单词 | 下个月 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 个月pl—monthspl 下月—next month 下月n—following monthn
(d) 土木工程拓展署将於下个月与业界举 行会议,以便制订详 情。 legco.gov.hk | (d) CEDD would meet with [...] the trades next monthto workout the [...]details. legco.gov.hk |
我刚才也 [...] 说过,我们已检视这问题,而正是因为我们已经检视,所以下个月便会推出一些新措施。 legco.gov.hk | Just now I said that we have examined the issue, and because of that we will [...] introduce some new measures next month. legco.gov.hk |
根据预测会接获的申请个案数目, [...] 预计电影发展基金的余额,足以支持其在余下14个月继续运作,直至 2003-04 财政年度结束为止。 legco.gov.hk | Based on the projection of forthcoming applications, we expect [...] that the FDF has sufficient balance to operate for [...] the remaining 14 months until theend of [...]the financial year 2003-04. legco.gov.hk |
曾特首曾经强调,他只余下8个月任期,不能做甚麽长远计划,不想开 空头支票。 legco.gov.hk | Chief Executive Donald TSANG once stressed that, [...] with only eight moremonths to go,he could not possibly roll out anylong-term [...]plans and did not wish to issue any blank cheques. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 如 住户在下 个月第七天 还 没 有清缴 上月及 当月租金,房 屋 署便会发 出 欠租警 告,提醒住户如不履 行 租 约 规定清 缴 欠租, 可 导 致 租 约 被 终止。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) On the 7th day of thefollowing month, if tenants who default on rents in theprevious month stillfail [...] to pay their rents, the [...]HD will issue written warnings to remind them that their tenancies may be terminated if they do not settle the rent arrears in honour of the Tenancy Agreement. legco.gov.hk |
至 於有否一个时 间表, 例如要在下 个 月增加多少 个 讲座, 我 暂 时 没有这些资料。 legco.gov.hk | As for whether there is any timetable, [...] telling us, for example, how many seminars [...] there will be next month, I am afraid I [...]do not have any information to hand. legco.gov.hk |
为缓合产品与技术的过渡时期,Seagate 会将特定的 Samsung 硬碟机产品保留在 Samsung 品牌名称下12个月,并维持或建立几个独立的营运部门,包括销售人员、主要生产线和研究与发展。 seagate.com | To ease the transition of products and technologies, Seagate will [...] retain certain Samsung HDD [...] products under theSamsung brandname for 12months,and maintain or establish [...]a number of independent [...]operations including sales staff, key production lines and R&D. Customers can find more information at www.seagate.com/samsung. seagate.com |
下个月,当局会向本会食物安全及环境衞生事务委员会提交一份 [...] 进一步规管宠物业界的文件,目的是希望从源头上解决动物遗弃的问 题。 legco.gov.hk | Next month, the Government will [...] submit to the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene a document [...]on the further regulation of the pet sector, with a view to solving the animal abandonment problem from the source. legco.gov.hk |
故此,如果说由 [...] 於广大企业均已清楚明白最低工资法例下所有原则及细则等,因此下 个月便可以即时推行的话,我们自由党认为,从我们所掌握中小企或 [...]众多企业对最低工资法例的了解程度看来,这事实上是不切实际的, 特别是参考指引的定稿现时尚未出炉。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, judging from the understanding of the minimum [...] wage law by SMEs or numerous other enterprises, [...]we in the Liberal Party think that [...]it is actually unrealistic for someone to say that enterprises at large have already gained a clear understanding of all the principles and details under the minimum wage law and so the SMW rate can be implemented next month. legco.gov.hk |
据政府统计处资料显示,从 2004 年第一季开始到 2005 [...] 年第四季,本港的 GDP 已反弹至 7.9%,失业率亦创下57个月以来的新低。 legco.gov.hk | According to figures provided by the Census and Statistics Department, from the first quarter of 2004 to [...] the fourth quarter of 2005, Hong Kong's GDP rebounded to 7.9% and our [...] unemployment rate recorded a new lowin57months. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我翻查过有关的 纪录,早两年我们不需要记名表决,便通过了临时拨款决议案,证明 [...] 大家都很清楚,要反对财政预算案,应该留待下个月进行的辩论,根 本不应该在这个时候投反对票或弃权票。 legco.gov.hk | President, I have looked up the relevant records. In the past two years, there was no need to claim a division on the Vote on Account Resolutions before they were passed, so this proves that all of us know clearly that if we want to [...] oppose the Budget, we should wait for the [...] debate to be held next month, ratherthan casting [...]opposing votes or abstaining at this time. legco.gov.hk |
保安事务委员会将於下个月再讨论入境 事务处同事的一些申诉。 legco.gov.hk | The Panel on Security will discuss some complaints made by staff of [...] the Immigration Department next month. legco.gov.hk |
我们曾就今次的辩论及下星期的表决反覆进行讨论, 其中我们很希望提出一项修正案,便是希望预算案可以为“N无人士” [...] 或就交通津贴方面提供更多拨款或帮助,但很可惜,代理主席,你也 知道我们作为立法会议员的权力有限,在这方面我们未能做到,我们 [...] 唯一可以做的,而且也是我们公民党会做的,便是削减曾特首及财政 司司长曾俊华余下3个月任期的薪金,以表达我们对这些方面的不满。 legco.gov.hk | Regrettably, Deputy President, you also know that we, as Legislative Council Members, have limited powers and are not in a position to do so. What we can do and what we in the Civic Party will do is to move an [...] amendment to deduct an amount equivalent [...] to theremainingthree months' emoluments for Chief [...]Executive Donald TSANG and Financial [...]Secretary John TSANG, so as to express our dissatisfaction in all these respects. legco.gov.hk |
曾荫权系施政报告政制发展部份,只系简单话下个月会开始公众谘询。 hkupop.hku.hk | Donald Tsang just simply said that the public consultations would [...] be commenced next monthregardingconstitutional [...]development. hkupop.hku.hk |
至於张议员提及今次事件是否监管不力,我觉得现在不是适当的讨 论时间,因为我们就着富善邨事件的研究调查要到下个月才完成。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding Mr CHEUNG's question of whether failure in regulation is involved in the current incident, I think this is not the right [...] time for such a discussion because the investigation on the Fu Shin Estate incident will [...] not be completed until next month. legco.gov.hk |
如果立法会通过有关的立法建议,我将 [...] 於稍後以宪报公告条例在指定的日期起实施,并会定下6个月的宽限期,让 零售商作好充分准备。 legco.gov.hk | If the Legislative Council passes the legislative proposals concerned, I shall appoint a commencement day for the Ordinance by [...] notice published in the Gazette, and I [...] shall prescribe asix-month grace period for [...]retailers to make full preparations. legco.gov.hk |
至於石 [...] 油气和 电动小巴的 试 验 计 划,将於下 个 月展开, 并 且 会 在 今 年 内 完 成,以便我们制 [...]订 小巴转用 石 油气或其他清 洁燃料 的 时 间 表 。 legco.gov.hk | The trial of LPG and [...] electric lightbuses will start in June and becompleted [...]by the end of the year when we will decide [...]on the timetable of the conversion programmes for minibuses to switch to LPG or other cleaner fuels. legco.gov.hk |
您的会员资格通常在我们收到您更改计划的请求後下个月一日终止。 lacare.org | Your membership will usually end on the [...] first day ofthemonth after wereceive [...]your request to change your plans. lacare.org |
上月仍基本持平的平均产出价格在本月也出现上扬,升幅虽然尚小, 但有加速迹象,已创下14个月来最高纪录。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Average tariffs also increased during December, after remaining [...] broadly similar in November. Output charges rose at an accelerated pace that, although [...] modest, was the quickest in 14 months. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
首先,在整份施政报告中,我们看不到特首为他提出的经济挑战提出任 [...] 何解决方案,或许由於特首认为自己的任期只剩下9个月,不足以就任何问 题制订长远政策,但我们觉得这绝非一个领导者所为。 legco.gov.hk | Perhaps it is because the Chief Executive thinks that a [...] remainingterm ofnine months only is not enough for [...]him to formulate long-term policies [...]in any aspect, but we think that this is absolutely not something that a leader should do. legco.gov.hk |
由於新接业务减少,厂商继续压缩用工,本月就业创下38个月以来最大减幅。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Reduced intakes of new business contributed [...] to another month of job shedding, with the rate ofdecline the sharpest in 38 months. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
虽然现届政府的任期只余下8个月,2012年後的政改问题必须留 待下届政府处理,但现政府在余下任期可以做的事情仍有很多,包括 把去年政改谘询期间公众对2017年及2020年普选安排所提出的意见 整理、归纳,交予下届特首考虑,以及全力办好今明两年的4场重要 [...] 选举,为香港迈向普选“打锣”,奠下良好的基础。 legco.gov.hk | Although only eightmonths remains inthe term of the incumbent Government and it will be up tothe nextGovernment to [...] deal with the issue [...]of constitutional reform after 2012, there is still a lot that the present Government can do in its remaining term, including compiling and summarizing the views expressed by the public on universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 in the consultation period for constitutional reform last year for consideration by the next Chief Executive, and doing its best in organizing the four important elections this year and next year, so as to pave the way and lay a sound foundation for Hong Kong's progress towards universal suffrage. legco.gov.hk |
在新业务增长的带动下,中国服务业的经营活动创下19个月以来最大环比增速。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Chinese service providers reported the strongest [...] month-on-monthexpansion of business activity in19 months, largely reflective [...]of greater new business wins. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
非银行卡(Non-Bank Card): [...] 非由金融机构所发行的卡片,但是可以每个月将应付帐款转移到下个月例如Discover。 usbsi.com | Non-Bank Card: A card which is not issued by a financial institution and allows a balance to [...] be carried from month to month, suchas Discover®. usbsi.com |
同时,分别有18%及35%满意曾荫权提及优质生活及进步社会,但没有说明扶贫纾困的处理方法及在施政报告政制发展部份,只简单说下个月会开始公众谘询的处理方法,不满的分别占64%及40%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Findings also showed that a respective of 18% and 35% of respondents were satisfied with Donald Tsang's handling method of mentioning quality life and progressive society, but not helping the poor and the needy again and of simply [...] mentioning the public consultations would [...] be commenced nextmonth regarding constitutional [...]development, while 64% and 40% were dissatisfied. hkupop.hku.hk |
在 上 月 , AXN 挑战赛 2002 在 香港举 行 , 来 自 亚 洲 各 国 及 香港的多位参 赛 健 儿 在 大 潭 郊 野 公 园 进 [...] 行比赛 , 这 些精采 片 段在下 个月便可在 AXN 频 道 看 到。 legco.gov.hk | Last month, the AXN 2002 Challenge was held in Hong [...] Kong and athletes from various countries [...]in Asia and Hong Kong competed against [...]each other at the Tai Tam Country Park. legco.gov.hk |
美国运通所发行的Optima卡是一张信用卡,不过其应缴余额只要缴纳利息就可以累计到下个月才付款,不过因为它并不是由金融机构所发行,因此它只是一张旅行卡和娱乐卡 [...] ,而非一张银行卡。 usbsi.com | The Optima card from American Express® [...] however, is a credit card - the balance can be [...] carriedfrom monthto month with an interest [...]charge - but it is a travel and entertainment [...]card rather than a bankcard since it is not issued by a financial institution. usbsi.com |
另 一 方 面,和 记 电 讯 认 为 容 许 [...] 某 一 个 月 未 用 尽 限 额 带往下 个 月使用的 建 议,会 对 解 决 顾 [...]客 投 诉 计 划 的 资 源 构 成 潜 在 压 力 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, HTHK considered that the [...] proposal to allow unused quota in a monthto be [...] carried forward tothefollowing month would create potential [...]pressure on the resources of the CCSS. legco.gov.hk |
(3) 如政府和港灯未能就本部第(1)段所述的修订达 成协议,或根据本部第(2)(b)或 (2)(c)分段,该 [...] 修订须经行政会议批准,则在港灯认为有需要 时,由下个一月一日起,基本电费率可作臨时 性调整,但不能高於本部第(2)(a)分段所列限 额。 hkelectric.com | (3) In the event of the Government and HEC failing to agree on the revision referred to in paragraph (1) or of Executive Council’s approval being required in [...] accordance with subparagraph (2)(b)or (2)(c), the Basic Tariff [...] Rate asfrom 1 January nextfollowing maybe adjusted [...]if considered necessary [...]by HEC on an interim basis provided that the limit stated in sub-paragraph (2)(a) will not be exceeded. hkelectric.com |
经作出审慎周详查询後,在计及收购事项、可动用之现有银行及其他借贷融资,以及 现有现金及银行结存,以及在无不可预见之情况下,董事信纳经扩大集团具备充裕营 运资金应付目前及由本通函刊发日期起计未来最少12个月之所需。 equitynet.com.hk | The Directors are satisfied after due and careful enquiry that after taking into account the Acquisition, existing banking and other borrowing facilities available, and the existing cash and bank balances, the Enlarged Group has [...] sufficient [...] working capital for its present requirements, that is for at least the next 12 months fromthe date of publication of this circular, in the absence of unforeseeable [...]circumstances. equitynet.com.hk |