

单词 不分彼此

See also:


not divided
not distinguishing between


each other
one another





External sources (not reviewed)

同样地, 我们必须确保保护平不分彼此则这将破坏国 际社会在致力于这项目标时的公信力。
Equally, we must ensure that the
[...] protection of civiliansis not selectively pursued, [...]
as that wwould erode the credibility
of the international community in pursuing that goal.
领导人十分清楚这些恐怖活动的用心和目的,不认为可以用这些事件来为诽 谤伊斯兰和穆斯林找理由,或挑起穆斯林和基督徒之间的纷争,两者在阿拉伯区 域共存了不知多少世纪,相互密切交织不分彼此
The leaders are well aware of the dimensions and aims of those terrorist movements and do not accept that events can be used to justify the vilification of Islam and Muslims, or to stir up strife between Muslims and Christians,
who are all closely woven together in a
[...] fabric that has taken shape over many centuries of coexistence in the Arabregion.
In the development of "new standards for the printing industry" in the wind and rain, all pre-press publishing company for
many standard PostScript format,
[...] the original,creating a platformon very intimate [...]
terms, dozens of format, thousands
of new fonts, new media The new delivery system and the new output device chaos.
In view of this, we should all join hands totackle the problem of air pollution as soon as possible.
我们已经多次指出,首先政府 必须订定㆒套促进健康的社会政策和㆒套宏观的医疗政策,医疗政策和社会经济政策 是应该相提并论的彼此分
We have pointed out many times that the Administration must first formulate a social policy for health care promotion and a macro policy on medical services.
重申所有人权都是普遍彼此、相互关联的,国际社会必须 以公正和平等的方式,在同等基础上,以同样的重视程度来全面对待人权,并重 申,虽然必须照顾到国家和区域特点以及不同历史、文化和宗教背景的重要意义, 但是各国不论其政治、经济和文化制度为何,都有义务促进和保护所有人权和基 [...]
Reaffirming that all human rights are
[...] universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated and that the international community must treathuman rights globally [...]
in a fair and
equal manner, on the same footing and with the same emphasis, and that, while the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms
董事局各成员均确认他彼此及与高级管理人员之间财务、业务或家庭等 各方面均互无关连。
Each of the Board members has confirmed that they are totally unrelated to each other and with the senior management in every aspect including financial, business, or family.
代表团强调说,不丹相信所有人权互相联系彼此和相互 弥补,必须同样重视公民和政治权利以及经济、社会和文化权利,包括发展权。
The delegation emphasized that Bhutan believes that all human rights are indivisible, interrelated, [...]
interdependent and mutually
reinforcing, and that equal importance must be accorded to civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights including the right to development.
174 EX/46 号决定强调,尊重言论自由与尊重宗教信仰和宗教符号 是密不项原则,要求总干事 (i) 强化教科文组织各主管领域的计 划和行动,履行其促进相互理解与尊重各国人民宗教及文化价值观和表 达自由的职责;(ii) 加速执行不同文明、文化和民族间对话行动计划, 创建一种和平共处文化;并(iii) 将现行的所有国际文书汇编成书,对这 些文书进行深入的研究,并且为促进相互理解提出教科文组织可以采取 行动的方式方法,从而克服目前依然存在彼此为方式与生 活的状况,促进和平、宽容和不同文明、文化、民族和宗教间的对话。
Pursuant to 174 EX/Decision 46, which emphasized that the respect for freedom of expression and for
religious beliefs and
[...] symbols aretwo indissociable principles, the Director-General was requested (i) to strengthen UNESCO’s programmes and actions to fulfil its commitment towards mutual understanding and respect for all peoples’ religious and cultural values, and freedom of expression; (ii) to accelerate the implementation of the plan of action for the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples with a view to creating a culture of peace and of living together; and (iii) to undertake a compilation and comprehensive study of all existing relevant international instruments, and to propose means and modalities of action available to UNESCO for the purpose of furthering mutual understanding in order to overcome the still prevailing ignoranceof each other’s ways [...]
and lives, and of promoting
peace, tolerance and dialogue among civilizations, cultures, peoples and religions.
(dd) 倘股份选择获正式行使(「已选择股份」),现金派付有关 股息(或获赋予选择权之),而将按上述所厘定配发基准, 向已选择股份之持有人配发入账列作缴足股份以作取代,,董事会将按其可能决定自本公司利(包括认购权储备 或兑换权储备或资本赎回储备(如存在任何该等储备)以外任何储 备或其他特别账目中之溢利及进账)任何部分拨充资本并拨出全数 缴付向已选择股份持有人配发适当数目股份及按该基准向能需要之金额。
(dd) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of
election has been
[...] accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised ("the elected shares") and in lieu thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shallcapitalise and apply out of any part of the-36 undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account other than the Subscription Rights Reserve or Conversion Rights Reserve or Capital Redemption Reserve (if there be any such Reserves) as the Directors may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distributionto and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
(ii) 证券持有人可根据适用於兑换证券所得股份(如股份并无转 换)的相同规定,按相同方式转换全部或,或在情况 许可下尽量按相近的规定及方式转换,惟董事为合适)厘定可换股证券的最低数额并限制或禁止转换该最 低数额的零碎证券,惟低数额不得超过任何兑换证券 所得股份的面值。
(ii) The holders of stock may transfer the same or any part thereof in the same
manner, and subject to
[...] the same regulations as and subject to whichthe sharesfromwhich the stock arose might prior to conversion have been transferred or as near thereto as circumstances admit, but the Directors may from timeto time, if they think fit, fix the minimum amount [...]
of stock transferable
and restrict or prohibit the transfer of fractions of that minimum, but so that such minimum shall not exceed the nominal amount of the shares from which the stock arose.
文化部门助理总干事特别针对总体目标 4“促进文化多样性和文化间对话及和平文化”补充道,主要的 基本原则是,应将文化多样性和文化间对话看彼此联、
The Assistant Director-General for Culture added, regarding specifically overarching objective 4, “Fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace”, that the main underlying principle was that cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue shouldbe seen as intertwined.
对有的企业集团来说,破产程序分别进行 可能是可行的选择办法,因为集团的统一程集团成彼此相对独 立,但对于许多集团,要降行的破产程序的风险,合作或许是唯一的 办法,因为分别进行的破产程序有可能破坏经营中企业的价值,并导致资产隔 离,还会使债务人借机转移资产或择地诉讼。
Although there are enterprise groups where separate insolvency
proceedings may be a
[...] feasible option because there is a low degree of integration in the group and group members are relatively independent of eachother, for [...]
many groups cooperation
may be the only way to reduce the risk of piecemeal insolvency proceedings that have the potential to destroy going concern value and lead to asset ring-fencing, as well as asset shifting or forum shopping by debtors.
关于将该股一个 P-4 员额改叙为 P-5 职等, 咨询委员会认为所提理此不核准该提议。
The Committee does not consider that adequate
justification was
[...] provided for the reclassification of one of the P-4 posts in the Unit to the P-5 level and does not recommend [...]
approval of that proposal.
最后也可能是最重要的一点,对条约的保留(欧洲)观察站的目标是针对 其他国家提具的保留建立尽可能统一的“阵线”,这显此处考 虑建立的协助机制的功能,因为从前面一节可以得知,这一机制更多的 是为了一方面向有此愿望的国家提供技术援助,另一方面帮助在保留方 面存有意见分歧的国家(和国际组织)解决这,拉彼此,并 向有关国家或国际组织提供关于可适用的法律规则的具体资料。
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, whereas the objective of the (European) Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties is to present as united as possible a “front” with respect to reservations formulated by other
States, this would
[...] obviously notbe the function of the assistance mechanism envisaged here; it will be clear from the preceding section that its purpose would be rather to provide technical assistance to States that wished to receive it; to help States (and international organizations) with differing views concerning reservations to resolve their differencesby finding [...]
common ground; and to
provide those countries or international organizations with specific information on the applicable legal rules.
联合申请启申请中所包括的集团每个成员各自的法律身份;每个成员仍然彼 此分相互独立的。
A joint application for
[...] commencement does notaffect the legal identity of each group member included in the application; each member remains separate and distinct.
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we
understood the water
[...] heater lefttheplantdistributes bywayof each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company [...]
product trust, the delivery, excellent inquality, eachother allcould the long-term cooperation be happy.
主席,吸烟应该是无分阶级的,健康也是分彼此增加烟税是 希望烟民富,尽量戒烟,为整个社会建立健康文化。
President, the right to smoke should be enjoyed regardless of class and the right to a healthy life should also be enjoyed regardless of who one is. The proposal to raise tobacco dutyhas been put forward in the hope that smokers, both rich and poor, can try their best toquit smoking so that a healthy culture can be developed in the entire community.
(d) 哪个部门将会负责经营㆖述护养院;如何确保构管理的各类公营与私营 老㆟照顾院舍彼此排老㆟转院,及缩减他们轮候适当服务所需时间等各方 面,均能有效合作?
(d) which department will be responsible for running these nursing homes and how will effective co-operation be ensured, including the transferring of elderly persons and reducing their waiting time for appropriate services, among the various types of public and private residential care homes under different authorities?
Legislation serves as a reminder of not to do what we all know is wrong and represents a social contract among
[...] all of us under which we will not denyone and other the opportunity [...][...]
to a better life because of colour, sex or age.
每逢话别之际,我们总不免忆念起大家㆒起共渡的快乐时刻。霍德爵士是以布政司的 身份最後㆒次在这里与我们见面,我肯定大家也不会忘记在我们的小小挪亚方舟㆗所发 生的趣事,里面有老虎、鸭子和恐龙;以及在各种运动比赛、晚宴和接待会㆗的乐趣; 甚至记我彼此意见相左、取时刻。
Farewells are occasions when we think of the good times we have shared together and as Sir David meets us here for the last time as Chief Secretary, I am sure we can remember the fun we have had in our small Noah's Ark, with the tiger, the duck and the
rhinoceros, and the
[...] fun we have hadat sports and dinners and receptions, as well as the times when we have all begged todiffer fromhim.
丹麦必须努力 加强具景、宗教和文化的人之间的相互了解并加强在他们之间开展对 话,以求消除很容易主导人们如彼此对方的恐惧感和偏见。
Denmark must work to strengthen mutual understanding and dialogue among people of different backgrounds, religions and cultures in order to break down the fear and prejudice that can easily come to dominate the way peopleview each other.
主管业务和管理副联合特别代表还负责拟定政策 和程序,以便混合行动文职和军事构成分彼此融合,确保文职/军事综合 行政和后勤支助架构顺利运作。
The Deputy Joint Special Representative for Operations and Management is also responsible for developing policies and procedures to establish an efficient interface between the civilian and military componentsof the Operation and to ensure the smooth functioning of an integrated civilian/military administrative and logistical support structure.
执行董事一直以来 均并非本集团所提供的界定福利计划的成员,该等计划下的累计权益。
The Executive Directors have never been members
of defined benefit schemes provided by
[...] the Groupand accordingly theyhave no accrued entitlements [...]
under these schemes.
这就需要协调在开展的世界遗产方面的许多活动,彼此进行协调和与教 科文组织的其它相关活动进行协调,以及需要通过地区办事处和全国委员会提供充足的有关 世界遗产方面的信息资料。
Thereis a need to coordinate the many World Heritage activities conducted in or servingthe subregion with each other and with other relevant UNESCO activities, and to make adequate supplies of World Heritage information materials available through the field offices and National Commissions.
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米,度清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗米水,以减低米的砷含量,尤其是无机砷含量。
Those individuals, who wish to reduce the exposure to inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower levels
of inorganic arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
虽然新界村屋和其他受《建筑物条例》管制的楼宇无 论在建筑规划、设计、建造和规管架构上,都有本质地方,而这村屋也可根据《建筑物条例(新界适用)条例》 获得指定豁免,但当局在贯彻保障楼宇安全和维护公众利益 的政策上,是分彼此一视同仁的。
Despite inherent differences in the planning, design, construction and regulation of NT village houses from those of other buildings which are subject to the BO, and the specific exemption
for these village houses as
[...] provided under the Buildings Ordinance (Application to the New Territories) Ordinance, they are treated with fairness andon equal footing in our pursuance of the policy to ensure building safety for safeguarding public interests.
在这种情形之中, 联合国教科文组织应该鼓励和引导会员国之间的共同协作,以彼此经验和最佳实践方法,也应该鼓 励和引导会员国与私营部门和非盈利机构之间的合作关系。
In this context, UNESCO should encourage and facilitate networking,sharing ofexperiences [...]
and best practices among Member
States as well as partnerships with the private sector and not-for-profit institutions.
在强迫失踪的问题上,不论受害者是活着还是死了,单独监禁,切断了有关 个人与整个社会的联系彼此接触,即使是暂时的,也会引起生命的 风险,国家对此负有责任。
In the matter of enforced disappearance, whether the victim is alive or dead, the mere fact of incommunicado detention which cuts the individual concerned off from the human community by severing contact between them, even temporarily, entails a risk to life for which the State is accountable.
虽然建设和平是一个各种行为体参与、涉及各 个方面的复杂进程,但是,它也是一个分 组成的综合体系和网络,这些分彼此相成、 互相加强。
Despite being a complex process with a variety of actors and spheres of engagement, peacebuilding constitutes an integrated system and a web of different components, with one complementing and reinforcing another.




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