单词 | 下不来台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下不来台 —find oneself in an awkward situationbe put on the spotSee also:下不来—awkward • cannot be accomplished • embarrassed 下台 v—step down v • step aside v 来台—visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC) 台下—off the stage • in the audience
在不压迫龈乳头的前提下尽可 能选择最宽的 基 台来 支 撑龈 乳头。 bicon.com | Choose the widest abutment that will support the interproximal papillae without encroaching [...] upon them. bicon.com.ve |
如果一个纳税人遭受了 损失,他可以在接下来的五 年内在利润中减 去这些损失后纳税,但是可减损失的数 额不 能超过一年损失的50%。 paiz.gov.pl | If a taxpayer incurs a loss, he can reduce the profit in next following five years by the amount of this loss, but the reduction [...] cannot be higher than 50% of the loss in one year. paiz.gov.pl |
如果他们 存活下来,这些子女由于其母亲的不 良 喂养行为,因而比年龄较大的母亲分娩的 子女更有可能遇到保健不良和营养不足的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | If they survive, the children are more likely than those born to older mothers to have poorer health care and inadequate nutrition as a result of the mother’s poor feeding behaviour. daccess-ods.un.org |
不论您下一个目的地会在哪儿,不论 您的房屋在哪儿,利用我们的网上 平 台来 与 相 信便捷、有价值和独特的旅行经验的房东或房客联系,并且进行交易。 roomorama.cn | Wherever your next trip will be, or wherever your property is, use our online marketplace to connect and transact with [...] hosts and guests [...]who believe in convenient, rewarding and unique travel experiences. roomorama.com |
根本不需要本地 控制台来进行初始配置,也不需要安装任何管理 软 件,您只需要有浏览器,就可以全面地开始工作 了。 enternet.se | No need to use a local console for initial setup and no need to install any [...] management software; just use your browser and you are good to go. enternet.se |
关于自然灾害,答复者认为,教科文组织 不仅应 加强其在防灾减灾,尤其是特别容易遭受自然灾害的小岛屿发展中国家的防灾减灾活 动,还应考虑建立一个专门的跨部门 平 台来 更 好地协调其该领域的所有行动,包括教科文组 织牵头的联合国减灾知识和教育小组目前正在开展的行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Regarding natural disasters, the view was held [...] that UNESCO should not only strengthen its activities regarding natural disaster preparedness and mitigation, notably with respect to SIDS which are particularly prone to natural disasters, but should also consider establishing a specific intersectoral platform to better articulate [...]all its initiatives [...]in this area, including those currently carried out under the United Nations Cluster on Knowledge and Education for Disaster Reduction led by UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果基督教不存在 于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须 降 下来 的 德 米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。 mb-soft.com | If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but [...] if, as is more likely, [...]the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and had already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398). mb-soft.com |
这一切看来表明,会员国决定设立国际基础科学计划,为进行基础科学能力建设提供 相应的平台,不乏为 一个有远见的举措。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All this would seem to indicate that Member [...] States were far-sighted when they decided to establish the IBSP for providing a relevant platform for action in capacity-building in the basic sciences. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如奥巴马总统今天所说的那样,当一个领导人 [...] 继续掌权的唯一办法是动用大规模暴力来对付本国 人民的时候,他就失去了统治的合法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是 正确的事情,也就是立 即 下台。 daccess-ods.un.org | As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence [...] against its own people, he has lost the legitimacy to [...] rule and needs to do what is right for his country, by leaving now. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用匹配键下方的匹配选项控制台来 调 整您的选择偏好。 carpoolzone.smartcommute.ca | Use the Match Options console found under the Matches tab to adjust [...] your preferences. carpoolzone.smartcommute.ca |
雖然全新G 系列的內外都得到進一步的提升,但仍保留著一些設計元素, 而 不 失 G系 列的獨特風格,例如﹕前排乘客座位前的扶手、差速器鎖按鈕、從新設計位於中央控 制 台下 端 的 換檔槓桿,這都清晰地與駕駛者座位那邊的設計一致,並配上銀色飾邊。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In order to ensure that the G-Class nevertheless does not lose any of its character, certain specific design elements in the interior have been preserved. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在此方面,全球外勤支助战略充当一个战略 平台来实现 必须加以管理的文化转变的理念,强调需要在为各个支柱制订的详细 计划之间达到适当的平衡,需要确保与利益攸关方,包括会员国、秘书处执行合 作伙伴(维持和平行动部、政治事务部和管理部、内部监督事务厅和法律事务厅), 以及外地特派团的高级领导层进行有意义的协商,同时始终铭记绝对需要继续以 绝不损害 向外地提供服务的方式提供服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, the notion that the global field support strategy serves as a strategic platform to enable a cultural shift that must be managed underscores the need to reach the right balance between detailed plans developed for each of the pillars, the need to ensure meaningful consultation with stakeholders, including the Member States, Secretariat implementing partners (the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations, Political Affairs and management, [...] the Office of Internal Oversight Services [...]and the Office of Legal Affairs) and the senior leadership of field missions, while always bearing in mind the absolute need to continue to provide services in a manner that never compromises service delivery to the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
FTB-5500B 和 FTB-5500 测试模块内置于专家级 FTB-500 平台,不会受到液体喷溅、撞击和掉落的影响,是在中心局和现场情 况下 的理想之选。 exfo.com | Housed in the expert FTB-500 Platform, the FTB-5500B and FTB5500 test modules survive splashes, knocks and drops—ideal for [...] CO and field conditions. exfo.com |
在通过优化使用现有人力资源和审慎使用人员旅行预算,只要人事费和人员差旅费节 省不下来,加 之秘书处还有很大一笔尚未动用资金的这种情况下,一些国家表示不支持调高 预算。 unesdoc.unesco.org | No upward movement for the budget would be supported by some countries until such time that economies in staff costs and staff travel had been realized through an optimal use of existing staffing resources and a judicious use of staff travel budgets – also in view of large amounts of unutilized funds by the Secretariat. unesdoc.unesco.org |
文化市场服务平台移动应用系统安装方式 广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室在推出文化市场服务 平 台 移 动 应用的同时,亦提 供 不 同 下 载 点予市民选择下载安装,包括手机输入网址http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html 点击下载,手机扫描二维条形码下载、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索“广州文化市场服务 平 台 ” ” 下载以及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。 timeless.com.hk | Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided various ways for the Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/ind ex.html on your phone and click, or scanning the QR [...] code, or search in various online stores [...] such as “Android Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”. timeless.com.hk |
他虽然在那次大屠杀中侥幸活下来, 但 又再次被关押在单人 牢房且长达数年之久,依然处于与外界或其他囚犯完全隔绝状态,家 人 不 得探 监,也不得与律师接触。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having survived that massacre, he was once again held in complete isolation in an individual cell for several more years, still without any communication with the outside world or the [...] other prisoners and without [...]any family visits or contact with a lawyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
下一步是套杯,然后奶牛开始移动,直到出口位置,在这里奶牛从挤 奶 台下来 之 前 由最后一个机器人为其进行喷淋消毒。 delaval.cn | The next step is the teat cup attachment and after that the cow moves on until the exit bail position where a last robot sprays her before she is released. delaval.com |
然而,报告建议,正确的对策并不是 冻 结项目,抑或等待商品价格和政府意愿稳 定 下来 , 而 是更多提倡通过如项目合理化、改善资本效率、数据分析和项目交付品质保证等手段,制定规范的投资决策。 deloitte.com | However, the report suggests that the correct response may be less about freezing projects or waiting until commodity prices and government intentions settle and more about making disciplined investment decisions through such measures as project rationalization, improved capital efficiency, data analytics and project delivery quality assurance. deloitte.com |
在接下来的讨论中,一位代表称,该决定草案没有必要,其一是因 为 不需 要 重申第 XIX/6 号决定中的内容,本次会议及其它会议的讨论已突出提到了这 些内容,其二是因为执行委员会已经在努力工作,力争最终完成氟氯烃生产设 施供资准则以及与生产部门相关的其它重要任务。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | In the ensuing discussion, one representative, supported by others, said that the draft decision was not needed because [...] there was no need to [...]reiterate the elements of decision XIX/6, which had featured prominently in discussions during the current meeting and other meetings, and because the Executive Committee was already working hard to finalize the guidelines for funding of production facilities for HCFCs and other important tasks related to the production sector. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
政策声明是国家总统选举期间的标语, 如果未付诸实施,就构成不信任 动议,可能遭到有 力谴责;正是这样的投票结果导致他所任职的上届 政府下台。 daccess-ods.un.org | The policy statement had been the watchword during the country’s presidential elections [...] and in the event that [...] it was not implemented, a motion of no confidence offered the possibility for effective censure; the prospect of such a vote had led the previous Government, of which he had been [...]a member, to resign. daccess-ods.un.org |
图书馆 是阅读,工作的好地方,即使只 是想捧着一本书靠着浅色桌台来 休闲一下或者上网浏览,这里也是一个绝佳的去处。 kamp-lintfort.de | The library is an attractive place to read, work, or just relax with a book with its lightcoloured desks as well as PC and internet terminals. kamp-lintfort.de |
蓝博士备受赞誉的FLX数字信号处理平 台不 仅 提 供蓝博士无与伦比的无线麦克风技术, 带 来 前 所 未有的声音清晰度和灵活性,而且还提供了先进的音频技术、卓越的回声消除和声音品质。 tipschina.gov.cn | Revolabs' [...] award-winning FLX digital signal processing platform provides advanced audio technology, superior [...]echo cancellation and acoustics, [...]as well as Revolabs unparalleled wireless microphone technology for unmatched audio clarity and flexibility. tipschina.gov.cn |
在此之前,该矿场使用两台不同的 钻机(每台需要两人操作):一台用于向上钻进的传统气动钻机;另 一 台 是 向 下 钻 进 的潜孔钻机(DTH)。 solidgroundmagazine.com | Previously, two separate rigs – each requiring two operators – were in use at the mine: a conventional pneumatic rig for upward drilling and a down-the-hole (DTH) rig to drill downwards. solidgroundmagazine.com |
1998年日本经济形势最艰难的一年,第一季经济成长率下降到-5.3%,第二季为-3.3%,银行坏帐严重,同时期东南亚金融风暴对日本海外出口市场和投资市场冲击巨大,而日本政府对经济衰退束手无策,频繁出炉的经济政策毫无作用,民众 的 不 满 引 发桥本内阁 的 下台 ; 8月 底开始,日圆大幅回升,原因在于美国经济成长放缓,美日贸易进一步扩大,导致日圆在短短2个月内反弹到114.33(期货在8月底贬值到1日圆:0.6807美分)的价位。 gf1908.com | In 1998 the economic situation in Japan the most difficult year in the first quarter economic growth rate dropped to -5.3% -3.3% for the second quarter, the banks severe bad debt, in the same period of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia to Japan from overseas export markets and the tremendous impact of the investment market, The Japanese government on the economic recession at a loss, often out of economic policy at all, the people's discontent [...] caused the Hashimoto cabinet [...] to step down; start by the end of August, the yen rebounded sharply, [...]due to slowdown in U.S. [...]economic growth, the United States and Japan to further expand trade, leading to Yen in just 2 months to 114.33 rebound (in futures by the end of August to 1 yen depreciation: 0.6807 cents) price. gf1908.com |
就此 而论,他想知道某些联合国会员国的领导人和外长 要求叙利亚总统下台的声 明,是否可以视为公然违 反国际法和《联合国宪章》,且不说 这 是粗暴干涉叙 利亚内政,煽动叙利亚民众反对合法领导和国家对 话。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, he wondered whether the statements by some leaders and foreign ministers of States Members of [...] the United Nations [...] calling for the ouster of the Syrian president might be considered a flagrant violation of international law and of the Charter of the United Nations, not to mention [...]a gross interference [...]in Syrian internal affairs and incitement of the Syrian street against the legitimate leadership and national dialogue. daccess-ods.un.org |
援助侧重于以下几个 方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台, 使 会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。 daccess-ods.un.org | Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an [...] integrated and coordinated way; [...] (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社会请执行秘书把社会保护方面的各种关切纳入 各 不 同 发 展部门,包括通 过为相互交流和传播与社会保护工作有关的知识提供一个区域 平 台来 支 持各成 员和准成员开展相关的能力建设;开展分析调研工作和全面记录社会保护方面的 各种良好做法,以便制作一个关于社会保护工作政策和方案选项的工具箱,供成 员国酌情使用;推进南南和三角合作,以确保社会保护工作在费用上承受得起、 同时亦具有深度和广度;倡导对社会保护领域进行投资,以便为基于普遍原则和 基于权利的框架内的方案营造各种有利的环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | promoting South-South and triangular cooperation, in order to enhance the affordability, scope and depth of social protection; and undertaking advocacy on investing in social protection in order to create enabling environments for programmes based on universal principles and within a rights-based framework. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,实现这些改革的方式,既不是 某 些会员国提 出的、企图利用联合国这一平台来要 挟 其他国家的 可疑的政治性决议草案,也不是针 对阿拉伯叙利亚 共和国发动的媒体、政治和外交战争,或者干涉其 内政。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, such [...] reforms would not come in the form of suspiciously political draft resolutions sponsored by certain Member States in order to blackmail others, using the United Nations as a platform, nor by conducting [...]a media, political [...]and diplomatic war against the Syrian Arab Republic, or interfering in its internal affairs. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注 以 下 战 略 支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the [...] Office in the area [...] education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening [...]literacy development through [...]advocacy and technical support to strategic planning. unesdoc.unesco.org |
d) 可以研究将全国委员会法定四年一次的会议改为六年一次的可行性(这一安排正 好与《中期战略》的期限一致,以便将节 省 下来 的 经 费用于全国委员会确定的能 力培养优先事项。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) The feasibility of holding the statutory and quadrennial conferences of National Commissions every six instead of every four years could be examined (such a schedule would correspond to the period of the Medium-Term Strategy and allow the savings to be invested in capacity-building priorities identified by National Commissions). unesdoc.unesco.org |