

单词 上诉庭

See also:

上诉 v

appeal v


appeal (a judicial case)


External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 关于监护权主张,缔约国称,决定已经作出,而投诉人应该明白,委员 会不是第四上诉庭,审查事实和证据也不是其职权范围内的事情。
3) Regarding custody claims, the State party asserts that the
decision has been made
[...] and that the complainant should understand that the Committee is not a fourth instance of appeal nor it’s within its mandate to review the facts and [...]
鉴于完成工 作战略显上诉庭的工 作量较大,高空缺率会妨碍上诉程序。
In view of the heavy workload in the Division, as indicated in the completion strategy, the high vacancy rate could hinder the appeals process.
申诉人未就 移民事务法庭的裁决向移上诉庭提 出 上 诉。
The author did not appeal the Migration Court's decision to the Migration Court of Appeal.
在具有重大一般性或公共性意义上的事情上, 上诉庭 作 出 的决定还可以 向英国枢密院司法委员会上诉,只要符合《宪法》规定的其他条件。
The decisions of the appellate division are [...]
in turn subject to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on
matters of great general or public importance, subject to the other conditions laid down in the Constitution.
相反上诉庭已扩 大,以处理审判将近结束时越来越多的上诉案件。
In contrast, the Appeals Division has expanded, [...]
in order to handle the rise in the number of cases on appeal as trials draw to a close.
在第 64
[...] 段中,法庭表示表示同意审计委员会的建议,即应尽一切努力降 低检察官办公上诉庭的空 缺率,以应付完成工作战略中显示的工作量。
In paragraph 64, the Tribunal agreed with the Board’s recommendation
that every effort be made to reduce the
[...] vacancy rate in the Appeals Division of the Office [...]
of the Prosecutor to accommodate
the workload indicated in the completion strategy.
法庭解释说,由于审判庭释出了审判员额,这些员额出现空缺,并改 上诉 庭的员额,因此,空缺率上升了。
The Tribunal explained that, as trial posts are
released by the Trial Division and become vacant, they are
[...] reassigned to the Appeals Division; hence [...]
the higher vacancy rate.
据申诉人在遭驱逐的前一天 称,未提出上诉的原因是移民事务法庭决定不暂缓执行驱逐,而且,鉴 上诉庭 很可 能不会批准他上诉的请求,因此,他完全有理由认为,移 上诉庭 也 会 拒绝 他要求暂缓执行的要求。
As reasons for his failure to appeal, the author submitted that the day before he was to be expelled from Sweden, the Migration Court decided not to stay the enforcement of
his expulsion, and that he had good reasons to believe that
[...] the Migration Court of Appeal would also reject his request for a stay of enforcement, in view of the fact that the Court of Appeal would probably [...]
not grant him leave to appeal.
这些审判的推迟,又 将对上诉活动造成影响,根据 上诉庭 工 作 量作出的 估计,上诉工作不会在 [...]
2013 年前完成。
Those delays, in turn, would have an impact on appellate activity, which, according to estimates based on the
[...] workload of the Appeals Chamber, would not [...]
be completed prior to 2013.
2008年2月21 日,移上诉庭裁定 不批准就移民委员会的裁 决提出上诉的请求。
On 21 February 2008, the Migration Court of Appeal decided not to grant leave to appeal the decision of the Migration Board.
鉴于秘书长在其 2008 年 8
[...] 月关于内部司法的报告(A/63/314)中没有明确 规上诉庭法官 的旅行应享待遇,大会并未确定具体的服务条件。
Given that the Secretary-General did not specify the travel
[...] entitlements for the Appeals Tribunal judges in his [...]
report on administration of justice of
August 2008 (A/63/314), the General Assembly did not specifically establish their conditions of service.
政府对此 项裁决提出上诉,最高法上诉庭在 上诉 听 证前暂缓做出判决。
The Government appealed the decision and the judgement was stayed by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court pending hearing of the appeal.
[...] 憾,建议缔约国采取必要步骤,确保为离职的法官指派继任者,在此之前利用 其他手段减轻刑事庭的案件积压现象,例如临时指 上诉庭 法 官 暂时供职于刑 事庭。
The Subcommittee finds this situation to be regrettable and recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that a replacement for the outgoing judge is designated and that, until then, it use other means to reduce the Criminal Chamber’s
case backlog, such as
[...] provisionally designating appeals court judges to serve in the Criminal Chamber [...]
on a temporary basis.
前南问题国际庭上诉分庭对达 斯 科·塔迪奇案的裁判给了这些问题明确的答复。
These questions were definitively
[...] answered in the ICTY Appeals Chamber decision [...]
in the case of Dusko Tadic.
目前,卢 旺达问题庭上诉分庭正在处理 5 项判决上诉,并正在准备开庭审理。
[...] the Rwanda Tribunal Appeals Chamber is seized of five appeals from judgement, [...]
which it is preparing for hearings.
[...] 他面临即将执行的遣送,并认为所述补救办法不会有效用,而且移 上诉庭 很可 能会拒绝他要求暂缓执行,且不会批准他就“有效理由”作出狭隘解释的规定提 [...]
The Committee also takes note of the author‟s arguments that the respective remedy was not considered effective in light of the imminent
deportation he faced and the fact that the
[...] Migration Court of Appeal would have probably [...]
rejected his request for a stay of
enforcement and not granted him leave to appeal in view of its strict interpretation of the “valid excuse” requirement.
上诉分庭的法 官还继续充分参与对卢旺达问题国际刑事 庭上 诉案的审理,发布了 2 份判决书并听讯了 3 个案件。
The Judges of the Appeals Chamber also remained fully engaged in appeals from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, [...]
rendering two judgements and hearing three cases.
大会在题为“联合国内部司法”的第 62/228 号决议中除其他外,决定设立 一个正式的两级内部司法系统,由负责初审的联合国争议法庭(争议法庭)和负责诉的联合国上诉法庭(上诉法庭)组 成
By its resolution 62/228, entitled “Administration of justice at the United Nations”, the General Assembly decided, inter alia, to establish a two-tier formal system of administration of justice, comprising a first instance United Nations Dispute Tribunal (Dispute Tribunal) and an appellate instance United Nations Appeals Tribunal (Appeals Tribunal).
谨随函转递刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(余留机制)主席兼卢旺达问题 国际庭上诉分庭主审 法官西奥多·梅龙法官,以及卢旺达问题国际法庭庭长瓦 格恩·约恩森法官 [...]
2012 年 3 月 20 日和 29 日的来信(见附件一和二)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith letters dated 20 and 29 March 2012 from the President of the
International Residual Mechanism
[...] for Criminal Tribunals and Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International [...]
Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda, Judge Theodor Meron, and the President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Judge Vagn Joensen (see annexes I and II).
(b) 联合上诉法庭应根 据其规约和规则所定条件,对任何一方对联合国争 议法庭所作判决提出的上诉行使上诉管辖权。
(b) The United Nations Appeals Tribunal shall, under conditions [...]
prescribed in its statute and rules, exercise appellate
jurisdiction over an appeal of a judgement rendered by the United Nations Dispute Tribunal submitted by either party.
[...] 南问题国际法庭记录翻录成该区域的当地语言,将前南问题国际 庭上诉 分 庭判 例 法研究工具翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚语,向法律专业人员提供如何 [...]
The Tribunal directly implemented three components of the project, including the transcription of designated Tribunal proceedings into the local languages of the former Yugoslavia, the
translation into
[...] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian of the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber Case Law [...]
Research Tool, and the training of
legal professionals on how to access and research the Tribunal’s public records.
庭长指示前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭书记官长,并以卢旺达 问题国际刑事庭上诉分庭庭长 的身份指示卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭书记官长, [...]
The President instructed both the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
and, in his capacity as
[...] President of the Appeals Chamber of the International [...]
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Registrar of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, to assign additional resources in order to halve the projected time needed for translation in four cases.
2011 年 11 月 30 日,法庭接待了国际刑事法上诉分 庭 法 官的来访,国际刑 事法上诉分庭的法官们与庭上诉 分 庭 的 法 官们进行了会谈,听取了 庭 在上 诉准备方面的经验。
On 30 November 2011, the Tribunal hosted a
[...] visit by judges of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court, who met with judges of the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber in order to hear about the Tribunal’s experience in preparing for appeals.
联合国合办工作人员养恤基金(UNJSPF)的未决案件将 被移交给联合上诉法庭,上诉法庭 有 权听取对代表养恤金联合委员会的常设委员会的决定 [...]
Pending cases from the UNJSPF will be transferred to
[...] the United Nations Appeals Tribunal, which shall be competent [...]
to hear and pass judgment
on an appeal of a decision of the Standing Committee acting on behalf of the Pension Board.
司法和法律事务司继续:(a) 向审判庭和上诉分庭提供直接司法协助,如 法律研究、起草文件和提供其他司法支助、编制司法日历、维护和安排审判室以 [...]
及司法程序记录、记录誊本、动议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判的备案、保存和登 记;(b) 履行与法庭有关的其他职能,包括提供和维护拘留设施、编制和维持辩
护律师名单、建立和维持向辩护律师提供报酬的系统、口译和笔译服务、协助控 方和辩方证人在法庭作证以及法律图书馆服务。
The Judicial and Legal Services Division continues to provide: (a)
direct judicial assistance to the
[...] Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such as, [...]
legal research, drafting and other judicial
support; the preparation of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence counsel; the establishment and maintenance of a system to remunerate defence counsel; interpretation and translation services; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.
在一般情况下,各代表团支持这样的观点,即大会应鼓励联合国争议法庭和 联合上诉法庭的法 官继续并适当扩大他们在起草对其各自法庭议事规则的修 [...]
正案过程中的协商做法;因此,秘书长的报告(同上,第 250)所载有关修订议事 规则之前必须进行协商的建议是不必要的。
In general, delegations supported the view that the General Assembly should encourage the
judges of the United Nations Dispute
[...] Tribunal and those of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal to continue, [...]
and to expand as
appropriate, their practice of consultation in any process of drafting amendments to the rules of procedure of the respective Tribunals; hence, the proposal contained in the Secretary-General’s report (ibid., para. 250) requiring consultations before amendments to rules of procedure was not considered necessary.
为了抵消这些预估时间的修订上诉分庭一直 在使用并将继续使用各种提高效率的 措施,来加快诉讼程序,其中包括对修正上诉理由实 [...]
行限制、安排起草判决书的工作,以及确定工作的优 先顺序。
In order to counterbalance these
[...] revised estimates, the Appeals Chamber has been [...]
employing and will continue to employ a
variety of efficiency measures to expedite its proceedings, including the limitation of amendments to grounds of appeal, the organization of judgement drafting, and the prioritization of work.
办 公室的官方期刊中会发布主席的决定和准 则,以及按照对主席决定上诉而作 出的庭裁决
The decisions and guidelines of the President of
the Office, as well as court
[...] rulings issued pursuant to appeals against the decisions [...]
of the President of the Office, may
be published in the Office’s Official Journal.
[...] 其他有关法律的义务性法令;对违反“该法和其他法律”的行政管理行为提上 诉;在法庭上提出 要求和向州和市政当局提出提案和建议、以终止和废除所发布 “违反该法的歧视性做法”;对“规范性法案”发表评论;提交“关于歧视的投 [...] [...]
The mandate of the Commission includes establishing violations of the Act or other laws regulating equality of treatment; issuing decree measures for prevention; imposing sanctions and applying administrative compulsory measures; issuing obligatory prescriptions for compliance with the Act and other relevant laws; appealing
against administrative acts,
[...] which are in contravention to the Act and other laws; initiating claims before [...]
the court and making
proposals and recommendations to state and municipal authorities to terminate discriminatory practices and repeal their acts issued in contravention to the Act; commenting on draft normative acts; providing independent assistance to victims of discrimination by submitting complaints about discrimination; conducting surveys.




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