

单词 下届

下届 ()

next office holder
next serve

See also:

classifier for recurring events, often annual, such as conferences, class years in school
arrive at (place or time)
become due

External sources (not reviewed)

它要求在理事下届 会议期间应及时提供有关文件的译本。
It requested that the translation of the document be made
[...] available for the next session of the Council.
如某一理事国在任期期满前不再为有关理事会的理事国,应于 大下届会议 单独举行补选,以选出一理事国在其未满的任期内继 任。
Should a member cease to belong to a Council before its term of office
expires, a by-election shall be held
[...] separately at the next session of the General Assembly [...]
to elect a member for the unexpired term.
技术委员会会议的报告以及执行主任就此提出的意见应提交理事 下届 会议
Reports of meetings of the Technical Committee, and the Executive Director ’s observations thereon, shall be submitted to
[...] the Board at its next session.
因此,这些代表建议分析建议 D 的利弊下届会议上进一步审议。
These delegations therefore proposed that the cost/benefit analysis of Proposal D be conducted for further
[...] consideration at the next session.
[...] 以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员 下届 会 议 继 续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; [...]
六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources;
requested the Scientific Committee
[...] to continue at its next session the review of the important [...]
questions in the field of
ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
秘书处将继续密切监视人费的实际支出情况和需求,在执行 下届 会议 上如有必要,将建议为这些拨款项目转拨第 IV 篇的资金。
The Secretariat will continue to closely monitor the actual staff cost expenditures and needs, and if necessary will return with a proposal to transfer Part IV funds for these items at the next Executive Board session.
各代表团希望提出新的建议草案,并 鼓励第二委员下届主席 团考虑精简议程和改进委 员会工作方法的必要性。
Delegations looking to table new draft
[...] proposals and the next Bureau of the Second [...]
Committee were encouraged to take into
consideration the need to streamline the agenda and improve the working methods of the Committee.
我们希望下届缔约 国大会上耐心、务实和善意 地审议这些问题,并要铭记两个关键因素:需要继续 [...]
提高国际刑院工作的效力和效率并承诺对国际司法 作出投资,同时认识到它对和平、共存和人的尊严的 益处大大超过其成本。
We hope that this issue will be
[...] considered at the next Assembly of States [...]
Parties, with patience, realism, goodwill and
keeping in mind two key factors: the need for continuing improvements in the efficacy and efficiency of the work of the Court, and the commitment to invest in international justice, with the understanding that its benefits for peace, coexistence and human dignity vastly outweigh its costs.
经济及社会理事会在题为“预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会的运作”的第 2003/31 号
[...] 决议中决定,自 2004 年起,预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会应在每届会议结束时选下届会议的主席团,并应鼓励主席团在委员会常会和非正式闭会期间会议的 准备过程中发挥积极作用,使委员会能够向联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案不 [...] [...]
断提供有效的政策指导;还决定委员会主席应在任何适宜的情况下请五个区域 组的主席、77 国集团和中国主席以及欧洲联盟轮值主席国代表或观察员参加主 席团的会议。
In its resolution 2003/31, entitled “Functioning of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice”, the Economic and Social Council decided that, with effect from 2004, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice should, at the
[...] end of each session, elect its bureau for the subsequent session and should [...]
encourage the bureau to
play an active role in the preparation of the regular session as well as the informal intersessional meetings of the Commission, so as to enable the Commission to provide continuous and effective policy guidance to the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme; and also decided that the Chair of the Commission should, whenever appropriate, invite the Chairs of the five regional groups, the Chair of the Group of 77 and China and the representative of or observer for the State holding the Presidency of the European Union to participate in the meetings of the bureau.
主席提议要限制本次会议的时间,考虑到时间的关系, 下届 执 委 会讨论所有其 他的建议。
The Chairperson proposed to limit the discussion at
[...] the present session, taking into account time constraints, and to refer consideration of all other Recommendations to the next session of the Executive [...]
显然,第二项挑战——恢复工作,必然需 下届 政府具备必要的合法性,以领导重建进程取得圆满成 功。
It is obvious that the second challenge — the recovery work — will
[...] necessarily require the next Government to [...]
enjoy the necessary legitimacy to lead the reconstruction
process to a successful conclusion.
[...] 构和治理安排,包括设立技术小组以评估适合本国的缓解行动的潜在结果等,应 由通过本议定书之后的缔约方会 下届 会 议 进一步确定。
The Registry’s structure and governance arrangements, including the establishment of technical panels to assess the potential
outcomes of NAMAs, shall be further
[...] elaborated by the next session of the Conference [...]
of the Parties after the adoption of this Protocol.
其是在教科文组织在国家一级的作用和行动方式(见该文件第 17 段)和指导设计教科文组
[...] 织应对非集中化挑战的一整套原则和方针(见第 18 至第 22 段)方面,包括将提下届执行 局会议的所有方案,它们将体现落实同一套原则所采取的不同方法(各种结构调整、职责、 [...]
In introducing the debate, the representative of the Secretariat looked forward to the reactions and advice of the Executive Board particularly on UNESCO’s roles and modalities of action at country level (re paragraph 17 of the document) and on the set of principles and guidelines to drive the design of UNESCO’s response to the decentralization challenges (re paragraphs 18-22), indicating that all
options which will be presented to
[...] the Board at its next session will reflect different [...]
ways of translating the same set
of principles through various different structural adjustments, functional responsibilities, accountabilities and reporting lines.
研究组最后认 为,下届会议上应由新选出的成员审议这一可能性。
It came to the conclusion that this possibility should be
[...] considered during the next session by the newly elected [...]
执委会主席和作下届主席 的澳大利亚代表都重申了在缔约方大会会议上作出的继 续处理这一事项的保证。
The Chair, and the representative of Austria as the future Chair, repeated their undertakings given at the Meeting of the Parties to pursue the matter.
履行机构 决定,以本结论所附决定草案为基础, 下届 会 议 上继续审议这一事项,以期作 为建议提出一项决定草案,供缔约方会议第十八届会议通过。
The SBI decided to continue the consideration on
[...] this matter at its next session, on the basis of [...]
the draft decision annexed to these conclusions,
with a view to recommending a draft decision for adoption by the COP at its eighteenth session.
发言者最后指出,令人遗憾的是,无法就工作 下届 会议 分配额外的一周的时间处理目前没有足够的时间处理的标准和次级实施标准的问 [...]
The speaker concluded by stating that it was regrettable that no agreement could
be reached on the non-substantive proposal
[...] to allocate an extra week to the Working [...]
Group, from its next session, to deal
with the currently insufficient time for addressing the work on criteria and operational sub-criteria.
委员会将下届会议上继续这项研究,以期更透明地 列报这些规费的使用情况。
The Committee will continue with this
[...] study during its next meeting in order [...]
to reach a more transparent presentation of the use of the fees.
我们现在谈谈宣布 2010 年代为第四个裁军十年 的草案纲要工作组,我们愿重申,所有人都必须加大 努力,以便就下届会议之前向大会提出建议的内容 达成一致。
Turning now to the Working Group on the elements of a draft declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade, we wish to reaffirm the need for everyone to step up their efforts to reach an agreement on elements to propose to the General Assembly before the next session.
年行政长官及立法会产生办法的公众咨询中,我们亦收集了有关普选的意 见,并已作出归纳和总结,建下届 政 府积极跟进,认真研究相关建议。
We have also recommended the next-term Government to follow up actively and consider the relevant proposals seriously.
[...] 《公约》缔约方会议在第六届会议上8 审议了这个项目,并同 意将其列下届会议 临时议程,以继续审议该项提案,以期在第七届会议上达成 [...]
The CMP considered the issue at its sixth session8 and agreed
to include this item on the
[...] provisional agenda for its next session in order to continue [...]
its consideration of the proposal
with a view to reaching an agreed outcome and adopting a decision at its seventh session.
关于在编制下个周期计划时涉及的领域,委员会期望在 下届 会 议 上获 得更多信息。
Concerning areas to be addressed in
preparing the next cycle of programme planning, it looked forward to receiving more
[...] information at its next regular session.
挪威还支持委员会努力加强同 公民社会的合作,并希望下届会上听取委员会同 非政府组织举行非正式会议的评估情况。
It also supported the Committee’s efforts to strengthen cooperation
with civil society and would be interested
[...] to hear, at its next session, an assessment of [...]
its informal meetings with NGOs.
理事会在第 1894(LVII)号决议中,请秘书长在理事会附属机构的每届会议上 提交下届会议 的临时议程草案,并附上与文件有关的资料。
In its resolution 1894 (LVII), the Council requested the
Secretary-General to
[...] submit at each session of a subsidiary body of the Council a draft provisional agenda for its following session, together with [...]
information relating to documentation.
同时,“伊拉克名单”拒绝民族联盟的主 张,坚持它有“宪法规定的权利”根据选举结果组 下届 政 府
Meanwhile, Al-Iraqiya, which rejected the claim of the
National Alliance, maintains its “constitutional
[...] right” to form the next government on the [...]
basis of the election results.
大会应在咨询委员会成员任期即将届满前的一届常会上 任命新的成员,如出现空缺,则 下届 常 会 上任命。
The General Assembly shall appoint the members of the Advisory Committee at the regular session
immediately preceding the expiration of the term of office of the members or, in case
[...] of vacancies, at the next session.
尽管在税务征管领域对最不发达国家的技术援助经常由其他国家或组织以 双边方式提供,但应力求确保委员会的工作尽可能对这些国家具有实际意义、确 保关于税务合作的技术合作常规方案11 包括一个关于最不发达国家的重要组成
[...] 部分,以及确保鼓励最不发达国家为委员会定于 2013 年选举下届成员提名候 选人。
While technical assistance to least developed countries in the area of taxation administration is often provided bilaterally by other countries or organizations, efforts should be made to ensure that the work of the Committee is as relevant as possible to those countries, that the activities under the regular programme of technical cooperation on tax cooperation11 include a significant least developed country component, and that the least developed
countries are encouraged to nominate
[...] candidates for the upcoming membership of [...]
the Committee, which is to be selected in 2013.
如技术执行委员会一名成员辞职或因其他原因无法完成指定任期或履行职 能,考虑到距举下届缔约 方会议的时间接近程度,技术执行委员会可决定任命 [...]
来自同一推选集团的另一名成员接任该成员的余下任期,所作任命应算为一个任 期。
If a member of the Technology Executive Committee resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term of office or to perform the functions of that office, the Technology Executive
Committee may decide, bearing in mind the
[...] proximity of the next session of the COP, to appoint [...]
another member from the same constituency
to replace said member for the remainder of that member’s mandate, in which case the appointment shall count as one term.
阿拉伯联盟总 秘书处于 5 月 5 日发表正式声明,表示应伊拉克正式 请求已将首脑会议推迟,伊拉克保留在巴格达主办首 脑会议的权利,以及从举下届首脑会议之日起对阿 拉伯联合工作的一年领导权。
On 5 May, the general secretariat of the Arab League issued an official statement indicating that the Summit had been postponed upon an official request from Iraq, which reserved the right to host the Summit in Baghdad and to maintain the helm of the joint Arab work for a full year from the date of holding the next Summit.
专家机 制主席向会议通报,专家机制已决定在 下届 会 议 上列入一个题为“《联合国土 著人民权利宣言》”的单独议程项目,以便讨论在区域和国家两级实施《宣言》 [...]
The Chairperson of the Expert Mechanism informed the meeting that the Expert
Mechanism had decided to include a separate
[...] agenda item at its next session entitled “United [...]
Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples” with a view to discussing possible procedures and mechanisms for application of the Declaration at the regional and national levels.




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