

单词 不听话的

See also:

听话 adj

disobedient adj


if (coming after a conditional clause)

External sources (not reviewed)

我不知道父母是否真能原谅如 不听话的行 为
He looks at the scars and he says, “I wonder if my parents have really forgiven me.
在学校里,只有校长或指定的人员当着校长的面才可不听话的学生 进行体罚,并且要记录在案。
In schools, such punishment is only administered to deviant male learners by the school head or a designated official in the presence of such head and a record is kept.
的性质,我不听话的头发 和睫毛 - 上有三个很长的睫毛往下看,两个眼皮。
By nature I do not obedient hair and eyelashes [...]
- on both eyelids have three very long eyelashes
确保 Jabra 无线耳麦底座与桌面话的听筒端口 而 不 是 耳 麦端口(如果桌面电话有这个端口)连接。
Make sure that the Jabra wireless headset base is connected to the desk phone handset port and not the headset port (if the desk phone has one).
I cannot hear the phone call in my headset.
的 Jabra 车载免提话听不到任何声音。
I cannot hear anything in my Jabra in-car speakerphone.
当我看到没有达到必要的协调水平 时,我会继续说一些他不喜欢 听的话。
I will continue to say things
[...] that they do not like when I see that the required level of coordination is lacking.
由于电话中不到对方的样子 ,因此,说话 的 措 辞用语及声音的总体 形象会左听话方对你的印象
Since the other party cannot see your face when you are speaking on the phone, your language and tone of voice will determine the impression that you give.
委员会还关切缔约国推动将残疾儿 童纳入教育系统乃至社会的努不够 , 特别是在农村和边远地区,并且只有特别 是生活在城的在视力、听力和说话 方 面 有轻微损伤的儿童才被纳入包容性教育 方案。
The Committee is also concerned that efforts made by the State party to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into the educational system and society at large are insufficient,
especially in rural and
[...] remote areas, and that only children with mild impairment in sight, hearing and speaking, particularly those living in cities, are included in [...]
inclusive education programmes.
某些国家,与其说些徒劳无的话, 不 如通 过支持联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近 东救济工程处)的工作,制定对以色列的建立信心 措施,顾及各方顾虑,不再听取一 面之词,也不 再否定以色列的合法地位,方可更好地帮助巴勒斯 坦人民。
Instead of engaging in futile rhetoric, certain countries would do better to help the Palestinian people by supporting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) with more than mere words, creating confidence-building measures towards Israel, addressing the concerns of all sides and embracing both Israeli and Palestinian narratives rather than rejecting Israel’s rightful place.
通过话会议或视频会议举的听证 会 并非总是可靠 且/或质量较差,这使得法律干事无法正确评估所提交材料在审讯期间对法庭的 [...]
Hearings are held through telephone conferences or videoconferences, [...]
which are not always reliable and/or are of poor quality,
which prevents the Legal Officer from properly assessing the impact of submissions on the Tribunal during the hearing.
[...] (EHS) 提供一种支持兼容的 Jabra 无线耳麦与各种话的远程 操作(例如 听 / 结 束 功能)的解决方案,消除了对机械式摘挂机组件的需要。
Electronic Hook Switch (EHS) provides a solution that enables remote operation, e.g. answer/end
functions, of compatible Jabra wireless headsets with various
[...] phones, thus eliminating the need for a mechanical handset lifter.
对此可以援引一名难民所的话:“ 由于揭不开锅,迫使 父母用子女去工作”;另一名难民说:“肚子空空就什 话 也 听不 进 了 ”。
Pertinent is the comment of a
[...] refugee who stated that: “shortage of food forces parents to use their children to work”; and another who stated that: “an empty stomach does not have ears”.
联合来文1 说,有报告称“索马里兰”境内一些儿童因一些小事情,诸不听父母的话等情 况遭拘留,与一些顽固的罪犯关押在一起,致使儿童面临遭虐 待、蒙受人身和心理创伤的风险。
JS1 stated that in “Somaliland” there were reports of children being detained for minor cases, such as parental disobedience, with hard-core criminals, which exposed these children to abuse, physical and psychological trauma.
每个学生本来,作为一个理所当然的事,必须与R的犹大公顷,纳西米示拿熟悉;!,当任何一个propounded一 话 是 要 在它发现, 的听 众 喊 道:“我 不 是 什 么得知自己的米示拿?
Every pupil was supposed, as a matter of course, to be familiar with the
Mishnah of R. Judah ha-Nasi; and when any
[...] one propounded a sentence which was to be found in it, his hearers exclaimed, "What!
他向他们解释说,他是应法院秘书的邀请进来的,是来见一位法 的, 他有心脏病,但他们根不听。
They ignored his explanations that he was invited inside by the secretary of the court, that he had come to see a judge and that he had a heart condition.
此外,总务委员会提请大会注意,对于有权要求编制简要记录的附属机构, 现已停止作为单独文件印发发言全文的做法,而且只有在这些发言将作为讨论依 据,有关机构听取所涉经费问的 说 明 后决定可将一个或多个发言全文载入简 要记录,或作为单独文件印发,或列为已核准印发文 的 附 件 的 情 况 下,该机构 才可准予作为特不适用这项规定(第 38/32 E 号决议,第 8 和 9 段)。
Furthermore, the General Committee draws to the attention of the General Assembly that the practice of reproducing statements in extenso as separate documents has been discontinued for all its subsidiary organs that are entitled to summary records and that any exceptions to this rule may be made by the body concerned only if the statements are to serve as bases for
discussion and if, after hearing a statement
[...] of the relevant financial implications, the body decides that one or more statements in extenso may be included in the summary record, or reproduced as separate documents or as annexes to authorized documents (resolution 38/32 E, paras. 8 and 9).
在大多数情况下只需忽略找麻烦的用户几次(关闭 的 聊 天 会 话 , 不 接 听 呼 叫 ),他就会认为您这一方没有人应答。
In most cases you can just ignore a troublesome user a couple of times (close his chat session without accepting the call), and this will look to him like there is no one on your side to answer.
与会者建议,教科文组织应支持旨在促进非洲统一的活动、以及在非洲某些分地区促 进不同民族间不同宗教间话的活 动 ;教科文组织还应发起行动,通过教育和传播活动帮 [...]
Participants suggested that UNESCO should support activities aimed at the
unification of Africa and at
[...] inter-ethnic and interreligious dialogue in certain subregions [...]
of Africa and should also initiate
action to help prevent conflicts through activities in education and communication.
[...] 尽情地谈论人类尊严和人权,也可以尽情地谈论稳定 与和平,但饿着肚子的人听不进 话的。
With respect to jobs, allow me to say that we can talk as much as
we like about human dignity and human rights, and about stabilization and peace, but
[...] an empty stomach is deaf to words.
在 7 月 16 日第 26 次会议上,理事会继续进行话,听 取了 Clark 女士和世 界卫生组织助理总干事兼联合国系统行政首长协调理事会管理问题高级别委员 会副主席 Denis Aitken 博士就三年期全面政策审的一些 选定主题作 的 陈 述
At its 26th meeting, on 16 July,
[...] the Council continued its dialogue session and heard presentations by Ms. Clark and Dr. Denis Aitken, Assistant Director-General, World Health Organization, and Vice-Chairperson, High-level Committee on Management, United Nations System Chief Executives [...]
Board for Coordination, on selected themes of the triennial comprehensive policy review.
她设立了24小时专线话,接听不知 所 措 的 年 轻 孕妇打来的求助电话。
A 24-hour/day hotline takes calls from distressed young women who
[...] are pregnant and do not know how to handle their situation.
2011年7月13 日,首相宣布,莱文森大法官将主持对 话 窃 听的 调 查 ,查 证已经曝光的《世界新闻报》可能例行雇佣私家侦探窃听名人和其他知名新闻当 事人的语音邮件信息一事。
On 13th July 2011, the Prime Minister announced that Lord Justice Leveson would chair an Inquiry into phone hacking following revelations that the News of the World may have routinely paid private investigators to hack into voicemail messages of celebrities and of other people involved in high profile news stories.
为了让孩听话而采 取强迫或威胁、吓 的 方 式, 殊 不 知 孩子做出这种逆反举动其实是想让家长注意和理解这背后的原因。
To get their kids to do what they ask, parents often use coercion or threats. But what kids need most is empathy for the reasons behind their behavior.
将 Cisco 电话听筒线插入放大器上带有听筒图 的 插 孔 ,然后 听 筒 受 话 器 挂 回电话上。
Install the Cisco telephones handset into the handset icon jack of the amplifier and then hang the handset receiver [...]
back on the phone.
该制度与社会达成的协议恰恰是 它导致的额外革新(例如:不是专 利制 的话 , 救 命药可能 不 存 在了)所产生的额外 社会收益要超过了产品的额外成本。
The bargain with society is precisely that the benefits to society generated by the extra
innovation induced (for
[...] example, a lifesaving drug which might not exist but for the patent system) should [...]
exceed the extra cost of the product.
结的各项协议的充分有效性,其中包括那些基于马 德里会议职权范围订立的协议,这些协议曾经基于
[...] 并必须继续基于“土地换和平”原则,不允许施压、 威胁或使用武力,但注重巴勒斯坦人民和以色列和 平共处的权利,以及两国尊重联合国 1967 年所确立 的边界的义务,不应被 单方面或以虚假的现实为 基础或以因宗教所产生话的名义 所改变。
His Government reaffirmed the full validity of the agreements concluded between Palestine and Israel, including those based on the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, which had been and must continue to be based on the principle of land for peace, without allowing for pressure, threats or use of force, but focusing on the right of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together in peace and the obligation of both States to respect the borders established by the
United Nations in 1967,
[...] which could not be modified unilaterally or on the basis of false realities or in the name of myths inspired by [...]
小组委员会已经在关于公设辩护的一节中指出,由于在刑事司法领域缺少 差别化的法律服务,导致土著人极易遭受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人 的待 遇,特别是在初步调的早期 阶段,因为许多 听不 懂 西 班牙语,也不了解刑事 司法系统,以及存在阻碍他们了解其法律地位的所有因素。
The Subcommittee has already pointed out, in the section on public defence, that it is the lack of differentiated legal services in the criminal justice realm that puts indigenous persons at greatest risk of being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, especially at the initial stage of
the preliminary
[...] investigation, because many do not know the Spanish language, because they do not understand the criminal justice [...]
system and because
of all the factors that prevent them from understanding their legal status.
如果您在教育方面遇到的困难和麻烦已超出您能 承的范围 (孩不听话、对 抗、恐惧、好斗、兄 弟姐妹间发生争执、与同龄孩子交往时遇到麻 烦、在何时和怎样完成家庭作业方面发生争执、 网瘾大、酗酒、吸毒、业余活动不正当等,或当 孩子长期处于悲哀或厌食状态时)
If the problems you are having bringing up your children are such a burden that you are having difficulty coping with them on your own (disobedience, defiance, fears/anxiety, aggression, quarrels amongst siblings, problems dealing with peers, conflicts related to homework, long periods spent on the Internet, alcohol, drugs, problematic recreational activities etc. or if a child is always sad, for example, or refuses to eat).
[...] 的新方式,有助于加强决议的执行,包括:将煽动定为犯罪,同时也规定保护表 达自由的具体措施;加强社区和国家这两 的 对 话 ; 更 认真 听 受 害 人之声并通 过受害人抵消恐怖主义煽动者的吸引力;为囚犯和在押人员设立恢复方案;将所 [...]
The survey identified a number of new practical approaches that could help to strengthen implementation of the resolution, including criminalizing incitement while also providing specific protections
regarding freedom of
[...] expression; enhancing dialogue at the community and national levels; listening more attentively [...]
to the voices of
victims and using victims to counter the appeal of those who incite terrorism; setting up rehabilitation programmes for prisoners and detainees; and including all counter-terrorism activities within a comprehensive and integrated strategy that acknowledges the proper role of each activity in achieving the overall objective of preventing terrorist attacks.




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