

单词 不吸湿

See also:



湿 adj

wet adj



External sources (not reviewed)

这种类型的湿度计中含有一吸湿材 料(一种锁水材料),该材料被置 不 同 湿 度 时,会改变其特性。
These types of
[...] hygrometers contain a hygroscopic material (a material that retains water)that changes its characteristic when exposed to different levels of humidity.
[...] 吊罩之后,带电部位的水分增加得非常快,尤其是处于高温下的 无油纸板,因为这种状态下吸湿效 应 更强。
In an opened transformer the water content of the
active part increases rapidly, especially for oil-free pressboard and under high
[...] temperatures due to the hygroscopic effect.
不要用溶剂湿的布擦拭喷枪;要拧出 多余的溶剂。
Do not wipe the gun with a cloth soaked in solvent; [...]
wring out the excess.
即使在按规定操作的过程中也可能随时 吸湿 器中 溢出少量爆炸性气体。
During normal operation small quantities of explosive gases may escape from the dehydrating breather.
注释 : 膜形成的量和结晶的速率随 ISO 混合情况湿 度和温度不同而变化。
NOTE: The amount of film formation and rate of crystallization varies depending on the blend of ISO, the humidity, and the temperature.
进行批次试验是不可能确定示差 (RI)
[...] 检测器参比侧的除气溶剂的大气污染物的成分与样品溶液中的污染物成分完全相同,因为在测量过程中样品溶液仍 不 断 吸 收 湿 气 和 空气。
It is impossible with the batch experiment to make sure that the reference side of the RI detector is purged with solvent having the exact composition of atmospheric contaminants as is in the
sample solutions, because the sample
[...] solutions continually absorb moisture and air during [...]
the course of the measurements.
玉米长丝棉采用天然可再生的植物资源玉米为原料,兼有合成纤维和天然纤维的优点,具有完全自然循环型和能生物分解的特点,有良好的形态保持性、较好的光泽度、丝绸般极佳的手感、良好 吸湿 性 和 快干效应,集挺括、弹性好、光泽美的效果于一身,具有良好的服用性和亲肤性,在引领人们服饰健康方面诠释了一种全新理念,市场前 不 可 限 量。
Corn filament wool using natural plant resources of renewable corn-based concurrently, synthetic fiber and the advantages of natural fibers, has
completely natural
[...] circulation and characteristics of biodegradable, have good form stable, good gloss, silky feel good, good hygroscopic and fast drying effect, good elasticity and gloss straight, beautiful effect, good use of skin, and lead people [...]
health a brand-new concept of interpretation, market prospect.
General finishing applications where open wet cups are not preferred
专为吸湿性产品设计的Metallyte™ MM288(欧洲) 和Metallyte™ 50 TSPM(美国) 是经双面处理的不可密 封的镀金属OPP膜,可为多种包装和加工方案提供稳健的阻隔保护。
Designed specifically for highly hygroscopic products, Metallyte™ MM288 (Europe) and Metallyte™ 50 TSPM (Americas) are two-side-treated, non-sealable [...]
metalized OPP
films that provide robust barrier protection across a variety of packaging and converting solutions.
鑒 於香港周 邊 地 區 大力提 升 其 旅 遊 設施的 吸 引 力,而 香港迪 士 尼 樂 園 亦將於明年落 成 啟 用,本 會 促 請 政 府加強 向外宣傳以推廣 香港成 為 國 際 旅 遊 中 心 , 並全面 檢 討、提 高 及 加 強 各項旅 遊配套設施吸 引 力和 競 爭 力 , 以 配 合 未不 斷 增 加 的 旅 客 需求, 以 及致吸 引 更多高消費 旅 客 訪 港。
"That, in view of the immense efforts of Hong Kong’s neighbouring territories in enhancing the attractiveness of their tourist facilities and the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland next year, this Council urges the Government to step up its external publicity in promoting Hong Kong as an international tourist centre, and to comprehensively
review, enhance and
[...] strengthen the attractiveness and competitiveness of various ancillary tourist facilities so as to cater for the increasing demands of tourists, and to devote all its effort to attract more tourists [...]
with high spending power to visit Hong Kong.
医药行业主要用作生产维生素C的原料,轻工行业用作表面活性剂的原料,山梨醇具有良好的保湿性能,可代替甘油用于牙膏、卷烟、化妆品生产中用作保湿剂;用食品工业中,山梨醇是一种甜味剂,具 吸湿 性 ,防止食品干裂,保持新鲜柔软 不 引 起 血糖升高,可作为甜味剂和营养剂生产糖尿病人的专用食品;在浓缩牛奶中加入山梨醇可延长保存期,对鱼肉酱、果酱蜜饯有明显的稳定和长期保存的作用,能改善香肠的色香味;化学工业中的应用,山梨醇脂肪酸类代替胡麻油,山梨醇松香酯是常用建筑涂料的原料。
Pharmaceutical industry mainly used as the material for the production of vitamin C , light industry used as the material of surfactant ; Sorbitolum has good moisturizing properties, and can be used to replace glycerin
toothpaste, cigarette,
[...] cosmetics production as moisturizing agent; In the food industry, Sorbitolum is a sweetener, has the hygroscopicity, prevent food weather-shack, [...]
keep fresh soft; Don't cause glucose leels, it can be used as sweetener and
nutrition agent for the production of diabetics special food; adding Sorbitolum into concentrated milk can prolong the retention period; it offers surimi, jam candied fruit obvious stability and long-term preservation effect, can improve the sausage color; The application of Chemical industry, Sorbitolum fatty acid can replace siritch, Sorbitolum rosin ester is a common raw material of architectural coatings.
此外,我们还可以将旧变压器配件换成新的Messko免维护产品,例如免维 吸湿 器。
We also replace old transformer accessories with new, maintenance-free products from Messko, such as
[...] maintenance-free dehydrating breathers.
因为乙烯起着内部增塑剂的作用, 所以VINNAPAS® EP 1400在湿法涂层中不用添 加增塑材料就可以使用。
As the ethylene serves as internal plasticizer, VINNAPAS® EP 1400 can be used for wet lamination without adding additional plasticizing components.
It has high moisture absorption and ammonia neutralizing [...]
properties, to keep stall surfaces dry and bacteria levels low.
為取得實際利益,「低」稅率必須特別包含兩個意義:第㆒,這個低稅率必 須足以令香港較亞太區內的競爭對手更加吸引;第㆓,這個稅率應該足以令避稅及逃 稅行為相對不吸引。
To achieve a real benefit, "low" must mean two things in particular: first, that it is low enough to make us attractive in comparison with competitors in the
region, and second that rates should be
[...] low enough to make avoidance and evasion a relatively unattractive proposition.
但也吸菸者不反對新法規,”當有組織的活動,如街會或其它有組織的戶外活動, 不吸 菸 的 人在,我覺得市府有責任在那裡禁菸。
When you have organized event such as street fair or another outside activity that is organized and you have non-smokers there, I think there is a city’s obligation to ban smoking there.
維持健康的基本要素是有益的食物、適當的居所、潔淨的食水、基本教育(特別 以婦女而言)不吸煙、以及可獲廉宜和科技要求不高的基層預防疾病健康服務,其㆗ [...]
The basic determinants of health are nutritious food, adequate shelters, clean water,
elementary education (especially of
[...] women), being a non-smoker, and having access [...]
to low-cost, low-tech primary preventive
health services, which include immunization and family planning.
这款泵油是专为含有酸性蒸汽的情况抽气而设计,但它 吸湿 , 对 水汽的抽取能力有限。
This oil is especially designed for pumping acid
[...] vapors but is very hygroscopic and has limited [...]
capacity for water vapor.
参与的合作伙伴包括:伦敦吸烟与健康行动,华盛顿特区吸烟与健康行动,支 不吸 烟者 权利美国人,无烟草青少年运动,英国癌症研究院,印度健康桥,国际抗癌联合 会,国际防痨与肺部疾病联合会,约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院全球烟草控制 研究所,强生公司,辉瑞公司,推动无烟草环境行动,Roswell Park癌症研究所,欧 洲无烟合作组织,东南亚烟草控制联盟,世界心脏联盟,以及世界肺健基金会。
Partners include Action on Smoking and Health – London, Action on Smoking and Health – Washington, D.C., Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Cancer Research UK, HealthBridge India, International Union Against Cancer, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Global Tobacco Control, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Promoting Action for Tobacco Free Environments (APALTA), Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Smokefree Partnership Europe, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, World Heart Federation, and World Lung Foundation.
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天
[...] 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数 不 足 而 且总 湿 乎 乎 的,使得厕所里 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 [...]
犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。
The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were
prone to flooding from water leaks,
[...] yet because there were not enough beds many inmates [...]
slept on the wet floor; the toilets
were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life.
一项由巴西矿业技术中心(CETEM)和国家艺术和历史遗产协会(PHAN)联合开展的损害分析发现,带着咸味的 湿 空 气 并 不 是 耶 稣雕像受损的唯一原因;他们同时还发现微生物在新陈代谢过程中会产生酸性物质。
A damage analysis by the Brazilian Center for Mineral Technology (CETEM) and the National Historical and
Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) showed
[...] that the damp, salty air was not the only [...]
factor attacking the monument; they also
identified microorganisms that produce acids as they metabolize.
我公司利用Outlast空调纤维开发的“空调弹力织物”通过了省级科技成果鉴定,开发生产 吸湿 排 汗 系列产品,以穿着柔软舒适、回弹性良好而著称的SOMALOR纤维面料,具有蓄热保暖功能的陶瓷纤维面料,具有天然冰凉效果的云母纤维面料,具 吸湿 发 热 功能的THERMOGEAR纤维面料等舒适功能系列产品。
I use the air conditioning stretch fabric Outlast air
conditioning fiber
[...] developed by the provincial science and technology achievement appraisal, development and production of products of wicking fiber fabric soft and comfortable to wear, well known resilience SOMALOR regenerative thermal mica fiber fabric, ceramic [...]
fiber fabric,
has a natural cold effect with moisture heating THERMOGEAR fiber fabric, comfortable and functional products.
由于没有保护罩保护不受污染,所 不 适 合在 潮 湿 或 油腻环境下使用。
With no gaiter to protect the shaft from contamination they are unsuitable for use in wet or oily conditions
灰尘, 潮湿和其他影响, 不仅会使电子设备零部件丧失功用, 还会对其造成损坏, 若 涉及敏感的应用, 亦可能致命。
Dirt, humidity and other factors can not only render [...]
components inoperative or destroy them – when it involves sensitive
applications, it can also be life-threatening.
不得再使用湿地 上 的茅草,而他们以前一直用茅草盖房顶和编织篮 子(第 2 步)。
They are no longer
[...] permitted to use the wetland’s thatch grass, [...]
which they use for roofing and basket weaving (Step 2).
认识到需要保不吸烟者,冈比 亚通过于 1998 年颁布《禁止(在公共场所)吸烟法》 采取立法行动,禁止在公共场所吸烟。
Mindful of the need to protect non-smokers, the Gambia legislated against public smoking through the enactment in 1998 of the Prohibition of Smoking (Public Places) Act.
首先,对于GB/T 1037-1988来讲,由于干燥剂吸湿能力 是有限的,所以为保证试样两侧水蒸气压力差的持久性和一致性,在整个实验过程中需要有操作人员的干预,也就是说试验无法自动完成,但是电解传感器法的整个试验过程可以自动完成,而试验过程中试样两侧湿度差的控制也无需人工干预。
First, moisture absorption ability of desiccant [...]
is limited in GB/T 1037-1988; test can not run automatically without interventions
of the operators to maintain the persistence and consistency of pressure difference between the two sides.
虽有上文第(1)点,哥斯达黎加仍可向包括 caño 在内的争议领土派遣负
[...] 有保护环境之责的文职人员,但仅以避免对该领土所在 湿 地 部 分造 不可 弥 补的损害所必要为限;哥斯达黎加应就这些行动与拉姆萨尔公约秘书处协 [...]
商,事先将行动通知尼加拉瓜,并尽最大努力在这方面同尼加拉瓜找到共同 的解决办法
Notwithstanding point (1) above, Costa Rica may dispatch civilian personnel charged with the protection of the environment to the disputed territory, including the caño, but only insofar as it is necessary to
avoid irreparable prejudice being
[...] caused to the part of the wetland where that territory [...]
is situated; Costa Rica shall consult
with the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention in regard to these actions, give Nicaragua prior notice of them and use its best endeavours to find common solutions with Nicaragua in this respect
以茶皂素为主体精制而成的环保型农药助剂可广泛地应用于杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂等达到增效、增溶、减毒之目的,作为可湿性农药 湿 润 剂 , 不 仅 能 明显改善农药的湿润性能,而且能有效提高农药的悬浮率,达到或超过国家规定的标准;作为水剂型农药助剂优越性更多,它不含有损农药质量的金属离子,因其PH值中性偏酸,有利于农药的贮存;作为乳油型农药的增效与展着剂能够改善农药的理化性能,用量少,防治效果好,击倒速度快,抗雨水冲刷,药效持久等优点,由于茶皂素的表面活性作用,它可以减少农药用量的50~70%,增效作用明显。
Tea Saponin in fine form as the main body of environment-friendly pesticide additives can be widely used in pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, such as to achieve efficiency,
solubilization, attenuated poison, as the moist wettable
[...] pesticide agents, not only can improve the wetting properties [...]
of pesticides,but
also can develop suspensi rates, to meet or exceed state standards; pesticide as a water additive superiority more, it does not contain pesticides detrimental to the quality of the metal ions, because of its PH neutral and is conducive to the storage of pesticides; as the EC-type pesticides and show a synergistic agent to improve the physical and chemical properties of pesticides, with less effect, and down speed and rain erosion resistant, durable efficacy, etc. , Tea Saponin as a result of the role of the surfactant, which can reduce pesticide use for 50 ~ 70%, clear synergistic effect.




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