单词 | 下車 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下車 verb —alight v
(a) 我們建議的豁免已包括的士站內首五輛的士、正在向 前駛動的車列中之的士、及正在讓乘客 上 車 和 下車之 的士。 legco.gov.hk | (a) our proposals include exempting the first five [...] taxis at a taxi stand, those taxis in a moving queue and taxis which are in the [...] process of passenger boarding or alighting. legco.gov.hk |
根據建議,乘客可透過 [...] 新增的轉乘優惠在彌敦道乘搭九巴 6C 或 30X 號線在加 士居道下車前往伊利沙伯醫院。 legco.gov.hk | Under the scheme, passengers may make use of the new [...] fare concessions and interchange with KMB Routes [...] 6C or 30X and alight at Gascoigne [...]Road for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. legco.gov.hk |
陪同在索道上未滿3 歲的兒童的人,須在該兒童在月台時或登上 纜車或從纜車下車時,抱着該兒童。 oceanpark.cn | (3) A person accompanying a child under 3 years [...] of age on the Ropeway shall hold the child whilst the child is on a [...] platform or boarding or alighting from a cable car. oceanpark.cn |
如果該 兩站變為地下車站,相對地乘客來往車站月台與地面之 間的距離較大,所需的時間亦較長,鐵路的吸引力會相 [...] 應下降。 legco.gov.hk | To locate these [...] two stations underground, the level distance [...]between the station platform and road surface is comparatively [...]larger, and the travelling time taken will be longer. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 乘客下車時應 通知車長,以便車長點算巴士上氧氣瓶的數 目;以及 legco.gov.hk | (c) the passenger should inform the [...] bus driver when alighting so that the bus [...]driver can take stock of the number of oxygen cylinders on board; and legco.gov.hk |
(b) 乘客宜盡量坐在鄰近下車車門, 供有需要人士使用的優先座 位 legco.gov.hk | (b) the passenger would be advised to be seated at the priority seats for passengers in need, which are located near the exit door of the buses, as far as possible legco.gov.hk |
肇事列車司機透過廣播系統作出廣播,呼籲乘客保 持冷靜下車,並循列車行駛方向離開。 legco.gov.hk | The ITD made announcements through the public address system of the train and advised passengers to remain calm, leave the train and proceed in the same direction of the train. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 小巴站內的小巴 [...] 我們原先建議豁免小巴站內首兩輛小巴(以及小巴站 內正在讓乘客上車或下車的小巴,和小巴站內正在向 前駛動的車列中輪候接載乘客的小巴)。 legco.gov.hk | We proposed to exempt the first two minibuses at a minibus stand from the ban (as well [...] as those which are in the process of [...] passenger boarding or alighting and those in a [...]moving queue waiting for their turns to pick up passengers). legco.gov.hk |
(a) 車輛由於乘客正在上車或下車而須在路旁停止行駛,但 其他在路旁停止行駛的車輛即不獲豁免 legco.gov.hk | alighting, i.e. exemption will not be given to standing vehicles not conducting boarding or alighting activities legco.gov.hk |
為方便監察巴士車長的工作表現,龍運已於二零零七年為 旗下所有巴士安裝黑盒,而新巴和城巴(專營權二)則會於二零一 二年7 為旗下車隊安裝黑盒。 legco.gov.hk | To facilitate better monitoring of the bus captains’ performance, LW has completed the retrofitting of black boxes on all its buses in 2007, while NWFB and Citybus (Franchise 2) will start retrofitting their fleets with black boxes in 20127 . legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 按巴士所符合的廢氣排放標準分別列出現時每間專營巴士 公司轄下車隊的巴士數目 legco.gov.hk | (a) of the current number of buses in the fleet of each franchised bus company, broken down by the emission standards which they meet legco.gov.hk |
至於荃灣站 1 號月台及上環站 2 [...] 號月台,由於這兩個月台分別是荃灣線及港 島線的終點站,只作乘客下車之用 ,因此地鐵公司沒有計劃設置 月台座椅。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the Tsuen Wan Station Platform 1 and Sheung Wan Station Platform 2, since they are the terminal stations of the Tsuen Wan [...] Line and the Island Line respectively and [...] are intended for alighting passengers only, [...]the Corporation does not plan to provide seats at these two platforms. legco.gov.hk |
至於有關通報的安排,雖然地鐵公司已就今次事故向運 [...] 輸署及鐵路視察組作出通報,鑑於事故對需要在奧運 站 下車 的乘 客造成不便及可能引起公眾對列車安全有疑慮,地鐵公 [...] 司已因應政府的要求,答允加強與傳媒的溝通,日後在通報 運輸署及鐵路視察組後,就同類的情況,盡快通知傳媒。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of the notification arrangement, although the Corporation had duly notified TD and HKRI of the incident, in [...] view of the inconvenience caused to passengers [...] intending to alight at OLY and the [...]possible concern of the public on the safety [...]of train operation, MTRCL has agreed to Government’s request to improve communication with the media. legco.gov.hk |
為了善用資源,運輸署會與相關巴士服務營辦商檢討縮短行車路 線的可行性,特別是大部分乘客會在中 途 下車 的 路 線。 legco.gov.hk | To optimize the use of resources, the TD will review with relevant bus operators [...] the feasibility of truncating routes, in particular those where majority of the [...] passengers will have alighted en route. legco.gov.hk |
2. 地鐵的目標是維持列月台平均温度為攝氏 27 度或以下,車站大堂則為攝氏 29 度或以下(特別炎熱的日子除外)。 legco.gov.hk | MTRCL’s target is to maintain the temperature of platforms and station concourse generally at 27°C and 29°C (except on very hot days) respectively. legco.gov.hk |
新 行 人隧道 落 成後,乘客如在東鐵尖東站下車, 他們便可在 9 至 11 分鐘時間內 到達廣東道,無需像目前般要用 11 至 13 分鐘的時間,在路面橫過 漢口道和亞士厘道到達北京 道行人隧道, 前 往 廣東道。 legco.gov.hk | With that new pedestrian subway, passengers can reach Canton Road in about 9 to 11 minutes after getting off the East Rail at its East Tsim Sha Tsui Station instead of 11-13 minutes at present when they have to cross Hankow Road and Ashley Road before reaching the Peking Road Subway. legco.gov.hk |
為配合它們的營運需要,我們建議修訂豁免安排,豁免 小巴站內每條路線首兩輛綠色小巴( 以及正在讓乘客上車或 下車的小巴)。 legco.gov.hk | To cater for their operational needs, we propose to revise the exemption to cover the first two green [...] minibuses of each route at a minibus stand (in addition to those which are in the [...] process of passenger boarding or alighting). legco.gov.hk |
TNT 快遞香港(下稱:TNT)獲得基金 資助購置兩輛電動客貨車(下稱:電動客貨車)和相關的充電設施,以試驗電動客貨車用 於快遞服務。 epd.gov.hk | The Fund has subsidized TNT Express Worldwide (HK) Limited (TNT) to trial two electric van-type light goods vehicles (electric vans) for courier service with the associated charging facilities. epd.gov.hk |
(a) 車輛由於乘客正在上車或下車而須在路旁停止行駛,但 其他在路旁停止行駛而並非正在上落乘客的車輛則不獲 豁免; (b) 在的士站的首兩輛的士和在公共小巴站的首兩輛公共小 巴。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the first two taxis at a taxi stand and the first two public light buses (PLBs) at a PLB stand. legco.gov.hk |
相關區議會整體不反對這個方案,但個別議員認為縮短 路線未能照顧在佐敦道附近下車前往 伊利沙伯醫院的 乘客,並提出反建議將路線改往尖沙咀碼頭。 legco.gov.hk | The relevant DCs had no objection to this scheme in general but individual DC members considered that the truncated [...] route would not be able to serve those [...] passengers who now alight in the vicinity [...]of Jordan Road for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. legco.gov.hk |
不得在下車月台以外的地方從纜 車下車 , 亦 不得在纜車鄰 接月台的一邊以外的地方下車 oceanpark.cn | (c) alight from a cable car other than at an alighting platform or other than from the side of the cable car adjacent to the platform; (d) after a single journey on a cable car, fail to alight from the cable oceanpark.cn |
在考慮保護環境和業界的營運需要後,我們建議擴大豁 [...] 免範圍至的士站內首五輛的士( 以及正在讓乘客上車或下車 之的 士,和的士站內正在向前駛動的車列中輪候載客之的 [...]士 )。 legco.gov.hk | After weighing the need to protect the environment against the operational needs of the trade, we propose to extend the exemption to cover the first five taxis at a taxi stand (in addition [...] to those which are in the process of [...] passenger boarding or alighting and those in a [...]moving queue waiting for their turns to pick up passengers). legco.gov.hk |
有幾名成員認為在夏天時,太陽直接照 射 下 來 , 車 廂 內 的溫度 可達攝氏40至 50度。 forum.gov.hk | A few members opined that the temperature [...] inside the vehicles might reach 40 to 50℃under the sun in summer. forum.gov.hk |
不得在無合理理由支持下啟動停車場 內的任何汽車的發聲 警報設備;或 oceanpark.cn | (m) activate the audible warning device of a motor vehicle in a car park without reasonable justification; or oceanpark.cn |
正常駕駛情況下,電動貨車司機應利用再生制動功能去減慢車速,然後再輕力刹車。 epd.gov.hk | Driver should adopt the brake regenerating function to [...] slow down the EV, followed by gentle braking [...]in normal driving conditions. epd.gov.hk |
不得在引致損毀停車場內任何汽車或物體或引致傷害停車 場內任何人後,於沒有將該項損毀或傷害報知服務人員的 情況下離開該停車場 oceanpark.cn | (k) having caused any damage to a motor vehicle or object in a car park or any injury to a person in a car park, leave the car park without reporting the damage or injury to an attendant oceanpark.cn |
任何人不得在違反服務人員的指示的情 況 下 停 泊 任何 汽 車。 oceanpark.cn | (3) A person shall not park a motor vehicle contrary to the direction of an attendant. oceanpark.cn |
如表 1 [...] 所示,最受歡迎的廣場設施有:草木花卉/草坪、公眾活動空間、港鐵站 出入通道、地下(可能多層)停車場、 休憩座位設施及露天茶座。 forum.gov.hk | As illustrated in Table 1, the most popular facilities suggested are: trees and greenery / lawn areas; open [...] space for public activities; access [...] to MTR station(s); underground car parks, possibly [...]multi-storey; seating areas; and alfresco café. forum.gov.hk |
該計劃需要提供更多的 (可能 是地下的) 停車場, 擴闊廣東道及梳士巴利道,並考慮人群和車輛的管制。 forum.gov.hk | A. Traffic and People Flows y The anticipated heavy traffic and pedestrian loadings of the piazza area; the project needs to provide more car parks (possibly underground), widen Canton Road and Salisbury Road, and consider crowd and vehicle controls. forum.gov.hk |
新 乘 客資訊顯示系統會有更大的屏幕位置展示資訊,發放資訊時更 富彈性,例如可顯示時間、天氣、下 一 班 列 車 到 達 時間、列車 服務受阻資訊及播放車務宣傳短片等。 mtr-westislandline.hk | The new passenger information displays will provide a larger screen for information display and allow greater flexibility in the provision of [...] useful passenger information, such as time, [...] weather, time till next train, service disruption [...]information and operational promotion videos, etc. mtr-westislandline.hk |