

单词 不可行

See also:


should not
must not


not work
won't do
be no good
not be capable
be out of the question

External sources (not reviewed)

某些代表团指出,这个建不可行, 因为 需要理解被翻译的语言和会议文件中涵盖的技术问题。
Some delegations pointed out that this
[...] proposal was not feasible since one needed to have an understanding [...]
of the language being
translated into and of the technical issues covered by the working documents.
[...] 確保計劃可行的方面,亦訂立了㆒些新措施,而在㆒般情況㆘這些計劃 不可行 的。
There are also some new initiatives in the areas of owner participation and in making projects viable, which in normal
[...] circumstances would not be so.
[...] 种群进行分析评估,控制各种深海鱼类种群渔捞死亡率被视 不可行。
In regards to fishing effort, NEAFC reported that since analytical assessments for many of the deep-sea fish
stocks were unavailable, controlling fishing mortality for individual deep-sea stocks had
[...] been deemed not to be feasible.
本组织应当找到一种在计划执行过程中便能发现,而不是在有 关活动结束之后才发现哪些工作行 、 哪 些 不可行 的 途 径。
The Organization must find a way to identify what is working and what is not, in the course of execution and not after the completion of the concerned activity.
如果组成这样一个单一的组不可行 , 申 请书应说明理 由。
If the formation of such a single organization is not feasible, the application should explain why this is so.
(C) 倘本公司將向任何股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他分派或 任何其他付款為以有關貨幣向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言不可行或花 費昂貴,而當時有關股息或其他分派或其他付款可於董事酌 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示之地址)之貨幣作出派付 [...]
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable
or unduly expensive
[...] either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion [...]
of the Board,
be paid or made in the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated by the address of such shareholder on the register).
如果重返家庭在一定时期内证明 不可行 的 或 被认为违反儿童的最大利 益,则应考虑确定稳妥的解决办法,如收养或伊斯兰法的“卡法拉”(监护);如 果做不到这一点,则应考虑采取其他的长期选择办法,如寄养照料或适当寄宿照 料,包括集体之家和其他有监督的生活安排。
Should family reintegration prove impossible within an appropriate period or be deemed contrary to the best interests of the child, stable and definitive solutions, such as adoption or kafala of Islamic law, should be envisaged; failing this, other long-term options should be considered, such as foster care or appropriate residential care, including group homes and other supervised living arrangements.
若拟订一套标准或示范合同规 不可行 或 不 必 要 ,一个替代办法可 能是拟订法律指南,就合同的起草作出解释。
When it is not feasible or necessary to develop a standard or model set of contract rules, an alternative may be a legal guide giving explanations concerning contract drafting.
[...] 要有足夠的深度以避免干擾地鐵隧道的現有地面及造 成搖晃,此方法已確認不可行(見 下文第 3.3.7 段 至 3.3.11 段)。
Tunnelling under the MTR tunnel would need to be at sufficient depth to avoid disturbance to the
existing ground and movement of the MTR tunnel, and has
[...] been found not feasible (see later paragraphs 3.3.7 to 3.3.11).
同样,通过储备进行自保对于许多低收入国家 不可行 , 而 且这类国 家也无法选择市场保险和市场式保险。
Similarly, self-insurance
[...] through reserves was not a feasible option [...]
for many low-income countries, and market and market-like
insurance was a missing option for that group of countries.
审查得出的结论是,正式的飞行常客里程方 不可行 , 因 此,秘书长转而建 议对关于公务差旅的行政指示作出修订,指示联合国所有工作人员不要将因代表 本组织执行公务而获得的飞行常客里程用于私人旅行并鼓励所有联合国官员尽 可能将代表本组织执行公务而获得的飞行常客里程用于公务差旅(A/66/676,第5 [...]
和第 87 段)。
In light of the conclusion of the review that a formal
frequent flyer miles programme
[...] is not feasible, the Secretary-General proposes that the administrative instruction on official travel instead [...]
be amended to instruct
all staff of the United Nations not to use, for personal travel, any frequent flyer miles gained as a result of conducting official business on behalf of the Organization and to encourage all officials of the United Nations to use the frequent flyer miles gained as a result of conducting official business on behalf of the Organization for official travel where feasible (see A/66/676, paras. 5 and 87).
因此,根据上述决定,对现有的所有奖项进行了审查,以便使每一奖项都符合通过的 新标准,并取消那些在财务方 不可行 的 ,或与本组织的战略目标和计划的优先事项关系不 大的奖项。
Accordingly, all existing prizes have been reviewed in the light of the decision in question to ensure that each of the prizes maintained complies with the new criteria adopted and to abolish prizes that are either not financially viable or less relevant to the strategic objectives and programme priorities of the Organization.
若以上兩種方法不可行,您 可以複製硬碟,方法是建立磁碟影像, 然後將其復原至具有更大磁碟分割的新硬碟上。
If that is not possible, you can clone [...]
a hard disc by creating a disc image and recovering it to a new hard disc with larger partitions.
鉴于现有国家能力和资源限制,这 样不可行。
This is not feasible in light [...]
of the existing national capacity and resource constraints.
當局已研究過由財政司授權進行所有初步查察工作的辦法,但認不可行,因 為在某些情況㆘,當局可能須立刻採取行動,以保障投資者的利益。
The alternative for all preliminary inspections to be authorized by the Financial Secretary has been examined but is not considered workable, as there can be occasions when prompt action is needed to protect investors’ interests.
由於若干僱員持有或獲授予並非與飛利浦業務直接相關的股份期權,因此根據香港財務報告準則第2 號第45及第47段就飛利浦業務之未行使股份期權或已授出股份期權編製概覽,實為不切實際 不可行 ,而 本概覽亦並無於匯總財務報表之附註呈列。
As several employees that hold or have been granted stock options are not specifically related to the Philips Business, it is not practical nor feasible to prepare an overview of outstanding stock options or stock options granted at the Philips Business in accordance with HKFRS 2 paragraphs 45 and 47 and as such this overview has not been presented in the notes to the Combined Financial Statements.
关于以上103.4 段中的建议,肯尼亚表示,使用“所有”一词不能接受, 因为这不可行的;不过,瓦基委员会报告的大多数建议正在执行中,特别报告 员报告的某些方面已引起了令人关切的问题。
With regard to the recommendation in paragraph 103.4 above, Kenya indicated that the use of the term “all” was not acceptable, as it was not feasible; however, most of the recommendations of the Waki Commission Report were being implemented and aspects of the Special Rapporteur’s report had given rise to issues of concern.
Therefore, even if it is unfeasible to completely protect satellites, it is at least possible to mitigate the threat through such a treaty.
不幸的是,这不可行,因 为这类技术不会同时出现在所有国家, 因此会使禁止措施不公平。
Unfortunately, this is unfeasible since such technology would not arrive in all states at the same time and would thus make the ban inequitable.
(d) 董事會可於任何情況決定不向登記地址位於任何董事會認為倘無登記聲明
[...] 或倘無辦理其他特別手續則令提呈該等選擇權或股份配發將會或可能不合法不可行之地區之股東根據本章程細則第(a)(i)段配發股份或根據本章程細則第 [...]
(d) The Directors may on any occasion determine that an allotment of shares under paragraph (a)(i) of this Article or a right of election to receive an allotment of shares under paragraph (a)(ii) of this Article shall not be made or made available
to any shareholders with registered
[...] addresses in any territory where in the absence of [...]
a registration statement or other
special formalities the allotment of shares or the circulation of an offer of such right of election would or might be unlawful, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination and the only entitlement of shareholders in any such territory or territories shall be to receive in cash the relevant dividend resolved to be paid or declared.
而且,他们可能发现作出正式投诉 不可行 或 方 便,特别是当他们 认为采取行动会造成一种局面,使他们面临无法采购特定商品或服务的风险时。
Also they may find it impracticable or inconvenient to proceed with [...]
a formal complaint, particularly if they perceive that
taking action may trigger a situation in which they will be at risk of failing in the procurement of specific goods or services.
(6) 倘 監 管 人 員 根 據 上 文 第 ( 1 ) 款 的 規 定 , 授 權 把 被 逮 捕 青 少 年 交 由 警 方 拘 留,則 除 非 該 監 管 人 員 證 明 在 實 際 上不 可 行,否 則 須 安 排 把 該 被 逮 捕 青 少 年 交 由 當 地 的 主 管 當 局 照 顧 及 拘 留,而 根 據 此 等 安 排 把 他 拘 留 乃 屬 合 法 。
(6) Where a custody officer authorises an arrested juvenile to be kept in police detention under subsection (1) above, the custody officer shall, unless he certifies that it is impracticable to do so, make arrangements for the arrested juvenile to be taken into the care of a local authority and detained by the authority, and it shall be lawful to detain him in pursuance of the arrangements.
3.2.5 主幹道亦不能在香港會議展覽中心新翼之上或之下通過: 道路不能急升至跨過香港會議展覽中心新翼樓頂的高度, 因此,離岸高架道路走不可行的; 主幹道亦不能夠下降 至足夠深度,以避免與香港會議展覽中心新翼地庫及其地 基產生衝突。
3.2.5 Nor can the Trunk Road pass above or beneath the HKCEC Extension building: the road cannot rise steeply enough to clear the roof of the HKCEC Extension, therefore an elevated offshore alignment is not possible; nor can the Trunk Road drop low enough to avoid conflict with the basement of the HKCEC Extension and its foundations.
[...] 两、三天(小组委员会通常的会期)的远程或者电视会议可能 不可行 的。
However, achieving an effective teleconference or videoconference facility for two
or three days (the usual length of a subcommittee meeting)
[...] would probably not be feasible without [...]
additional resources.
(b) 由于灾难性事件而对采购标的存在紧迫需要,采用公开招标程序或者
[...] 其他任何采购方法都将因采用这些方法所涉及的时间 不可行 ; 15(c) 采购实体原先向某一供应商或承包商采购货物、设备、技术或服务 [...]
原先采购能有效满足采购实体需要、且拟议采购与原先采购相比规模有限、价 格合理且另选其他货物或服务代替不合适的情况下,决定必须向从原供应商或 承包商添购供应品
(b) Owing to a catastrophic event, there is an urgent need for the subject matter of the procurement, and engaging in open
tendering or any other method of
[...] procurement would be impractical because of the time involved [...]
in using those methods;15 (c)
The procuring entity, having procured goods, equipment, technology or services from a supplier or contractor, determines that additional supplies must be procured from that supplier or contractor for reasons of standardization or because of the need for compatibility with existing goods, equipment, technology or services, taking into account the effectiveness of the original procurement in meeting the needs of the procuring entity, the limited size of the proposed procurement in relation to the original procurement, the reasonableness of the price and the unsuitability of alternatives to the goods or services in question
(B) 本公司或董事會在作出或授出配發、發售、授予購股權
[...] 或出售本公司股份或其他證券時,毋須向其註冊地址於 董事會認為倘無註冊聲明或其他特別手續情況下即屬或 可能屬違法不可行,或有關註冊聲明或特別手續的存 在或程度可能較昂貴(不論屬強制條款或與可能受影響 [...]
司法管轄區或任何特定地區或多個地區的股東或其他人 士提呈或議決不提呈發售、授予購股權或出售本公司股 份或其他證券。
(B) Neither the Company nor the Directors shall be obliged, when making or granting any allotment of, offer of, option over or disposal of shares or other securities of the Company, to make, or make available, and may resolve not to make, or make available, any such offer,
option or shares or other
[...] securities to shareholders or others with registered addresses in any jurisdiction [...]
outside of the
Relevant Territory, or in any particular territory or territories being a territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, this would or might, in the opinion of the Directors, be unlawful or impracticable, or the existence or extent of the requirement for such registration statement or special formalities might be expensive (whether in absolute terms or in relation to the rights of the shareholder(s) who may be affected) or time consuming to determine.
惟倘兌換股東的登記地址在並無登記證明或並無進行任何其他特別 手續的地區,董事認為配發或交付任何兌換股份根據兌換股東的登 記地址所屬地區或任何有關司法權區的法律屬不合法 不可行 ,則 本公司在收到相關兌換通知後將在合理可行的情況下盡快向兌換股 東或經本公司選定的一名或多名第三方配發兌換數目的普通股,及 代表兌換股東向經本公司選定的一名或多名第三方出售有關股份, [...] [...]
provided that if the Converting Shareholder has a registered address in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or any other special formalities the allotment or delivery of any Conversion Shares would or might
in the opinion of the
[...] Directors be unlawful or impracticable under the laws of such territory or any Relevant Jurisdiction, the Company shall as soon as reasonably [...]
after the receipt of the relevant Conversion Notice allot the Conversion Number of the Ordinary Shares to the Converting Shareholder or to one or more third parties selected by the Company and on behalf of the Converting Shareholder sell the same to one or more third parties selected by the Company for the best consideration then reasonably obtainable by the Company.
股東支付(無論單獨或聯同任何其他人士)結欠本公司的所有催繳股款或 分期款項連同利息及開支(如有)以前,概無權收取任何股息或紅利、無權親身或以受 委代表出席任何股東大會及在會上投票(作為另一股東的受委代表除外)、不會計入法 定人數,不可行使股 東的任何其他特權。
No Member shall be entitled to receive any dividend or bonus or to be present and vote (save as proxy for another Member) at any general meeting either personally or by proxy, or be reckoned in a quorum, or exercise any other privilege as a Member until all calls or instalments due by him to the Company, whether alone or jointly with any other person, together with interest and expenses (if any) shall have been paid.
倘在任何股東的登記地址所 屬地區如無登記聲明或未完成其他特別的手續,則董事會認為 於任何一個或多個特定地區配發及發行或向股東配發及發行繳 足股份或債權證或證券屬或可能屬不合法 不可行 , 在 此情況 下,董事會可按其認為權宜的方式為上述股東作出另外安排, 包括授權任何人士出售上述股東以其他方式享有的股份或債權 證,且該等股東於該情況下僅有的享有權應為接收有關出售變 現的所得款項。
The Board may resolve that no such allotments and issues of fully paid-up shares or debentures or securities shall be made available or made to shareholders with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories being a territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, this would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable and in such event the Board may make such alternative arrangements for the shareholders aforesaid as it thinks expedient including authorising any person to sell the shares or debentures to which the aforesaid shareholders are otherwise entitled and the only entitlement of such shareholders in the event shall be to receive the proceeds realised from such sale.




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