

单词 不主故常

External sources (not reviewed)

– If spatter gets onto the sliding
[...] surface it could leadto malfunctionandoil leaks.
第三组包括因坏、陈旧、修理及丢失等原因而被 核销的资产,存货价值为 3 080 351 美元(5.2%)(见 A/63/551,第 [...]
10 段和表 3)。
Group III includes assets withan inventory value of $3,080,351 (5.2 per cent) that have been written off owing to
[...] accidents, damage, obsolescence,normal wearandtear, uneconomical prospects [...][...]
for repair and loss (see A/63/551, para. 10 and table 3).
(C) 上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人精神/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subjectto paragraph (B) above, we shall hold onthe death,or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
特 别 董 事 会 会对 本 公 司 需 要 即 时 决 策 的运 作只 有 执 行 董 事 及 高 级 管 理 人员出席。
Since the special Board meetings are concerned
with the day-to-day
[...] management of the Company which often requires prompt decisions, usuallyonly the Executive Directors and senior [...]
management attend the meetings.
与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常
[...] 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之(有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented
appellants; (d) amendments
[...] to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in [...]
appeals support.
主不用未成年人或要求未成年人工作,如果工作超出了未成年 人的体力或心理承受能力,有可能损害未成年人的道德发展,有,可 能损害未成年人的社会发展或危及其教育,或者有损害未成年人的健康危害。
Anemployer may not to employ a minor or require a minor to work if the work is beyond the minor’s physical or psychological capacity, is likely to harm the moral development of the minor, involves the risk ofaccidents,is likely to harm [...]
the minor’s social
development or to jeopardize his or her education, or involves health hazards to the minor.
总干事 提议,将来,由于预算减少的行动计划”与招聘有关的计划)中 的很多活动都将重订计划。
In the immediate future, the Director-General proposes
that, given the reduced
[...] budget, a number of activities in the Action Plan(notably those related to recruitment) be rescheduled.
(B) 当一位或多位联名帐户持有人精神/或其他丧失行为能力、或发生无力偿债事件, 所 有在联名帐户中的指示及交易或服务(视情况而定)均受有关部门的任何索赔或质疑所限制,响吾等因任何留置权、抵押权、质押权、抵销、索赔、反申索或其他原因享有的任何权利, 亦不得影响吾等鉴於除生存者、遗嘱执行者、遗产管理者的任何申索,而是根据吾等绝对酌情权 认为可适当采取的任何措施或法律程序。
(B) All instructions and Transactions relating to any joint Account or (as the case may be) any Service, in the event of the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any one or more of the joint Account holder shall be subject to any claim or objection of relevant authority and shall be without prejudice to any right which we may have arising out of any lien, charge, pledge, set-off, claim, counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or any step or legal proceedings which we may in our absolute discretion deem desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors, executors, administrators of the deceased.
当代形式种种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为问题特别报告 员在给大会的报告(A/64/295)中表示,虽然需要采取立法措施禁止和惩处传播 基于种族优越或仇恨的思想,煽动种族歧视以及暴力行为和煽动针对某一具体 组群的暴力行为,但特别报告员认为,立法措施本身常不有效防止和打 击上述现象。
The Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance, in
[...] his report to the Assembly (A/64/295) expressed the view that while legislative measures are necessary to prohibit and sanction the dissemination of ideas based in racial superiority or hatred, as well as acts of violence or incitement to such acts against a specific group of persons, such measures are usuallyinsufficient to effectively prevent and combat the aforementioned phenomena.
由於现时向水力发电厂供水的大坝水位偏低,电网稳定性持续存在问题刚果国的供电 可靠短期内改善。
Reliability of electricity supply in the DRC is not expected to improve in the short term
given current low water levels in the
[...] dams supplying hydro-electric plants and continuing issues withgrid reliability.
如果委员会主席团任何成员停止担任或宣称不能继续担任委员会委员或故 不能担成员,应尽可能从同一区域选举新的主席团成员任满前任剩下 [...]
If any of the officers of the Committee ceases to serve or declares her or his inability to continue serving
as a member of the Committee or
[...] for any reason is no longer able to act as an officer, [...]
a new officer shall be elected from
the same region, to the extent possible, for the unexpired term of her or his predecessor.
这些设备经常 受高压电场、开关电流和幅值流的冲击,这 些过程都会使断路器的温度升高,对绝缘材料构响。
These assets are frequentlyexposed to HV stresses, switching currents and very high fault currents, which heat up the circuit breakers and impact on the insulation material.
主要由於与香港会议展览中 心新翼有冲突的离岸走线
Due primarilyto the physical conflict with the HKCEC Extension, Trunk Road offshore alignments are found tobe not feasible.
在这起交通之后构进行了调 查,之后宣布死者因过失杀人行为而死亡,受害人家 属也已经提起了民事诉讼,因此,重新对此案进行调 查将违背“一”原则。
The reopening of an investigation in which a death by involuntary homicide was declared following a roadtraffic accident upon which a civil claim had been brought would go against the principle of, “l’autorité de la chose jugée”.
故不席某次会议或会议的一部分时,应指定副 主席一人代行主席职务。
Ifthe President findsit necessary to be absent [...]
during a meeting or any part thereof, he shall designate one of the Vice-Presidents to take his place.
的一点是,要特别强调加强各国政府和民间社会组织,加强西方国家和发展中国家要如此,更应特别重视民主概念仍很模糊的转型期 国家。
It is very important that there be a special focus on empowering Governments and civil society organizations and on strengthening democracy, not only inWestern [...]
and developing countries
but especially in the countries in transition, where democracy is still a vague concept.
此 外,联员会的开幕会议上谈到性别问题,提醒其他缔约国在《卡 塔赫纳行动计划》之下承担的重视性别的义务。
In addition, in opening the
[...] meeting ofthe Standing Committee,the Co-Chairs addressed the [...]
matter of gender by reminding
other States Parties of their obligations to gender sensitivity in the Cartagena Action Plan.
重大项目为收入及开支项目,因其财务影响、性质或预期造 成该等项目的事独列示,以供作内部呈报及分析Glencore业绩之用。
Significant items are items of income and expense which, due to their financial impact and nature or the expected infrequency of the events giving rise to them, are separated for internal reporting and analysis of Glencore’s results.
We strongly suggest usersshould notdetach ordisassemble the rig by themselves without getting Movcam’s [...]
or Movcam dealers’
instructions because this might affect the validity of warranty.
本质量保证内也不包括那些因和拉扯或者意外组装或安装、恶劣储存条件使等), 或者由于厂商未曾预见或指定的产品更改造成的故障和 退化。
Faults and
[...] deterioration due to normal wear and tear or an external accident (incorrect assembly or installation, poor storage conditions, abnormaluse, etc.), or [...]
due to a modification
of the goods which was neither foreseen or specified by the vendor shall also be excluded.
由於多溴聯苯醚在脂肪内应进食低脂食品, 切去肉類和肉類制品的脂肪,减少使用动物脂肪配制食物,以及采用低脂的烹调方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in fat, the public should consume low fat food, discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce the use of food made from animal fat and adopt low fat cooking methods.
每年核查访问次数大大高于受管制公司数量,因为出因,可能必 须数次访问(比如执行法定的批准和同意程序,处理雇员提交的申诉,在调查过 严重或致命职业令状,进行后续视察)。
The number of verification visits per year is considerably higher than the number of controlled companies because, for different reasons, it may be necessary to visit some companies several times (e.g. to carry
out approval and consent procedures
[...] required by law, to deal with applications filed by employees, to issue a preceptto an employer after aninvestigation of a serious of fatal occupational accident, tocarry out follow-up inspections).
作条件的工作方面,已经作出了全面努力,这种努力为决定统一适当补偿方案奠 定了坚实基础。但行政首长协调会/人力资源网强调,联合国以及单独管理的各
[...] 基金、方案和专门机构必须能够在工作人员不能带家属安置常主庭 的工作地点征聘、指派和留用工作人员。
The Human Resources Network was of the view that the comprehensive work that had gone into the preparation of the review of the harmonization of conditions of work in non-family duty stations provided a solid basis for reaching decisions on an adequate compensation package under a harmonized approach, but stressed that it was essential for the United Nations, the separately administered funds and programmes and the specialized agencies to be able to recruit,
assign and retain staff in duty stations where they cannot take their
[...] families or establish anormal primaryhousehold.
如此委任的任何人士有权收 取董事大会通告并於会上投票以及计入法定人数,并关大会上 履行其委任人作为董事的一切职责,及其将在其根据委任条款任职期限 届满或发生任何事件致使其(本身为董事)离职或倘委任人书面撤销有 关委任或委任人本身故不任董事时自动离职,惟倘於任何大会上 任何董事轮值退任或以其他方式退任,但於会上重选,则其根据本公司 细则作出并於紧接其退任前生效的任何委任仍将生效,而不论其已退 任。
Any person so appointed shall (except when absent from Hong Kong) be entitled to receive notices of and to attend and vote at meetings of the Directors and be counted towards a quorum and generally at such meetings to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director and shall automatically vacate his office on the expiration of the term for or the happening of the event until
which he is by the
[...] terms of his appointment to hold office or which, were he a Director, would cause him to vacate such office or if the appointor in writing revokes the appointment or himself ceases for any reasonto hold office as a Director provided that, if at any meeting any Director retires [...]
by rotation or otherwise
but is re-elected at the same meeting, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Bye-Law which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.
南联之附属公司乃 本公司两间附属公司股东及始都为本公司之关连人士,因此,就上 巿规则而言,富联地产向始都提供管理服务构成本公司一项关连交易。
By virtue of Winsor’s subsidiary being a substantial shareholder of the Company’s two subsidiaries, Winsor and Begin Land are connected persons of the Company and the provision of management services by USIP to Begin Land constituted a connected transaction of the Company for the purpose of the Listing Rules.
[...] 国,同样在其它发达国家,赞同竞争的知识产权规定和相关限制性商业实践的控制规定是 其反托拉斯法律容,并院、竞争机构和其它相应政府机构实施。
In the US particularly, but also in other developed countries, pro-competitive regulation of IP rights and control of related restrictive business practices
are key features of anti-trust
[...] legislation and theseare regularly put into effect by the [...]
courts, competition authorities
and by other relevant government agencies.
新增第 105.4(乙)条(探亲假),这项新规定有助于工作人员应对家庭的急事和有 关情况,例如:配偶、母亲、父亲、子女或近亲去世,出病;在时间面临 的照料子女的困难或承担子女入学的义务;家庭遭遇重大损失需要立即到场。
The new Rule 105.4 bis (Family leave) is intended to enable staff members to attend to family emergencies or other
family-related situations such as
[...] the death, injury or illness of a spouse, mother, father, child, or close relative; problems relating to the care of children [...]
or obligations relating
to school attendance during the normal hours of work; major damage at the place of residence requiring immediate attendance.




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