

单词 不利后果

See also:

不利 adj

adverse adj
negative adj
unfavourable adj
inauspicious adj



后果 n

result n
aftermath n

不利 n

disadvantage n

External sources (not reviewed)

还有人认为,如果承认暂缓效力,则可能因程序性延误 导致某些法律方面不确定性 不利后果。
It was also asserted that acknowledging suspensive effect entailed certain drawbacks in terms of
[...] legal uncertainty resulting from procedural delays.
粮食援助的货币化,即销售捐助产 品 以 筹 集 援 助资金 , 尤 其会对当地市场价格造不利后果, 影 响当地生产, 应当尽最大可能 避免。
The monetization of food aid - i.e., the selling of donated
products to raise funds
[...] for aid - has a particularly negative effect on local market prices and thus disruptive impacts on local production and should be avoided to the largest [...]
extent possible.
本报告例举了以下领域不利后果和 最新发展:生命权和失踪 人员问题、不歧视原则、移徙自由、财产权、宗教自由和文化权、见解和言论自 [...]
The present report
[...] provides examples of adverse consequences and recent developments [...]
in relation to the right to life and
the question of missing persons, the principle of non-discrimination, freedom of movement, property rights, freedom of religion and cultural rights, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to education as well as with regard to a gender perspective.
因此内部司法理事会向秘书长建议,“如果把现任审 案法官的任期延长 12 个月,可以避免这不利后果”。
The Internal Justice Council has therefore advised the Secretary-General that “this undesirable
result could be avoided if the terms of office of the current ad litem
[...] judges were to be extended for a further 12 months”.
在 本节中,独立专家概述了这些倡议,并简要触及提出的一些重要关切,它们涉及 拟议的立法措施对目的受惠者――重债穷国――发展前景的潜 不利后果。
In this section, the independent expert sketches these initiatives and briefly addresses some of the key concerns raised in relation to the potential adverse consequences of proposed national legislative measures on the development prospects of the intended beneficiaries – HIPCs.
欧洲联盟作出这项决定后,不仅要对该邪教犯罪组织在伊朗和伊拉克境内所 实施的野蛮恐怖行为的遇难者家属作出说明,而且还要对这项决定在破坏国际社 会打击残暴恐怖主义威胁的集体努力方面产生的消 不利后果 承 担 责任。
By making this decision, the European Union should not only be accountable to the families of those who have fallen victim to the brutal terrorist acts of the said criminal cult in Iran and Iraq, but also bear the responsibility for the negative and harmful consequences that this decision will have in undermining the collective efforts of the international community in the fight against the atrocious threat of terrorism.
第 8 款把危险废
[...] 物或其他废物的无害环境管理定义为“采取一切可行步骤,确保危险废物或其 他废物的管理方式将能保护人类健康和环境,使其免受此类废物可能产生不 利后果。
Paragraph 8 defines the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes or other wastes as “taking all practicable steps to ensure that hazardous wastes or other wastes are managed in a
manner which will protect human health and the
[...] environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes”.
应竭力避免出现以下情况:实行制裁的后果对第三国造成重大的物质和财政 损害;目标国或第三国的平民饱 不利后果。
To the maximum extent possible, situations in which the consequences of the introduction of sanctions would inflict considerable material and financial harm on third States or in which the
civilian population in the target State or third States would
[...] experience considerable adverse consequences should be avoided.
成 人对于其所面对的儿童负有责任,必须采取一切预防措施,尽量避免使儿童因参 与而陷于暴力、剥削或任何其 不利后果。
Adults have a responsibility towards the children with whom they work and must take every
precaution to minimize the risk to children of violence, exploitation
[...] or any other negative consequence of their participation.
[...] 国家发展战略,但是这类措施不应等候长期的战略转型,因为任何延迟均对最贫 穷和最弱势的群体造成不可逆转 不利后果。
While such measures should not substitute for wellplanned and managed national development strategies backed by responsive partnerships for development, they should not wait for
longer-term structural transformations as delays have
[...] irreversible adverse consequences for the poorest [...]
and most vulnerable.
[...] 任的妇女能够切实发挥作用,即她们知道和理解自身的职责,不受歧视,不因偏 见而无法履行这些智者,不因履行这些职责而面临任 不利后果 或 暴 力,也不只 是被象征地安排这些职务。
Such measures should also aim at ensuring that women who have a role in decision-making bodies are able to play that role effectively, namely, that they know and understand their duties, are not discriminated against or prevented from carrying out those duties
because of prejudice, do
[...] not face any backlash or violence for taking up those roles and are not given positions [...]
as a token gesture.
[...] 的公务员加薪部分使政府的薪金费用总额增加 27%,这在该地区造成不和谐,违 反了基金组织协定,而且人们担心,这可能对科索沃经济产 不利后果。
According to IMF, the salary raise for the public sector included in the budget results in a 27 per cent increase of the government’s total wage bill, which is
dissonant in the region, violates the IMF agreement and, it is
[...] feared, may have negative consequences on Kosovo’s economy.
气候多变性和气候变化、海平面 上升和极端气候(诸如风暴和干旱的频度和强度增加),给许多这些国家带 不利 后果。
Climate variability and change, sea-level rise and climate extremes
such as increased frequency and intensity of storm events
[...] and droughts have adverse consequences for many of those States.
19.A. 市政废水、包括主要城市和港口停泊游轮的影响:处理的规模和程度——直 接输入物和河流输入物产生的影响、包括对沿海水域微生物质量影响的性质,以 及对水质的影响、特别是对水产养殖业和旅游 不利后果 的 经济影响——预计未 来十年的发展情况。
19.A. Municipal wastewater, including the impact of major cities and of cruise ships in harbours: scale and degree of treatment — nature of impact, both through direct and riverine inputs and including impacts on microbiological quality of coastal
waters, as well as economic
[...] impacts of adverse effects on water quality, especially on aquaculture and tourism — projected developments over the next decade.
[...] 仍然是《宪章》规定的一种重要手段。我们决心确保谨慎确定制裁对象,以实现 明确的目标,遵守安全理事会实施的制裁,并确保制裁的实施方式,在实现预期 结果的效力与可能对人民和第三国造成 不利后果 , 包 括社会、经济和人道主义 后果之间取得平衡。
We underscore that sanctions remain an important tool under the Charter in our efforts to maintain international peace and security without recourse to the use of force, and resolve to ensure that sanctions are carefully targeted in support of clear objectives, to comply with sanctions established by the Security Council and to ensure that sanctions are implemented in ways that balance effectiveness to achieve the
desired results against
[...] the possible adverse consequences, including socioeconomic and humanitarian consequences, [...]
for populations and third States.
[...] 不应成为向所有疟疾高危人群提供蚊帐的障碍,尤其对那些最受疟疾带来 不利 后果威胁 的人群来说更是如此,例如幼儿和孕妇。
Cost should not be a barrier to their availability to all people at risk for
malaria, especially those at highest
[...] risk for adverse outcomes as a result of the [...]
disease, such as young children and pregnant women.
如果无法商定一项基金组织规划,会给若干捐助者为阿富汗重建信托 基金提供资金的能力和必要方案的执行带来严 不利后果。
Failure to agree on an IMF programme could have serious negative consequences regarding the ability of several donors to contribute to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund and the delivery of essential programmes.
[...] 的明确、合法目标,而制裁的实施方式应当平衡兼顾,既要注意在取得预期效果 方面的效力,也要注意可能对民众和第三国造成 不利后果 , 包括社会经济和人 道主义后果。
Sanctions should be carefully targeted in support of clear and legitimate objectives under the Charter and be implemented in ways that balance
effectiveness to achieve
[...] the desired results against possible adverse consequences, including [...]
socio-economic and humanitarian consequences, for populations and third States.
本组织可努力提高工作人员认识管理不善的冲突所产生 不利 后果,并 可考虑跟踪与冲突有关的数据,如病假缺勤和工作人员的更替情况。
The Organization could strive to raise awareness among
[...] staff of the adverse outcomes of badly managed [...]
conflict and might consider tracking
conflict-related data such as sick leave absences and turnover of staff.
我们还必须防止为谋求解决该国问题而作的努力出现 任何倒退;那样就可能在政治和安全方面造 不利后 果,而如果不幸地出现此种情况,后果将非常严重。
We must also prevent any regression in efforts towards a settlement; that could have negative effects in the political and security spheres which would be very grave indeed if, God forbid, they should take place.
(e) 积极、人道和迅速处理为家庭团聚目的而进入或离开一国的申请,同 时确保提出这类请求不会为申请人及其家庭成员带 不利后果
(e) To deal with applications to enter or leave a State for the purpose of family reunification in a positive, humane and expeditious manner, while
ensuring that the submission of such
[...] requests entail no adverse consequences for the applicants [...]
and for the members of their family
铭记《关于世界粮食安全的罗马宣言》、2002年6月13 日在罗马通过的
《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》和《世界粮食首脑会议宣言》、2009年11月16 日通过的《关于粮食安全的世界首脑会议宣言》,以及1994年4月15 日通过的
[...] 《关于改革方案对最不发达国家和粮食净进口国的可 不利后果 的 措 施的马拉喀 什部长级决定
Bearing in mind the Rome Declaration on World Food Security, the World Food Summit Plan of Action and the Declaration of the World Food Summit, adopted in Rome on 13 June 2002, the Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security, adopted on 16 November 2009, and the Marrakesh
Ministerial Decision on Measures Concerning
[...] the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform [...]
Programme on Least Developed and Net Foodimporting
Countries, adopted on 15 April 1994
又重申气候变化和海平面上升 不利后果 对 小 岛屿发展中国家的可持续发 展构成严重而特殊的风险;气候变化的后果可能威胁到其中一些国家的生存;由 [...]
于小岛屿发展中国家的脆弱性,适应气候变化和海平面上升的不利影响仍然是这 些国家的一个主要优先事项
[...] also that the adverse effects of climate change [...]
and sea-level rise present significant and specific risks to
the sustainable development of small island developing States, that the effects of climate change may threaten the very existence of some of them and that, given their vulnerability, adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change and sea-level rise therefore remains a major priority for small island developing States
然而, 近几十年来,世界贸易和全球经济惊人增长,而相应的管理经济增长对全球环境不利后果的能力并未大大增强。
Yet, the phenomenal growth in world trade and the global
economy over recent
[...] decades has not been matched by greatly enhanced capacity to manage the adverse consequences of growth for [...]
the global environment.
秘书长决定向该区域派出有非洲联盟参加的首个评估团,目的是传递下列信 息:应声援那些在利比亚危机中承受 不利后果 的 人 ; 向该区域发出信号,使 人们了解联合国、非洲联盟和西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)与萨赫勒受影响 [...]
The Secretary-General’s decision to deploy the first assessment mission to the region, with the participation of the African Union, was intended to convey the message that
solidarity should be extended to those
[...] suffering the negative consequences of the Libyan crisis; [...]
and to send a signal to the region
that the United Nations, the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) stand together with the affected populations in the Sahel and that, despite past differences, the nature and the complexity of the challenges before the Sahel region demand the cooperative efforts of all partners.
由于世界粮食市场急剧波动和全球气候变化,种植农业作物出现了不可预测不利后果,在 这种情况下,乌兹别克斯坦共和国不仅有能力保障自己的粮食供 [...]
In the context of global climate change and violent fluctuations in the world food
market, which are affecting farming in
[...] unpredictable and negative ways, Uzbekistan’s [...]
ability not only to provide itself
with food but also to be one of the largest exporters in the Central and South Asian region is helping to bolster world food security.
济和商业利益,并认识到,如果这种转让没有共同商定的国际标准,就可能对国 际和平、安全、稳定、社会和经济发展以及人类安全造 不利后果。
It should also recognize that the absence of commonly agreed international standards for such transfers may have negative consequences for international peace, security, stability and social and economic development as well as human security.
有几个代表团指出,安全理事会近年来采用的制裁制度明确显示出,可以具 针对性的方式实施制裁,以尽量缩小对平民及第三方造 不利后果 的 可 能性。
Several delegations stated that the sanctions regimes adopted by the Security Council in recent years had clearly demonstrated that sanctions could be
instituted in a targeted way to minimize the
[...] possibility of adverse consequences for civilian [...]
populations as well as third parties.
方案的目标是减少与学校有关的基于性别的暴力,以改善两国 40 个社区的教 育成果及减少对健康造成不利后果 , 重 点是 10 至 14 岁小学高年级和初中男 女学生。
The objective of the programme was to reduce school-related, gender-based violence to improve educational outcomes and reduce negative
health outcomes in 40 communities, both in
[...] Ghana and in Malawi, focusing on male and female students in upper primary and lower secondary school, ranging [...]
in age from 10 to 14 years.




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