单词 | 下腹痛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下腹痛 noun —abdominal pain nSee also:下腹 n—lower abdomen n 腹痛 n—abdominal pain n 腹痛—stomach pain • belly-ache 腹 n—abdomen n • stomach n • belly n
惡性或體積較大的腫瘤可能會引致泌尿系統敏感,或 令 下腹 疼 痛 , 尤 其是腫瘤增長至膀胱壁以外。 hsbc.com.hk | Larger and invasive tumors may cause urinary [...] irritation or lower abdominal pain, especially [...]when gone through the bladder wall. hsbc.com.hk |
肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种功能性肠道疾病,全世界有3-15%的人患有肠易激综合征,这种病可引起肠痉挛 、 腹痛 、 胀气 、 腹 泻 和 便秘。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder [...] that affects between 3-15% of people worldwide causing [...] cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
吃下小量甲醛不会造成急性中毒,但 吃 下 大 量 甲醛则通常会引致严 重 腹痛 、 呕 吐、昏迷、肾脏受损或死亡。 cfs.gov.hk | Ingestion of a small amount of formaldehyde is unlikely to cause acute effect, but ingestion of a [...] large amount of [...] formaldehyde can generally cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting, coma, renal injury [...]and possible death. cfs.gov.hk |
除了在经期前后期或行经期间出现重度的疼痛之外,痛经的其他症状还包 括 下腹 或 腰 背部 疼 痛 或 痉 挛、大腿内侧有牵扯感、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、头痛、和眩晕。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In addition to severe pain just before, during or after menstruation, other symptoms of dysmenorrhea [...] include cramps or [...] pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, a pulling feeling in the inner thighs, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, [...]headaches and dizziness. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在比較 SUPREP [...] 清腸套裝與含有聚乙二醇和電解質的(PEG + E)腸道準備藥品(按照分次劑量(2天)用藥法服 用)的多中心臨床對照試驗中,服用 SUPREP 清腸套裝後最常見的不良反應為全身不適、腹脹 、 腹痛 、 噁 心、嘔吐 和頭痛;參見下表 >1。 suprepkit.com | In a multicenter, controlled clinical trial comparing SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit with a bowel prep containing polyethylene glycol and electrolytes (PEG + E) that were administered in a split-dose (2-day) regimen, the most common adverse reactions after administration of SUPREP Bowel [...] Prep Kit were overall [...] discomfort, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and headache; see Table 1, below. suprepkit.com |
另一名出示 [...] 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因 为 腹 部 持续 疼 痛 反 射 至背 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another showed his healthcare booklet in [...] which he requests an X-ray because [...] of persistent pain in the abdomen radiating to the [...]back and left hip; no response was [...]noted in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般情况下,腹股沟 疝不会有症状,可一旦发作,一般会在腹股沟部位表现为肿块或包块突出,或是该部位有 隐 痛 , 进 行体力活动或咳嗽时 隐 痛 会 加 剧。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Often groin hernias do not cause symptoms, but when they do occur they usually manifest as a lump or bulge at the groin or a dull pain near the groin that worsens with physical activity or coughing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
经讨论后,工作组商定,对该事项的进一步审议将 包括下列方 面(A/CN.9/717,第 143 段):㈠关于保护仲裁过程完整性的条文是 应当采用笼统措词的形式,还是应当载列意在具体指明的特定实例;㈡保护仲 裁过程完整性与《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》关于此问题已有的规定之间的关 系;以及㈢如何根据保护仲裁过程完整性的需要确定透明度限制的门槛。 daccess-ods.un.org | After discussion, the Working Group agreed that the questions for further consideration on that matter would include (A/CN.9/717, para. 143): (i) whether a provision on protection of the integrity of the arbitral process should be in the form of a general formulation or should contain specific instances that were meant to be specifically addressed; (ii) the interplay between the protection of the integrity of the arbitral process and the provisions in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules already dealing with that issue; and (iii) how to determine the threshold for a limitation to transparency based on the ground of the need to protect integrity of the arbitral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果体温上升或持续发热超过10至14天,或是 有 腹痛 、 出 血性腹泻或继发性呕吐等,则应当去就诊。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Medical care should be sought if the fever increases or persists beyond 10 to 14 [...] days, or abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, or vomiting ensues. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
本地調查指出,有7-41%的外遊居民在行程中或回港後出現因外遊引致的健康問題;當中約有六成的健康問題與預防不當有關,包 括 腹 瀉 、 腹痛 和 作 嘔。 hksh.com | According to a local survey, around 7-41% of Hong Kong resident travelers experienced health-related problems during travel or [...] after return. Three-fifths of the health-related [...] problems, such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea, are [...]preventable. hksh.com |
各亚型分布有所差异,TrkA阳性神经细胞存在于咽下神经节和肠神经系,阳性神经纤维存在于腹神经索和肠神经系;TrkB阳性细胞存在于非神经组织的肠上皮;TrkC [...] 阳性神经细胞存在于脑、咽下神经节和肠神经细胞,阳性神经纤维存在于围咽神经环、腹神经索和肠神经系;TrkE 阳性神经细胞存在于脑、阳性神经纤维存在于 咽 下 神 经节 和 腹 神 经 索。 actazool.org | It was found that Trk was distributed in not only neural tissues but also non-neural tissues,TrkA receptor existed in subpharyngeal ganglion,ventral nerve cord,enteric neurons,nervous fibers between muscle cells,but not in cerebroganglion,TrkB only existed in intestinal epithelium,TrkC existed in cerebroganglion,subpharyngeal ganglion,ventral nerve cord,enteric neurons,nervous fibers between muscle [...] cells,and TrkE neurons existed in cerebroganglion,while TrkE nerve fibers in [...] subpharyngeal ganglion and ventral nerve cord. actazool.org |
结果表明,参环毛蚓神经细胞的神经细胞特异的烯醇化酶特性、神经微丝蛋白特性与星型胶质细胞的GFAP特性不同于哺乳动物;其神经组织存在有数量较多的吞噬功能的类似于哺乳动物小胶质细胞的细胞;参环毛蚓的脑不含有NO能神经细胞,而 咽 下 神 经节 和 腹 神 经 节含有NO能神经细胞。 actazool.org | There are no astrocytes containing GFAP, but there are many macrophages resembling mammalian microglia cells in the brains of Chinese earthworms, i.e., the astrocytes in the brain of the Chinese earthworm have a different GFAP cytochemistry to those of mammals but the cell like microglia in [...] the brain of the Chinese earthworm share the same [...] ED1 cytochemical characteristics as microglia in [...]the brains of mammals. actazool.org |
数千万人将悲惨地面临过 早地痛苦死去,留下悲哀 和常常陷入贫困的家人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tragically, tens of millions of others [...] will face early and painful deaths, leaving families [...]bereft and often impoverished. daccess-ods.un.org |
生活中有些担心和紧张是正常的,但是焦虑症带来的极端紧张,烦躁,忧虑,沮丧,混乱和绝望,甚至失眠,睡眠不安,磨牙齿 , 下 颌 疼 痛 , 无 法坐立,都是很痛苦的。 cn.iherb.com | Insomnia, restless sleep, grinding of teeth, jaw pain, an inability [...] to sit still and difficulty coping are common. iherb.com |
种姓的婆罗门的尊严被大大夸大了,而首陀罗种姓是到目前为止,以死亡 的 痛 苦 下 排 除 在婆罗门教的参与不齿。 mb-soft.com | The dignity of the Brahmin caste was greatly exaggerated, [...] while the Sudra caste was so far despised as [...] to be excluded under pain of death from participation [...]in the Brahmin religion. mb-soft.com |
有些人還出現腹痛,噁 心,嘔吐和腹瀉。 hsbc.com.hk | Some people also get abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. hsbc.com.hk |
傳統用法 苦參屬於清熱類中藥,是豆科植物苦參的根,性味苦寒,歸心、肝、胃、大腸、膀胱經,有清熱解毒、殺蟲利尿的功能,常用於治療濕熱所致 的 腹痛 瀉 痢、 帶 下 陰 癢、濕疹瘡瘍等。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Kushen is a cold, bitter herb made from the roots of the sophora plant that enters the heart, liver, stomach, large intestine and bladder meridians. vitagreen.com |
在中国《药典》中,甘草还被用于治 疗 腹痛 和 咳 嗽。 clarinsusa.com | It's also a remedy found in the Chinese [...] Pharmacopoeia to treat abdominal pains and coughs. clarinsusa.com |
通常胸口會感到擠壓性或壓迫性的疼痛,而肩膊、手臂、頸部、頜部或背部都可能感 疼 痛 , 腹 部 亦 可能有消化不良的感覺。 hsbc.com.hk | The pain appears in the chest, feeling like constricting or squeezing. It may also occur in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back, or in the stomach that feels like indigestion. hsbc.com.hk |
看来,承担了弥赛亚超人角色出现冲突与传统,他的死发言,因此,谁的数字弥赛亚将来自约瑟夫,或以法莲支派,而不是从犹大,谁会心甘情愿地接受了他的国家 和 下 降 的 痛 苦 如 在歌革和玛战争的受害者,被createdby的haggadists(见Pesik河37;。 mb-soft.com | It seems that the assumed superhuman character of the Messiah appeared to be in conflict with the tradition that spoke of his death, and therefore the figure of a Messiah who would come from the tribe of Joseph, or Ephraim, instead of from Judah, and who would willingly undergo suffering for his nation and fall as victim in the Gog and Magog war, was createdby the haggadists (see Pesik. R. 37; comp. 34.). mb-soft.com |
手術:於下腹位置 開刀,切割前列腺的脹大部位。 hsbc.com.hk | Open Surgery - Removal of the enlarged portion of the prostate through an incision, usually in the lower abdominal area. hsbc.com.hk |
半乳濁玻璃套多彩料,都含大小的零散氣泡;平唇、平斂底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形 ; 雕單層套圖案,腹下部有象徵地、湖石的一圈紋飾,一正面雕蝙蝠口銜卍字紋,下有松樹一棵,另一正面雕竹、梅,其形式有一點像“福”字的偏旁兩部分;側面雕蝙蝠耳,一隻銜靈芝,一隻銜桃枝 e-yaji.com | Transparent ruby-red, sapphire-blue, yellow, semi-transparent turquoise- blue, brown-streaked green, and milky glass, all with scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous rocky ground, one main side with a bat holding a beribboned fylfot in its mouth flying above a pine tree, suggesting the form of the character shou (‘longevity’), the other with a blossoming prunus tree and bamboo, suggesting the form of the character fu (‘happiness’), with two further bats positioned to stand for handles, one with a lingzhi in its mouth, the other with a branch with two peaches e-yaji.com |
4.其他:胆管癌患者除了伴随有黄疸 、 腹痛 等 症 状,还会出现诸如恶心、呕吐、消瘦、尿色深黄如酱油或浓茶样、大便色浅黄甚至呈陶土色等症状,晚期肿瘤溃破时,可出现胆道出血,黑便、大便隐血试验呈阳性,甚者可出现贫血等症状;有肝转移时可出现肝脏肿大、肝硬化等症状。 asiancancer.com | Other symptoms: besides the above mentioned symptoms, there are some other symptoms like nausea and vomiting, weight loss, deep yellow urine like soy sauce or strong tea, light yellow stool shaped like pot clay and so on; tumor may collapse in late stage, then bile duct bleeding shall be found and concealed blood test of stool or black stool is positive; this may even cause severe symptom like anaemia; patients with hepatic metastasis may suffer from liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis and so on. asiancancer.com |