

单词 下乡

乡下 noun

country n



forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals
work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers)


country mannerism


country folk
rural folk

See also:


hometown n
native place n

home village or town
township (PRC administrative unit)
country or countryside

External sources (not reviewed)

活动通过一则幽默的网络视频拉开帷幕,最终制成两则微电影,展示兄弟中国CEO的花商生活,以及副 C E O 下乡 农 作 的场景。
The operation was announced with a humorous web video and resulted in 2 mini
films showing Brother’s CEO living the life of a florist for a week while
[...] his vice CEO did farm work in the countryside.
下乡对合 作社的发展有什么样的影响?
How will “government departments
[...] going down to the countryside” affect the [...]
development of cooperatives?
尽管这些方案主要集中在基建投资方面,但是“家 下乡 ” 等 相关政策的推出也对家电企业的发展带来了困境中的利好。
Although the solutions focus on
infrastructure investment, policies like “home appliances
[...] going to the countryside” support the [...]
development of CE enterprises.
Cheap countryside property will be available in quiet rural surroundings [...]
and its good location near the Mediterranean coast
and interesting towns such as Toulouse and Carcassone makes for an intelligent investment and a beautiful place to live.
硬板方面,NB厂支持Intel力推CULV平台、Smart Phone仍维持成长,以及我国家下乡 政 策 开启LCD TV市场和国内对手机的强劲需求。
Hard board area, NB factory support Intel pushing CULV platform, Smart Phone
maintained growth, and our home appliances LCD
[...] TV market open countryside policies and strong [...]
domestic demand for mobile phones.
下游市场热点频出,连接器业绩增长确定性高,未来5年CAGR可达15%以智能手机、平板电脑为代表的消费电子呈爆发性增长态势,预计智能手机未来5年的复合增长率可达34.1%,平板电脑2011年增长率可达284.5%;“十二五”规划助力农村市场,家 下乡 及 加 快农村地区宽带网络建设的产业政策将继续推动PC在农村市场的普及;汽车连接器市场规模巨大,且呈不断增长态势,目前国产化程度很低,发展潜力巨大;预计未来5年国内连接器市场复合增长率可达15%。
Frequent hot spots downstream market, the connector performance up high uncertainty, the next five years CAGR of up to 15% of smart phones, tablet PCs, represented by the explosion of consumer electronics growth is expected to smart phones over the next five-year compound growth rate can be 34.1%, Tablet PC 2011 up to 284.5 percent annual growth rate; "second five" help the rural market, home appliances and broadband networks in rural areas to speed up the construction of industrial policy will continue to promote the popularity of PC in the rural markets; car connection device market is huge, and there was a growing trend, the current low level of domestic production, development potential; the next five years, the domestic market compound growth rate of the connector up to 15%.
通过“家下乡”政策能够提升建筑能源性能并促进家庭能源持久高效使 用,这两种方法可有效降低建筑能耗,同时改善中国农村居住环境(6.2节)。
An increasing number of rural households have [...]
begun to use commercially available fossil fuels while the proportion of biomass
in total rural energy use continues to decline.
[...] 建成后,确在保护侨眷及村民生命财产安全方面,起过不小作用,特别是匪劫 赤坎中学那次,在鹰村碉楼探照灯掩射配 下 , “ 乡 团 堵 截擒谭钦及匪徒十一人,置于法,人心大快”(《开平县志》卷二十二),此事在县内及海外侨胞中产生极大影响。
Towers of the historical role is mainly "to avoid the bandits," "non-cattle farms this is sago can not save the woman Ruzi can not sleep, so together several or dozens of construction on the first floor" ("Kaiping County" Volume II 13) In fact, the towers completed, ensure the protection of their relatives and the village life and property safety, played no small role, especially in high school gang that robbed
Chikan, searchlight towers in
[...] Eagle Village, under the cover shot with "rural mission to intercept [...]
capture Tan Chin and robbers
11 people placed in law, people big and fast "(" Kaiping County "Volume II 12), the issue of overseas Chinese in the county and a significant impact.
罗兰.贝格研究认为,面对历史的挑战和机遇,中国的家电企业应该进一步把握“向上”与“向下”两个方向上的机遇,即坚持品牌价值向上走和国际营销上层楼的“向上”策略,以及市场重心向下沉(“家 下乡 ” ) 和渠道资源下伸展的“向下”策略, 实现整个行业的健康可持续发展。
According to the study of Roland Berger, China’s CE enterprises shall further seize the “upward” and “downward” opportunities, i.e. insisting on the “upward” strategy of increasing brand value and international marketing as well as the “downward” strategy of turning market focus to
middle and low-end markets (“home
[...] appliances going to the countryside”) and extending [...]
channel resources towards low level in
a bid to achieve sustainable development in the increasingly fierce market competition.
业内人士预测,尤其是在中国3G、家 下乡 、 汽 车 下乡 以 及 工业信息化等多方面政策与市场的推动下,2010年中国线束产量将超过十亿条,且市场需求量仍将持续攀升,这将有力带动线束加工设备的需求。
Industry estimates, especially in China 3G, home
appliances, automotive and industrial
[...] information technology to rural areas and other aspects [...]
of policy and market driven, wiring
harness production in China in 2010 will be over one billion, and market demand will continue rise, which will effectively lead wire processing equipment.
它欢迎司法系统现代化项目,包括更 新法院设施、司下乡以及培训法官更有效检诉有组织犯罪的举措。
It welcomed the modernization project of the judicial system, including initiatives to update court facilities, bring justice to remote areas and train judges to more effectively prosecute organized crime.
业内人士预测,尤其是在中国3G上马、家电、汽 下乡 以 及 工业信息化等多方面政策与市场推动下,2010年中国线束产量将超过十亿条,且市场需求量仍将持续攀升,这将有力带动线束加工设备的需求,并催生出一批极具市场竞争力的线束设备制造企业。
Industry estimates, especially in China's 3G launched,
appliance, automotive and industrial information
[...] technology to rural areas and other [...]
aspects of policy and market promotion, production
in 2010, China will harness more than one billion, and market demand will continue to rise, This will effectively drive the demand for wire processing equipment, and spawned a number of highly competitive harness equipment manufacturers.
来自亚洲、美洲和欧乡下的农民组织、农业 工人、乡村妇女和本土社区组织的国际运动。
An international movement of peasant farmer organizations, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, America, and Europe.
在 2001 年,除了被称 为乡下草原”的地区(在北部一些省份)扫盲率只有 [...]
39.3 %之外,所有农业生态 地区的扫盲率高于 90%。
In 2001, it exceeded 90 per cent
in all agricultural and environmental zones
[...] save for the "rural savannah" (in [...]
the northernmost provinces), where it amounted to only 39.3 per cent.
著名的蒸汽机车BR 86的设计使用了1925年规格为载重15吨的轮轴,这使它能在当时所有的铁路干线上的使用, 尤其在多丘陵和多山 乡下 地 方 中。
The legendary steam locomotive BR 86 was designed to a
1925 specification for a 15-ton axle loading for use on all branch lines,especially in
[...] hilly and mountainous countryside.
调解地点:在该国本身,在另外一国, 乡下 一 个 安全的地方,还是在 度假地?
Location of the mediation: should it take place within the country, outside it, in a secure
[...] place, in the countryside, at a resort, etc.?
科琳娜是一乡下姑娘 的加斯科尼谁的梦想在法国火枪手。
Corinne is a country girl from Gascony who dreams of being a musketeer in France.
玛丽亚·普里马申科(1909--1997 年)是 Bolotnia 的 Kievan 村的一乡下妇女,天赋 过人。
Maria Primachenko (1908-1997), a peasant woman from the Kievan village of Bolotnia, showed a successful blend of natural talent.
德龙是个好地方,乡下买传 统的财产,通常是由当地的石头和一些可能性进行翻新工程。
Drome is a
[...] good place to buy traditional property in the countryside often made from [...]
local stone and some with possibility for renovation.
弗里兹•汉高在杜塞尔多夫南部的霍尔索森(Holthaus en ) 乡下 购 买 了一块54,846平方米的土地。
Fritz Henkel bought land covering 54,846 square meters in rural Holthausen to the south of Düsseldorf.
应农村发展部和拉乡议会 的要求,联合 国驻地协调员在与国家工作队协商后,原则上同意联合国驻印度机构可向印度政府发起的拟 议贫困线下调查提供技术支持。
At the request of the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, the UNRC, in
[...] consultation with the UNCT, has agreed in principle that the United Nations in India would provide technical support to the proposed Below Poverty Line Census to be undertaken by the Government of India.
已经有人指出,下列因 素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是 乡 村 和 城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 [...]
It has been noted that sectarian
[...] riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban [...]
localities; (b) an emotional
response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
对比乡村公共卫生和城市公共卫生现状,我们可以发现都市人相比生活 乡下 的 人 患有的常见病更多。
Comparisons between rural public health and
urban public health show that there are a lot more ailments common to urbanites
[...] that people in rural areas do not share.
其父遭毛泽东清洗后,他在1966-1976年的文化大革命爆发前就开始 乡下 工 作 ,并因此亲身体验到与他同代的很多人都曾经体验过的艰辛。
After his father was purged by Mao Zedong, he went
[...] to work in the countryside, even before [...]
the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution, experiencing
firsthand all of the hardships that many of his generation endured.
13 许多年轻女移民工想要停留在都
[...] 市,借著与一个都市居民结婚得到都 市戶口,返回乡下永久居住将意味 着嫁入另一个村庄。
To return
[...] permanently to the countryside would mostly [...]
mean marrying into another village.
人类面临着制止全球变暖,使地球冷却的巨大挑战,解决这一问题的唯一办 法是在农业做法上进行深刻转变,逐渐采取土著 乡下 从 事农耕的人采用的可持 续生产模式以及促进解决农业和粮食自主问题的祖先模式和做法。
Humanity’s immense challenge of stopping global warming and cooling the planet can only be achieved through a profound shift in agriculture towards a sustainable model of indigenous/aboriginal small-scale production, as well as other ancestral ecological models and practices that contribute to solving the problem of climate change and ensure food sovereignty.
出口制造业的核心工作者是乡下来的 年轻民工,打工妹(工作的女孩)寄回家的 钱,支持成千上万的农村在勉强糊口的生活 水准生存。
The core workers in export manufacturing are young migrants from rural areas, dagongmei (‘working girls’), whose remittances back home help millions of rural households to survive at the subsistence level.
对于Rirkrit这样的游牧式艺术家来说(由于父亲是泰国的外交官,他出生于阿根廷,从小就变换不同国家生活,而作为一个成功的艺术家,他在纽约、柏林和清迈都有家,并一直游走于世界各地参加展览),连清迈的别墅都很少长时间逗留,更不用 乡下 的 这 个小木屋了。
Rirkrit was a nomadic artist (his father was a diplomat and he was born in Argentina and had lived in different countries since he was little; after becoming a successful artist, he had houses in New York, Berlin and Chiang Mai, and had traveled around the world to attend
exhibitions) , he spent little time in his villa in Chiang Mai, not to mention the
[...] small wood house in the countryside.
乍看起来,一所德文乡下的小 学似乎和教育 技术创新没什么关系。但是位于 Exeter 郊外的 [...]
Stoke Canon 小学恰恰拥有充分使用 IT 来帮助 它的 170 名学生的优良传统。
A primary
[...] school in the Devon countryside may at first seem [...]
an unlikely setting for technology innovation in education but
Stoke Canon Primary School, just outside Exeter, has a history of making good use of IT to assist its 170 pupils.
[...] 让瘫痪,迫使人们不得不躲在家中,靠极少的食物、水和药品维持生活,有的则 被迫离开城市乡下寻求避难。
The post-electoral crisis led to a serious deterioration of the socio-economic situation, partly due to the heavy fighting that paralyzed Abidjan for many days, forcing the
population to stay at home with little food, water and medicine or to leave the city
[...] and find refuge in the countryside.




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