是针对日益增长的商业、娱乐和恶意流量而设计的。 tipschina.gov.cn | Evaluating and certifying content-aware equipment by testing with a single application, like HTTP, may seem suitable for other testing providers, but it is irresponsible when today's network devices are hammered by an increasing volume of business, recreational and malicious traffic. tipschina.gov.cn |
网络连接式的设备;不需要使用主机 PC 或应用程序软件。 graphics.kodak.com | Network attached device; no host PC or application software required. graphics.kodak.com |
这一状况不能持续下去,缺乏一个 [...] 小规模的专门能力可能使得外勤部无法向外地行动提供协调一致的业务指导和 支助,这反过来会使这些行动在业务流程和数量充足的训练有素的工作人员方面 面临业务准备不足的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | This situation is not sustainable, and the lack of a small dedicated capacity exposes DFS to the risk of not being able to provide coordinated operational guidance and support to field operations, which [...] in turn exposes those [...] operations to the risk of not being adequately prepared operationally [...]in terms of business processes [...]and sufficient numbers of trained staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是 一个多数国家准备不足的挑战,这些国家仅在发展的 各个方面取得微薄的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is a challenge for which most countries, which have only barely made progress on various fronts of development, are not prepared. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于次级方案 8,有人认为:绩效指标(a)㈠不是秘书处所能控制的。虽然预 [...] 期成绩(d)的目标是提高效率,但绩效指标(d)㈣却只注重秘书处的议程而不是国 际议程;预期成绩(c)不够充分,因为只限于预防重陷暴力冲突,而秘书处应该 通过各种预防方式,做好防止冲突的 准 备 ; 不 应 该 仅仅关注已经陷于冲突的国家, 还应该关注可能发生冲突的那些发展不足的弱国;秘书处应该加强对冲突后国家 的支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | For subprogramme 8, the following views were expressed: that indicator of achievement (a) (i) was not under the control of the Secretariat; that while the objective of expected accomplishment (d) is to increase efficiency, the indicator of achievement (d) (iv) concentrates specifically on the Secretariat agenda rather than an international agenda; that expected accomplishment (c) falls short, as it stops at relapse into [...] conflict, while the [...] Secretariat should be prepared to prevent conflict through various prevention methods; that attention should be not only on the countries [...]already in conflict [...]but also on those weak and underdeveloped countries that could become countries in conflict; and that the work of the Secretariat should enhance support for post-conflict countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的理解是,安理会现在准备不经表 决通过文件 S/2010/141 所载的决议草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is my understanding that the Council is ready to adopt the draft resolution contained in document S/2010/141 without a vote. daccess-ods.un.org |
坚固的金属外壳可进一步保 护设备不受外部影响。 igel.com | The robust metal housing furthermore securely protects against outside impacts. igel.com |
当局乘 提交人前往美利坚合众国出差之际,迫使该公寓的房东吊销了向商导会出租的租 约,因此,商导会不得不迁移,并搬走该组织的设备,其中有些是根据协议按期 限向美国大使馆借用的设备,不得不 暂 存 在车库里,待租到新办公地点再启用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, they had to move and the organization’s equipment, part of which had been provided by the Embassy of the United States on the basis of an agreement, was moved to a garage until the new office could be rented. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果运动员的残疾性质要求他/她必须使用附件 [...] B——为残疾运动员所做的修改 中规定的补充设备或其他设备,则兴奋剂检查官应检查该设备以确保 设 备不 会 影响 样品的特性或完整性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If the nature of an Athlete’s disability requires that he/she must use additional or other equipment as provided for in Annex B – Modifications for Athletes with [...] disabilities, the DCO shall [...] inspect that equipment to ensure that it will not affect the [...]identity or integrity of the Sample. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们必须做好接受失败的心理准备, 不 能 绝 望和放弃。 specialolympics.org | They must be [...] mentally prepared to accept defeat, not despair and [...]give up. specialolympics.org |
美国国会今年早些时候的一篇报告说,中兴在美国销售电信 设 备 ( 不 包 括 手机)构成了国家安全威胁。 zte.com.cn | A U.S. congressional report earlier this year said sales of [...] telecommunications equipment, which doesn't [...]include handsets, by the Chinese company [...]in the U.S. pose a national security threat. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
工作组还一致认为,调查问卷所载问题并非详尽 完 备 , 不 应 对 小组委员会 2013 年第五十二届会议期间工作组的讨论加以限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group further agreed that the questions presented in the questionnaire were not exhaustive and that they should not limit the discussion of the Working Group during the fifty-second session of the Subcommittee, in 2013. daccess-ods.un.org |
创造军事条件,使常规军备不平衡 、导弹防御系统或任何其他国家或 政府间组织的能力不再由于被视为会破坏稳定而成为保有核威慑能力 [...] 的理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Create the military conditions in which [...] conventional arms imbalances, missile defence systems or any other national or intergovernmental-organisation [...]capability is not seen as so inherently destabilizing as to justify the retention of a nuclear deterrent capability. daccess-ods.un.org |
20.3 在公立医院病人出院之前,由医生、护士、专职医疗人员及/ 或医务社工组 成的跨专业团队会为他们制定合适的出院安排,当中包括有关对辅助器材的建 议,范围由用具至家居装修设备不等 , 以方便出院病人在社区生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | 20.3 Prior to discharge from public hospitals, patients would be assessed and advised by a multi-disciplinary team, comprising doctors, nurses, allied health staff and/or MSWs, on the formulation of a discharge plan which covers advice on the appropriate assistive device(s) needed, ranging from utensils and appliances to home renovation, to facilitate their community living. daccess-ods.un.org |
为有无驾驶飞机或卫星设计或改进的 设 备不属 12.A.4 管制范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1. 12.A.4. does not control equipment designed or modified [...] for manned aircraft or satellites. daccess-ods.un.org |
要实现长期财政 可持续性,国际社会要在支出同时相应调集国内资源和重新作出努力,以履行援 助承诺,特别是支持财政空间有限、外汇 储 备不 足 且不断减少的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Long-term fiscal sustainability requires that spending efforts go hand in hand with commensurate domestic resource mobilization and renewed efforts by the international community to live up to its aid commitments, particularly in favour of countries with limited fiscal space and with limited and dwindling foreign exchange reserves. daccess-ods.un.org |
让设备停机、清除警报和重新上电,但是请勿设 备不减压。 graco.com | Shut down the unit, clear the alarm, and power [...] back up, but do not depressurize [...]the unit. graco.com |
借助Marvell先进的蜂窝网技术和无缝无线连接能力,让搭载PXA978的移动终端 设 备不 仅 能 维持合理的价格,又能随时随地实现高性能移动连接,为浏览、高清实时视频、音乐、3D游戏和其他急需带宽资源的移动应用程序提供超凡体验。 marvell.com.cn | With Marvell’s cutting-edge cellular technology and seamless wireless connectivity, PXA978-powered mobile terminals provides high mobile connectivity wherever they go and offer ultimate performance for browsing, HD live video, music, 3D gaming and other bandwidth-hungry mobile applications at an attractive price. marvell.com |
人员配备不足的 问题将继续影响处理现有请求以及在审判过程中出现 的实际问题和对证据进行必要分析所需的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | This staffing shortage will continue to impact the time required to deal with the ongoing motions and practical issues arising during the course of the trial and to conduct the necessary analysis of evidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调要采取措施让学生了解伊斯兰教的理想和精神, 认识其教义和生活方式,同时使他们 具 备不 同 知 识和科学范畴的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Emphasis is given to taking steps so that the students can understand the ideals and spirit of Islam, learn about its doctrines and ways of life, and simultaneously attain competencies in different branches of knowledge and science. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,该计划第一阶段关于成立一个核保安支助中心的工作已经完成,按照 第二阶段的时间表,一些设备已接收完毕,其他 设 备不 久 就 会到达。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, phase I of the Plan for the establishment of a Nuclear Security Support Centre has been completed, with some equipment having already been received and the rest to arrive in the near future, in accordance with the timetable for phase II. daccess-ods.un.org |