

单词 上都

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,由此可以看到政府在整個 問上都是完全偏袒和傾斜的。
We can only see blatant bias and a total tilt over to the side of the big businesses.
以补偿历史上的不公为前提的该条款 在政治上和经上都引来了争议,人们担忧它会只会让 少数人受益。
Premised on redressing historical injustices, it is politically and economically controversial, with concerns that it will only benefit a small minority.
与最不发达国家以及最贫穷、最脆弱和最弱势的国家及其人民保持团结、合 作和伙伴关系,这不仅在道义上,而且在经济上和政 上都 是 必 要之举。
Solidarity, cooperation and partnership with the least developed countries, the poorest, most
vulnerable and weakest countries and their people are not only moral
[...] imperatives, they are also economic and political ones.
工程科学和技术的至关重要性已经在联合国、八国集团、二十国集团、非洲联盟和非 洲发展新伙伴关系的会议和报告中,在 2002 年的约翰内斯堡可持续发展问题世界首脑会议 (WSSD)、世界工程师组织联合会(WFEO)和世界工程师大会 2000 年(汉诺威,主题为 “人类--自然--技术”)、2004 年(上海,主题为“工程师朔造可持续的世界”)、2008 年 (巴西利亚,主题为“工程学:富有社会责任的创新”)和计划在 2011 年(日内瓦,主题 为“工程学赋予世界以力量”)举行的会议,包括 1999 年的世界科学大上,都给予了突 出的强调。
The vital importance of engineering and technology has been emphasized at meetings and reports of the United Nations, G8, G20, the African Union and NEPAD, the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002, at the WFEO World Engineers Conventions in 2000 (Hanover, theme: “Humanity – Nature – Technology”), 2004 (Shanghai, theme: “Engineers Shape the Sustainable World”), 2008 (Brasilia, theme: “Engineering: Innovation with Social Responsibility”), and the forthcoming WEC in 2011 (Geneva, theme: “Engineers Power the World”) and the World Conference on Science in 1999.
咨询委 员会指出,为确保对信通厅的持续信心,至关重要的是,设立的组织安排在形式 上和实上都切合目的。
The Committee points out that, to ensure continuing confidence in the Office, it is essential that the organizational arrangements in place be, and be seen to be, fit for purpose.
尽管这些安排的确有其自己的一些特点,但基 上都 需 要 服 从同样的质量检查标准,包括教科文组织的监测、报告和主要职能等标准。
While these arrangements did indeed have some of their own specific features, it basically needed to obey the same quality-control criteria, including monitoring, reporting and core competence of UNESCO.
在精簡人手的層面上,要把公務員隊伍與參與薪酬趨勢調查 的私營公司作一公平比較,無論是在本質上或實 上 , 都 有困 難。
There are inherent and practical difficulties in arriving at a fair comparison between the downsizing in the civil service and that in the participating companies in a PTS.
由于这些研究结果,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)宣布绝经后女性使用的所有雌激素产 上都 必 须 有警示标签,说明长时间使用该产品会增加心肌梗塞、中风、血栓和乳腺癌的风险。
Because of these research findings, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) announced that
[...] all products for postmenopausal women containing estrogen should have a warning label stating that prolonged use could increase [...]
the risk of heart attacks,
strokes, blood clots and breast cancer.
这一实践即使不说全部,也基上都是在 对 1969 年《维也纳公约》第五部分各个条款作出保留和反对的框架内 出现,而且清晰显示反对方设法扩大反对所涉效果的原因。
The practice has been resorted to mainly, if not exclusively, in the case of reservations and objections to the provisions of Part V of the 1969 Vienna Convention, and this example makes it clear why authors of objections seek to expand the effects they intend their objections to produce.
直至最近缅甸国内的汽车和手机价格还一直高 居不下:一辆在多数市上都会报 废的车况很差的 汽车,在这里甚至能以数万美元的价格转手,在邻 国只卖几美元一张的 sim 卡在这里要卖到 1000 美 元甚至更多。
Until recently, the costs of cars and mobile telephones have been massively inflated, with even old vehicles in poor condition that would be scrapped in most markets changing hands for tens of thousands of dollars and SIM cards sold for a few dollars in neighbouring countries costing $1,000 or more.
尽管有时从掘土能力上看,钻石开采规模很大,但是科特迪 瓦所有的钻石开采本上都是手 工操作,使用的仅为基本设备。
All diamond mining in Côte d’Ivoire, although sometimes large in terms of earth-moving capacity, is artisanal in nature and uses only basic equipment.
这些被埋设在农 业用地和城市居住区等利比亚大片土地上的地雷和 其他未爆弹药是其同类中最复杂和造成伤害最大
[...] 的,并且无论在数量上还是在破坏 上都 造 成甚至 比第二次世界大战的遗留爆炸物更为严重的问题, [...]
使排雷成为新政府的优先事项之一,并且需要获得 联合国和友善邻国的援助。
Those mines and other unexploded ordnance, which had been deployed across vast swathes of Libyan territory, including agricultural land and urban residential areas, were among the most sophisticated and harmful of their
kind and posed an even more serious
[...] problem, in terms of both numbers and destructive [...]
power, than the explosive remnants
of the Second World War, rendering demining one of the priorities of the new Government and necessitating assistance from the United Nations and friendly neighbouring countries.
这些更改可确保高级格式化硬盘上的所有分区在 4K 扇区边上都完全对齐。
These changes ensure that all partitions on Advanced Format drives are aligned properly on 4K sector boundaries.
我认为,根 据案卷材料,可以说缔约国有关当局对审查风险问题给予了应有的注意,在程序 上和案上都提供 了保障,对此表示怀疑或认为委员会在确定事实和证据方面应 取代无能的国家当局,都是不适宜的。
I believe that the information in the case file makes it clear that the relevant State authorities gave due consideration to the issue of risk, invoking procedural and substantive safeguards, and it is unseemly to doubt that or to consider that it is for the Committee to replace inefficient State authorities in order to establish the facts and evidence.
有 关此类儿童的信息基上都传到 了社会工作者或当时开始处理这个问题的儿 童保护工作者手中。
Information about such children mostly reaches social workers or child protection workers who then start dealing with the problem.
关于人权事务特别程序在处理在武装冲突中保护人权问题上的经验,专家表 示特别程序在许多问上都以充 分互补的方式同时适用了国际人权法和国际人道 主义法。
Concerning the experience of human rights special procedures in dealing with the protection of human rights in situations of armed conflict, experts stated that on a number of issues special procedures have applied both international human rights and international humanitarian law in a fully complementary manner.
环境规划署代表在答复时说,环 境规划署在 2008 年举行的每次区域网络会上都列入了关于消除氟氯烃的技术和管理事 项会议,其网站 OzonAction 载有进一步的信息。
In response, the representative of UNEP said that in each of the regional network meetings in 2008 UNEP had included a session on technical and regulatory matters related to the elimination of HCFCs, and further information was provided through its website OzonAction.
许多代表团强调,法典标准的制定在每年的委员会会 上都 取 得重大进展,因此 食典委会议应该每年召开一次。
Many delegations stressed the considerable progress achieved in the development of Codex standards through the use of annual sessions and expressed the view that the Commission should continue to meet on an annual basis.
政策和方案还应鼓励青少年在与他们生活有关并影响到他们未 来的所有问上都发挥 领头作用和参与功能。
They should also encourage young people’s leadership and participation in all issues that pertain to their lives and affect their future.
[...] 法,第四次双年度会议主席继续这样做,这导致在这 两次会上都破坏 了共识并通过表决才通过有关决 [...]
Unfortunately, such a practice was also exercised by the Chair of the Third Biennial Meeting and
continued by the Chair of the Fourth Biennial
[...] Meeting, which, in both cases, led to [...]
the destruction of consensus and the adoption
of the draft resolution concerned through a vote.
联合国和联合国系统都要在体制 问题上发挥重大作用,因为它们基 上都 是 政 治性的问题。
The United Nations and the United Nations system had an important role to play in systemic issues since they were essentially of a political nature.
由于我们制定的每 一个投资方案性上都是不 同的,所以我们有能力 收集来自投资者的各种评论并进行概括,告诉您 有关波兰的金融、商业环境、不动产、公共资助、投 资程序、劳动法和税收方面的重要信息。
Since each project completed by us was different in nature, we have been able to gather remarks from investors and have summarised them below to give you crucial information about Poland, financing, the business climate, real estate, public aid, the investment process, labour law and taxation.
在柏林,最先的设定是可以将 PC用于 无限制的免费打印,其结果就是每年打印大约一百万张纸,而其 中的 20% 事上都是废纸。
In Berlin, things were originally set up so that the PCs could be used for unlimited printing at no charge, which resulted in about one million pages being printed each year, 20% of which was actually wasted paper.
以对联合国各实体所 提供答复的汇编和分析为基础,秘书长关于这一主题的报告传 上都 包 含 了关于 依照经社理事会第 1997/2 号商定结论推进联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政 首长协调理事会)2006 年认可的《联合国全系统性别平等主流化政策及战略》(见 CEB/2006/2)各方面情况的信息。
Based on the compilation and analysis of the responses provided by United Nations entities, the reports of the Secretary-General on the topic have traditionally included information on the different aspects of advancing the United Nations system-wide policy and strategy on gender mainstreaming endorsed by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) in 2006 (see CEB/2006/2), pursuant to the agreed conclusions 1997/2 of the Council.
拿元旦遊行中的「積極參與者」和「可能參與者」比較,前者在年齡、學歷及階 上都 較 後 者高,對跟遊行有關的政治或社會議題意見更強烈,並在更大程度上認為香港市民可以掌握香港的命運。
Comparing those "active participants" and "possible participants" in the New Year's Day march, the former are higher in age, education attainment and social class, have stronger opinion on political and social issues related to the march, as well as agree to a larger extent that Hong Kong people can take hold of Hong Kong's destiny.
多数国家的国家版权法在“公平交易”与“合理使用”的基 上都 有 对 下列例外情况作出了 规定:为个人、研究、教育、档案、图书馆、新闻报道而进行的复制。
National copyright laws in most countries incorporate exceptions for copying for personal use, research, education, archival copying, library use and news reporting, based on principles of ‘fair dealing’, or ‘fair use’ (US).
尽管互联网上的许多网上都建议 离开首次出现为无,(该文件夹中的一个默认)我发现,只有更换所有的发生,使永久性的工作习惯。
Despite many sites on the Internet are advising to leave the first occurrence to None, (that one in the default folder) I have found that only replacing all the occurrences, makes custom permalinks work.
研究生导师所起的作用也很有限;比如,因 为他们基上都是通 过博士教育培养出来的,所以他们可能对硕 士层面的专业存在哪些机会,有什么具体要求或者存在什么样的 非学术性的职业机会知之甚少。
Faculty advisors play a limited role; for example, because they are typically the product of a doctoral-level education, they may know little about the opportunities available in master’s-level programs, the demands of such programs, or opportunities for nonacademic career paths.
本章意在说明联合国系统在区域层 面与发展领域各区域组织和区域其他行为
[...] 者接触的目前性质、深度和结构,尤其是鉴 于各非联合国区域进程和机构在数量上和 重要上都上升了
This chapter intends to illustrate the current nature, depth and structure of engagement of the UN system at the regional level with the regional organizations and other regional actors in the area of
development, particularly in view of the fact that non-UN regional processes and
[...] institutions have grown in number and importance.




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