

单词 上诉法院

See also:

上诉 v

appeal v

上诉 n

appeals pl


appeal (a judicial case)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果新的申请遭到驳回,可以上诉至主管移民法 院,并进一步上诉至移上诉法院。
A rejection of the new application is subject to appeal to the competent
[...] migration court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
2010 年,Shallop Diamonds
[...] 公司的 Emmanuel Shallop 被比利上诉法院 认定 有罪,罪名是为塞拉利昂革命联合阵线(联阵)领导人促进冲突钻石贸易。
In 2010, Emmanuel Shallop, of Shallop Diamonds, was found guilty
[...] in the Belgian Court of Appeal for facilitating [...]
the trade in conflict diamonds for
Revolutionary United Front (RUF) leaders in Sierra Leone.
上诉法院之下是高级法院,这是新西兰唯一的普通管 辖法院,审理最严重的陪审团审判以及审理民事案件和行政法律案件。
It hears the most serious jury trials and civil cases as well as administrative law cases.
(g) 拉巴特最高法院驳回了判刑的判决,认为“由于未能满足各方提出的 要求,导上诉法院的判决丧失了一切法律依据”。
(g) The Supreme Court in Rabat set aside the sentence, considering that “the
lack of replies to the requests made by the different
[...] parties left the Court of Appeal’s decision with no legal basis”.
因此,最高法院公布第 23-2008 号协议,规定下列审判机关有权审理在全国
[...] 发生的涉及《禁止杀害妇女及其他暴力侵害妇女形式法》的案件:(a) 治安法院; (b) 负责毒品案件和危害环境案件的一审刑事法院;(c) 负责毒品案件和危害环 境案件的终审刑事法院;(d) 负责毒品案件和危害环境案件的刑 上诉法院 审判 庭;(e) 家庭法院;(f) 民事上诉及家庭审判庭;(g) 最高法院刑事庭和民事庭。
In addition, the Supreme Court of Justice issued ruling 23-2008 defining the powers of the lower courts to hear cases covered by the Act on Femicide and other forms of violence against women throughout the Republic: (a) justices of the peace; (b) courts of first instance in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the environment; (c) the judgment tribunals in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the
environment; (d) the
[...] chambers of the Court of Appeals in criminal matters, drug trafficking and crimes against the environment; (e) the family courts; (f) the Courts of Appeals in civil [...]
and family matters; (g)
the Criminal and Civil Chambers of the Supreme Court of Justice.
最高法院还裁上诉法院错误 地拒绝考虑被告提出 的可能对全面、彻底和公正判决案子有必不可少的重要意义的证据。
The Supreme Court also found that the Court of Appeal wrongly refused to consider evidence introduced by the accused which might have had an essential importance for comprehensive, thorough and impartial adjudication of the case.
因此,司法部长拒绝准许申诉人没收希腊境内某些德国财产的申请一事,不能被 视为无理干扰他们诉诸法院的权利,这特别是由于该案件已经国内法院审查并经 希腊最上诉法院认可
Accordingly, the Minister of Justice’s refusal to give the applicants leave to apply for expropriation of certain German property situated in Greece cannot be regarded as an unjustified interference with their right of access to a
tribunal, particularly as it was examined by
[...] the domestic courts and confirmed by a judgement of the Greek Court of Cassation”.
有鉴于欧共体法院(CJEC)和法国最 上诉法院 对 综 合性 社会纳费和社会债务补偿纳费的立场,国际公务员委员会 决定将这两种纳费从工作人员工资调查中所考虑的净薪酬 计算中剔除,在计算自 2000 年 1 月 1 日起的工资表时参照 了这项决定。
In view of the stand taken by the Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC) and the French Court of Cassation in respect [...]
of the CSG and CRDS, ICSC
decided to exclude the CSG and CRDS from the calculation of the net remuneration taken into consideration in the staff salary survey, and that decision was taken into account in the calculation of the salary scale as from 1 January 2000.
2011年4月27 日,鉴于先前于2010年4月19 日提出的意见(
见上文7.1至 7.4段)
[...] ,缔约国重申了其立场,即应该停止对本申诉的审查,或者应以未用尽国 内补救措施为由宣布此申诉不可受理,因为在驱逐申诉人的决定失去时效之后, 他们现在可以向移民局提交新的庇护申请,还可以上诉移民 院 继 而 上 诉 移 民上 诉法院。
On 27 April 2011, in the light of its previous submission of 19 April 2010 (see paras. 7.1-7.4 above), the State party reiterated its position that the examination of the present complaint should be discontinued or it should be declared inadmissible for failure to exhaust domestic remedies, since, after the decision on the complainants’ expulsion has become statute-barred, they have now the possibility of submitting new asylum applications to
the Migration Board with the
[...] possibility of an appeal to the Migration Court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
还可进一步向皮特凯上诉法院和 枢密院上诉;上诉法院由三 名法官组成。
Further rights of appeal may be made to the Pitcairn Court of Appeal, comprising three judges, and to the Privy Council.
然而上诉法院不能为审理此案作安排,因为高等法院的判决尚未以书面形 式下达,尽管她的律师曾数次向首席法官反映高等法院法官不当地迟迟不以书面 形式下达判决一事。
However, her case could not be scheduled before the Court of Appeal because the [...]
judgment of the High Court had still not
been issued in writing, although her lawyer had on several occasions consulted with the Chief Justice on the unwarranted delay on the part of the High Court judge to submit his ruling in writing.
为改善司法系统的效率和对司法的运用,该部采取了各种行动编纂法律文 件,把与人权(《国籍法》、与艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者有关的法律)、改进司法机 关的运转(属人法司法机关法律、设立执行法官的法律、正在制定的旨在将最高 法院转变为最上诉法院的法 律文件、关于监狱管理人员地位的法令等)以及重 振法官职能(法官地位法律)有关的宪法条款和国际条款考虑在内。
The Ministry is working to codify legislation that takes account of constitutional and international provisions on human rights (Nationality Code, act on people living with HIV/AIDS), the need to improve the functioning of the courts (act on personal status courts, act instituting judges responsible for the execution of sentences, legislation being developed to change the Supreme Court to a court of cassation, decree on the status of prison officials, etc.) and to revitalize the work of the members of the judiciary (Status of the Judiciary Act) with the aim of improving the efficiency of the legal system and access to justice.
There are three
[...] courts presiding in Bermuda, namely, the Magistrates’ Court, the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal.
上诉法院同意 该决 定,但是最高法院做出了相反的裁决,推翻了下级法院的决定,宣判“像在上述 [...]
案件中,当解雇无效时,就被认为是从未发生过,职员重新回到原来的工作岗 位”。
The Court of Appeal confirmed this [...]
decision, but the Supreme Court, taking the opposite view, overturned it, stating that
"a dismissal declared null and void, as in the case at hand, is supposed to have never existed and the employee is reinstated in his employment without further formalities".
为了解决矛 盾,监管机构可以采上诉法院或国 际仲裁的方法,同时还应接受独立审计。
[...] should be open to appeals courts and international [...]
arbitration to resolve disputes, and be subject to independent audits.
我们回顾,政府在决心彻底制止对在刚果民主共 和国境内犯下的严重罪行的有罪不罚现象,并执行联 合国 2010 年 10
[...] 月摸底报告中的有关建议的同时,主 动在刚果司法系统中建立了与某些省 上诉法院挂 钩的特别混合分庭,它们有权审理在刚果民主共和国 [...]
We recall that, in its determination to put a definitive end to impunity for serious crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in implementation of the relevant recommendations of the United Nations mapping report of October 2010, the Government has taken the initiative to
establish within the Congolese judiciary specialized mixed chambers attached to
[...] certain provincial appeal courts with the power [...]
to try grave violations
of human rights committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
关于国内治安部队总局,它表示该问题已转交最 上诉法院 检 察 署审议,检 察署认为,应告知提出要求的机构,国内治安部队不应对制裁索马里问题采取任 [...]
As for the General Directorate of the Internal Security Forces, it has indicated that, the issue having been
considered by the office of the Public
[...] Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, the latter [...]
has stated that the requesting body should
be instructed that no measures should be taken by the Internal Security Forces with respect to the sanctions imposed on Somalia.
因此上诉法院裁定 ,在另一成员国初步启动破产程序及其中有关主 要利益中心的事实结论,使得承认国不能再就启动破产程序的成员国是否适当 [...]
Thus, the Court of Appeals ruled that the initial [...]
opening of an insolvency proceeding in another Member State and a finding
of fact therein regarding COMI pre-empted any subsequent independent determination by the recognizing State as to whether COMI was properly determined by the Member State in which the insolvency proceeding was opened.
上诉法院裁定 ,根据欧洲联盟法律,一旦一个 欧洲联盟成员国启动破产程序,所有成员国必须服从该裁定,这一裁决后来在 [...]
欧洲法院有关 Eurofoods 的裁决中得到认可,有关 Eurofoods 的裁决是 Parmalat 案件的一部分。
The French appeals court determined under [...]
European Union Law that once an insolvency proceeding is opened by a Member State
of the European Union then all Member States must defer to the determination, a ruling which was later ratified by European Court of Justice in its ruling in Eurofoods as part of the Parmalat case.
注意到管理国根据独立调查团的建议及管理 上诉法院 的 裁决,决定暂停特 克斯和凯科斯群岛 2006 年宪法中有关受陪审团审判的宪法权利,行政政府和议 会等规定
Noting the administering Power ’s
decision to suspend parts
[...] of the 2006 Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands, covering the constitutional right to [...]
trial by jury, ministerial
Government, and the House of Assembly, following the recommendations of an independent Commission of Inquiry and the ruling of the administering Power ’s Court of Appeal
鉴于欧上诉法院法官 最近作出令人愤慨的判 决,释放了因 2001 年公共汽车爆炸事件而被科索沃 特派团法院判处 [...]
40 年监禁的一名科索沃阿族恐怖分 子,回顾这些事件是合情合理的。
It is legitimate to recall these events in the light [...]
of the recent scandalous ruling of the judges of the European Court
of Appeals, which freed a Kosovo Albanian terrorist who had been sentenced by an UNMIK court in June 2008 to 40 years in prison for blowing up a bus in 2001.
2006 年 11 月 21 日,最高法院迈出了值得称赞的一步,即承认
[...] 以色列犹太居民和公民在以色列境外举行的公证结婚(H.C.J 2232/03,无名氏诉拉上诉法院案)。
On November 21, 2006, the Supreme Court took the laudatory step of recognizing civil marriages which had taken place
between Jewish Israeli residents and citizens, outside of Israel (H.C.J 2232/03 Anonymous v.
[...] The Rabbinical Court of Appeals).
2009年4月10日《2009 年司法 法令》正式生效,并且建立了以下法庭:这些法庭是最高法院,即最 上诉法 院;上诉法院;高 等法院;以及将由该法建立的其他法庭。
The Administration of Justice Decree 2009 came into force on 10 April 2009 and established the following Courts: the Supreme Court, which is the final appellate Court; the Court of Appeal; the High Court; and such other Courts as may be established by law.
为了避 免过去 在第一个《家庭法典 》之下的常 见做 法,即 第一任 丈夫为
[...] 防止离婚的 妻子 再 婚 而 使用滥 用 拖延,一审 法院 在离婚问题上的判 决不能 (世袭 影 响除外)向高一级院(如 上诉法院)上诉。
In order to avoid past practices that were common under the first Family Code, consisting in abusive delays used by the first husband with a view to preventing the divorced wife from remarrying, the decisions of the courts of first instance in
divorce matters cannot (except for patrimonial effects) be
[...] subject to appeal before a higher court (such as an appeal court).
。 但是上诉法院推翻 了原来的判决44 ,认为 “只有在拥有该必要设施的公司和反垄断 [...]
诉讼原告之间构成竞争的市场关系以获得 该必要设施为条件时,才可以提出必要设施 的请求。
However, the decision
[...] was reversed on appeal44 on the argument [...]
that “an essential facilities claim could not be made out
unless the owner of the essential facility and the antitrust plaintiff competed in a market that required access to the facility.
挪威的普通法院分别是最高法院(Høyesterett)、最高 院 中 级 上 诉 委 员会(Høyesterett) 上诉法院 ( la gmannsrettene)、地区法院(tingrett))和调解法院(forliksrådet)以及几个特别法院。
The ordinary courts of law in Norway consist of the Supreme Court of Justice (Høyesterett), the Interlocutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court (Høyesteretts kjæremålsutvalg), the Courts of Appeal (lagmannsrettene), the District Courts (tingrett), and the Conciliation Courts (forliksrådet), as well as several special...
2010年7 月,行上诉法院推翻 了行政法院的判决,并支持行政区和县行政委 员会的决定,称决策机关和法院在评估建筑许可事项时不应无视现行法律和其他 [...]
规定,还称提交人申请的建筑许可违反了发展规划,该项工程不能视为仅与发展 规划稍有出入。
In July 2010, the Administrative Court of Appeal overturned the [...]
judgement of the Administrative Court, and upheld the decision of the
Municipality and the County Administrative Board, stating that the decision-making authorities and courts cannot disregard existing legislation and other provisions when assessing a building permit matter, that the building permit for which the author had applied contravenes the development plan and that such a measure cannot be considered a minor departure from the plan.
由于对其决定可到最法院上诉,所以它不是特殊的 法院。
As its decisions could be appealed before the Supreme Court, it was not an exceptional court.




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