单词 | 不友善 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不友善 adverb —unfriendly adjSee also:不善—ill • not good at • quite impressive • not be pooh-poohed 友善—friendly 友善 n—friendliness n • rapport n
然而,在該兩個國家中,傳媒的批評、公 眾 不友善 的 反 應 及 慣例似乎有 阻嚇離任政府首長作出不誠信行為之效。 legco.gov.hk | However, media comments, hostile public reactions and convention appear to have the effect of deterring unethical behaviour of former heads of government in these two countries. legco.gov.hk |
傳媒的批評及公眾不友善的反應似乎有 阻嚇離任總理作出不道德 行為之效。 legco.gov.hk | Media comments and the threat of hostile public reactions appear to have the effect of deterring unethical behaviour of former Prime Ministers. legco.gov.hk |
該 兩個國家只透過公眾的期望、傳媒的批評及公 眾 不友 善 的反應發揮 阻嚇作用。 legco.gov.hk | Deterrence was only in the form of public expectation, media comments and threat of hostile public reactions etc. legco.gov.hk |
抑或這新設計的體制,只是為了協助行政長官收緊他對公務員的控 制,並進一步為他阻隔一些不友善的 政 評人和政敵對他的攻擊。 legco.gov.hk | Or will the new design be tailored to help only the Chief Executive tighten his grip on civil servants and further insulate himself from attacks by hostile critics and political rivals? legco.gov.hk |
他便先抽走你的廣告,你就完蛋了。你若批評一些大財 閥,或刊登一些對他不友善的新聞,你便麻煩了,因為廣告是報章, 尤其是商營報章的命脈。 legco.gov.hk | If you criticize some powerful tycoons or publish any news against them, you are asking for trouble because advertisements are the lifeline of newspapers, particularly commercial newspapers. legco.gov.hk |
但我确实想知道的是,为什么在通常对我国 并不友善的问 题上它却转向了巴基斯坦。 daccess-ods.un.org | But I do wonder why it is in a way moved towards Pakistan in matters that normally become inamicable to my country. daccess-ods.un.org |
其實, 不 友 善 也 不要緊 , 但 千 萬 不要錯 。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, it does not [...] matter if one is being unfriendly, however, one must [...]in no way make any mistake. legco.gov.hk |
本局亦表現了我們成熟的政治觸覺,通過涉及數百億元公帑的撥款申請, 以確保在㆗方不合作及擺姿態的 不友善 氣 氛 ㆘,工程仍然能夠進行。 legco.gov.hk | This Council has shown maturity and political sense in approving the expenditure of tens of billions of taxpayers' dollars in ensuring that work can continue whilst China sulks and postures in an atmosphere of hostility. legco.gov.hk |
他們向旅發局作出投訴卻不得要領,旅發局員工的態度亦 不友善。 legco.gov.hk | These travellers lodged complaints with the HKTB but to no avail, and the HKTB staff were also unhelpful. legco.gov.hk |
在過去 三十多年 來 , 新加坡 一 直很成 功 [...] , 他們所依靠的 便 是 危 機 感 , 因為最初環 繞 他們的 都 是 不 友 善 的環境。 legco.gov.hk | Over the past three decades or so, Singapore has consistently made great achievements, and what they [...] have relied on is precisely a sense of crisis, for they [...] were surrounded by an unfriendly environment at the [...]very beginning. legco.gov.hk |
該等投訴亦指,由於醫院管理局向公立醫院住院病 人提供的食物未經宗教“潔淨”,因此住院的回教徒無法食用該等食物;居 港的錫克教徒往往因他們的宗教服飾而成為警務人員截查的對象,他們的子 女在學校亦受到不友善的對待。 legco.gov.hk | Those complaints also allege that as the food provided by the Hospital Authority to in-patients of public hospitals have not been religiously "sanctified", in-patients who are Muslims are unable to take such food; the Sikhs residing in Hong Kong very often become the target of police officers' stop-and-search actions because of their religious attire, and their children are also ill-treated at school. legco.gov.hk |
因此,即使以溫和的速度對立法機關進行民主改革,㆗國亦加以阻 [...] 撓。㆗國似乎認為香港㆟㆒旦以正常的方式獲得投票權,便會行使這項權利,設立㆒ 個對㆗國懷有敵意或至少不友善的立 法機關。 legco.gov.hk | China has therefore discouraged even a moderate pace of democratic reform in the legislature, apparently believing that the people of Hong Kong, if given the vote in [...] the normal way will exercise their voting rights to install a legislature [...] hostile or at least not friendly towards China. legco.gov.hk |
有支付選項,比如Quickoffice的,有些用戶可能是一個解決辦法,但根據一些評論,他們的用戶界 面 不友善 , 你 可能會想到。 zh-tw.apple.ididactic.com | There are payment options like QuickOffice [...] that some users may be a solution but according to some reviews their user [...] interfaces are not as friendly you might expect. en.apple.ididactic.com |
关于境内流离失所者问题的指 导原则”规定,不得认为提供这种援助 是 不友善 的 行为,或是干预受灾国的内 政。146 《1949 年日内瓦四公约第二附加议定书》第十八条的评注也指出,红十 [...] 字国际联合会所表示的援助意向,无论其是否被接受,不应被视为干预国家内政 或侵犯国家主权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Guiding Principles on Internally Displaced Persons [...] provides that offers of assistance should [...] not be regarded as an unfriendly act or an interference [...]in the affected State’s internal [...]affairs.146 The commentary to article 18 of Additional Protocol II of the 1949 Geneva Conventions also states that offers made by the International Federation of the Red Cross should not be considered an interference in the internal affairs of the State or as infringing its sovereignty, whether or not the offer is accepted.147 109. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他对美国不友善的国 家,比如朝鲜和巴基斯坦,均拥有核武器,但并未使用。 china.blackstone.com | Other countries unfriendly to the United States [...] like North Korea and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and have not used them. blackstone.com |
上 述 制 度 是 否 奏 效,關 鍵 在 於 會 否 公 布 政府人員在離任後 所 接 受的聘任,理由 是公眾不友善的反應和傳媒的批評可發 揮強而有 力的作用,足 以 令 離任政府人員卻步,不敢 參與一些令 人 懷疑屬 不 恰 當的活動。 legco.gov.hk | This is because the threat of hostile public reaction and media comment can be a powerful disincentive to former members of government from engaging in activities which invite suspicion of impropriety. legco.gov.hk |
當然,我們也注意到,目前有十四多萬租戶是合資格申請租援的,但其中只 [...] 有一萬四千多戶申請,究其原因,可能是該計劃執行 得 不友善 , 我 們感覺有 這可能,但既然房委會現在打算放寬申請條件,即是說,將會有十四多萬租 [...] 戶合資格申請租援,如果是這樣的話,那便必須檢討和改善整個執行的手 [...] 法,這才可令真正符合資格而又有需要的人感到有關方面是真正有誠意推行 這項德政、有誠意幫助他們的。 legco.gov.hk | We consider this a possibility. However, given that the HA has decided to relax the application requirements, whereby some 140 000 households will be eligible [...] for rent assistance, it will be necessary [...] to review and improve the entire implementation [...]method so as to enable the needy [...]who are genuinely eligible to feel the sincerity of the authorities' concerned in implementing such a good initiative and in helping them. legco.gov.hk |
当局应诚意对待这种服务,不得认为提供这种服务 是 不友善 的 行 为, 或是干预一国的内政。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such an offer shall not be [...] regarded as an unfriendly act or interference [...]in a State’s internal affairs and shall be considered in good faith. daccess-ods.un.org |
當時的 結論是,若推 行 聘 請 殘疾人士的配額制 度 , 一些僱 主 將被迫僱用 殘疾人士,這些殘疾人士可能被 視 為 公 司的負累 , 因而不被 接受;而他們亦未必願意在不友 善 的環境中 繼續工 作。 legco.gov.hk | It was concluded that, under a quota system, some employers would be forced to employ disabled persons, who might then be seen as a liability of the company. legco.gov.hk |
田北俊議員曾經出言恐嚇港鐵行政總裁周松崗先生,謂自由黨會“密切 [...] 注視”港鐵日後提交立法會的任何建議,因為周先生做了一 件 不友善 的 事 , 那便是提名公民黨的一名候選人參選,而剛巧自由黨的現任議員又尋求連 任。 legco.gov.hk | With the greatest respect to the Honourable James TIEN, when he threatened Mr CHOW Chung-kong, CEO of the MTR, that the Liberal Party will keep a "closer eye" on the proposals of the MTR before the [...] Legislative Council in future, because Mr CHOW [...] had committed the unfriendly act of nominating [...]a candidate from the Civic Party to [...]stand for election where the Liberal Party incumbent happens to be seeking re-election, he scandalized the public by suggesting that power in public office can blatantly be used to serve party interest. legco.gov.hk |
服務計劃實施以來, 旅發局並無收到旅客對該局處理投訴不滿而要求覆檢,或表 示投訴不得要領和員工態度不友善等。 legco.gov.hk | Since the introduction of the QTS Scheme, the HKTB has not received any request from visitors for reviewing the handling of complaints, or feedback that they have lodged complaints with the HKTB to no avail or that the HKTB staff members were unhelpful. legco.gov.hk |
或許這些說話未免有失 厚道,而我㆒向亦並非對總督不友善 之 輩 ,但總督也許可以告訴我們,假如你留任 為總督至㆒九九七年六月㆔十日的話,你在未來㆔年的首要工作會是甚麼? legco.gov.hk | Maybe that is terribly unkind and I am not someone who is used to being unkind to the Governor, but perhaps you could tell us what is your number one priority, number one item on your agenda for the next three years if you are to stay as the Governor until 30 June 1997? legco.gov.hk |
即使在美國如此民主的國家,新聞自由 也一樣受政治控制,駐白宮的記者是經過挑選的,跟政府(即白宮)和 跟總統不友善的記 者,很多時候會被排除在白宮記者會之外。 legco.gov.hk | Even in a country as democratic as the United States, press freedom is still subject to political control. White House correspondents have to be screened and those not in good terms with the Government (that is, the White House) and the President would often be excluded from the list. legco.gov.hk |
自從於一九九六件成立之後,Dussmann Service Hong Kong [...] [...] Limited曾為多家駐於香港的主要領事館提供服務,現時,我們的保安服務已伸展至公共運輸、醫療機構、物流、社福組織、政府設施、工業大廈、高尚住宅物業、教育機構與及公共傳播機構等行業,而我們能夠為保安人員提供的專門培訓包括監控可疑活動、處理炸彈恐嚇及炸彈搜查、專業設備如X光機和金屬探測器、以至人群控制和處 理 不友善 情 況 等。 dussmann.com.hk | Our security services now extend to a variety of sectors such as public transport, healthcare institutions, logistics, social welfare agencies, government facilities, industrial complexes, luxury residential developments, educational institutions and public broadcasting institutions. We provide specialized training to our security personnel including monitoring of suspicious activities, handling of bomb threats and bomb searches, the use of [...] specialist equipment such as X-ray machines and metal [...] detectors as well as crowd control and dealing with hostile reaction. dussmann.com.hk |
迄今为止,在主要能源中,核能不仅 具 有对环 境友 善和符 合成本效益的特点,而且也是一种安全能源—— 当然,如果我们负责任地加以对待的话。 daccess-ods.un.org | As of today, among the major sources of energy, [...] nuclear energy is not only environmentally friendly and cost-effective, [...]it is also a safe source [...]of energy — if one treats it responsibly, of course. daccess-ods.un.org |
哥斯达黎加人民谨慎、慷慨、友善和 自 由。作为 他们的总统,我承诺我们将不懈努力,建设更美好的 国家和更美好的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | As President of Costa Rica, a [...] discrete, noble, fraternal and free people, I promise not to relent in our efforts to achieve [...]a better country and a better world. daccess-ods.un.org |
刪除“鑒於”,並以“理想的生活模式應該是能夠平均分配工作、休 息及活動時間,使人在各方面得以平衡發展;然而儘管今時今日” 代 替;在 “社會問題”之後加上“;就 此 ”;在 “立法制定”之後加上“每 周 ”;及在緊接句號之前加上“44小時及超時工作薪 酬 不 少 於 平時 薪酬的1.25倍,部分行業的僱員因應工作的特殊性可獲豁免,以保 障僱員權益;與此同時,政府亦應積極落實與制定‘標準工時’目的 息息相關的家庭友善政策,以推動工作與生活平衡”。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "as Hong Kong" after "That," and substitute with "an ideal life pattern should allow an even distribution of time for work, rest and activities to facilitate a balanced development of the various aspects of a person; however, while Hong Kong nowadays"; to delete "yet" after "society,"; to add "; in this connection" after "social problems"; and to add ", stipulating that the 'standard working hours' be 44 hours per [...] week with overtime pay [...] at a rate of not less than 1.25 times of the normal pay, and that exemption may be granted to employees of certain industries in the light of the specificity of their work, so as to protect the employees' rights; at the same time, the Government should also proactively implement family-friendly policies, which are [...]closely related to the [...]objectives of stipulating 'standard working hours', to promote work-life balance" immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |
委员会再次提及委员会决不以任 何方式充当国际法庭,其目的是通过寻 求 友善 解 决 人 权案件的方法,促进教科文组织主管领域中的人权(134 EX/3 PRIV.第 207 段)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Committee decided to recall that the Committee in no way set itself up as an international court of law, but that its aim was to promote human rights relating to UNESCO’s fields of competence by seeking a friendly solution to specific human cases (134 EX/3 PRIV., para. 207). unesdoc.unesco.org |
這 些 活 動 包 括 製 作 一 份 有 關 在《 僱 傭 條 例 》下 的 合 理 辯 解 條 款 的 單 張;以 9 種 不 同 語 文 (包 括 中 英 文 ) 印 製 有 關 《 修 訂 條 例 》 的 單 張 ; 推 出 新 刊 物 及 宣 傳 品 , 以 鼓 勵 更 廣 泛 使 用 書 面 僱 傭 合 約 和 妥 善 備 存 工 資 及 僱 傭 記 錄;製 作 新 一 輯 電 台 宣 傳 聲 帶 和 在 公 共 交 通 工 具 上 張 貼 廣 告,介 紹 如 何 分 辨 僱 員 與 自 僱 人 士 ;舉 辦 工 作 坊 以 促 進 僱 主 與 僱 員 之 間 的 有 效 溝 通 和 協 作;透 過 本 地 報 章 及 製 作 專 題 宣 傳 品 以 推 廣 家 庭 友 善 僱 傭 措 施,使 更 多 人 接 受 在 工 作 場 所 實 施 該 等 措 施;以 及 在 不 同 地 點 舉 行 巡 迴 展 覽,教 育 市 民 認 識 在《 修 訂 條 例 》及《 最 低 工 資 條 例 》 下 享 有 的 權 益 及 保 障 。 labour.gov.hk | These include producing a leaflet on the reasonable excuse clause under the EO, producing leaflets on the EAO in nine different languages including Chinese and English, introducing new publications and promotional materials to encourage the wider use of written employment contract and proper keeping of wage and employment records; producing a new radio Announcement in the Public Interest and placing advertisement in public transport about differentiating an employee from a self-employed person; organising a workshop to enhance effective communication and foster collaboration between employers and employees; promoting FFEP through local newspaper and producing thematic promotional materials to boost the receptiveness of FFEP in the workplace; as well as staging roving exhibitions in different locations to educate the public of their rights and protection under the EAO and MWO. labour.gov.hk |