单词 | 不加掩饰的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不加掩饰 —undisguisedExamples:(情感)不加掩饰的 adj—raw adj See also:不加—without • un- 掩饰—mask • cover up 掩饰 v—conceal v 掩饰 n—camouflage n 掩饰... v—patch sth. v
在几次会晤时,专家们被告知,社会普遍容忍对待非洲人后裔的种 族主义态度,而媒体不加掩饰的成见 ,恰恰反映出了是这种较普遍的现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a number of meetings, the experts were told that there is a general tolerance in society of racist attitudes towards people of African descent and that unflattering stereotypes portrayed in the media are just a reflection of this wider phenomenon. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,我们看到有人不加掩饰地企 图利用政治解决的必要性,作为不解决最脆弱者眼前 的人权和人道主义需求的借口。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still, we see badly disguised attempts to use the need for political settlements as a pretext not to address the immediate human rights and humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable. daccess-ods.un.org |
事實 ㆖,政府只是遮掩了另㆒問題,這就是出租的公屋於短時間內未能 增 加 , 原 因在於出 租公屋的數目不足。 legco.gov.hk | Indeed, the Administration has only [...] covered up [...] another problem: its failure to increase public rental housing within a short period, to relieve the shortage of public rental housing. legco.gov.hk |
不能低估或掩饰教科 文组织在非驻地国家参与联发援框架和联合国联合项目时受 到的 限制。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The practical limitations of UNESCO engaging in UNDAFs and joint United Nations projects in countries where it is not resident should not be underestimated [...] or glossed over. unesdoc.unesco.org |
换言之,亚美尼亚坚持提出不切实 际的要求,试 图实现诋毁目前政治进程的以拙劣手 法 加 以 掩饰的 目 标 ,而这个政治进程的核心 是基于下列条件的解决办法,即结束亚美尼亚的非法占领、恢复阿塞拜疆主权和 领土完整并确保阿塞拜疆共和国境内纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区的亚美尼亚和阿塞 [...] 拜疆社区和平共处(见亚美尼亚总统官方网站:http://www.president.am/events/ press/rvs/? daccess-ods.un.org | In other words, by insisting [...] on unrealistic claims, Armenia pursues the poorly concealed object of discrediting the ongoing political process, at the core [...]of which is the settlement [...]formula based on putting an end to the illegal Armenian occupation, restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and ensuring the peaceful coexistence of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region within the Republic of Azerbaijan (see the official website of the President of Armenia, available from http://www.president.am/events/press/rvs/?id=60). daccess-ods.un.org |
求主帮助中国政府,在这类事故发生时,能对公众保持 更 加 公 开 的 态 度, 而 不 是 试 图 掩饰 或 仅 允许呈现故事的一面。 amccsm.org | Pray that the authorities might be more open with the public when incidents of this kind occur, rather than seeking to cover things up or only allow one side of the story to be presented. amccsm.org |
此外,有一个 拥有最大核武库的国家 把具体国家作为先发制人核 打击目标,制定了核攻击行动计划,并 且 不加掩饰地 按照该计划进行核战争演习。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, a country with the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons, having designated specific countries as the targets of pre-emptive nuclear [...] strikes, has drawn up an operational plan for nuclear attacks and it is conducting nuclear war exercises under that plan in an undisguised manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
矿业公司大肆宣传公司承担社会和环境责 任 的 计 划,有时被人指责 为 掩饰公 司不愿与当地社区进行有意义的协作 ,承认它们有义务维持环境清洁,或至少对 公司活动直接影响的人支付公正的赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Broad publicity of corporate social and environmental [...] responsibility [...] initiatives by mining firms has sometimes been criticized as masking the companies’ unwillingness to engage meaningfully [...]with local communities, [...]recognize their obligations to keep the environment clean, or at least compensate fairly those directly affected by their activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿塞拜疆极端种族主义的宣传和毫 不掩饰的 战 争 威胁是不可接受的,阿尔扎 赫人民坚决地在民主价值的基础上进一 步 加 强 其 独立的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The extremely racist [...] propaganda and undisguised war threats of Azerbaijan are unacceptable and the people of Artsakh are resolute in further strengthening their independent [...]statehood based on democratic values. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列最 近的侵略行动和制造紧张的言论、尤其是关于被占领东耶路撒冷的这类行动和言 论导致了广泛的动乱,暴露了占领国 不 可 掩饰 和 处 心积 虑 的 下 述 意图:进一步破 坏当地的稳定局面,制造暴力循环,以转移国际社会对其非法政策、特别是对其 殖民行径和在加沙地 带持续进行的封锁的注意,并破坏恢复和平进程的努力,特 别是破坏美利坚合众国正在进行的恢复和平进程的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recent aggressive actions and inflammatory declarations by Israel, particularly with regard to Occupied East Jerusalem, have caused widespread unrest and reveal an unmistakable, deliberate intent by the occupying Power to further destabilize the situation on the ground, to foment a cycle of violence to distract [...] the international [...] community from its illegal policies, particularly its colonization practices and its ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip, and to undermine the efforts being exerted to revive the peace process, particularly those being [...]exerted by the United States of America. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府不單沒有尋找方案協助窮人,反而花很多精神來證明在職貧 窮 的 人 不是 太多,加以掩飾。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from making no efforts to find ways to help the poor, the [...] Government, paradoxically, tries very hard to prove that [...] there are not too many working poor in a bid to cover up the issue. legco.gov.hk |
会议在其向联合国大会提交的年度报告 中,试图掩饰各成员对裁谈会缺乏效 率 的不 满 程 度和原因, 也 加 剧 了 这一问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is compounded by the tendency of the [...] Conference to mask in its annual reports to the UN General Assembly the extent and causes of dissatisfaction among members over the CD’s [...]lack of productivity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2011 年 12 月大会通过国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)的休养 框架之前,行政首长理事会人力资源网外勤小组已确定一个频率在六周至六个月 [...] 不等的休养框架,而且,四周周期只能作为框架外的一个例外措施在下列情况中 适用:使工作人员更加艰苦和隔绝的极端安全情况(例如,工作人 员 不 得 不 在没 有自然光的掩体式 住宿居住,社交活动非常有限,而且行动非常受限),或极端 的自然灾害情况(如海地地震)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prior to the adoption by the General Assembly of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) rest and recuperation framework in December 2011, the Human Resources Network Field Group of the Chief Executives Board for Coordination had established a rest and recuperation framework with frequencies ranging between six weeks and six months, and the four-week cycle would be applicable only as an exceptional measure outside the framework under circumstances where the [...] security situation was so extreme that it placed additional hardship and isolation on staff (e.g. staff had to be accommodated in bunker-like accommodation with no natural light, very limited social interaction and very confined movements) or extreme natural disasters (e.g. the earthquake in Haiti). [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
但即使称之为“权利”, 也不能允许它掩盖在 发展中国家行使该“权利”时所造成的进退两难的真实局面,企业强 加的额外 成本可能会使穷人失去生活必需品。 iprcommission.org | But describing them as “rights” should not be allowed to conceal the very real dilemmas raised by their application in developing countries, where the [...] extra costs they impose may be at the [...]expense of the essential prerequisites of life for poor people. iprcommission.org |
我们希望,仍然支持反对派和武装团体的各方 (正如有些同事在发言中所示,这些方 面 不掩饰 自己 的立场 )忠告他们的朋友促进全国对话,放弃所有摧 [...] 毁叙利亚的意图,以及放弃所有授权外来军事干涉的 企图。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is our hope that the parties still supporting [...] the opposition and armed groups — and [...] those parties spoke about themselves, as some [...]of my colleagues indicated in their statements [...]— will sincerely advise their friends to foster a national dialogue, abandon all intentions to destroy Syria and to abandon all attempts to authorize outside military intervention. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些 非法行为已构成犯罪,如果企图掩饰 这 些 行为,则只能说明占领国决意走暴力和 偏见道路,而不走巴勒斯坦人民和国际社会致力推 动 的 和 平 与合作道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | These illegal acts are criminal and any attempt to justify them serves only to highlight the occupying Power’s determination to walk the path of violence and prejudice rather than the one of peace and cooperation to which Palestinians, along with the international community, are committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国因此将这一行为理解为用于对其 上级掩饰其政治倾向的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party therefore understands such behaviour as a means used to conceal his political preferences from his superiors. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚美尼亚掩饰不住的紧张 及其企图就霍贾利事件以及在亚美尼亚侵略阿塞 拜疆期间犯下的其他罪行误导国际社会的特别努力太容易得到解释了。 daccess-ods.un.org | The poorly concealed nervousness of the Armenians and the energy that they devote to deluding the international community about the events in Xocali and other crimes committed during Armenia’s war of aggression against Azerbaijan are all too easy to explain. daccess-ods.un.org |
而对那些媒体和伪学界中酷爱在他 们关于我国的高谈阔论中使用“失败国家”等等陈 [...] 词滥调的人,我只能说,而且可以说是带着 毫 不掩 饰的鄙夷 说,我们做得很好,谢谢你们。 daccess-ods.un.org | And for those in the media and pseudo-academics with a penchant for inserting clichés like “failing State” into their sanctimonious lectures on [...] my country and several others, I can [...] only say, admittedly with poorly disguised disdain, [...]that we are doing very well, thank you. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些诈骗电子邮件会设法“掩饰”他们将引导您访 问 的 网址— 而该链接貌似将引导您访问www.moneybookers.com。如果您点击这个链接并查看您要访问的URL,您就会发现 这 不 是 Sk rill (Moneybookers)官方网站的网址。 moneybookers.com | Some scam emails [...] will seek to “mask” the address that they are sending you to – while the link may appear to send you to www.moneybookers.com, if you click the link and look at the URL you are sent to, you will see that it is not an official Skrill [...](Moneybookers) website address. moneybookers.com |
面对会议厅和德 班街头毫不掩饰的敌意 ,以色列被迫退出。 daccess-ods.un.org | Faced with unabashed hostility in the conference [...] hall and in the streets of Durban, Israel had been compelled to withdraw. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載 列 的 條 款 ,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處 理 不 超 過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份 , 加 入 將 授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。 centron.com.hk | Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to [...] allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate [...] so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is [...]required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders. centron.com.hk |
这封信表明亚美尼亚宣传机器毫 不掩饰 地再 一次企图以公然捏造事实的手法 来误导国际社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | This letter represents yet another unconcealed attempt of Armenian propaganda to mislead the international community by means of blatant falsifications. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在必须与最初一 [...] 样,继续用诸如今天的安全理事会会议这样的团结的 行动和承诺,来恢复和加强被灾难遮 掩的 希 望 ,今天 的安理会不可回 避地提醒各国认识到那里所发生的 情况和今后仍然存在的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hope [...] eclipsed by disaster must be addressed and strengthened now, as it was at first, by continuous [...]acts of solidarity [...]and commitment, such as today’s Security Council meeting, which serves as an ineluctable reminder of what happened there and of the challenges that still lie ahead. daccess-ods.un.org |
食物業規例》(第 132 章附屬法例)第 13 條訂明,食物業不得 使用露㆝㆞方(如庭院、巷、街、㆝台或露㆝層面)配 製 或 貯存未 加掩蓋的食物,或潔淨或 貯存用以配製 食物的用具。 legco.gov.hk | (d) Section 13, Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg.) Section 13 of the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 subsidiary [...] legislation) (“FBR”) [...] states that food businesses shall not use open spaces (such as yard, alley, street, roof top or open deck) for the preparation or storage [...]of open food or the cleansing [...]or storage of cooking utensil. legco.gov.hk |
虽然迫切需要符合联合国部队住房标准的住房,但联合国目前在摩 加迪沙提供的住处不符合 联合国第五安全等级的最低运作安保标准。为了满足非 洲联盟把联索特派团文职人员搬到摩 加 迪 沙 的要求,非索特派团支助办正在建造 预制住房,内有三间套房、一些办公室和支助人员住处,并有一个加 强 掩 体。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the urgent need for accommodation in conformity with United Nations standards for military forces has been met, the current range of United [...] Nations-provided facilities in [...] Mogadishu does not comply with the minimum operating security standards of the United Nations in security Phase V. In order to support the African Union request to relocate AMISOM civilian personnel to Mogadishu, UNSOA is constructing prefabricated buildings comprising three suites, offices and living accommodation for support staff, and one reinforced bunker. daccess-ods.un.org |
(2) 任何人如沒有合法辯解或沒有獲得公司或其人員特准而處於任何巴士、西北鐵路 車輛或鐵路處所的任何部分,或違反本附例,在任何人員要求其離開該等地方時拒絕離開,即可 被立即移離該等地方,而不損害 按照本附例可予 施 加的 任 何處罰或附加費。 legco.gov.hk | (2) Any person who, without lawful excuse or the authority of the Corporation or its officials is on any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or on any part of the railway premises or who otherwise being in breach of this Bylaw refuses to leave [...] the same on being [...] requested so to do by any official may be immediately removed therefrom without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance [...]with this Bylaw. legco.gov.hk |
秘书长指出,减灾战略秘书处目前完全由预算外资 源供资,秘书处已采取若干措施,通过扩大捐助群体和 增 加不 指 定用 途 的 资 金 , 来提高资金的可预测性;不过,由于预算外资源的性质,这种资源无法保证减灾 战略秘书处核心活动和经常活动的供资具有必要的可预测性和稳定性(同上,第 [...] 27.42 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General indicates that the Strategy secretariat, which is currently funded exclusively through extrabudgetary resources, [...] has taken a number of [...] measures to increase the predictability of funds through the expansion of the donor base and the increase in unearmarked [...]funds; however, [...]by their nature, extrabudgetary resources do not ensure the necessary predictability and stability of funding of the core and recurrent activities of the Strategy secretariat (ibid., para. 27.42). daccess-ods.un.org |
由国外知名人士及组织资助的 Tbilisi 宣传机器 旨在蒙蔽国际社会和格鲁吉亚人民, 掩饰 格 鲁 吉亚 在其境内违反国际人道主义法和侵犯人 权 的 行 径。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Tbilisi propaganda machine, sponsored from abroad by well-known individuals and organizations, aimed to “pull the wool” over the eyes of the international community and its own people in regard to Georgian violations of international humanitarian law and human rights within its borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
在为本研究报告进行的研究中,检索和分析了复杂的航空数据,包括“数 据字符串”,201 进一步描述掩饰的飞行 如何利用假飞行计划以及幌子公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | In research conducted for the present study, complex aeronautical data, including “data strings”201 retrieved and analysed, have added further to this picture of flights disguised using fake flight plans and also front companies. daccess-ods.un.org |