单词 | 下齿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下齿 —bottom teeth
记下齿轮机构标记的位置。 highvolt.de | Note the [...] positions of the gear markings. highvolt.de |
从驱动室卸下齿轮组 (44)和 (40)及止推垫圈 (25)。 graco.com | Remove gear cluster (44) and (40) [...] and thrust washer (25) from drive housing. graco.com |
下齿面加 工是一道技术高端的前提工序,可决定倒角的质量。 audemarspiguet.com | High-end watchmaking employs the process of flanking to ensure the quality of the beveling. audemarspiguet.com |
要在这只”The Last Laugh”上看清时间你必须盯着这些牙齿看--上齿显示的是小时 , 下齿 显 示 分钟。 iontime.ch | To read time on “The Last Laugh” you’re required to [...] look at the teeth – the top row indicates the hours and the lower part is for [...]the minutes. iontime.ch |
在某些情况下,齿轮啮 合摩擦的影响可能在一开始超过搅动损失。 cn.drivelinenews.com | In some circumstances, the gear mesh friction may [...] outweigh the churning losses to begin with. drivelinenews.com |
如果需要手动操作,按下齿轮释 放按钮后对阀门进行手动操作。 cloriuscontrols.com | If manual operation is [...] required, activate the gear release button to [...]operate the valve manually. cloriuscontrols.com |
完成一只镂空机板的制作必须经过 下齿 面 加 工 & 倒角、珍珠圆点打磨以及抛光等数道工序,而且全程以手工进行。 audemarspiguet.com | Several steps are involved in finishing every skeletonized mainplate, each carried out by hand: flanking & beveling, perlage and polishing. audemarspiguet.com |
Vera Gorbunova及其同事从两种盲鼹鼠身上分离出了成纤维细胞,盲鼹鼠是小型 地 下 啮 齿 动 物。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Vera Gorbunova and colleagues isolated fibroblast cells from two species of blind mole rats, [...] which are small, subterranean rodents. chinese.eurekalert.org |
虽然,新型的2007 360T 型(直角)和360AT 型(多角度)的准双曲面齿轮检验机,在直径为360 mm以下的齿轮检 验方面,也取得了不同的、令人振奋的进展,但对直径达600 mm,轴交角为直角的齿轮副来说,600HTT机床依然提供着前沿的技术。 gleason.com | Although the new 2007 360T (right-angle) and 360AT (Angular) hypoid testing machines provide yet another exciting step forward for testing gears less than 360 mm diameter, the 600HTT continues to provide leading-edge technology for right-angle gearsets up to 600 mm. gleason.com |
提交人一家获得保释,提交人称, 由于这次攻击,她几处受伤,脸部、 下 巴 和 牙 齿 挫 伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author alleges that as a result of the assault she suffered several injuries and [...] contusions to her face, jaw and teeth. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种小齿轮和环形齿轮螺旋齿与下偏 置 布局使得小齿轮在车辆前进时向前运转或者朝着止端轴承方向前推。 cn.drivelinenews.com | This pinion-and-ring-gear-spiral-hand and below-center-offset arrangement [...] are such that the pinion is thrust forward in [...]the vehicle, or toward the head bearing, during forward-drive conditions. drivelinenews.com |
将牙托拿出并剪去牙托的手柄。重复以上步骤制 作 下 排 牙 齿 的 牙 托。 cosme-de.com | The same procedure is [...] repeated on lower teeth with second tray. cosme-de.com |
下部包括奇数齿轮和离合器K1,从而作为档位部分1。 schaeffler.cn | The lower part contains the odd gears as well as the clutch K1 and is described as Part Gear 1. schaeffler.us |
某些情况下使用行星齿轮, 其行星轮安装在特殊开发的球面滚子轴承上。 schaeffler.cn | In some cases planetary gears are used whose [...] planet wheels run in specially developed spherical roller bearings. schaeffler.us |
相关的错牙合畸形的变化可能有害身体的平衡,沿上颌骨 和 下 颌 骨的 牙 齿 在 正常位置上的变化。 institutododelta.com.br | Changes potentially harmful to [...] body balance have been related to malocclusion, changes in the normal [...] position of the teeth along the maxilla and mandible. institutododelta.com.br |
通过添加适当的抗磨添加剂复合剂,聚α烯烃和多元醇酯调配的液压油可用于高压或低压条 件 下 运 行 的 齿 轮 泵 、柱塞泵或叶片泵系统。 exxonmobilchemical.com | When properly formulated with antiwear additive packages, hydraulic fluid made with PAO and polyol [...] ester combinations are recommended [...] for systems using gear, piston or vane pumps operating at either [...]high or low pressures. exxonmobilchemical.com |
尼尔森地区拥有许多一流的精品酒庄,何不游览一下该地区,品尝 一 下 让 你 唇 齿 留 香 的葡萄酒? cn.yha.co.nz | The Nelson region has some of the countries great boutique wineries, why not explore the region while taking in a spot of wine tasting yha.co.nz |
可通过多种方式对铸件与铸造组件进行抛丸清理,在循环压 力 下 运 行 的 齿 轮 /毂 的某些截面可能需要经过强化处理,以提高其抗疲劳强度。 wheelabratorgroup.com | Cast parts and components can be blast cleaned in [...] a variety of ways, and some [...] sections of the gear/hub that will be operating under cyclical stress [...]may need to be peened [...]to increase the resistance to fatigue. wheelabratorgroup.com |
含氟的牙膏、漱口水、凝胶和保护膜等常见的氟化物产品,被用于在口中已经长出 牙 齿 的 情 况 下 预 防 龋 齿。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Topical fluorides such as fluoride [...] toothpaste, mouthwash, gels and varnish that are [...] applied to teeth already erupted in mouth to make them decay-resistant. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
齿轮箱输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力 下 降 时 加速 (泵的 下缸体 处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。 graco.com | The output shaft of the gearbox and the connecting rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding [...] up when the pressure [...]drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping). graco.com |
虽然看,豆揭露了一张纸,面带微笑, 牙 齿 和 下 写 9.00,豆先生“麻烦”从情节。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Whilst looking, Bean uncovers a piece of paper with a [...] smile showing teeth and 9.00 written under it, from the [...]episode "The Trouble With Mr. Bean". seekcartoon.com |
支持最高 16 倍速去除锯齿的 128 位和 64 位浮点 HDR,可以消除锯齿的情况下提供 逼真的光线效果。 nvidia.cn | Support for 128-bit and 64-bit floating point HDR with up to 16x anti-aliasing delivering vividly realistic lighting effects while obliterating ‘jaggies’. nvidia.com |
该系统由基本的组织和器官,包括骨骼结构, 牙 齿 , 肌 肉, 颞 下 颌 关 节,神经,血管和腺体。 institutododelta.com.br | This system consists basically of [...] tissues and organs that comprise the [...] bony structures, teeth, muscles, temporomandibular [...]joints, nerves, blood vessels and glands. institutododelta.com.br |
另外还备有车螺纹或滚齿加工 等支持功 能,可有效支持用车床进行的各种加工。 moriseiki.com | There are also other options for [...] threading and hobbing, providing powerful [...]support for many lathe users. moriseiki.com |
但如果伴随着更高的燃料效率,例如 通过改进船体、螺旋桨和齿轮设 计,这类投资会很快被补偿。 fao.org | However, if accompanied by greater fuel efficiency, e.g. through improved [...] hull, propeller and gear design, this investment [...]could quickly be recouped. fao.org |
生活中有些担心和紧张是正常的,但是焦虑症带来的极端紧张,烦躁,忧虑,沮丧,混乱和绝望,甚至失眠,睡眠不安,磨 牙 齿 , 下 颌 疼痛,无法坐立,都是很痛苦的。 cn.iherb.com | Insomnia, restless sleep, grinding of teeth, jaw pain, [...] an inability to sit still and difficulty coping are common. iherb.com |
公司主要产品有:数控火焰切割机、龙门数控火焰精 密 齿 条 切 割机、 水 下 数 控等离子切割机、数控台式/火焰等离切割机、数控精细类激光等离子切割机、无限回转割炬等。 chinatrader.ru | AUPAL main products:CNC flame cutting [...] machine、Portal frame CNC flame [...] precise rack cutting machine、Under-water CNC plasma cutting [...]machine、CNC table style flame/plasma [...]cutting machine、CNC precision(Laser Class)plasma cutting machine、Unlimited rotary cutting torch etc. chinatrader.ru |
叶柄5-10毫米; 叶片纸质,椭圆形到长圆形椭圆, 9-11 * 4-4.5 厘米,基部楔形到渐狭,远轴的边缘3/4具细 圆 齿 , 下 部 1/4的全缘或近全缘的,先端锐尖或渐尖的;侧脉6-9对,,向前弄弯的,到达在到达边缘前消失前网状和消失。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 5-10 mm; leaf blade papery, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 9-11 × 4-4.5 cm, base cuneate to attenuate, margin distal 3/4 crenulate, proximal 1/4 entire or subentire, apex acute or acuminate; lateral veins 6-9 pairs, curving forward, disappearing before reaching margin. flora.ac.cn |