

单词 上载

External sources (not reviewed)

主要挑战包上载更多不同数据格式的数据和实现商 标有效图像相似性检索系统。
Main challenges include the uploading of more [...]
data in different data formats and the implementing of an efficient image
similarity search system for trademarks.
一成员通知委员会说,用于载列多边基金气候影响 指标范围之外有用信息的概况介绍模块的讨论文件已 上载 到 在 线论坛。
One member informed the Committee that a discussion paper on the template for a fact sheet covering useful information beyond the scope of the MCII had been uploaded onto the online forum.
机组人员或乘客已登机的飞 机、或已开上载货物 的飞机、或机组人员或乘客尚未下飞机、或货物尚未 [...]
An aircraft which has already been boarded by members of the crew or
[...] passengers or the loading of the cargo of which [...]
has already begun or which has not
yet been deboarded by members of the crew or passengers or the unloading of the cargo of which has not been completed shall be equivalent to an aircraft in flight.
二者的主 要区别实际上在于取消了文件的印制(印刷)环节以及向用户交付文
[...] 件的打印文本;后者是以发布、或 上载 ” 的 形式把文件登入会议 网站、或以电子邮件形式将之发送给会议用户。
The main difference lies in the elimination of document production (printing) and the delivery of paper documents to the client, with the latter
accomplished by publishing, or “uploading”, the documents onto the meeting
[...] website or delivering them to the [...]
client by email.
大会第 64/230 号决议第三节第 5
段重申秘书长需要确保所有工作地点采用 的技术相互兼容,并确保此种技术便于所有正式语文采用;大会在同一节第 6 段
[...] 中请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国全部重要旧文 上载 联 合 国 网站的工作,以便会员国也能通过这一媒介取得这些档案资料。
In section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly reiterated the need for the Secretary-General to ensure the compatibility of technologies used in all duty stations and to ensure that they are user-friendly in all official languages; and in paragraph 6 of the same section, it requested the Secretary-General to
complete the task of uploading all
[...] important older United Nations documents onto the United Nations [...]
website in all six official
languages on a priority basis, so as to ensure that these archives are also available to Member States through that medium.
例如,在418,一会背诵的迦太基在一个教皇使节在场的前非洲次全体会议,会议的所有大炮,安理会的chalcedon所有的行为体现了劫匪的以弗所第一届理事会,以及行为的该届会 上载 有 两 名君士坦丁堡主教的行为。
For example, in 418, a Council of Carthage recited all the canons of former African plenary council in the presence of a papal legate; the Council of Chalcedon embodies all the Acts of the first
session of the Robber Council of Ephesus, and the
[...] Acts of that session contained the Acts of two synods [...]
of Constantinople.
拟编列经费 341 400 美元,用于支付以下费用:订阅各种杂志、书籍、学报、 期刊,刊登在线对外广告(261 400
[...] 美元);根据大会第 65/311 号决议把网页内上载到维 和网站并译成联合国六种正式语文(60 [...]
000 美元);安装图片展览亭,印 制小册子,以及制作其他材料,向外部受众宣传维和工作和外勤支助活动(20 000 美元)。
The amount of $341,400 is proposed for subscriptions to various magazines, books, journals and periodicals and for online
external advertising ($261,400); the uploading
[...] of web content for the peacekeeping [...]
website and translation into the six United
Nations languages pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/311 ($60,000); and the installation of booths for photo exhibits, the printing of brochures and other production to promote to external audiences the work of peacekeeping and field support ($20,000).
电话法律咨询服 务的录音内容,上载当值 律师服务的网页,供市民参考。
There is also an on-line version of the Tel-Law Service on the website of DLS.
最有效的方法是安装一个三组式 注入机;一个碳氢化合上载系统 ;安全相关设备;安全审计;实验和培训 。
The most cost-effective approach is to install a three-component dispenser; a hydrocarbon unloading system; safety-related equipment; safety audits; trials and training.
两大挑战涉及到处理原始数据源 上载 问 题 ,通常原始数据源格式各有不同,而且质量很差, 同时还涉及到开发适合多语言和图像检索的智能检索工具。
Two key challenges relate to the processing of original data sources, which often exist in different formats and are of poor quality, for uploading, and the development of intelligent search tools for multi-language and image search.
这些指标数据取自:㈠ 产品和服务调查,采
用对总部提供的业务领导和政策指导的相关性表示满意的用户的百分比;㈡ 产 品和服务调查,采用对方案和项目制订及执行支助的相关性表示满意的用户的百 分比;㈢
[...] 团队工作,采用每个月的用户数目,包括讨论 上载 、 建 议和意见, 表明这一关键知识管理工具的可用程度、有用程度和利用程度。
They are drawn from: (i) the Products and Services Survey, using the percentage of users satisfied with the relevance of practice leadership and policy guidance provided by Headquarters; (ii) the Products and Services Survey, using the percentage of users satisfied with the relevance of programme and project formulation and implementation support; and (iii) Teamworks,
using the number of monthly users, including
[...] discussions, uploads, recommendations [...]
and views as representative of the accessibility,
usefulness and utilization of this key knowledge-management tool.
而有关相片亦将于同日香港时间2230 (GMT 1430) 起上载于邵 逸夫奖网站www.shawprize.org。有关卫星发放之安排详见附录。邵逸夫奖颁奖礼电视特辑将于9月22日香港时间2300–2330及9月24日香港时间1835–1900分别在无线电视翡翠台和明珠台播出。
Photographs will be uploaded the same day at Hong Kong time 2230 (GMT 1430) on the website www.shawprize.org. The ceremony program will be broadcast on HKTVB Jade and Pearl Channels on 22 September at Hong Kong time 2300–2330 and on 24 September at Hong Kong time 1835–1900 respectively.
过去两年,促进将信通技术应用于教育的主要活动有:(a) 把中小学教科书 和教学材上载到一 个活跃的网站,其中包括 50 种孟加拉语书籍、26 种英语中 学教科书和 33 种小学教科书;(b) 向师范学院的教师培训员提供培训,教导他 们如何开发数字化内容,以便在课堂上采用基于信通技术的教与学方法;(c) 向 6 500 名中学教师提供计算机培训;(d) 向 20 500 所学校(包括宗教学校)提供膝 上型计算机和多媒体投影机;(e) 开设 17 个流动计算机实验室,帮助住在边远 地区的学生认识信通技术;(f) 在 20 所普通学校、35 所宗教学校和 20 所师范学 院建立现代化计算机实验室;(g) 在 128 个区建立信通技术培训和资源中心。
Major activities promoting the use of ICT in education in the last two years are as follows: (a) Textbooks and education materials for primary and secondary education uploaded in a dynamic website which includes 50 Bangla version books, 26 English version secondary education textbooks and 33 primary education textbooks; (b) Training of teacher trainers from the teacher training colleges on developing digital content to facilitate ICT-based teaching-learning processes in class; (c) Computer training for 6,500 secondary schoolteachers; (d) The supply of laptop computers and multimedia projectors to 20,500 schools and madrasas; (e) The launch of 17 mobile computer labs to orient students living in remote locations; (f) Establishing modern computer labs in 20 schools, 35 madrasas, and 20 teacher training colleges; (g) Establishing ICT training and resource centres in 128upazila. 58.
第 1973(2011)号决议第 17 和第 18 段禁止任何在利比亚注册或由利比亚拥 有的飞机从会员国领土起飞、在其领土降落或飞越其领土,除非有关飞行事先得
[...] 到委员会的批准,会员国如有情报认为飞 上载 有 被 禁物项或武装雇佣军,也必 须采取类似的禁飞措施,但紧急降落不在此列。
By paragraphs 17 and 18 of resolution 1973 (2011) a ban was imposed on any Libyan-registered or owned aircraft taking off, landing and/or overflying the territory of Member States, unless the particular flight had been approved in advance by the Committee, and Member States must apply similar
prohibitions to any aircraft if they have
[...] information that it may contain prohibited cargo [...]
or armed mercenaries, with the exception of emergency landing.
( b ) Such consent is not solely set forth in a carrier’s public schedule of prices and services, transport document or electronic transport record.
[...] 典型的应用有,当电源用时是供直流电给任意相关设备;当电池充电器时可充各类电池;当电子负载时,通过可调 直流吸收功能代替欧姆电阻,从 上载 任 何 类型的电压和电流源。
the equipment is intended to be used, if a power supply or battery charger, only as a variable voltage and current source, or, if an electronic load, only as a variable current sink. typical application for a power supply is DC supply to any relevant user, for a battery charger the charging of various battery types and for electronic loads the
replacement of ohm resistance by an adjustable DC
[...] current sink in order to load relevant voltage [...]
and current sources of any type.
已经在酒瓶标签和酒瓶上 载明税表,附上安全因素。
Tax labels with security elements have been introduced on bottle labels or caps.
为避免在使用“上”(载于一 般性指标的名称)和“以下”(载于尺度的定 义)两词时可能发生的混淆,建议缔约方会议考虑进一步修正用于“生活在贫困 [...]
In order to avoid possible confusion over the use of the
[...] terms “above” (contained in the general indicator’s [...]
name) and “below” (contained
in the metric’s definition), it is recommended that the COP consider further amending the general indicator for use in the reporting process to “Proportion of the population living below the poverty line”.
上载含有 受知识产权(或隐私权)法保护的软件或其他材料的文件,除非用户拥有或控制这些权利,或已取得一切必要允许。
Upload files that contain software or other [...]
material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of
publicity) unless the User owns or controls the rights thereto or has received all necessary consents.
通过诸如在各自相关网站上发表 专题会议情况记录上载判例 汇编、电子公告和文献等方式,确保广泛宣传人权 机制之间关于判例的交流。
A wide dissemination of exchanges between human rights mechanisms on jurisprudence should be ensured, e.g. by publishing minutes of thematic meetings, posting compilations of jurisprudence, bulletins and bibliographies on the respective websites etc.
当需上载时,个人电 脑可直接连接地到M807 前面板,或通过一个外 部调制解调器连接。
When uploads are needed, the PC can connect directly to the Model 807 front panel or, through an external modem.
事 实上,教科文组织网站主上载有一 切计划活动的日程安排。
In fact, the calendar of all planned events could be perused on the home page of UNESCO’s website.
2012 年5月26
[...] 日,还是在霍姆斯省,当局检获一辆被盗车辆, 上载 着各 种武器,包括六支俄罗斯步枪、三支泵动式步枪、手榴弹、爆炸装置、大量的步 [...]
On 26 May 2012, also in Homs, the authorities seized
[...] a stolen car containing various weapons, [...]
including six Russian rifles, three pump-action
rifles, hand grenades, explosive devices, a large quantity of rifle ammunition, a military cartridge pouch, military uniforms and several fake licence plates.
此外标准 EPA 的报告包括 Quartly 报告、 分子束外延/WBE 报告、 财务状况 报告上载到英 亩,信息和管理所需的所有其他报告将棕色顾问的责任。
In addition standard EPA reporting including Quartly Reports, MBE/WBE Reports, Financial Status Reports, uploading of information to ACRES, and management of all other required reports will be the responsibility of the brownfields consultant.
上载和插入 - 选择本地图像的一种新可能上载图 像到制定服务器为止,自动插入它。
Image upload and insert There is a new possibility to select a local image, upload it to a specified server location and insert it automatically.
这有助于限制双方上载潜力 (即在危急之时迅速增加已部署的弹头的 数量),为转用和消除拟削减的战略进攻武器提供了进一步的动力。
This makes it possible to limit the parties’ “upload potential” (their capacity to swiftly build up the number of deployed warheads in times of crisis) and creates additional momentum for the elimination or conversion of the strategic offensive arms to be reduced.
2009 年年初对该系统进行了一 些重大改进,主要是在上载姓名 至数据库的管理,和更灵活、更安全 上载表 格能力,以及对表格进行自动化分析的能力等方面。
Some important improvements were made in early 2009, notably in the management of uploading names to the database, and in a more flexible and secure capacity for uploading the forms, as well as capacity for automated analysis of the forms.
[...] 程试验及演示卫星,加强其远程培训;与世界银行协作,使用其虚拟 统计系统来开发上载培训资料,这可为电子学习提供便利,并提供 [...]
更多的机会,有利于获取各种有关信息和教育方案的资源来源、国际 联系方法的信息,并与其他国家的个人和机构开展讨论。
In its endeavour to reach a wider audience through e-training, SIAP had adopted several strategies: enhancing its distance training using the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite (WINDS) through the University of Tokushima; collaborating with the World Bank on the use
of their Virtual Statistical System (VSS)
[...] to develop and upload training materials [...]
that would facilitate e-learning with
increased access to a range of sources of information and educational programmes, international contacts and discussions with individuals and institutions in other countries.
您保证并声明,您拥有或以其他方式控制提交的所有权利,如这些使用和销售条款中所述,包括但不限于提供、张贴 上载 、 输入或提交提交的所有必要权利。
You warrant and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to your Submission as described in these Terms of Use and Sale
including, without limitation, all the rights necessary for you to
[...] provide, post, upload, input or submit [...]
the Submissions.




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