单词 | 不列颠哥伦比亚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不列颠哥伦比亚 —British Columbia, Pacific province of CanadaExamples:不列颠哥伦比亚省—British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada See also:不列颠—Britain • Great Britain 不列颠 n—British n 哥伦比亚—Columbia (District of, or University etc)
多伦多证券交易所股票代码:HAN.H)(以下简称“Hansa”)宣布年度股东大会及股东特别大会将于2012年12月19日在加拿 大不列颠哥伦比亚 省 温 哥华举行。 tipschina.gov.cn | (NEX:HAN.H) ("Hansa") announces that its [...] annual general and special meeting of [...] shareholders will be held in Vancouver, B.C. on December 19, [...]2012 (the "Meeting"). tipschina.gov.cn |
万国希望慈善组织是一家非政府组织,总部位于加拿大 的不列颠哥伦比亚, 致力于帮助全球有危险的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hope for the Nations, an [...] NGO based in British Columbia, Canada, focuses on [...]helping children at risk around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些观测站的采用始于加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚 省 维 多利 亚大学确定的维多利亚海下试验网络项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Deployment of these observatories began with the Victoria [...] Experimental Network Under the Sea (VENUS) project established at the [...] University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. daccess-ods.un.org |
B.C. 省校友会网络便于曾在 不列颠哥伦比亚 省 生 活、学习和工作过的人士与该省和与其他 B.C. 校友网保持联系。 cn.britishcolumbia.ca | The B.C. Alumni network provides an opportunity [...] for those who have lived, studied [...] or worked in British Columbia to maintain connections [...]with the province and network with other B.C. alumni. britishcolumbia.ca |
获得了加拿大勋章(Order of Canada)和首个联合国科学、教育和环保奖的Angelo,1980年在加拿 大不列颠哥伦比亚 省 创 立了“加拿大河流日”活动并获得巨大成功,之后他又成功说服众多组织及联合国机构,在2005年由联合国批准设立“世界河流日”。 tipschina.gov.cn | Angelo, a member of the Order of Canada [...] and an inaugural [...] recipient of a United Nations (UN) Award for Science, Education and Conservation, founded the highly successful Rivers Day event in British Columbia in 1980 before [...]successfully lobbying [...]numerous organizations as well as agencies of the UN to recognize WRD in 2005. tipschina.gov.cn |
(c) 不列颠哥伦比亚省的《多种文化法》规定任命一位负责多文化事务的 部长并设立多种文化咨询委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) British Columbia's Multiculturalism [...] Act legislates the appointment of a Minister responsible for Multiculturalism and [...]a Multicultural Advisory Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
Helijet公司在25年中提供温哥华市中心 和不列颠哥伦比亚 省 首 府维多利亚市中心之间的联络服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | For 25 years, Helijet has offered commuter service between downtown Vancouver and [...] downtown Victoria, the capital of British Columbia. tipschina.gov.cn |
在加拿大,希尔威正准备为 不列颠哥伦比亚 省 北 部地区的Silvertip高品级银铅锌矿项目提交小型矿山许可申请,以便为公司的成长与矿产的地理分布多元化提供进一步的平台。 tipschina.gov.cn | In Canada, Silvercorp is preparing to apply for a Small Mine Permit for the Silvertip high grade silver-lead-zinc mine project in northern British Columbia to provide a further platform for growth and geographic diversification. tipschina.gov.cn |
这 种 全面 战 略的例 子之一就是不列颠哥伦比亚省的“住 房规划” , 它向 该 省 易 受 影响个人提供 [...] 新的住房 单 元,以及购 买 和 翻 新 建 筑 ; 同 时扩大 “ 帮 助无 家可归者方案”,使其从 2006 年的约 30 个社区扩大到 2008 年的 47 个。 daccess-ods.un.org | An example of a comprehensive [...] strategy is Housing Matters BC, which will provide new [...]housing units, purchase and renovate [...]buildings across British Columbia for vulnerable individuals; and expand the Homeless Outreach Program from approximately 30 communities in 2006 to 47 in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
大约 200 名学生聚集在纽约联合 国总部与不列颠哥伦比亚(加拿 大)、马里兰和新泽西(美利坚合众国)和西班牙港 (特立尼达和多巴哥)的同学联网召开视频会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Approximately 200 students [...] gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York, where they were linked by videoconference to their counterparts in British Columbia (Canada), [...]Maryland and New Jersey [...](United States of America) and Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago). daccess-ods.un.org |
Helijet还为不列颠哥伦比亚省急救服务部门提供航空急救服务,于2010年下半年赢得了使用三架西科斯基S-76C型直升机在八年中继续提供急救服务的合同。 tipschina.gov.cn | Helijet also provides air ambulance service for the British Columbia Ambulance Service [...] and, in late 2010, won the rights [...]to continue that service with three Sikorsky S-76C+ machines for the next eight years. tipschina.gov.cn |
(e) 不列颠哥伦比亚省打 击贩运人口办公室与其他省机关、联邦部委、市 政府、执法机构和社区组织协作,努力消除贩运人口行为,并为被贩 运的人口提供服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) The Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (OCTIP) in British Columbia, is working [...] in collaboration with other provincial [...]ministries, federal departments, municipal governments, law enforcement agencies and community organizations, to eliminate human trafficking and build services for trafficked persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目的赞助商,洪都拉斯圣巴巴拉和加拿 大不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河的扶轮社分别提供了校服、鞋子、书包和 [...] 其他物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project’s sponsors, the Rotary clubs [...] of Santa Bárbara, Honduras, and [...] Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada, are separately [...]providing uniforms, shoes, school bags, and other items. daccess-ods.un.org |
对规则机制 进行了比较分析的一份报告6 认为:“一些渔业在实施单个配额计划后显著改善 [...] 了卫生和安全状况,包括新斯科舍外海渔业......、阿拉斯加大比目鱼和裸盖鱼 渔业......,以及不列颠哥伦比亚象拔蚌渔业......,在单个配额系统下的其他 渔业维持着相对高的事故和伤亡率,例如新英格兰地区厚蛤蜊和神蛤渔业...... [...]以及冰岛的国家渔业......和新西兰。 fao.org | A report on the comparative analysis of regulatory regimes6 states: “Some fisheries have experienced significant improvements in health and safety following the implementation of Iq programs, including the Nova Scotia [...] offshore fishery ..., [...] the Alaskan halibut and sablefish fisheries ... and the British Columbia geoduck fishery [...]...; others have maintained relatively high accident and fatality rates under the [...]Iq system, such as the surf clam and ocean quahog fisheries of New England ... and the national fisheries of Iceland ... and New Zealand”. fao.org |
根据不列颠哥伦比亚大学最近所做 的一项研究,索马里海域 2002 年的渔获量约为 60 000 吨,悬挂外国国旗的船只 占其中一半。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a recent study by the University of British Columbia, fish catches [...] in Somali waters in 2002 were about 60,000 [...]tons, of which half were taken by foreign-flagged vessels.39 Conclusive information about the legality of those catches is unavailable. daccess-ods.un.org |
棕色眼睛的苏珊在美国所有的增长,其范围扩展到加拿大南部 - 来自纽芬兰到不列颠哥伦比亚省。 zh.northrup.org | Brown-Eyed Susan grows all over the USA, and its range extends to southern [...] Canada--from Newfoundland to British Columbia. northrup.org |
国家的希望协会,作为联合国非政府组织非正式区域网驻北美洲协调员,邀 请加拿大的非政府组织、有关人道主义组织的活动家和热心社会事务的青年参加 了 2010 年 4 月在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省基 洛纳举办的论坛和讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hope for the Nations, in its role as coordinator for the United Nations NGO Informal Regional Network in North America, invited Canadian non-governmental organizations, activists from interested humanitarian [...] organizations and socially [...] engaged youth to participate in a forum and workshop held in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada in April 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您希望成为加拿大永久居民,并打算毕业后 在不列颠哥伦比亚 省 工 作和居住,您可以申 请不列颠哥伦比亚 省 级 提名计划 (BCPNP) 的国际学生组别。 learnlivebc.ca | If you would like to become a permanent resident of Canada, and intend to work and [...] reside in B.C. after you [...] study, you may qualify to apply to the international student stream of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee [...]Program (BCPNP). learnlivebc.ca |
在 18 4 6 年 以 前 文 化 上 被 改 变 的 树 木 被 作 为 考 古 场 地 , 得 到 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 省 遗 产 保 存 法 案 的 保 护 (不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 市 场 推 广 网 络 机 构2003a)。 wrcea.cn | Trees that were culturally [...] modified before 1846 are considered archeological sites and are protected under the BC Heritage Conservation Act (BC Market Outreach [...]Network 2003a). wrcea.org |
(d) 不列颠哥伦比亚卫生管理局为有急性、慢性、缓解或医疗康复需要的 人提供登记和社区治疗服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Health [...] Authorities in British Columbia provide home [...]and community care services for persons with acute, chronic, palliative [...]or rehabilitative health care needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
有 相 当 [...] 数 量 的 西 部 红 柏 被 圈 入 “ 工 作 ” 林 中 , 其 中 许 多 已 经 得 到 或 正 在 等 待 颁 发 证 书 ( 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 市 场 推 广 网 络 2003b)。 wrcea.cn | A significant amount of cedar is included in the [...] “working” forest, much of [...] which has received certification, or is in the process of receiving certification (BC Market Outreach [...]Network 2003b). wrcea.org |
本项目得到加拿大及不列颠哥伦比亚 省 政 府提供 经费方得以完成。 welcomebc.ca | This project is made possible through funding from the [...] Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. welcomebc.ca |
专属经济区的数据来自“我们周围的海洋”项目,该项目是 由不列颠哥伦比亚 大 学 与皮尤环 境小组(www.seaaroundus.org)合作开展的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Exclusive economic zone data from the “Sea Around Us” [...] project, a collaboration between the [...] University of British Columbia and the Pew Environment [...]Group (www.seaaroundus.org). daccess-ods.un.org |
多年来,该指南的前几版已为许多新移民 [...] 提供了帮助,我确信它将协助您和您的家庭找到您所需 的信息和服务,让您信心百倍,在不列颠哥伦比亚 省 安 家落 户。 welcomebc.ca | Earlier versions of this guide have helped many new immigrants over the years, and I know it will help [...] you and your family to find the information and services you need so [...] that you can confidently settle in British Columbia. welcomebc.ca |
不列颠哥伦比亚省的 EQA印章方便国际学生识别高等教育机构是否满足或超 出不列颠哥伦比亚 省 的质量保证标准。 tipschina.gov.cn | B.C.'s. EQA seal enables [...] international students to readily see which post-secondary institutions are recognized as having met or exceeded government quality assurance standards in British Columbia. tipschina.gov.cn |
这篇文章还提到,HDMI 还计划在当地劳动力市场培养地下采矿技术人才,以应 对不列颠哥伦比亚 省 目 前在这方面的短缺问题。 cn.britishcolumbia.ca | It is also said that HDMI plans to cultivate [...] proven underground mining expertise in the local labour market to [...] supplement and enhance British Columbia's current shortage. britishcolumbia.ca |
加 拿 大 国 家 林 产 工 业 技 术 研 究 院 希 望 感 谢 它 的 工 [...] 业 会 员 、 加 拿 大 自 然 资 源 部及不列颠哥伦比亚省、阿尔伯 塔省、萨斯喀彻温省、安大略省、魁北 [...]克省、新 斯 科 舍 省 、 新 不 鲁 仕 维 克 省 [...]和 纽 芬 兰 省 以 及 拉 布 拉 多 地 区 对 此 项目的指导和资金支 持 。 wrcea.cn | Forintek Canada Corp. would like to thank its industry [...] members, Natural Resources Canada, and [...] the Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, [...]Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, [...]New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador for their guidance and financial support of this project. wrcea.org |
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 Ussif Rasid Sumaila 教授着重提到全球变暖对可持续利用海洋鱼类资源的一些影响, 如鱼类繁殖、物种分布范围、迁移模式的变化、珊瑚漂白增加、海洋酸化和生态 [...] 系统组成的变化;以 及 渔获量变化和渔获值变化带来的经济影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Professor, University of British Columbia, highlighted some of the impacts of [...] global warming on the [...]sustainable use of ocean fish resources such as changes in fish productivity, distributional range of species, migration patterns, increases in coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and changes in ecosystem composition; as well as economic effects through changes in catches and catch values. daccess-ods.un.org |
艾伯塔(2001 年)、不列颠哥伦比亚(2001 年)、马尼托巴(2000 年)、新不伦 瑞克(2001 [...] 年)、纽芬兰和拉布拉多(2001 年)、新斯科舍(2000 年)、努纳武 特(2004 年)、安大略(2001 年)、爱德华王子岛(2001 [...]年)、萨斯喀彻温 (2000 年)和育空(2000 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | a number of provinces and territories, including [...] Alberta (2001), British Columbia (2001), Manitoba [...](2000), New Brunswick (2001), Newfoundland [...]and Labrador (2001), Nova Scotia (2000), Nunavut (2004), Ontario (2001), Prince Edward Island (2001), Saskatchewan (2000) and Yukon (2000). daccess-ods.un.org |