单词 | 不合时宜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不合时宜 —untimelyless common: premature • ill-timed • inopportune • behind the times • out of fashion See also:时不时—from time time 合时宜—timely • opportune • appropriate the occasion • at the right moment • fit current fashion 合时—timely • in fashion • seasonable • suiting the time 时宜—timely • at the right moment • opportune • fit current fashion • appropriate the occasion
理事会不应再容忍对朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国通过不合时宜的“决议”和任命“特别报告员”的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The practice of anachronistic “resolutions” [...] and the “special rapporteur” on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must [...]no longer be tolerated in the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,如果发现一国际 组织持续违背某项义务,保证不重复几乎肯定不 会 不合时宜。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, should an international organization be found in persistent breach of a certain obligation, guarantees of non-repetition would hardly be out of place. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西认为,在转变中的世界中,要应对并纠正这些 [...] 有损于和平和繁荣的状况,尤其是核武器造成 的 不合时宜 的 状况,就必须具有政 治意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a world in transition, Brazil considers that political will is necessary to address [...] and correct those situations that work against peace and prosperity, [...] above all the anachronism posed by nuclear [...]weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,他们强调指出,阿根廷政府一贯以建设性态度积极寻求通过谈判 最终和平解决美洲大陆上这一 不合时宜 的 殖 民状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, they highlight the continuous constructive attitude and willingness of the Argentine Government to reach, by means [...] of negotiations, a peaceful and definitive [...] solution to this anachronistic colonial situation [...]on the soil of the Americas. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面缺乏透明度可能会导致:(a) 破坏对个 别公共当局及政府和国家机构总体的信任和政治支持,从而危及到公共干预措施 的有效性,并可能带来政治不稳定的危险;(b) 引发大幅度的财富再分配,其方 式不仅不公平,而且可能在某些情况下还是非法的;它会助长寻租行为,不利于 公平竞争,并且会为总体的效率、创新和竞争力提供错误的激励;(c) 延续不合 时宜的做 法和政治机构,包括拉拢收买、腐败和任由特定的行业或集团绑架公共 政策,从而延迟国家机构的现代化,从长远来看会阻碍整体的经济、社会和政治 发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | A lack of transparency in that respect might (a) undermine trust and political support for individual public authorities and Government and State institutions in general, thus endangering the efficacy of public interventions and risking political instability; (b) provoke significant redistributions of wealth in ways that not only are unfair and, in some cases, possibly illegal, but also favour rent-seeking behaviour, act against fair competition and provide the wrong incentives for efficiency, innovation and competitiveness in general; and (c) prolong outdated practices and political institutions, including co-optation, corruption and the capture of public policies by specific industries or groups, delaying the modernization of State institutions and impeding overall economic, social and political development over the longer term. daccess-ods.un.org |
维和特派团不合时宜的缩 编或过早的裁减人员有 可能严重危及一个国家的稳定和平民百姓的安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The untimely drawdown or premature downscaling of peacekeeping missions can seriously endanger a country’s stability and the safety of the civilian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前人们 希望通过改进招聘和实行认真培训来提高业务水平,所以外包方法似 乎 不合时宜。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The choice of outsourcing would be inconsistent at a time when there is a clearly expressed desire to raise the level of performance by better recruitment and serious training. unesdoc.unesco.org |
重新设计小组于 2006 [...] 年 7 月 28 日提交报告,指出现有系统不合 时宜、运 作不良、效力低下并缺乏独立;该报告说,同行审议制度过于依赖未经 [...] 训练的志愿工作人员,已失去相关性,产生的隐性费用也很高(A/61/205,摘要 及第 6 和第 137 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Redesign Panel submitted its [...] report on 28 July 2006, describing the [...] current system as outmoded, dysfunctional, [...]ineffective and lacking in independence; it [...]said that the peer review system, overly dependent upon untrained staff volunteers, had outlived its relevance and that its hidden costs were significant (A/61/205, summary and paras. 6 and 137). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,美国继续对古巴实施经济、商业和金融封锁会产生反作用 , 不合 时宜,而且与当今现实脱节。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that the maintenance of the commercial, economic and financial [...] embargo against Cuba by the United States is [...] counterproductive, anachronistic and not in keeping [...]with current realities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如秘书处先前编写的工作文件所述,联合王国政府和领土政府都认为联合国 的除名和非殖民化标准是不合时宜的 ,并同时确认根据《联合国宪章》第七十三 条(辰)款,联合王国有义务继续提交年度报告,直到大会投票赞成把某个领土从 [...] 非自治领土名单中去除。 daccess-ods.un.org | As reflected in previous working papers, both the Government of the United Kingdom and the territorial Government believe that the de-listing and [...] decolonization criteria of the United [...] Nations are anachronistic, and at the same time, they recognize [...]that under Article 73e of the [...]Charter of the United Nations, the United Kingdom is obliged to continue to submit annual reports until such time as the General Assembly votes in favour of the removal of a Territory from its list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
波利萨里奥阵 线代表团回避答复所提出的大多数问题,声称这些问 题 不合时宜 、 无 视波利萨里奥 阵线提议的实质内容并极力指责问题中没有提及对自治的选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Frente Polisario delegation refrained from answering most of the questions posed, arguing that they were out of place, ignored the essence of the Frente Polisario’s proposal and sought to blame it for not addressing the option of autonomy. daccess-ods.un.org |
诚然,由于土著人民总体上都曾是压迫和文化剥夺的受害者,这是支持一种特殊待遇的 有力论据,但似乎把拟制定文件的题目表述重新措辞,以避免任何不恰当的 或 不合时宜 的理 解,可能更为可取一点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While it is true that indigenous peoples have generally faced cultural repression and dispossession, which provides a strong argument for special treatment, it seems advisable to reformulate the title of a proposed instrument to avoid any unintended or infelicitous meanings. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一条道路是,大胆地从根本上改变冷战思维,放 弃 不合时宜 的 对 朝鲜民主主 义人民共和国政策,以此为朝鲜半岛的和平与安全作出贡献,为确保自身的安全 [...] 创造条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | One path is to make bold and fundamental change in its Cold War mindset to [...] renounce its anachronistic policy towards [...]the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, [...]and thus contribute to the peace and security in the Korean peninsula and pave the way for ensuring its own security. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于各会员国当前的经济情况,并考虑到 联合国共同制度雇员普遍较高水平的整套报酬办法,这样 做 不合时宜。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was not timely, given current economic conditions in Member States and also in view of the generally high levels of the compensation packages of the United Nations common system employees. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果不能把握这些机遇,那么城市就失去了可持续性和宜居性,就好像对城市 开发不当和不合时宜会导 致遗产损毁,给后世子孙造成不可挽回的损失一样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Failing to capture these opportunities leads to unsustainable and unviable cities, just [...] as implementing them in an inadequate [...] and inappropriate manner results in the destruction [...]of heritage assets and irreplaceable [...]losses for future generations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
可能有多种合理原因说明在特定时间访问为 何 不合时宜 , 以 及为何为 各项任务编排优先次序。 daccess-ods.un.org | There may be a number of legitimate reasons why a [...] visit would not be appropriate at a given time, and why different [...]mandates might be accorded priority. daccess-ods.un.org |
维也纳会议期间,后来列入第 21 条的第 3 款在讨论时几乎没有造成问题, 只有几处不合时宜的变 动,会议相当快速地作了重新处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the debate at the Vienna Conference on what would become article 21, paragraph 3, almost no problems were raised apart from a few unfortunate changes which the Conference fairly quickly reconsidered. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们对过渡联邦议会决定单方面将其任期再延长三年 的这一不合时宜的决定深表遗憾。 daccess-ods.un.org | We deplore the untimely decision by the Transitional Federal Parliament to unilaterally extend its mandate for another three years. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些继续利用族裔的民族主义 作为政治纲领的人是不合时宜的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who continue to use ethnic nationalism as a political [...] platform are in the wrong century. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,它同意秘书长的意见,即在外聘 咨询人的协助下进一步围绕这一概念性的人员 编制模式开展工作可能不合时宜;但 秘书长先 对支助账户人员配置和特派团支助修订战略进 行全面审查,会有助益,因为该战略可对总部 提供支助产生影响(第 44 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, it agrees with the Secretary-General that it might not be timely to initiate further work on a conceptual staffing model with the assistance of external consulting resources; rather, it would be beneficial for the SecretaryGeneral first to conduct the comprehensive review of the support account staffing requirements, as well as the revised strategy for mission support, as the latter could have an impact on Headquarters backstopping (para. 44) daccess-ods.un.org |
令人遗憾的是, 迄今为止,特别委员会不合时宜的做法似乎还没有认识到这一情况,委员会审议 非自治领土是否应除名时所使用的标准也没有考虑到这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was regrettable that, thus far, the Special Committee’s outdated approach did not seem to have recognized that situation and that the criteria used by the Committee in considering whether a Non-Self-Governing Territory should be de-listed failed to take it into account. daccess-ods.un.org |
有时候,量化生态系统服务的成本和效益会被视 为不 合时宜或难以实现。 teebweb.org | There are situations where the quantification of costs and benefits of ecosystem services is [...] perceived to be inappropriate or not possible. teebweb.org |
此外,直布罗陀不承认 1713 [...] 年的《乌得勒支条约》,不是因为该 条约不合时宜,而 是因为如果双边条约与《联合国宪章》中的非自治领土人民的 [...] 自决原则发生冲突,则根据国际法,双边条约将不再有效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, Gibraltar rejected the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht not [...] because it was anachronistic, but because no [...]bilateral treaty retained validity under [...]international law if it conflicted with the Charter principle of self-determination by the people of Non-Self-Governing Territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些具体的准则性规定可能很快就会过时,如果发现原先的规 定 不合时宜 了 , 又要确 保(尤其是国际文书)能应对发生的变化将是非常困难的事,也很化时间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concrete normative provisions may soon become outdated, and it can be [...] difficult and, especially in case of [...] international instruments, time-consuming to secure [...]change if the initial form is found not to be appropriate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年 10 月 6 [...] 日,直布罗陀首席部长在第四委员会发言时说,由西班牙带 头的一些国家仍然提出不合时宜的论 点,声称应忽视《给予殖民地国家和人民独 [...] 立宣言》中的原则,联合王国和西班牙应进行双边谈判,直布罗陀人民的意愿无 关紧要。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 6 October 2010, speaking to the Fourth Committee, [...] the Chief Minister of Gibraltar stated [...] that some countries, led by Spain, continued [...]to put forward the “sterile” argument [...]that the principles of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples should be ignored and that the United Kingdom and Spain should engage in bilateral negotiations without taking into account the wishes of the people of Gibraltar. daccess-ods.un.org |
实 现这一目标的唯一途径是振兴大会的领导作用,使大 会成为联合国唯一不为霸权主义提供立足之地的机 构;在这样的机构里,我们都有话语权和投票权,而 且不合时宜的否决权不复存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | That can only be achieved by revitalizing the leading role of the General Assembly as the only United Nations [...] body in which there is [...] no place for hegemonies, where we all have a voice and a vote and where the obsolete right of veto does not exist. daccess-ods.un.org |
军事化和空间军备依理论是禁止的; (e) [...] 必须更新经由卫星远距离观察地球的原则,这些原则是 1986 年联合国 大会通过的,已不合时宜,其 规定对发展中国家具有限制性,使它们得不到所阐 [...] 述的资料,这在处理自然灾害方面可能造成损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) The principles relating to remote sensing [...] of the Earth by satellites, which were approved by the General Assembly in [...]its resolution 41/64 (1986), should be updated. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于教科文组织的计划和预算编制工作是在执行局和大会的指导下进行的,由一个特 [...] 定政府间组织来指导秘书处规划和实施全民信息计划就显 得 不合时宜 了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As UNESCO’s programming and budgeting is guided by the Executive Board and the General Conference, a [...] specific intergovernmental structure to steer the Secretariat in the planning and [...] implementation of IFAP becomes obsolete. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一连串持续飙高的数字、死亡者、失踪者、难以估计的国内流离失所者人数、在 全世界电视屏幕上不断重复的画面、一 些 不合时宜 的 关于相互责任的询问、几周 内持续的余震、搅乱首都数日的谣言,所有这些显示了该国所经历的人道主义危 [...] 机的程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The litany of the dead and missing, the numbers constantly revised upwards, the always difficult estimates of the number of displaced persons, the ever revolving [...] images on television screens [...] throughout the world, the sometimes ill-placed questions [...]about the responsibility of various [...]parties, the aftershocks which continued for several weeks, the rumours which perturbed the capital for several days – all of this demonstrated the magnitude of the country’s humanitarian crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |