

单词 上证综合指数

See also:


sum up

指数 n

exponent n

指数 pl

exponents pl

External sources (not reviewed)

上证综合指数终于 开始活跃,A 股在 2013 年上涨超过 20%,与此相对的是,上年中国股市下跌,而有些发展中国家的市场,尤其是印度,却在上涨。
The Shanghai Composite finally comes alive [...]
and the “A” shares are up more than 20% in 2013, in contrast with the previous
year when Chinese stocks were down and some developing markets, notably India, rose.
为了加强对全民教育目标 1 的报告和监督,教科文组织与机构间质量 证 和 参考 委员会密切合作,制订儿童发 综合指数 ( HC DI)。
In order to strengthen the reporting and
monitoring of EFA goal
[...] 1, UNESCO is developing a Holistic Child Development Index (HCDI), in close collaboration with [...]
the IQARC.
此外,通过特派团在支助领域特有的关键业 指 标, 并通过为各项行动保留的一整 综合证 据 , 对业务 和支助计划的执行情况进行监测。
Additionally, the implementation of operational and support plans are monitored through
the mission-specific
[...] key performance indicators in the support area and through a comprehensive portfolio of evidence maintained for [...]
公司股票在纽约证券交易所与多伦多证券交易 上 市 交 易,并且是标普/多伦 证 券 交易 所 综合指数 以 及 标普/多伦多证券交易所全球矿业指数的成分股之一。
The Company's shares
[...] are traded on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange and are included as a component of the S&P/TSX Composite and the S&P/TSX Global Mining Indexes.
阿尔及利亚祝贺挪威在合 国人类发指数上的排 名,并提出了若干建议。
Algeria congratulated Norway on its ranking in the
[...] United Nations human development index and made a number [...]
of recommendations.
然而,综合指标亦存在些许不足,包括,对不同来源的数 据进行汇总,这样往往难以确定指标所衡量的准确内容是什么;在构 综合指标 时,数据生 产者必须要做出若干选择,这就会导入一些主观要素;最终结果以国 家排名的形式呈现,这一排名并非是对腐败真正意 上 的 衡 量,也无法为政策制 定提供直接信息。
Such weaknesses include the fact that data from
different sources are
[...] aggregated so that it is frequently unclear what exactly is being measured by the index; that, in constructing composite indicators, the data producer must make a number of choices that introduce several elements of subjectivity; [...]
and that the
final result is represented by the ranking of countries, a ranking that does not constitute an actual measurement of corruption and does not provide direct information for policymaking purposes.
该图书馆还担 任联合国图书馆现代化综合管理问 题 指 导 委员会的秘书处,这使联合国各图书 馆能够在共同的编制索引政策数字 化 业务等问 上 开 展 合作。
The Library also serves as the
[...] secretariat of the Steering Committee for the Modernization and Integrated Management of United Nations Libraries, which enables United Nations libraries to work together on issues such as common indexing policies and digitization operations.
监测组关于海盗问题的建议包括:确定对监测组或会员国所指明的海盗采取有针 对性的措施;作为临时措施,设立专门调查机构,其任务在于收集资料、收集证 据并记录证词;把四十马力及上的 发动机列为“两用”物品,向索马里转让、 销售或出口此类物品就是可能违反全面彻底武器禁运的行为;设立透明的协调管 理框架来发放捕鱼许证;指定北 约一名负责干事,监测组可以向此人提 合作 和 交流信息的正式请求;设立监管私营 上 治 安公司活动的国际法律框架,向国 际水域的船舶提供武装保护。
The recommendations of the Monitoring Group with regard to piracy include designating pirates identified by the Monitoring Group or Member States for targeted measures; establishing, as an interim measure, a specialized investigative body with a mandate to collect information, gather evidence and record testimonies; outboarding engines of 40 horsepower and above, as “dual-use” items, whose transfer, sale or export to Somalia represents a potential breach of the general and complete arms embargo; the establishment of
a transparent coordination and regulatory framework for the issuance of fishing licences; the designation of a NATO responsible officer to whom the Monitoring Group may send formal requests for cooperation and information sharing; and the establishment of an international legal framework that regulates the activities of private maritime security companies providing armed protection to vessels in international waters.
工作组正根上述会议的成果编写一 综合指 南 ,概 述各项挑战、可能的最佳做法和建议。
Based on the outcome of those meetings, the working
[...] group is developing a comprehensive guide containing an overview of the [...]
challenges, potential best
practices and recommendations.
综合指挥中 心已经将混合警察部队部署到曾属于信任区的地区,国家国防和安全 部队和“新生力量”的统一工作一直裹足不前,直到 12 日 22 日签订第四项补充 协议,主要原因是在拟并入新的国家军队的“新生力量”人员的级别和 数 问题 上一直存在分歧。
While the mixed police units have
[...] been deployed by the integrated command centre into the area formerly covered by the zone of confidence, the unification of the national defence and security forces and the Forces nouvelles remained stalled until the signature of the fourth supplementary agreement on 22 December, mainly owing to continued disagreement on the ranks and numbers of the Forces [...]
nouvelles personnel to
be integrated into the new national army.
至2008年底已完成金盏容灾中心配套基础设施的规划和建设,针对关键IT系统中的集中计费帐务系统、网络收费系统实现了应用级的容灾建设,针对关键IT系统中的网间结算系统、ERP系统、CSM系统、IOM系统 综合 积 分 系统实现 数 据 级 的容灾建设,通过制定业务连续性计划,当位于生产中心的本地系统出现重大故障时可以在较短的时间内将系统切换到金盏容灾中心, 证数 据 的 不丢失和业务的连续性。
At the end of 2008, it finished the planning and construction
of the attached infrastructure for
[...] Jinzhan Disaster recovery Center, providing application-level disaster recovery for the IBS system and online charge system, data-level disaster recovery for inter-network settlement system, ERP system, CSM system, IOM system and integrated credit system.
在审议了秘书长的报告(A/62/538 和 Add.1 及 2)以及咨询委员会的相关报告
[...] (A/62/7/Add.36)之后,大会在其第 62/547 号决定中决定从 2008 年 4 月 1 日起, 法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年净基薪定为 158 000 美元,上一个 相 应的工作地点差价调整数,其中工作地点差价调整数由相当于净基薪一个百分点指数点酌 情乘以适用于荷兰或坦桑尼亚 合 共 和国的工作地点差价调整数乘 数得出,同时考虑到秘书长报告(A/62/538)第 77 段所提议的调整机制。
By decision 62/547, the General Assembly, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (A/62/538 and Add.1-2), and the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.36), decided to set, effective 1 April 2008, the annual net base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two Tribunals at US$ 158,000,
with the
[...] corresponding post adjustment per multiplier point equal to 1 per cent of the net base salary, to which would be applied the post adjustment multiplier for the Netherlands or the United Republic of Tanzania, as appropriate, [...]
taking into account
the adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report (A/62/538).
例如,中国建 信基金管理公司上证社会责任指数 交 易 基金(建上证社 会责任ETF)就是根据每股社会贡献价值评 选出100家具有良好社会责任表现的沪市上市公司。
For example, the China Construction Bank SSE Social
[...] Responsibility Index Exchange Traded Funds (CCB SSE Social responsibility Index ETF), is [...]
based on the top 100
ranked companies according to their SCVPS.
瓦加杜古政治协议》特别规定,建立一 综合指 挥 中 心(CCI),促成政府军和反叛军 的联合,恢复国家权力,在取消信任地带之后,逐渐调整行政管理,振兴越区开庭,制定取 代出证的补 充法规,建立并分发新的国民身份证和选民卡,结束裁军、复员、重新融入计 划(DDR)进程,以及举行大选。
The Ouagadougou political
[...] Agreement provided in particular for the establishment of an integrated command centre which should lead to the reunification of the loyalist and rebel forces and the restoration of State authority, as soon as the confidence zone is dismantled, the redeployment of the administration, the re-establishment of special local hearings for [...]
the purpose of issuing replacement
birth certificates, the issuing and distribution of new national identity cards and electors’ cards, the end of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process and, finally, the holding of elections.
降低照射到病患上的辐 射剂量,同时 证数 据 完 整性并 合 严 格的功率预算要求。
Reduce the dosage of radiation
[...] applied to the patient, while preserving data integrity and adhering to a strict power budget.
我认为,它们事上 证明,您至少可以使用诸如 h 指数的分析工具,大概了解一下您的 研究生产率水平。
However, I believe that they do
in fact show that you
[...] can use such analysis tools as the h index to get an at least general approximation [...]
of the level of your research productivity.
(b) 附有答辩人在答复中提到的每一份文件的副本,如果原文不是 合 国正式语文,应附上正式语文之一的译文;每份文件第一页的顶部应有“附件”字样, 并以阿拉数字按第 8 条第 2 款(b)项指上诉表附件的顺序编号。
(b) A copy of each document referred to by the respondent in the answer, accompanied by a translation into one of
the official languages
[...] of the United Nations if the original language is not one of the official languages; such documents shall be identified by the word “Annex” at the top of the first page of each document and an arabic numeral which follows in sequence the numbering of the annexes to the appeal form referred to in article 8.2 (b).
在第六个令人惊讶事件中我说过,我预计 2013 年上证综指将上 升 20%;与一些其他新兴市场不同,中国市场一月份表现十分强劲。
In the sixth Surprise I said I expected the Shanghai Composite to rise 20% in 2013; in contrast to some of the other emerging markets, the Chinese market has been strong in January.
根 据 使 用 者 输 入 的 资 料 , 计 算 器 会 以 列 表 形 式 拟 备 营 养 标 签 , 并 且 (i) 以 每 100 克 或 每 100 毫 升 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ; (ii) 以 每 个 包 装 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 只 含 一 个 食
用 分 量 ), 或 以 每 一 食 用 分 量 食 物
[...] 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 含 多 个 食 用 分 量 ); (iii) 综 合 上 述 两 项 格 式 ; 以 及 (iv) 综 合 上 述 格 式 及 相 对 《 修 订 条 例 》 附 表 7 内 营 养 素 参 考 值 ( 如 有 提 供 有数 值 ) 之 含 量 百 分 比 (即 "中 国 营 养 素 参 考 值 百 分 比 "), 去 标 示 各 [...]
营 养 素 含 量 。
Basing on contents provided by the user, the NLC can prepare a nutrition label in tabular format showing nutrient contents in (i) absolute amount per 100 gram (g) or per 100 millilitre (ml) of food; (ii) absolute amount per package (in g or in ml) of food for food products with a single
serving, or per serving
[...] (in g or in ml) of food for food products with more than one serving; (iii) a combination of the above; or (iv) a combination of the above with relative amount expression as a percentage of nutrient reference [...]
value stipulated
in Schedule 7 of the Amendment Regulation (if such value is available).
[...] Kulier及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在评估在一组低-中收入国家中一种临 上综合 的 循 证 医 学 (EBM)课程相较之传统的EBM教学对知识、技能和教育环境的影响。
Regina Kulier, M.D., of the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, and colleagues conducted a
study to evaluate the effects of
[...] a clinically integrated e-learning evidence-based medicine (EBM) [...]
course on knowledge, skills,
and educational environment in comparison with traditional EBM teaching in a group of low-middle-income countries.
研究所正 在与加拿大国际开发署、教科文组织传播领域教席和协作者国际网以及其它从事数据鸿沟数项目 的团体合作,提出框架建议和确定一套旨在试图衡 数 据 鸿 沟的主 综合指 标。
Collaboration is currently being pursued with CIDA, ORBICOM and other groups involved in the Digital Divide
Index Project in
[...] the proposal of a framework and the definition of a set of broad and comprehensive indicators which attempt to measure the divide.
(b) 同意有关短期统计快速估算、商业周 综合指 标 、 趋势调查 数 据 模 板 和分析性指标的拟议工作方案及拟议治理结构
(b) Agreed with the proposed work programme for short-term statistics for
rapid estimates, business cycle
[...] composite indicators, tendency surveys, the data template, analytical indicators and the proposed [...]
governance structure
为了鼓励土著人民代表参与到促进和保护人权 小组委员会土著人民问题工作组的工作中来,厄瓜 多尔邀请所有相关实体增加对合国 援 助土著人民 自愿基金的捐数额,从而证上述 代 表能够参与 到工作组的工作中来。
In order to promote participation by representatives of indigenous peoples in the work of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Ecuador invited all entities concerned to
increase their
[...] contributions to the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, which would provide for the participation of the abovementioned [...]
representatives in the work of the Group.
在纳费比例方面,会上指出:(i) 在大数联合国组 织中,雇员和雇主的缴费比例都 是 40/60,甚至是 33/67,如联合国工作人员共同养老基金;(ii) 医疗保险基金总体缴费达到 很高的水平,现在应该在一定程度上减轻工作人员和退休人员的缴费负担。
[...] the change in the contribution formula, it was recalled that (i) in most United Nations organizations the share between the [...]
employee and employer
contributions is 40/60 or even 33/67, as is the case in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, (ii) the global MBF contribution is reaching such a point that the staff and retiree contributions should now be alleviated to a possible extent.
欢迎并敦促 欢迎并敦促 欢迎并敦促 欢迎并敦促进一步努力加强区域经济合作进程,包括采取各种措施,通 过区域和双边过境贸易协定、扩大领事 证 合 作 和便利商务旅行等方式促进区域 贸易和过境,扩大贸易,增加外来投资和发展基础设施,包括基础设施连接、能 源供应、运输综合边境 管理,以促进阿富汗的可持续经济增长,创造就业,同 时注意到阿富汗在历上起到 的亚洲陆地桥梁作用
further efforts to strengthen the process of regional economic cooperation, including measures to facilitate regional trade and transit, including through regional and bilateral transit
trade agreements,
[...] expanded consular visa cooperation and facilitation of business travel, to expand trade, to increase foreign investments and to develop infrastructure, including infrastructural connectivity, energy supply, transport and integrated border management, with a view to promoting sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs in Afghanistan, noting the historic role of Afghanistan [...]
as a land bridge in Asia
为此,拟设 1 个 P-4 职等、为期 12
个月的一般临时人员职位和 1 个 P-3 职等、为期 7 个月的一般临时人员职位,职能如下:为约
[...] 96 个贴身警卫拟订、 设计和实施贴身保护训练方案,其中将包括一份联合国标准、基本和高级课程、 参与者评估和再认证标准;订立标准化的 合 国 贴 身保护资格条件;扩大和提升 维和特派团贴身警卫证数据库;为外地行动评估和甄选贴身警卫。
In this context, general temporary assistance positions at the P-4 level for 12 months and at the P-3 level for 7 months are proposed to develop, design and deliver the close protection training programme for approximately 96 close protection officers, which would include a standard, basic and advanced curriculum and participant assessments and recertification criteria; establish a standardized
[...] [...] qualification for close protection; expand and enhance the certification database for close protection officers in peacekeeping [...]
missions; and perform assessment
and selection of close protection officers for field operations.
该业务中心小组包括 1 名解除武装、复员和重返社会干事 数 名 军 事和联 合国警务联络干事和 1 名开发计划署代表,他们将继续 综合指 挥 中 心开展日常合 作,在加强其规划和协调能力方面提供支助。
The operational centre team comprises a Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, military and United Nations police liaison
officers and a UNDP
[...] representative, who will continue to work on a daily basis with the Integrated Command Centre to support it in strengthening its planning and [...]
coordination capacities.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为 合 国 综合 框 架 一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their
homes after discharge from level III
[...] hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
现时的票价调整机制是采用一条直接驱动的方程式,包含的元素 综合 消 费物 价 指数 及 运 输业名义工资指数(「工资指数」)的变动,以及一个预先设定数值的生产力因素。
The existing FAM is a direct-drive formula that takes into account changes in the Composite Consumer Price Index (“CCPI”) and the Nominal Wage Index of the Transportation Section (“NWI(TS)”) as well as a pre-determined productivity factor.




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