

单词 不吝珠玉

See also:


not stint


gems of wisdom
outstanding person
beautiful writing
pearls and jades
clever remark

External sources (not reviewed)

Shopping in Harbin reflects the city's rich,
[...] multi-cultural history.Jade jewellery,Russian [...]
bread and sculptures and other cultural
artefacts representing both nations are readily available.
在这方面,我望政源,因为吸毒会影 响青少年的㆒生,亦会令社会增加㆒名不良青少年。
In this respect, I hope that the
[...] Administration will not be mean in giving [...]
out resources, because drug addiction will have
life-long effects on youngsters and will also create on more youngsters-at-risk in the society.
Hibridization was observed between two
viviparious toad-headed
[...] lizards, P. vlangalii and P.putjatia,in the sympatric region (Shazhuyu Village, [...]
Gonghe County,Qinghai Plateau).
[...] 算上对秘书处人员编制和工作过多限制会带来的影响,并希望他们能够不加修改地批准建议 的 33 C/5,既不大手大脚
These are the reasons why we have undertaken an information campaign to make the Permanent Delegations and Members of the Executive Board more aware of the implications of budgetary constraints for the Secretariat’s staff and performance, in the
hope that they will endorse document 33 C/5 proposed as itstands, without engaging in
[...] prodigality or excessiveparsimony.
今日的儿童既 然是我们对未来的投资,因此我们应该竭尽全力不 吝,给他们㆒个最好的开始。
As the children of today are our investments for the future, no effort or funding should be spared to give them the best start.
在进行的数百次磋商中, 人们不吝花费了大量时间,坦诚地谈到他们认为需要做出哪些改变。
Throughout many hundreds of consultations, people were unstintingly generous with their time and honest about what they believe needs to change.
於 二 零 零 九 年 二 月
[...] 二 日,何 玉 珠 女 士 出 售 其 所 持 Allied Basic Limited的 全部权益 予 独立 第三方,玉珠自 该天本集团 的关 联方。
Ms. He Yuzhu ceased to be a related party of the Group
effective from 2 February
[...] 2009, whenMs. HeYuzhu disposed of its entire interest in Allied Basic Limited to an independent [...]
third party.
Dalian is also known for its abundance
[...] of glassware, jade, silk,jewellery,handicrafts, [...]
sculptures and antique vases, all of
which can be purchased at the city’s local markets.
我的意见是:香港是㆒个以㆟力为主要资源的㆞方,现时正面对过渡 期的种种转变,只不吝作出长远投资,才可维持高质素的教育,从而使我们㆘ ㆒代能面对前途而无所惧。
What I am trying to say is that Hong Kong is a place which relies most heavily on its manpower resources and that, in the face of
all sorts of changes
[...] which await us during the transition period, there is all the more reason forus toeschew [...]
a cheeseparing approach
in terms of making long-term investment so as to maintain our high educational standard and enable our next generation to face the future without fear.
纵使当局说不使用这个计算方法,而使用其他方式,例如房委会曾经在 该数年间减免商户租金达三成至五成,私人楼宇的商户和住户其实亦曾获得 减租,在 SARS 之後的这段期间,全港唯独是公屋居租,如果现在 说冻租 1 个月,便等於要将那笔数一笔勾消 ─ 既然你要计算,我便跟你 计算 ─ 我觉得冻租 1 个月是
Even if the authorities said that this calculation method should not be used and that other methods should be used instead, for instance, the HA had offered rent remission of as high as 30% to 50% to its commercial tenants during those few years; commercial and residential tenants in the private sector were actually able to enjoy rent reduction then, and during the outbreak of SARS, PRH tenants were the only group of people in the territory whose rent was not reduced and so, the proposed one-month rent remission serves only to offset their overpaid rent.
珠玉,有了司法机构成功的先例,我期望律政署亦能对管理系统的改革进行 全面的检讨,配合近年推行的电脑化计划,为本港的市民提供更佳的法律服务。
In view of the successful precedent of the Judiciary, it is my hope that the Legal Department can, taking advantage of the computerization programme that has been implemented recently, carry out a comprehensive review of its management system to provide the community of Hong Kong with legal services of better quality.
Shenzhen Blue King optoelectronic can not only provide high-quality LED lighting, but also around to see the light but not light principle, one-on-one lighting design for customers, allowing customers to achieve scientific light cloth beautify the store image, Shenzhen Blue King affirmation and recognition of our customers optoelectronic jewelry lighting
light bar has been the
[...] Blue King brand jewelrylighting products are widely applied to lighting: Lightingof gold, jade jewelry lighting, cosmetics, [...]
lighting and other
jewelry products in LED jewelry industry has been a lot of recognition, future photoelectric Blue King will also intensify efforts to develop, so that the the jewelry lighting products and services in the vast number of consumers.
於本公布刊发日期,永义国际董事会成员包括执行董事邝长添先生、玉珠及官可欣女士、非执行董事谢永超先生,以及独立非执行董事徐震港先生、庄冠 [...]
As at the date hereof, the board of directors of Easyknit International
Holdings Limited comprises Mr. Kwong Jimmy
[...] Cheung Tim,Ms. LuiYuk Chuand Ms.Koon Ho [...]
Yan, Candy as executive directors, Mr.
Tse Wing Chiu, Ricky as non-executive director and Mr. Tsui Chun Kong, Mr. Jong Koon Sang and Mr. Hon Tam Chun as independent non-executive directors.
本委员会希望感谢在我们调查工作期不吝的众多人士,感谢他们投入宝贵的见解、专长和时 间。
The Commission would like to thank all the verymany people with whom we consulted during the course of our investigations, and who offered their valuable insights, expertise and time.
本局所面对的 挑战,就是同心协力以及与政府携手合作,㆒起达成这些目标,确保这些政策是有意 义的、有效益的、以及㆒方不吝,而另㆒方面则谨慎开支。
The challenge facing this Council is to work together, and to work with the Administration, to achieve these goals, ensuring that the policies are meaningful and effective, matching generositywith fiscal prudence.
[...] 敌国,甚至对於香港很多重要的事情,包括特首的选举,都不吝发表 他们的意见。
In fact, they do have plentiful financial resources,
and their wealth can even rival that of a
[...] nation. Theyhavenot spared their opinions [...]
on a lot of important matters of Hong
Kong, including the election of the Chief Executive.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽管在未来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如大豆动物副产品提取物)。
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably
fish oil over the next
[...] ten years may notbe a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be sustained, and these inputs will have to come from other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and [...]
rendered animal by-products).
The 14th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition” was jointly organized by the Hong Kong Trade
Development Council, the Hong
[...] Kong Jewellers’ & Goldsmiths’ Association, the Hong Kong Jewellery& JadeManufacturers Association, [...]
the Hong Kong
Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association and the Diamond Federation of Hong Kong.
[...] 合法并不等於合理,政府如果说可随时收回条例草案,我不禁要请政府告知议员,除 劳顾会外,政府会视哪些委员会的共识为金,完改?
If the Government says it can withdraw any Bill at any time, I cannot but ask the Government to inform us that besides the
LAB' consensus, what other committees' consensus would be
[...] taken as an infalliblelaw that no amendment can be made at all.
Materials are gold, red jade, sapphires, pearls, coral, amber, [...]
agate, turquoise, green plume, and so on.
昨日,教育统筹科亦给我另㆒封信,信㆗指出他们认为这项强制性退休保障与当年的 全民退休保障,所以姐在给我的信内指出发放这些资料,将有误导成 分。
I received yet another letter from the Education and Manpower Branch yesterday, in which it was said that the MPF was quite another thing from the universal retirement protection scheme advocated in the past.
但是,另一方面,市民亦是很奇怪的,但凡有疑似特首候选人出 现,他们都不吝他们很积极争取一分一秒与这些候选人交谈, 表达他们的意见,代理主席,为甚麽会这样的呢?
On the other hand, it is also surprising to see that whenever a would-be Chief Executive candidate is present, members of the public would be most willing to talk to him and express views in a proactive manner.
可见政府在这方面是不吝支付数千万元薪酬也没有问题,犹如不把那些薪酬当作钱般拨出 去,可是,对於最穷困的、最急需基本食物的人,政府却不太在意。
Yet, it does not care too much about the poorest who have urgent needs for basic food.
主席女士,董 先生虽 然 在 称 赞 别 人 时不 吝但对於那 些 贡 献 本 地生 产 总 值 八 成的专 业人士和 其他服 务提供者所提 供 的 协 助,却 不 免 过於吝啬。
Madam President, Mr TUNG has also been generous with praise and notso generous with help for the professionals and other service providers, who contribute 80% of our Gross Domestic Product.
甚至他本身可 能也是从事直销行业,对同业深表同情,所不吝更多个人资 料,让更多人包括他自己可以就业。
It is also possible that a person, who also engages in direct marketing, feels sympathetic towards other members in the trade and thus unselfishly provides his personal data to create more job opportunities for other people, including himself.
我 们原本 来自不同的阶 层 , 他们各 自均是业界 的 精 英,但他们完不吝们 的 学 识 , 也很乐 意 支 持工会的工作。
We basically come from different social strata, and they are all elites in their respective sectors, but they are ever so happy to share their expertise with me and render their support to trade union work.
我首先要重申,政府一向重视幼儿教育,不吝幼儿教育的 投资,政府以务实的政策、积极的行动来促进学前教育的发展,为优 化学前教育作出承担,以及让香港所有的适龄学童均有接受优质学前 教育的机会,这些皆是不争的事实。
To start with, I must reiterate it is an indisputable fact that the Government has all along attached great importance to early childhood education (ECE) and it is not miserly in investing in ECE.
我们觉 得 , 既然外商 有 这样的 关 注 , 港府真 的 要加强 我们与 珠 三角政 府在环 保 方 面 的 合作, 不 然便会 影响外 商
[...] 不 单 止不愿 前 来 香 港 投 资 , 更 会 影响他前 往投 资。
We believe that since foreign businesses have expressed such concern, it is imperative for the Hong Kong Government to strengthen its co-operation in environmental protection with governments in the PRD Region, otherwise, not only will
foreign businesses be discouraged from investing in Hong Kong, they will also
[...] be discouraged from investing in the PRD Region.
The Classical Hall, located just outside the Contemporary Hall, will exhibit Chinese and Western traditional art works from 40 art institutions. Art forms on display will include traditional Chinese ink painting, fine
brushwork, sculpture, Thangka,
[...] classical furniture, jewelry, jade, porcelain,and miscellaneous [...]
antiques, as well as classical
Western painting and sculpture.
加 上本港空 运业高 效率及 灵 活 的运 作 , 可靠性极高的 服 务 等 优 势 , 我们有条件及能 力扩大空 运 市 场 中 争 取 较 大的市 场 占 有 率 , 加 强 本港作为区 内 国 际空运 枢 纽 的 领 导 地 位 。
Given the long-established competitive advantages of Hong Kong's aviation industry, including our flexibility, operational efficiency and service reliability, we are well-positioned to secure a large market share in this burgeoning PRD aviation market, thereby strengthening Hong Kong's status as a leading international aviation hub in the region.




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