单词 | 不变的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不变的 adjective—constant adjless common: even adj Examples:固定不变的 adj—settled adj See also:不变 adj—intact adj 不变—unvarying • (math.) invariant 变的 adj—static adj
18 岁以下的非裔母亲的劳动参与率比白人、亚裔或西班牙 裔高,这历来是一种恒定不变的趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mothers of African descent with children under 18 were [...] more likely to be in the labour force than white, Asian or Hispanic [...] mothers, a trend that has been an historical [...]constant. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国的创建者们宣称,他们的雄心是“为了组织一个更完 善的联邦”,他们给我们留下的不是 静 止 不变的 状 态 ,而是一项永久的心愿和使 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our Founders, who proclaimed their ambition “to form a more perfect Union,” bequeathed to us not a static condition but a perpetual aspiration and mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
对产品的整个生命周期进行完整且持 续 不变的变 异 性 管理。 tuv-sud.cn | To offer consistent, integrated [...] and continuous variability management over [...]the entire product life cycle. tuv-sud.com |
您节约劳动成本,避免一成不变的工 作 时间,如果任何动物偏离其预期的饲喂式,您立即得到提醒。 delaval.cn | You save on labour costs, avoid inflexible working hours, and are instantly alerted if any animal deviates from her expected feeding pattern. delaval.com |
不过,一些与会者认为教科文组织的职能不是一 成 不变的 而 是 不 断 变 化的,象宣传和 提高认识或知识中介表面看是新的职责,实际上早已包括在五项主要职能之内,因此显然无 须增加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Acknowledging that UNESCO’s functions were not static but evolving, some participants nevertheless felt that seemingly new functions, like that of advocacy and awareness-raising or knowledge broker, were already embedded in the five principal functions and thus should not be explicitly added. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在一、二段换用C-bar R 筛筐、在最后一段换用C-bar Q 筛筐后,所有压力筛的开孔面积都增加了近50%—— 而筛缝宽度是不变的。 voith.com | The conversion to C-bar R for the first two stages and C-bar Q screen baskets [...] for the final stage meant the entire open [...] screen surface of all screens increased nearly 50% – with the same slot width. voith.com |
最后,我愿重申尼日利亚对原子能机构的支持和 不变的信念 ,并重申我们相信,在让原子能惠益之光 普照一个更为安全无虞的世界里所有人的工作中,它 可发挥领导作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I wish to reiterate Nigeria’s support for and abiding faith in the IAEA, and our confidence in its leadership in putting the benefits of the atom within the reach of all in a safer and secure world. daccess-ods.un.org |
次主题 2.2 下审查的问题包括:最近棉花、咖啡和其他部门在组织供应链和 保障小农生计方面开展改革所取得的经验教训;管理从自给自足转至大规模市场 农业的创新模式(包括让小农协会有能力从事质量水平保 持 不变的 生 产 );可持续 地管理生物燃料的兴起,同时维护小农的谋生手段,特别是获得土地的创新模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | The issues considered under sub-theme 2.2 included lessons learned from recent experiences with the reform of the cotton, coffee and other sectors with respect to organizing supply chains and securing the livelihood of smallholders; innovative models aimed at managing the transition from self-sufficiency to a larger-scale, market-based agriculture (including providing associations of small farmers with the capacity to produce at a consistent level of quality); and innovative models aimed at sustainably managing the biofuels boom while upholding smallholders’ means of livelihood, in particular access to land. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,在其他假设 保持不变的情况下,如果贴现率降低 1%,估计应计负债将增加 19%,而如果贴现 率上调 1%,应计负债将减少 15%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, it is estimated that the accrued liability would increase by 19 per cent if the discount rate were decreased by 1 per cent and decrease by 15 per cent if the discount rate were increased by 1 per cent, all other assumptions held constant. daccess-ods.un.org |
在对分度的精度有所要求的动作方式中,请在保持积分限制器的值为初始 值 不变的 状 态 下使用。 ckd.co.jp | If the indexing accuracy is [...] required, do not change the integral limiter [...]setting from the default value. ckd.co.jp |
无论发生什 么变化事件或者危机而始终不变的原 则包括不推卸 善治责任、实行合理的政策,以及对国家为可持续 发展和与贫穷作斗争所做的努力给予国际援助等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Principles which remained constant regardless of changing events or crises included not shirking commitments [...] to good governance, [...]sound policies and international support to national efforts towards sustained development and fighting poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
而现在绪森的 ACP 增效系统(ACP 增效组件)就是要对这一种一成不变 的模式进行改动,改进前牵伸区的牵 伸工艺,同时提高最重要的纱线指 标。 suessen.com | With the ACP Quality Package by SUESSEN it is now possible, however, to improve the drafting process in the main zone and consequently the values of the most important yarn parameters. suessen.com |
在这方面,坚持合作努力必 须包括不断作出调整,以确保这些努力不会成为一成 不变的、为自身服务的架构,或其目标也不会是解决 临时问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the preservation of cooperation efforts must include their continuous adjustment to ensure that they do not to become permanent, self-serving structures, or whose purpose becomes solving temporary problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
墨西哥认为,列有固定不变的武器 清单的一项静止的条约就其相关性和合法 性而言将极为有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mexico believes that a static treaty that establishes fixed lists of arms would be significantly limited in terms of its relevance and validity. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,不同文化间对话不应导致文化被作为政 治工具,因为文化不属于任何人,它们既不是固 定不 变的,也没有排他性,而且,它们是桥梁,而非壁垒 和武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intercultural dialogue, then, should not lead to the political instrumentalization of cultures, which belong to no one, are neither fixed nor exclusive, and are bridges rather than fortresses or weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
秒) 文本框中的值指定在确认文件已经完全写入并要打印之前,Spool Folder 等待到达文 件大小维持不变的秒数。 glunz-jensen.com | The value in the text box specifies the number of seconds that the Spool folder waits for the size of an arriving file to remain the same before assuming that it has been fully written and is therefore ready to be printed. glunz-jensen.com |
联合专家组强调,指标不应是一成 不变的 , 而 应是可做调整的,既应有数量 指标,也应包括质量指标,而且应能获得分类数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Joint Expert Group underlined that indicators should not be static but adaptable, should include both quantitative and qualitative ones and should enable the production of disaggregated data. daccess-ods.un.org |
获取客观和可靠的信息,是公民社会 不变的 基 本 需要之一。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Objectivity and the need for reliable knowledge are constant and basic demands of civil society. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
事实上,对于全面解决气候问题, 《公约》或《京都议定书》是否成功,或维持该协 议不变的情况 下仍将取得成功,尚未有人做出权威 性的评判。 undpcc.org | In fact, there are no authoritative assessments of the UNFCCC or its Kyoto Protocol [...] that assert that these agreements have succeeded – or will succeed [...] without changes – in fully solving the climate problem. undpcc.org |
新款2012 KNIGHT XV在外观尺寸不变的情况下扩宽了车内的宽度和长度,增加了更多的内部空间,此外还增加了新的设计元素,如前掀式发动机盖、全新发动机罩、护栅、前灯和尾灯。 tipschina.gov.cn | The new 2012 KNIGHT XV will be wider and longer maintaining the same vehicle footprint with more interior space and will also feature new design cues such as a flip front end, new hood, grille, headlights and taillights. tipschina.gov.cn |
因为某成员的死亡或破产而对股份有所有权的人,应有权获得假如他是股份登记 持有人时有权获得的股息,惟不变的 条 件 是董事会可于任何时间发出通知,要求 该人选择自行登记或转让股份,而如果他没有在 90 天内符合该通知的要求,董 事会之后可暂停支付所有股息、红利或关于该股份而应付的其他款项,直至该通 知的要求获得符合为止。 cr-power.com | A person becoming entitled to a share by reason of the death or bankruptcy of a Member shall be entitled to the same dividends to which he would be entitled if he were the registered holder of the share provided always that the Board may at any time give notice requiring any such person to elect either to be registered himself or to transfer the share, and if the notice is not complied with within 90 days the Board may thereafter withhold payment of all dividends, bonuses or other moneys payable in respect of the share until the requirements of the notice have been complied with. cr-power.com |
(a) 基线模式采用一套自 1995 年以来保持不变的固定 门槛值和人均国民总 收入加权数。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The baseline model uses a system of fixed thresholds and weights assigned to GNI per capita that have remained constant since 1995. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据三自教会的网站蔡奎(Cai Kui,音译)所说,北京三自教会委员会(Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee)的主席代表首都的许多牧师和平民领袖发言,说:“在过去九十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停止关怀和照顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳 定 不变的 共 生 互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。 amccsm.org | According to the TSPM website, Cai Kui, chairman of the Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee, spoke on behalf of the many pastors and lay leaders in the capital, saying: "In the past 90 years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and various walks of life in China, has never stopped caring about and helping Chinese Christianity... Facts have proven that the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government. amccsm.org |
倘若股份证书受到毁损、毁灭或遗失,可在支付一笔为数不超过联交所不时规定 的金额的费用,根据关于证明和赔偿的条款(如有),及支付本公司调查有关证 据而各董事认为合适的实付费用后,获得补发, 惟 不变的 条 件 是如认股权证已经 发出,则不得发出新的认股权证以取代旧证,除非本公司毫无疑问信纳,原证书 已经毁灭。 cr-power.com | If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be replaced on payment of a fee not exceeding the amount as prescribed by the Stock Exchange from time to time and on such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and the payment of out-of-pocket expenses of the Company of investigating evidence as the Directors think fit provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost, unless the Company is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed. cr-power.com |
自动调整后的 DIP 开关,请在保持“0-0”状态不变的 情 况 下使用。 ckd.co.jp | z After conducting auto tuning, change the DIP switch [...] setting back to "0-0" to continue operation. ckd.co.jp |
与机械型组织相同的是,专业型组织也是一种僵硬的组织构型,非常适合生产一 层 不变的 标 准 化产品,不能满足创新调整,提供新产品和新服务的要求。 12manage.com | Like the machine bureaucracy, the professional bureaucracy is an inflexible structure, well suited to producing its standard outputs but ill-suited to adapting to the production of new products or services. 12manage.com |
精巧绝伦的艺术品质,贴合女性曲线的细腻剪裁,对华贵舒适面料的追求,传统经典和现代流行的唯美结合以及对意大利设计文化的执着传承,是La Perla永恒不变的宗旨和追求。 parkviewgreen.com | The artisan matrix, the in-depth knowledge of the female body, the fusion of innovation and tradition, the Italian identity and international orientation, and the ethics of total quality are the solid points that are the chromosomes of the La Perla DNA. parkviewgreen.com |
如 果 一 个 人 洞 察 自 我 的 真 实 本 质、 有 明 确 的 最 终 [...] 目 标, 并 且 急 切 地 想 踏 上 自 我 与 无 上 之 神 合 一 之 路, 那 么 无 论 他 是 基 督 教 徒、 穆 斯 林、 犹 太 教 徒, [...] 还 是 任 何 其 他 教 徒, 他 都 将 是 不 变 的 及 永 恒 的。 download.yatharthgeeta.com | So, if anywhere on the earth there is a man who is aware of the true nature of Self and his ultimate goal, and who is eager to take to the way which will eventually lead his Self to the Supreme Spirit, be he a professed [...] Christian, Muslim, Jew, or anything else, he undoubtedly also belongs to the fold of [...] Sanatan Dharm-the changeless and eternal. download.yatharthgeeta.com |
CUI 创建于 1989 年,与客户发展协作性伙伴关系是公 司 不变的 承 诺 ,帮助客户的设计项目获得成功是公司持续增长的动力。 digikey.cn | An unwavering commitment to create collaborative partnerships with customers and a drive to see that their design project is a success has been a hallmark of CUI's sustained growth since its founding in 1989. digikey.ca |
应由缔约国的司法机构审查事实和证据 是 不变的 先 例 ,除非能够确定对证 据的评估是任意性的,明显存在错误或拒绝司法,而本案显然不是这样。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has consistently been held that it is within the jurisdiction of the States parties to examine the facts and evidence, unless it can be established that the assessment of the evidence was arbitrary or amounted to a manifest error or denial of justice, which is clearly not the case. daccess-ods.un.org |