单词 | 不信任投票 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不信任投票—vote of no-confidenceSee also:不信任v—mistrustv distrustv 信任n—confidencen trustn intimaten faithn creditn 投票—vote referendum 投票n—votingn votespl electionn ballotn
组成的联盟,享受着相对的政治稳定,在大选 之后三个月里他们曾经历过四次不信任投票。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Honorable Prime Minister Edward Nipake Natapei’s Government, an eight party2 coalition, [...] enjoyed relative political [...] stability, surviving fourvotes of no confidencejustthree months after the general election. daccess-ods.un.org |
日的不信任投票以及Nitijela 选举了新的总统之后,事实证明的 确产生了实效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participation in the Government [...] process through representation had [...] proved to work following the vote of noconfidence [...]on 12 October 2009 and the election [...]of a new President by the Nitijela. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 6 天的暴力示 威之后,参议院于 4 月 12 日举行不信任投票,海地总理和政府下台。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following six days of violent demonstrations, the Prime Minister and Government of Haiti were [...] ousted by aSenatevote of no confidenceon 12April. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席补充, 由 立法机关通过的不信 任 投票或谴责议案 并不一定产生 由 立法机关 罢 免某名部 长 [...] 或 主要官 员的宪 制 後 果 。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman added that a vote ofno confidenceor censure passed [...] by the legislature did not necessarily have the constitutional [...]consequence of dismissal by the legislature of a minister or principal official. legco.gov.hk |
虽然执政联盟与反对派在预算和 [...] Bere 案等问题 上存在尖锐的政治分歧,但这些冲突继续通过议会反映 出来,最明显的是 2009 年 10 月的议会不信任投票。daccess-ods.un.org | While there were sharp political differences between the ruling coalition and the opposition on issues such as the budget and the Bere case, these conflicts [...] continued to be channelled through Parliament, most notably [...] concerning the no-confidenceparliamentaryvote in October2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
特派团继续监督媒体政策和宪法保证(特别是权力分离)并 [...] 提出咨询意见,还特别说明了社区领导人及其选举法、Martenus Berre 案、不信 任投票以及议会的调查委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also continued to monitor and provide advice on media policy and constitutional guarantees (especially separation of powers), and wrote notes on, inter alia, law on community [...] leaders and their elections, the Martenus [...] Bere case and the voteof no confidence; and the Parliament’s [...]Commission of Inquiry. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果政府不是推行总统制的便进行改选,它是被迫进行改 选;或可向该议会投不信任票;又或在一个推行总统制的国家里,运用行政 权来摧毁立法会。 legco.gov.hk | If a presidential system is not practised by the Government, it will be forced to [...] hold a re-election; [...] alternatively, a voteof no confidence on the Council can [...]becast;or, in a country practising a presidential [...]system, one can use executive powers to destroy the Legislative Council. legco.gov.hk |
简而言之,市民对政府的信任程度、满意程度、特首评分、特首信任投票等,由於调查周期不同,要同步比较有一定困难。 hkupop.hku.hk | To put it simple, thepolling cycles are all different for measuring people's trust in governments, [...] their satisfaction with [...]government performance, CE rating, and CE support rates. hkupop.hku.hk |
开发署协助举行这些听证会,并支持进行更全面 的选举监测,帮助在 2010 年投票前降低不信任度并缓解紧张局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNDP assistance to these hearings, coupled [...] with support for more comprehensive election monitoring, [...] helped lower mistrust and tension in advance of the 2010 polls. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近 , 美 国 的 权 威 政 治期刊 American Political Science Review 发 表的一项研究指 出,在 西欧的 18 个 民主国家中,有 10 个 国家是以惯 [...] 例 形式, 而不是透 过 法律条 文 确 立 信 任 投票的问 责 制 度 [...] , 再者,根据 民主国家的 运 作,信 任 投票不单止可以谴 责失职官 员,很 多时候还是 [...]由 政 府 主 动提出, 以 寻 求 立法机 关 对重大政策的 支持。 legco.gov.hk | A study recently published by an American authoritative political journal, the American Political Science Review, points out that of the 18 democratic nations in West [...] Europe, 10 have set up their accountability [...] systemof voteof confidenceor otherwise by [...]way of practices rather than through legislation. legco.gov.hk |
游行是市民对特首董建华投下的不信任票。 hkupop.hku.hk | The march was [...] the citizens' vote of no confidenceinCH Tung. hkupop.hku.hk |
重申每个公民在真正的定期选举中有选举权和被选举权,不得有种族、 肤色、性别、语言、宗教或信仰、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身、财 产、血统或其他身分等任何区别,并强调有权投票者必须能够自由地投任何竞选 党派的候选人的票,能够自由地支持或反对政府,不受有可能扭曲或阻止选民自 由表达意志的任何种类的不当影响或胁迫,国际社会以及所有政党和利益攸关方 均应尊重代表人民选择自己的代表的、定期举行的真正、自由和公正选举的结 果; 因此强调人人必须能够以和平的方式,通过公开抗议等形式表达不满和 意愿,而不必担心受伤、挨打、遭到任意逮捕和拘留、遭受酷刑、遇害或被强迫 失踪 daccess-ods.un.org | Reaffirms the right of every citizen to vote and be elected at genuine periodic elections without [...] discrimination of [...] any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion orbelief,political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and stresses that persons entitled to vote must befreeto vote forany candidate of party for election and free to support [...]or to oppose [...]government, without undue influence or coercion of any kind that may distort or inhibit the free expression of the elector’s will, and that the results of genuine, periodic, free and fair elections representing the choice of the people for their representatives should be respected by the international community, as well as by all parties and stakeholders daccess-ods.un.org |
倘该等 公司细则中关於股东大会的所有规定作出必要修订,亦适用於各个另行召开的股东大 会,惟所需的法定人数为不少於两名人士或由受委代表(或倘股东为法团,则作为有 关法团的正式授权代表)持有该类别已发行股份面值至少三分之一,及於续会上,不少於两名人士或由受委代表(或倘股东为法团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表)持 有该类别股份及该类别股份的任何持有人亲身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股东为法 团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表)均有权要求投票表决。 asiasat.com | To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that [...] class, and at an [...] adjourned meetingnot less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) maydemand a poll. asiasat.com |
(a) 土㆞发展公司条例第㆒附表第 6(1)条规定:「公司成员对提交给公司考虑的合约(不 论是由公司或其雇员、代理㆟或合夥㆟所订立或拟订立的合约,或是由公司设立 [...] 的法㆟团体所订立或拟订立的合约),如有任何直接或间接的利害关系,须在公司 [...] 会议㆖披露该利害关系的性质;所披露的事项须记入公司会议纪录;未得主席许 可,该成员不得参与公司就该合约而进行的商议,并在任何情况㆘,均不得就有 关该合约的任何问题投票」。legco.gov.hk | (a) Section 6(1) of the First Schedule of the LDC Ordinance provides that "A member of the Corporation who is in any way directly or indirectly interested in a contract made or proposed to be made by the Corporation, or in a contract made or proposed to be made by a servant or agent or a partner of the Corporation or, by a body corporate established by the Corporation which is brought up for consideration by the Corporation, shall disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of the Corporation; and the disclosure shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Corporation, and the member shall not without the permission of the Chairman take part in any [...] deliberation of the Corporation with respect to that [...] contract and shall not inany event vote on any question concerning it". legco.gov.hk |
南基伍省长在省议会投下不信任票之后,于 2010 年 4 月中旬辞职,而东方 省省长的职位也可能不保。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Governor of South Kivu resigned in mid-April [...] 2010 followinga vote of no confidencein the provincial [...]assembly, while the position of [...]the Governor of Orientale is also under threat. daccess-ods.un.org |
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及第 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在本集团任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the [...] Latest Practical Date, [...] the Directors arenot awareof any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote inall circumstances at [...]general meetings of [...]any other member of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
政府可要求众议院投信任票,众议院可 对政府表示不信任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government may ask the Chamber of Deputiesfor a vote of confidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
本人/我们/本号明了倘若投标落选,上述*支票/本票将以挂号信寄还至*本人/我们/本号最後报称的香港地址,如有寄失,房委会概不负责; 若支票或本票经已兑现,则该笔标金将会无息发还。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I/We understand that in the event of *my/our tenderbeing unsuccessful *my/our *cheque/cashier’s order will be returned by registered postto *my/our last known address in Hong [...] Kong at *my/our own risk or if [...]banked on receipt, the tendered premium will be refunded without interest. housingauthority.gov.hk |
政策声明是国家总统选举期间的标语, 如果未付诸实施,就构成不信任动议,可能遭到有 力谴责;正是这样的投票结果导致他所任职的上届 政府下台。 daccess-ods.un.org | The policy statement had been the watchword during the country’s presidential elections [...] and in the event that it was not [...] implemented, a motion of noconfidence offered the possibility for effective censure; the prospectof such avote hadled the previous [...]Government, of which [...]he had been a member, to resign. daccess-ods.un.org |
缺少 充足的机构反应,不信任司法行政,以及缺乏护理和投诉程序信息,也造成案件 资料极少的现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | A lack of adequate institutional [...] response, lack of confidenceinthe administration of justice and lack of information on care and complaintprocedures [...]also contributed to the [...]paucity of information on cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,出于某些原因,在符合《宪法》第 100 [...] 条规定的一定条件情况下,人 民议会可以通过通过决议,罢免总统或副总统,或者根据《宪法》第 101 条对一 名内阁成员投不信任票。daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, under certain grounds, and thereafter, upon meeting certain conditions as prescribed under Article 100 of the Constitution, the People’s Majlis may, by passing a resolution, remove the President or Vice [...] President from office or under Article 101 of the [...] Constitution, take a vote of noconfidence ina member of the[...]Cabinet. daccess-ods.un.org |
游行是民众对董建华投的不信任票。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Central government, the SAR administration, and the pro-China politicians cannot ignore this fact and attribute the demonstration only to other "external factors. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们感谢我所提及的所有人以及联合国广大会 员国一致投了信任票,并且给予萨摩亚所亟需的空间 和时间,以确保我们实现平稳过渡,从而使我们最终 能够在大约三年内持久和可持续地脱离最不发达国 家地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | We thank everyone I have mentioned and [...] the wider membership of the United Nations for theirunanimousvote of confidenceand for giving Samoa much-needed space and time to ensure that our smooth transition will ultimately leadto a durable and sustainable graduation out of the category of least developed countries in about three years. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
(9) 按其认为适当之条款及条件(如有)以初始认购、合约、投标、购买、交换、 包销、参与银团或其他方式购买、收购、认购、包销、持有、出售及以其他 方式买卖任何股份、股票、债权证、债股权证、债券、票据、债务及其他证 券、商品及任何性质之其他投资(不论是否提供收入),及任何有关选择权或 权利(不论是否属於已缴足)。 equitynet.com.hk | (9) To purchase, acquire, subscribe, underwrite, hold, dispose of and otherwise howsoever deal with any such shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and other securities, commodities and other investments of any nature whatsoever (whether or not income producing), and any options or rights in respect [...] thereof by original [...] subscription, contract, tender, purchase, exchange,underwriting,participation in syndicates or otherwise, and whetheror not fully paid subject [...]to such terms and conditions [...](if any) as may be thought fit. equitynet.com.hk |
除上述披露者外,於二零零七年六月三十日,本公司董事或主要行政人员概不知悉任何其他 人士(本公司董事或主要行政人员除外)在本公司的股份或相关股份中拥有根据证券及期 货条例第XV部第2及第3分部的条文须向本公司披露的权益或淡仓,或直接或间接拥有附有 可在所有情况下於本集团任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票的权利的任何类别股本面值 10%或以上权益,或任何其他主要股东在本公司根据证券及期货条例第336条须存置的登记 册记录持有权益或淡仓。 cre8ir.com | Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2007, the directors or [...] chief executives of the [...] Companywere not awareof any other person (other than the directors or chief executives of the Company) who had an interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO or, who is, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in allcircumstances [...]at general meetings [...]of any other members of the Group, or any other substantial shareholders whose interests or short positions were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO. cre8ir.com |
136 倘於任何董事会会议上就董事权益的重要性或合同、安排或交易或拟订合 同、安排或交易的重要性或任何董事享有的表决权或构成法定人数的资格产生任何问题,而该问题不能透过其自愿同意放弃投票或不计入法定人数的方 式解决,则该问题均交由大会主席(或如该问题涉及主席利益,则由其他与 [...] 会董事)处理,而主席(或(如适用)其他董事)就任何其他董事(或(如 [...]适用)主席)的裁决将为最终及具决定性之裁决,除非并未就有关董事(或 (如适用)主席)所知由该董事(或(如适用)主席)拥有的权益性质或范 围向董事会作出公平披露则作别论。 cre8ir.com | 136 If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of a Director's interest or the significance of a contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction or as to the entitlement of any Director to vote or form part of a quorum and such [...] question is not [...] resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstainfrom voting or not tobe counted in the quorum, such question [...]shall be referred [...]to the Chairman of the meeting (or, where question relates to the interest of the Chairman, to the other Directors at the meeting) and his ruling (or, as appropriate, the ruling of the other Directors) in relation to any other Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interests of the Director concerned (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) as known to such Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) has not been fairly disclosed to the Board. cre8ir.com |
(B) 於有关期间(但并非其他期间)的所有时间,倘任何股 东根据上市规则须就任何特别决议案放弃投票或受限制 仅可就任何特别决议案投赞成票或反对票,则任何由该 股东或代表该股东(不论由受委代表,或视情况而定, 由法团代表)在违反该规定或限制下作出的投票不予计算。 fortune-sun.com | (B) At all times during the Relevant Period (but not otherwise), where any shareholder is, under the Listing Rules, required to abstain from voting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting only for or only [...] against any particular [...] resolution,any votescastby or on behalf of such shareholder (whether by way of proxy or, as the case may be, corporate representative) in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall notbecounted. fortune-sun.com |
但 是 在 实 际 层 面 上 , 我 们 认 为 不 论 银 行 在 这 具 体 事 宜 上 是 否 对 客 户 负 有 任 何 合 约责任、受信责任或一般 责 任 , 审 慎 的 业 务 常 规 是 由 银 行 知 会 其 公 司 客 户 根 据 现 行 有 效 的 法 律 , 只 有 使 用 某 些 字 眼 显 示 签 署 人 是 代 委 托 人 或 是 以 代 表 的 身 分 签 署 支 票 , 获 授 权 签 署 人 方 可 在支票 不兑现时 肯 定 可 以 避 免 对 受 款 人 负 有 个 人 法 律 责 任 。 hkreform.gov.hk | At the practical level, however, we consider that whether or not it may be said that bankers owe any contractual,fiduciary or generalduty of care to their clients in this particular matter, it would be prudent banking practice for bankers to advise their corporate account holders that, as the law stands at the moment, it will only be the use of words indicating [...] that the signatory signs for or on [...]behalf of a principal or in a representative character which will be certain to avoid the personal liability to the payee of the authorized signatory on a dishonoured company cheque. hkreform.gov.hk |
在此背景下,罗马教廷承认其它代表团所提如下 看法的重要性,即安全理事会常任理事国应当承诺在 涉及灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪、严重违反国 际人道主义法或类似行为的情况下不投否决票。 daccess-ods.un.org | Against this background, the Holy See recognizes the importance of the view put forward by other delegations that the Security Council’s permanent members should commit themselves to a practice of not casting a veto in situations where genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, serious violations of international humanitarian law or similar acts are involved. daccess-ods.un.org |
除受於投票当时任何类别股份附带的任何特权、优先权或限制的规限 外,於任何股东大会上,以举手方式表决时,每名亲身出席(为个人)或(为法团) 根据公司法第 78 条由其正式获授权代表或(为身为结算所(或其代名人)之本公司 股东委任之一名或多名受委代表)由一名或多名受委代表出席之股东将均有一票,而 以投票方式表决时,每名亲身出席,或(为法团)由其正式获授权代表,或由受委代 表出席之股东所持的每股已缴足或入账列作缴足(就本公司细则而言,催缴股款或分 期股款到期前之已缴股款或入账列作缴足股款均不会视为已缴股款)之股份均有一 票。 asiasat.com | Subject to any special rights, privileges or [...] restrictions as tovoting for the time being attached to any class or classes of shares, at any general meeting on a show of hands every member who (being an individual) is present in person or (being a corporation) is present by a representative duly authorised under Section 78 of the Companies Act or (being a proxy or proxies appointed by a member of the Company which is a clearing house or its nominee) is represented by one or more proxies shall have one vote, and on a poll every member present in person, or (being a corporation) by duly authorised representative, or by proxy shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder which is fully paid up or credited as fully paid up (but so that no amount paid up or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls or instalments shall be treated for the purposes [...]of this Bye-law as paid up on theshare). asiasat.com |