

单词 下海

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最後,我覺得我們在聆聽過各位議員的意見後,我們也需要回到 監察委員會,回去研究下海外立法機關的各種做法。
In the end, after listening to the views
expressed by Members, I think we also need to go back to the CMI to study the various
[...] practices of overseas legislatures.
我们相信在空前的国际支下,海地 及 其人民将 有机会在重建国家、加强机构和促进可持续发展方面 [...]
We are confident that, against the background of unprecedented
[...] international support, Haiti and its people have [...]
an opportunity to make genuine progress
in rebuilding the nation, strengthening institutions and promoting sustainable development.
海岸沙丘可抵御风暴潮,保护海岸免受下海水入 侵,保护生物多样性并提供娱乐设施。
Coastal dunes provide protection
against storm surges, protect the
[...] hinterland against underground seawater intrusion, [...]
conserve biodiversity and provide recreational facilities.
私营企业管理的情下,海关 保税证明书必须在政府部门公告。
In the latter case a customs bond must be posted [...]
with the government.
首先, 事实证明,在海关服务人员频繁更替的情 下 , 海 关 培 训不够充分,因此, 很难有效地控制海路或陆路上的商队路线。
First of all, customs training has proven to be insufficient in the frequent turnover in customs services and, consequently, trade routes by sea or land are [...]
difficult to be effectively controlled.
此外,UNODC 将依照安全理事会第
1851(2008)号决议规定的任务,与法 律事务厅、海事组织、开发署和其他有关国际实体协调,在有资金可供使用的情 况下,应要求向非洲之角和西印度洋地区各国提供培训和技术援助,以便在 UNODC
[...] 的职责范围内支持这些国家逮捕、移交、拘留和起诉那些违反国际法 下海 盗罪 行的人。
In addition, UNODC, pursuant, inter alia, to its mandate under Security Council resolution 1851 (2008) and in coordination with the Office of Legal Affairs, IMO, UNDP and other relevant international entities, will provide training and technical assistance, upon request and subject to the availability of funds, to countries in the Horn of Africa and the western Indian Ocean region to support the arrest,
transfer, detention and prosecution of
[...] offences committed by pirates in violation [...]
of international laws within the mandate of UNODC.
他们埋葬在沙滩上的下海洋和 Trevor最大读取最大的日记中发现了一封信给肖恩。
They bury Max on
[...] the beach of the underground ocean and Trevor [...]
reads a letter to Sean found in Max’s journal.
在地中海计划的“地中海知识导航、历史宝库网”项目方面,在欧盟委员会的资下,海底考 古技术培训第一阶段的工作对在马耳他大学设立海底考古系产生了直接的影响。
Within the framework of the Mediterranean programme’s project entitled
“Navigation of knowledge:
[...] Network of historical Mediterranean dockyards”, which is subsidized by the European Commission, an initial training course in the techniques of underwater archaeology had [...]
a direct impact on the
establishment of a department of underwater archaeology at the University of Malta.
他们建立一个木筏,开始穿越下海 洋 ,但​​很快就遇到一包Xiphactinus。
They build a raft and
[...] begin crossing the underground ocean, but soon encounter [...]
a pack of Xiphactinus.
稳定的碛,在苔藓中,在岩石溪边,潮湿的或砾石scree,高山草甸,潮湿的 下; 海拔3900-5100米。
Stable moraine, among moss, under rocks by stream, damp or gravelly scree, alpine grassland, wet
[...] sand; 3900-5100 m. Xizang [Bhutan, Nepal, [...]
最后,在战略性计划目标 5“支持防灾和减灾”下,海啸的 早期预警系统 已经取得重大进展,最近海地发生的破坏性地震表明,国际减少地震灾害平台(IPRED)以 及扩大其覆盖地区是何等意义重大。
Finally, under Strategic Programme Objective 5, “Contributing to disaster preparedness and mitigation”, excellent progress has been made in relation to tsunami early warning systems, [...]
while the recent
devastating earthquake in Haiti demonstrates how relevant IPRED is, along with the need to expand the regions it covers.
货币贬值引发经济危机,粮食价格居高 下 , 海 外 侨民的汇款急剧下 降。
An economic crisis prompted by a devalued currency, continuing high food prices and a sharp decrease in remittances from the diaspora; and
然而,2011 年 1 月底,在地方长老和邦特兰行政当局不断施加压力的 情下,海盗突 然放弃了加拉阿德的基地,停泊在那里的所有被劫船只大都被 转移到 Ceel Dhaanaan,这是一个再往南约 24 海里的渔民居住区,靠近吉利 [...]
At the end of January
[...] 2011, however, under sustained pressure from local elders and the Puntland administration, pirates suddenly abandoned [...]
their base at Garacad,
and most of the hijacked vessels anchored there were relocated to Ceel Dhaanaan, a fishing settlement located some 24 nautical miles further south, close to the border of Jiriiban and Hobyo districts.
[...] 人或无人操控的武器;坦克;其他军事车辆;火炮系统;军用飞机和直升机;载 有武器或军事装备的水面和下海军 舰 只;制导或非制导导弹和导弹系统;小武 [...]
器和轻武器;地雷和其他爆炸装置;供上述任何武器使用的弹药;对上述任何武 器特别或专门设计的零件或部件;为发展、制造或维护上述任何武器而特别和专
Regarding items to be covered, the United Kingdom agrees that the scope of the treaty should include all conventional weapons, including, at a minimum, manned or unmanned weapons; tanks; other military vehicles; artillery systems;
military aircraft and helicopters;
[...] surface and submarine naval vessels armed [...]
or equipped for military use; missiles and missile
systems, guided or unguided; small arms and light weapons; mines and other explosive devices; munitions for use with any of the above; parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above.
在联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)的支 下 , 海 地 在国家遭受灾难性地 震后,正在逐步实现稳定和经济复苏。
Haiti, with
[...] the support of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), had [...]
been making steady progress
towards stability and economic recovery when the country was hit by a devastating earthquake.
[...] 国常驻联合国代表伊斯马特·贾汉女士 下 、 海 地 常 驻联合国代表莱奥·梅罗雷 先生阁下、罗马尼亚常驻联合国代表西蒙娜·尼库勒斯库女士阁下、日本常驻联 [...]
The Executive Board elected as President H. E. Mr. Oumar Daou, Permanent Representative of Mali to the United Nations; and as Vice-Presidents H. E. Ms. Ismat Jahan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United
Nations; H. E. Mr. Léo Mérorès, Permanent
[...] Representative of Haiti to the United Nations; [...]
H. E. Ms. Simona Miculescu, Permanent
Representative of Romania to the United Nations; and Mr. Takeshi Osuga, Minister, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations.
准军事部队对外交政策影 响了解有限,相比下,海军军 舰在采取行动时态 度通常更为克制,而恰恰是因为准军事部队政治影 [...]
响较小,在介入争端时它们往往采取过为强硬的行 动。
Naval vessels are likely to behave with [...]
more restraint than domestic actors with a limited understanding of foreign policy
implications, while paramilitary agencies often tend to take more assertive actions precisely due to the lesser political ramifications of incidents in which they are involved.
[...] 1972(b)段,调查团建议:“以色列停止其对加沙地带实行 下海捕 鱼限制,允许在《奥斯陆协定》规定的 20 [...]
In paragraph 1972 (b) of its report, the Mission recommended
“that Israel should cease the
[...] restrictions on access to the sea for fishing purposes [...]
imposed on the Gaza Strip and allow such
fishing activities within the 20 nautical miles as provided for in the Oslo Accords.
在开发署的支下,海 地重 建临时委员会批准了针对海地南部的减少地震风险项目,并已纳入全国减少 地震风险方案。
A UNDP supported seismic risk reduction project targeting the north of Haiti has been approved by the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission [...]
and the Haiti
Reconstruction Fund, as part of a larger national seismic risk reduction programme.
海通國際在香港紮根超過39年,而 下海 通 國 際移民顧問有限公司專職協助客戶申請及辦理「香港資本投資者入境計劃」,憑著我們的專業精神及優質服務,為客戶提供全方位的海外移民顧問及有關諮詢服務。
Haitong International has been established in
Hong Kong with 39 years of history, its
[...] subsidiary company Haitong International [...]
Immigration Consultants Limited is an expertise
on handling CIES applications, we provide comprehensive immigration consultancy services with professional spirit and premium service.
考虑批准下海牙各 公约:《承 认及执行有关抚 养义务 裁 决的公 约》、《抚养义务适用法律公约》,以及《关于在父母责任和保护儿童措施方面 [...]
(b) Consider ratifying Hague Conventions on [...]
the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations,
on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations and on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children.
海关保税仓库是用来存放应税货物(不包括 来自欧盟或欧洲经济区的货物)的建筑或其
[...] 他安全区域,在进口商或其代理人和海关工 作人员的共同监下,海关保 税仓库内的应 税货物可以储存、组装或进行加工,而无需 [...]
A customs bonded warehouse is a building or other secured area in which dutiable goods (other than from EU or EEA) may be stored, manipulated or
undergo manufacturing operations without
[...] payment or duty under bond and in the [...]
joint custody of the importer, or his agent, and the customs officers.
在英国全球高级研发中心的领下, 海 卓 泰 特的目标是帮助世界各地的客户在创办企业和生产过程中不出现泄漏。
Headed up by the UK’s Global
[...] Centre of Excellence, Hydratight aims to help [...]
customers around the world to achieve leak-free start up and production.
当出现在 海关 身上所有的必要决策的处所 产下 海关 有利于国家拒绝在程序 文件 和指定信息在段3本附件和积极的结果结束 海关 控制 功能单元 海关,包括单位,职能职责包括组织的互动与联邦 权威 俄罗斯联邦出售物业上缴国家政府的授权,有关人士的书面许可的前提 产下 海关 贴有利于国家拒绝在程序由主要 海关 他的副手,和邮票 海关 身体。
When presented in customs body all the necessary decision-making on the premises Product under Customs procedure for refusal in favor of the state documents and the information specified in paragraph 3 this annex and a positive conclusion on the results of Customs control functional units Customs, Including units, functional duties include the organization of interaction with the federal Authority , authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation on the disposal of property turned over to the state, the person concerned is given written permission for the premises Product under Customs procedure for [...]
refusal in favor of the
state affixed by the chief Customs or his deputy, and stamp Customs body.
我们相信,在致力于海地重建和国家建设进程的 所有各方的共同努下,海地政府和以其战胜逆境能力 著称的海地人民将会果敢而乐观地迎接各种挑战,以保 障本国的可持续发展。
We are convinced that, with joint efforts by all
actors committed to the
[...] process of Haitian reconstruction and State-building, the Government and the people of Haiti — with their [...]
acknowledged ability
to overcome adversity — will decisively and with optimism meet the challenges in order to guarantee their country’s sustainable development.
在任何情下,海法公 司或其分支机构、负责人、雇员、经销商或代理,均不对任何以下原因引起的直接或间接损失负责:登陆、使用或无法使用网站;通过网站提供的信息,包括但不限于如下定义的“用户内容”,及其它第三方。
Under no circumstances, shall Haifa or any of its [...]
directors, officers, employees, distributors or agents be liable for any
direct or indirect losses or damages arising out of or in connection with the access, use, or inability to use the Website or the reliance on any information provided in the Website, included but not limited to Users Content, as defined below, or any third party.
在该议程项下,海法司 司长告知委员会,该司收到了安哥拉政府提出的关 于 2011 [...]
年 5 月开办培训课程的请求,培训内容是如何划定 200 海里以外大陆架 外部界限和编写提交大陆架界限委员会的划界案。
Under this agenda item, the Director [...]
informed the Commission that the Division had received a request from the Government
of Angola to conduct a training course in May 2011 on the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles and for preparation of submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.
决定留出空间 产下 海关 有利于国家的头拒绝程序 海关 他的副手,在一个人的书面请求 据 第186海关编码海关联盟(6月2 2010克N 114-FZ联邦法“在批准的协定关税同盟海关法”(收集 立法 俄罗斯联邦,2010,艺术,N 23。
Decision to
[...] allow room Product under Customs procedure for refusal in favor of the state taking the head Customs or his deputy, [...]
upon the written
request of a person who According Article 186 Customs Code of the Customs Union (Federal Law of June 2 2010 g N 114-FZ "On ratification of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union" (Collected legislation Russian Federation, 2010, N 23, Art. 2796) (hereinafter - the Customs Code of the Customs Union) may be the declarant Product.
閣 下 如 已 將下 海 天 水 電 國 際 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)之 [...]
股 份 全 部 售 出 或 轉 讓 , 應 立 即 將 本 通 函 送 交 買 主 或承讓 人 , 或 經 手 買賣或 轉 讓 之 銀 行 、 持
牌 證 券 交 易 商 、 註 冊 證 券 機 構 或 其 他 代 理 商 , 以 便 轉 交 買 主 或承讓 人 。
If you have sold or transferred
[...] all your shares in Haitian Hydropower International [...]
Limited (the ‘‘Company’’), you should
at once hand this circular to the purchaser or transferee or to the bank, licensed securities dealer, registered institution in securities or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or the transferee.




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