

单词 不分胜败

See also:


not divided
not distinguishing between

不胜 adj

very adj

胜败 n

result n

External sources (not reviewed)

尊重文化的多样性能够丰不同 文明之间的对话,因此会胜企图挫 败 别 国 文明的 霸权主义企图。
Respect for cultural diversity, which enriched the dialogue between civilizations, should prevail over any hegemonic attempt to annihilate others.
在这方面,如果您能将我的信及其附件∗ 作为第十七届会议议程项目6下的 一个文分发,我将不胜感谢
In this regard, I would highly appreciate it if you could kindly circulate my letter and the annex thereto* as a document of the seventeenth session under agenda item 6.
谨请你将此信及其附件作为人权理事会议程项目4 下的正式文分发,不胜 感谢
I would highly appreciate it if you could circulate my letter and its annex as an official document of the Human Rights Council under agenda item 4.
(c) 治理和反腐败:该研究所协助联合国开发计划署 不 丹 和 蒙古国开展 《联合国反败公约》差分析。
The Institute assisted the United
Nations Development Programme in
[...] conducting United Nations Convention against Corruption gap analyses for Bhutan and Mongolia.
他强调,此类努力不容易,需要各国间更多的合作与谅解,包括司 法机关之间更多的合作与谅解,以便 分 实 施 《反 败 公 约》并使各国能够充 分利用《公约》各项规定。
He stressed that
[...] such efforts were not easy and required more cooperation and understanding among States, including between judicial authorities, in order to fully implement the Convention against Corruption and enable countries [...]
to make full use
of the Convention’s provisions.
运用信息权揭露败的例子数不胜数 , 令人震动,包括从 基本生计类的案件到迫使政府倒台的腐败大丑闻。
Examples of the right to information
[...] being used to expose corruption are legion and powerful, [...]
ranging from grassroots cases
linked to basic livelihoods to major corruption scandals which have brought down governments.
塞维鲁是改变被控在一个青年偶像崇拜者和经销商的长度在伟大神奇的巴勒斯坦沙弥,艺术(libellus因此,安理会536)撒迦利亚,并极力向间接地驳斥这种诽谤,不过,在贝来图斯由有关的有趣的故事法术囤积在一个偶像的Menuthis发现在埃及和路由巫师和,既利用了塞维鲁了这些朋友中处于领先的一 分 , 胜 利 撒 迦利亚问他们是否会与团成员塞维鲁 不 是 他 们同意在异教巫术和仇恨。
Severus was alter accused of having been in youth a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian monks at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits
[...] friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted [...]
with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.
古希腊人早就认识不加区 别地使用武力和战争 胜败 两 方所带来的毁灭性后果,揭示了用手 段代替目的的巨大罪恶:二十世纪伟大的思想家西蒙娜·韦伊敏锐地思考到,自荷马的伊利亚 特时代至今,所有“交战方”在愚蠢的权力斗争中均变型为手段、工具,甚至无法“使其行动 服从于思想”。
Already the ancient Greeks were aware of the devastating effects of the indiscriminate use of force and of war over both winners and losers, revealing the [...]
great evil of the substitution
of the ends by the means: since the times of the Illiad of Homer until today, - as so perspicatiously pondered by Simone Weil, one of the great thinkers of the XXth century, - all “belligerents” are transformed in means, in things, in the senseless struggle for power, incapable even to “subject their actions to their thoughts”.
我们清楚的记得当时曼联已经准备把冠军奖杯收入囊中,但曼城最后以 分 六 个 净 胜 球 的 优势 败 了 红 魔。
We remember that United appeared to have the crown in the bag that term but City made
a blistering charge down the stretch, amassing eight massive points with six fixtures to
[...] go en route to nipping the Red Devils via goal difference.
但她也注意到,该国开展的打击贩运活动 在国家和省级层面并不能协调一致,贩运受害者并 没有得到应有的保护,无法诉诸司法,警察和安全 部队败不堪,犯罪分子有 罪不罚,因此,她建议 阿根廷政府修订当前的立法,使其有利于对贩运案 件进行调查,针对贩运受害者在各省份制定全面的 重返社会和重新适应政策,建立一个联邦机构,负 责协调打击贩运的行动,执行有关国家警务人员腐 败的零容忍政策。
The Argentine Government should reform the current law to provide for the prosecution of cases of trafficking; provide for holistic, reintegrative and rehabilitative assistance to victims of trafficking in all provinces; establish a federal agency to coordinate anti-trafficking activities; and implement a zero tolerance policy with respect to corruption of law enforcement officers.
安装了粪尿分离干式厕所的鄂尔多斯生态镇项目的“ 败 ” 不 意 味着城市生态卫生整 体上的失败。
The “failure” of the Erdos eco-town project which has installed urine diversion dry toilets does not mean a failure [...]
of urban ecosan in general.
谈判伊始对《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》的 败 作 了 分 析 ,联合国贸发会议 2010 年不发达 国家报告对此也有所反映,其中都表明,发展伙伴没有兑现提供适足援助、 改革不公正贸易规则、取消债务负担和建设最不发达国家能力的承诺。
The negotiations started with analyses of the failings of the Brussels Programme of [...]
Action, also reflected in UNCTAD’s LDC
Report 2010. These showed that development partners failed to deliver their commitments to provide adequate aid, reform unjust trade rules, remove the burden of debt and build the capacity of LDCs.
科罗马总统在讲话 中指出不论公 民政治派别或宗教信仰为何,团结的纽带 胜 过 引 起国 分裂 的问题。
In his speech, President Koroma stated that
[...] the bonds of unity were stronger than the issues that divided the country, irrespective of the political affiliation [...]
or the
religious denomination of its citizenry.
在体育运动中胜利者和失败者的差距可能只能通过分之一秒、英尺或磅的差别来衡量,而使用兴奋剂会带来百分之一或百分之二的优势时,那 些正直的运动员极有可能输掉而非赢得比赛。
In sports
[...] where the difference between winner and also-ran may be measured in fractions of a second, [...]
inch, or pound, and
where doping can provide even a one or two percent advantage, the clean athlete is far more likely to lose than to win.
因此,在我们努力败全世界恐分 子 时 ,我不能放 弃自己的价值观;我们必须捍卫它们。
So as we work to defeat terrorists worldwide, we cannot abandon our [...]
values; we must defend them.
本赛季至今桑德兰一不败也一场 不胜 , 四 场平局中其中有三场是客场艰难迎战阿森纳、斯旺西和西汉姆,他们唯一的一场主场比赛是与利物浦1-1战平,他们的联赛排名目前还不算太糟。
Sunderland have neither won nor lost a game yet this season, yet three of those four draws [...]
have come in difficult away matches
to Arsenal, Swansea and West Ham, and their only home game of the season ended in a 1-1 draw against Liverpool, and their league placing at the moment can hardly be called a disaster.
这些银行不断在外国增分支机构和参与项目;良好的效益比使得这些 银行在与同行的竞争中立不败之地
The large Spanish banks, for example, have demonstrated remarkable dynamism on international markets, increasing their presence in other countries, while their rates of efficiency enable them to retain highly competitive positions vis-à-vis other operators in the sector.
此外,委员会关注的是目前对败分子的惩处与其罪行的严重程 不 相 称
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned that current
[...] sanctions against perpetrators of corruption are not commensurate with the seriousness [...]
of the offences.
委员会关切地注意到,根据委员会得到的资料,司法系统的 败 现 象 十分 普遍 ,而且常常受到行政部门的干预,资 不 足。
The Committee notes with concern, in the light of
the information made available to it, that the justice system
[...] suffers from widespread corruption, is often subject to executive influence and is underfunded.
在根据 IDEA B 部分提起的任何诉讼或法律程序中,如果您要求的正当程序听证或以后的 法庭诉讼是出于任不适当 的目的,如:制造麻烦、导 不 必 要 的延误 不 必 要地增加诉 讼或法律程序的费用,法庭可酌情决定将合理的律师费作为 分 费 用 判给 胜 的 州 教育机 构 (SEA) 或校区,由您或您的律师支付该费用。
In any action or proceeding brought under Part B of IDEA, the court, in its discretion, may award reasonable attorneys’ fees as part of the costs to a prevailing state educational agency (SEA) or school district, to be paid by you or your attorney, if your request for a due process hearing or later court case was presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, to cause unnecessary delay, or to unnecessarily increase the cost of the action or proceeding.
13 (4) [备选案文:网上解决机构应 [至少一年一次 ]公布以下统计数字:收到投诉 的数目以及其中得到受理、审查、解决或裁定投诉 胜 诉 或 败 诉 的 投诉的分 比, 包括裁定投诉方完全胜诉的投诉的细节,解决的平均期限和仍然悬而未决 的请求的数目,以及一方当事人拒绝遵守裁决的决定数目。
It aims at fostering amicable resolution of disputes and encouraging parties to make reasonable proposals.
许多100美元 智能手机的操作系统可能是封闭的,这减少 了下载应用程序的功能,但这不影 响 对低 端智能手机感兴趣的用户的需求,因为这些 设备的功能仍然胜于大部分非智 能手机。
In many $100 smartphones, the OS may be closed, curtailing the ability to download apps; however, this may not matter to customers interested in low-end smartphones.
过渡联邦机构的败不仅阻 碍安全部队的合并,还腐蚀最高层的政治凝 聚力,排除与非过渡联邦政府当局(如邦特兰、Gaalmudug 和“先知的信徒” 组织)的真分享权 力,并使部长和其他高级官员不忙公务,而是忙于追逐利 润丰厚的商业机会和援助项目。
Corruption in the transitional federal institutions not only prevents consolidation of the security forces. It also corrodes political cohesion at the top, precludes genuine power-sharing with non-Transitional Federal [...]
Government authorities (such
as Puntland, Galmuduug and ASWJ), and diverts ministers and other senior figures away from their official functions into the pursuit of lucrative commercial opportunities and aid projects.
尽管有这些约束,如果您胜且您有 充 分 理 由 拒绝和解提议,则可以将律师费及相关 费用判给您。
Despite these restrictions, an award of attorneys’ fees
and related costs may be made to you if
[...] you prevail and you were substantially justified [...]
in rejecting the settlement offer.
案例法认为,倘若离胜算前景甚远,十有八九 败 诉 ,而 且胜诉看来无确切把握,对于一个有理智,尚有些财力的诉讼人 不 会 贸然提 出这种可能劳命伤财的诉案时,那就是一桩得不偿失的无望诉案。
Case law considers that a case has no chance of success if the prospects of winning it are considerably less than losing it and if success cannot be seen as a serious possibility, to the extent that a reasonable, well-off litigant would not embark on the procedure on account of the costs they would be liable to incur.
忆及其第二十六届会议通过的决议 4.3,该决议承认“自由、多元化和独立的新闻是任何民主 社会的一个不可少的成分”, 又忆及《联合国千年发展目标》,它提出了符合人权的重结果的发展方法,其中,决策参与及 其透明、提高能力和问责制作用重大, 重申温得和克、阿拉木图、圣地亚哥、萨纳和索菲亚宣言, 注意到善治的重要因素包括公民对民主进程更多的参与、法律准则、反对 败 、 遵 守 分 权 、 司 法独立、透明、尽责、信息的普及利用、减贫和人权, 强调对冲突地区和转型国家的媒体进行协助和全面帮助的重要性,以确保信息的普及利用;创 造自由的多元化媒体环境并使之实现可持续发展。
Noting that greater participation by citizens in democratic processes, the rule of law, the fight against corruption, respect for the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, transparency, accountability, access to information, poverty reduction and human rights are key elements of good governance
之前一天,西班牙电信队率先抵达三亚,保持了赛 不败 的 神 话,以 95 分的总 成绩进一步稳固了排行榜头名的位置;而在前两赛段中经历了严重海上事故的“三亚号”目前暂时位于排行榜末位,共积 16 分。
At centre stage in this ambition is the new race car. fr, 09 apr 2010 10:00:00 http://www.volvocars.com/intl/top/corporate/pages /default.aspx?itemid=155 Herzogenaurach,Germany/Boston, Massachusetts - April, 2010 - PUMA® announced today it will participate in the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12 after finishing second overall in the 2008-09 race, which ended in June 2009.
不靠“正确的”解胜出, 而是靠条约的所有缔约国认定的解释胜 出――在这种情况下它被称为“正宗的”解释――或者由一个获得授权的机构以对 [...]
It is not the “right” interpretation that wins out, but the one that [...]
was given either by all the parties to the treaty —
in which case it is called an “authentic” interpretation — or by a body empowered to interpret the treaty in a manner that is binding on the parties.
[...] 尤其是曾经发生过族裔间冲突或独立候选人和在位者之间竞选 分胜 负 的 地区 发生了一些事件。
While the elections process has thus far proceeded without any major violence, there were incidents in some areas in Southern Sudan, particularly where
inter-communal conflict has occurred in the
[...] past, or where close races took place between independent [...]
candidates and incumbents.
联大“认识到文化是人类发展的一个基本组成分[……],也是胜贫穷 的一个重要因素,有助于推动经济增长和自我掌控发展 进程”,同时强调文化对于可持续发展以及对于实现国家发展目标和国际商定的 发展目标包括千年发展目标的重要贡献。
The Assembly “recognizes that culture is
[...] an essential component of human development (…) and an important factor in the fight against poverty, providing [...]
for economic growth
and ownership of development processes” and emphasizes the important contribution of culture for sustainable development and the achievement of national development objectives and internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs.




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