

单词 不为左右袒

See also:

左右 adv

around adv
approximately adv


left and right


be partial to
be biased
take sides with
favor one side

External sources (not reviewed)

事實上,我們只不過是在儀式上有發表意見的權利,不 應該介意我們有多少權力左右大學 的政策。
In fact, we only have the right to express our views as a formality, so we should not care about how much power we have to sway the policies of the university.
计算机软件业本身也是创新 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员 为 在 过 去的十 左右 时 间 内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。
The computer software industry
is also a highly important source
[...] of innovation in its own right and its members argue that [...]
they have produced dramatic gains
in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen.
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城
市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c)
[...] 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力为, 不 是 没 有反应,就是做出 袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; (b) an emotional response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment
by the rioters that the reaction from the
[...] police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
印度尼西亚还坚定地为,应 在客观、公正不偏袒原则 的基础上在全世界推进人权事业,消除双重标准和政治化。
Indonesia also steadfastly
[...] holds the view that advancing the cause of human rights worldwide should be pursued on the basis of principles [...]
of objectivity, impartiality,
non-selectivity and the elimination of double standards and politicization.
当天线挂高比建筑屋面高不多(10m 左右 ) , 可采用简易的屋面增高架方式,在建筑的梁(墙)处浇筑混凝土墩 为 配 重 (计算混凝土重量足以抵抗铁架倾覆力),增高架固定于混凝土墩,可不必破坏屋面防水层,此方式造价低,施工简便。
Antenna hung above the high than building roof not more than (10m) can be increased a simple roof rack, in the construction of the beam (wall) at [...]
pouring concrete pier as a counterweight
(calculate concrete weight enough to resist the hob overturning force) higher frame fixed on the concrete pier, without destroying the roofing layer, this way of low-cost, simple construction.
由於時間已是下午4 時 24分,有關討不可能 在餘下數分鐘內完 成,她就以下兩個方案徵詢議員的意見:(a)將 有關此事項的討論押後至另一次內務委員會特 別會議;或(b)在下午4時 30分暫停內務委員會 會議,待財委會第一節會議於下午6時 30分左右 結束時,才復會繼續討論此事項。
As it was already 4:24 pm and the discussion could unlikely be finished within the remaining few minutes, she sought Members' view on the following two options: (a) deferring the discussion of this item to a special HC meeting; or (b) suspending the HC meeting at 4:30 pm and resuming it after the first FC meeting at around 6:30 pm to continue the discussion on this item.
虽然此属性在上面的示例中并不会带来什 不 同 ,但 是如左侧或右侧的 表达式会调用程序或对数据值进行更改,那么就必须考虑这一 点。
While this property makes little difference in the
[...] examples given above, if the left-hand or right-hand expressions call [...]
a program or make a change
to a data value, this behavior must be taken into account.
他们进一步重申,所有人权特别是发展权都具有普遍性,而且是不可 剥夺、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的,必须在全球范围内通过建设性 的、以对话为基础的以及采取公正、平等和客观的方式,以尊重国家主权 和领土完整、不干涉别国内政、公正 不 偏 袒 和 透明 性 为 其 指 导原则,处 理人权问题,同时考虑到各国的政治、历史、社会、宗教和文化特点。
They further reaffirmed that all human rights, in particular the right to development, are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, and that human rights issues must be addressed within the global context through a constructive, non-confrontational, non-politicized and non-selective dialogue-based approach, in a fair and equal manner, with objectivity, respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, impartiality, non-selectivity and transparency as the guiding principles, taking into account the political, historical, social, religious and cultural particularities of each country.
建议96.33、96.34、96.35、96.36和96.37 未获接受,为委内瑞拉国行使 其基本权力,是为公众 的政治和社会参与提供广泛的保障,促进和保障社会组 织和人民团体的发展,既不排斥不 偏 袒 任 何 组织和团体;这涵盖非政府组织在 我国开展的工作,但其资金来源须合法,而且不得从事颠覆或反对国家宪法或法 律或合法组成的有关当局的行动。
Recommendations 96.33, 96.34, 96.35, 96.36 and 96.37 are
rejected on the grounds that the State of Venezuela, on the basis of broad guarantees for political and social participation by the public, in the exercise of its fundamental
[...] power, promotes and guarantees the development of social and popular organization without exclusion or favouritism; this includes the work preformed by NGOs in our country, its lawful financing excluding actions to [...]
subvert or oppose the National Constitution, or the laws, or the legitimately constituted authorities.
这个进程面临的重大 挑战是,要着重点,还是要包容性,在两者之 左右为 难 的 困境。
The main challenge faced in this process was the dilemma between focus and inclusiveness.
乌克兰拥有大量武器库存,其枪支数量与乌克兰 士兵的比例为 54:1,而世界接受的比为 2:1 左右; 而且乌克兰拥有大量多余的大型飞机,包括超大型的 安东诺夫和伊留申飞机。
It has huge stocks — there are 54 firearms for every Ukrainian soldier, as against the accepted world ratio of around 2:1 — and a large surplus of large planes, including oversized Antonov and Ilyushin models.
应 当指出,销售的主要途径是传统网络,而远程下载的书籍则只占销售的 10%左右;由此可以 看出,《以纸为载体 的版本》及在国际或地区一级举办的书展上推销这些版本是至关重要 的。
It should be noted that most sales are derived from distribution through traditional networks whereas downloaded works only account for some 10% of sales; hence the importance of “paper editions” and their promotion, especially at international and regional book fairs.
我们当中的管理者必须保持特别警惕,以确 不 会 发生可能被他人 为 偏 袒 或 潜在 利益冲突的情况。
Those of us who manage others must remain particularly
vigilant to ensure that
[...] situations are not created that could appear to others as favoritism or a potential [...]
conflict of interest.
为这一 系统处理方法的组成部分,哥斯达黎加支持普遍性、公正性、客观 性不偏袒、非 政治化、国际建设性对话与合作等原则。
As part of this systemic approach, Costa Rica supports the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity, non-politicization, international constructive dialogue and cooperation.
(a) 法官在审理一切事项时必须以无畏 不 偏 袒 且 不 存 偏见的方式行事; (b) 法官必须确保其任何时候的为均能维持所有人对法庭公正性的信任
(b ) Judges must ensure that their conduct at all times maintains the confidence of all in the impartiality of the Tribunals
499.19 鼓励国家现有独立人权机构,包括监察员(如果有 ) 在 不 偏 袒 和客 观的基础上发挥建设性作用,以增进和保护其本国的所有人权和基本自 由,并在这方面要求联合国人权事务高级专员办事处按照有关国家的要 求为其本 国机构的设立和运作给予更多援助。
499.19 Encourage the existing independent national human rights institutions, including Ombudsmen where they exist, to perform their constructive role, on the basis of impartiality and objectivity, in the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in their Countries, and request in this context, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide greater assistance, upon request, by interested Governments in the establishment and operations of their national institutions.
人们对在索马里海域进行的非法、 无管制和未报告的外国捕鱼海盗 为不 以 为 意 ,这突出表明了国际社会的误解和袒,也 表明了为想方设法切实解决海盗行为的威胁所建议采取的各种行动不切 实际。
The illegal unreported and unregulated foreign fishing piracy in the Somali seas is ignored, underlining the international community's misunderstanding, partiality, and the impracticality of the proposed actions to find ways to effectively resolve the piracy threat.
不 能为了政 治目的利用人权问题,必须以公正 不 偏袒 的方式加以处理。
Human rights issues must not be exploited for political ends and must be addressed in an [...]
impartial and non-selective manner.
物业销售上普罗旺斯阿尔卑斯省将在该地区比较有名的城镇,如艾克斯普罗旺斯海岸的度假胜地有更多的机 为 物 业 装修项目,但租金收益良好的价值相比,显 不 会 是高 或 左右 容 易 获得。
Property for sale in Alpes de Haute Provence will be good value compared with the more famous towns in the region such as Aix-en-Provence or the
Coastal resorts with
[...] more opportunity for property renovation projects but rental yields will clearly not be as high or so easy to obtain.
2006-2010 年期间, 这两个科目的学习成绩不及格学生的数量可能只能减少 7%左右:数学不及格的学 生比为 88.8%,西班牙语不及格的学生比例为 17.9%。
Between 2006 and 2010, it was only possible to reduce by approximately 7 per cent the number of pupils with insufficient levels of learning in both subjects: 88.8 per cent in the case of mathematics and 17.9 per cent in the case of Spanish.
2006 年底,安哥拉的计划开支为 60%左右,这 是因为为了更加有效地重新确定该项目的方向而推迟了执行工作。
The programme in Angola shows an expenditure rate of around 60% at the end of 2006, due to a postponed execution with a view to refocusing the project in a more efficient way.
要取下输入托盘,请将输入托盘轻轻推 左 边 或 右 边 将 插脚从插 槽中释放出来,然后将它拉出。
To remove the input tray, gently push the
[...] input tray to the left or right to release the [...]
pin from the slot, and lift it out of position.
[...] 字之高危及到未来的发展,而且一方面政府的干预措施需要再实施一段时间,而另一方面人 们关切恢复财政平衡问题,因而令 左右为 难。
In countries where growth was maintained or restored as a result of vigorous budgetary policies, the size of the deficit jeopardizes future development and tension is
felt between the need to sustain government
[...] intervention for a longer period and [...]
the concern for restoring fiscal balance.
关于世界文化遗产,有些发言者指出,发展中国家在向世界遗产名录提交提名申请时 常受不应该和不公正 的限制,目前的提名程序 袒 发 达 国家。
As regards world heritage, some speakers pointed to the undue and unfair restrictions experienced by developing countries when submitting nominations for the World Heritage List, which at present is tilted in favour of developed countries.
(f) 法官在与为当事 方或法律代理人的工作人员以及在法官主持的法庭 经常出庭的其他人之间的私人关系中,必须避免出现让人有理由担心存在 袒或 不公的情况
(f ) In their personal relations with individual staff members who
[...] parties, legal representatives and others who appear regularly in the Tribunal presided over by them, judges must avoid situations which might give rise to the reasonable apprehension of favouritism or partiality
主席,我今天 再 次 呼 籲 政 府在創 造 就 業
、 刺激香港本土經濟,以 及 令 香 港 經濟環境得 以改善的 同
[...] 時,一 定 要 照 顧各階層的利益 ,不要只 偏 袒 一兩 個 階級或 一兩 人,又或其心目 [...]
中最親 密 的財團 的利益 , 這對香港整個前途 是 十 分 重 要 的 。
Madam President, while the Government creates employment, stimulates the local community economy and improves the economic environment, I again call upon it to look after the interests
of people from different sectors rather
[...] than being biased towards certain sectors or [...]
people, or the consortiums that are dearest to it.
整体和局部的分隔都是属于表现的,局部在整体中的风格 不 同 ( 如: 右 到 左 , 第 一张,有一个女人从大楼里探头出来收衣服的一段画面和后面的画面的风格全然不同,而它却是漫画样式的,后面的第二画幅确实纯粹表现主义的)。
There are some local variations in style (e.g. the first image reading from the right, the picture [...]
of a woman sticking her
head out of the window to fetch the washing in is completely different, in a cartoon style, while the next two images are pure expressionist).
石莲桦属分枝花柱(Cotyledion tylodes)拥有高脚杯状的外形,杯体外环绕着U型消化道( 左 化 石的黑色特征,箭头象征食物的流动),这种动物往往将自己锚定在海床上或在固定的坚硬物质上,例如三叶虫蜕皮后的外骨骼( 右为 艺 术 构想图)。
Cotyledion tylodes had a goblet-shaped body that surrounded a
U-shaped gut (dark
[...] feature in fossil at left; arrows denote flow of food), and the animal spent its life anchored to the seafloor or to hard objects that had settled there, such as the molted exoskeletons of trilobites (artist's representation at right).




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