

单词 上网本





External sources (not reviewed)

Still the same car, although theInternet seems to have been written in the car for free (now pagooglinau have changed the site and the car is not covered).
Telegent Systems是一家领先的无晶圆CMOS半导体厂商,提供高性能单晶片解决方案,支援在手机、笔记型电脑上网本和其他可擕式设备上访问免费和按次付费的移动电视内容。
Telegent Systems is a leading fabless CMOS semiconductor company providing highperformance, single-chip solutions enabling free-to-air and subscription mobile TV in mobile handsets, laptops and netbooks, and other portable devices.
AWL9555适合于多种应用,包括住宅网关设备和电视之间的高清视频无线传输、802.11a/n WiFi连接器以及便携设备(例如提供双频无线局域网连接的笔记本电脑上网本机)。
The AWL9555 is ideally suited for applications including the wireless transmission of HD video between residential gateway devices and televisions, routers offering 802.11a/n WiFi connectivity, and portable devices such as notebook PCs, netbooks and handsets that offer dual-band WLAN connectivity.
(A) The Company will place on its website all the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announcements, notices, circulars and other documents as required by the Hong Kong Listing [...]
Rules and any other
relevant laws and regulations.
网上的使用者也须按照上述原则,以悉數收回则 缴付订明的费用。
Users of the web-based system are required to pay the prescribed fees in accordance with [...]
the above principle on a full cost recovery basis.
You shall assume sole and full responsibility for judgment of the appropriateness of publishing content (including images, web pages, text and products) the publicly accessible website.Totswop will do its best to ensure the security of the user’s information, but Totswop does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of transfer of any content, email, files or data in the transmission process, and cannot guarantee the security, reliability, completeness, accuracy, constant connection, or of stored content, files, data or emails sent.
Seagate 有权依其自行之判断,无论通知与否,因故或无故终止您对本「网站」或其任何部分之使用,包括但不限於 Seagate 就您对本「网站」之使用、您之行为所判定 (依其自行之判断) 之下列各款:(i) [...]
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Seagate has the right to terminate your use of this Site, or any portion of this Site,
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教 育 签 账 类 别 之 合 资 格 交 易 包 括 但 不 限 於 : (i)网 上海 外 各 大 院 校 / 办 学 机 构 举 办 之 课 程 ( 根 据 持 续 进 修 基 金 可 获 发 还 款 项 课 程 名 单 为 准 ) 或 / 及 (ii)网 上海 外 学 费 , 而 所 有 交 易 均 须 以 港 币 签 账 ; 合 资 格 之 交 易 并 不 包 括 以 信 用 卡 於 网 上 银 行 缴 费 或 / 及 於 商 户 编 号 为 非 教 育 / 考 试 之 商 户 / 机 构 ( 根 据 恒 生 银 行 有 限 公 司 ( 「 恒 生 」 ) / Visa 国 际 组 织 / Master [...]
Card Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong)
Limited 不 时 界 定 ) 或 个 别 商 户 之 收 单 银 行 所 监 定 之 商 户 编 号 为 非 有 关 行 业 之 正 确 商 户 编 号 或 其 他 未 经 许 可 之 签 账 。
[...] transactionsin Education category include but not limitto: (i) online payment on courses held by local and overseas universities/ institutions (according to the reimbursable course list of The Continuing Education Fund); and/ or (ii) online payment on local and overseas public tuitions and all transactions must be inHKD.Eligible [...]
transactions do not
include online bill payment with credit card via internet banking and/ or transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as education / examination by Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) / Visa International / MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited from time to time, transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as correct codes of related business by the merchants’ acquiring banks and any unauthorized transactions.
为方便食物业了解和遵从新制度,中心亦采取了多项便利业界的措施, 包括派发营养标签及营养声称技术指引;把常見问题上载至中心网页;设立 专为业界而设的电话查询服务;制网上标签计算器及界举办 工作坊。
To facilitate the food trade to understand and comply with the new scheme, the CFS has also conducted a number of trade facilitation measures, including the distribution of Technical Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims, uploaded frequently asked questions (FAQs) onto the CFS website, set up telephone enquiry service for the trade, developed a web-based nutrition label calculator and organised workshops forthe local trade.
It allows users of the website to post discussion topics in the
forums, as well as providing a one-stop portal for
[...] all electronic versions of consultation papers and [...]
conducting e-polls.
您应该理解到,一旦您同意我们公开您的资料的话本网界数以百万计使用者,将会接触到该资 料,因此搜寻引擎会将其编入索引中,可能会被其他的网页者使用者复制。
When giving such consent you should be aware that information published on this site is accessible to millions of users from all over the world, that it will be indexed by search engines and that it may be copied and used by any web user.
This webpagemainly provides citation and abstraction of on-line reference material [...]
which may be helpful to the study of
referendums, in order to provide a one-stop collection of research data.
秉持创造客户最佳使用经验的承诺,不 断创新产品与服务,赢得各界认同:连续六年 荣获《读者文摘》「信誉品牌」金奖;五度 荣获《壹周刊》之「服务第壹大 奖」;获《数位时代》选入「台 湾科技100强」,是唯一进入前 十强之电信公司;在财团法人资 讯工业策进会「2009年企上网度大调查」中,亦获得整体 满意度最高之肯定。
TWM received the “Gold Trusted Brand” from Reader’s Digest forthe sixth year in a row and the “Top Service Awards” from Next Magazine for five times. The Company also ranked sixth in the “Info tech 100 Taiwan” by Business Next Magazine, placing it ahead of itstelecom peers, and won the highest recognition in the “Enterprise Internet Service Satisfaction Survey 2009” conducted by the Institute for Information [...]
此外,学生资讯系统将提供网上,方便各学院执行关於果效方法、评核和学术辅导等政策,以及使 港大能够持续监督校内实施这些政策的情况。
Moreover, the SIS will provide an online platform to facilitate Faculties’ implementation [...]
of policies on, for example, OBASL,
assessment and academic advising, as well as enable the University to monitor the consistent implementation of such policies across the University over the long term.
You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, we would point out, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all features of this website.
. 余额约1,500,000港元(占股份发售之所得款项净额约2%)将会用於营销活动,以推广「霭华」之品牌,以之按揭抵押贷款服务、典当贷款服务以及按揭 中心及客户服务中心,包括透过各种平台在电视、广播电台、报章、杂志网上广告。
. the remaining balance of approximately HK$1.5 million, representing approximately 2% of the net
proceeds from the Share Offer, will be used formarketing activities to promote the Group’s ‘‘Oi
[...] Wah’’ brand name as well as the Group’s mortgage loan services, pawn loan services and Mortgage Centre and Customer Service Centre, including placing advertisements on televisions, radios, newspapers, magazines and online through various platforms.
(n) 由本网上资料集的派发本网上资料集所载任何资讯的发布可能受到 法律限制, 阁下同意了解并遵守任何适用於 阁下的限制。
(n) as there may be legal restrictions on the distribution of this Web Proof Information Pack or dissemination of any information contained in this Web Proof Information Pack, you agree to inform yourself about and observe any such restrictions applicable to you.
4.8 阁下及/或授权使用者使用网路/电话银行服务前,须首先网上话登记,或以其时指定之方式登记,并接纳使用网路/电话银行服务所须遵守之一切条款及细则,阁下 [...]
4.8 To access the Internet/Phone Banking
Services for the first
[...] time, you and/or the Authorized User are required to register on-line orby phone [...]
or in such other manner
as we may from time to time specify and indicate their acceptance of all the terms and conditions governing the use of the Internet/Phone Banking Services and to provide such information as we may reasonably specify for identifying you and/or the Authorized User.
The regular press releases are issued to the media at 4:30 p.m. Hong Kong time (i.e. GMT 08:30) on the pre-announced scheduled date and posted to thiswebsite shortly afterwards.
经 中 国 证 券 监 督 管 理 委 员 会 证 监 发 字('''7)'''号 及 证
[...] 监 发 字'''号 文 批 准,'''7年'0月6日通 过 深 圳 证 券 交 易上 网普 通 股 股 票,并 於'''7年''月''日,在 [...]
深 圳 证 券 交 易 所 挂 牌 交 易。
As approved under Document Zheng Jian Fa Zi ('997) No. 452 and Document Zheng Jian Fa Zi No. 453 issued by China Securities Regulatory
Commission, on 6 October '997, theCompany issued
[...] ordinary shares to the general public within thenetwork throughthe Shenzhen Stock Exchange [...][...]
and the shares were listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on '8 November '997.
在无线科技方面,一名成员建议政府研究采用 WiFi 和 WiMax 无线上网造成的影响,而另一名成员则对 WiMax 是否适 用所保留。
On wireless technology, one member suggested the Government consider the potential impact of WiFi and WiMax networks, while another member had reservation as to whether WiMax is suitable for use in Hong Kong.
(l)本网上资料集所述的证券并未且将不会根据证券法或美国任何州立证券法注 [...]
册,本公司亦不拟根据证券法或美国任何州立证券法为证券注册,或於美国进行 公开发售。
(l) the securities
[...] referred toin this Web Proof Information [...]
Pack have not been and will not be registered under the Securities
Act or any state securities laws of the United States and the Company does not intend to register the securities under the Securities Act or any state securities laws of the United States, or conduct a public offering in the United States.
Meanwhile, SFGourmet shall not be responsible for any matters derived from using or relying on information of the webpages, any webpage [...]
uploads, or website
links; these matters include but do not limit to any information that consists of mistakes, errors, omission, infringement, defamatory, or falsity; or information and losses that might cause offense, or any other claims or complaints arising in other aspects; or even losses or damages (resulted from the information and losses).
(b) 在联交所网站登本网上资料集或其任何补充、修订或更换附页,并不引起 本公司、其任何联属公司、保荐人、顾问或包销团成员在香港或任何其他司法管 辖权区必须进行发售活动的责任。
(b) the posting of this Web Proof Information Pack or any supplemental, revised or replacement pages thereof on the website of the Stock Exchange does not giverisetoany obligation of the Company, any of its affiliates, sponsors, advisers or members of the underwriting syndicate to proceed with an offering in Hong Kong or any other jurisdiction.
在任何情况下,戴姆勒股份公司均不会对因使本网任何其他被连结的网站而导致的任何直接、间接、特殊或其它继起损害承担责任,包括但不限於任何利润损失、业务中断、阁下的资料处理系统或其它设式或数据遗失等,即使本公司已明确获知发生这些损害的可能性 。
In no event shall Daimler be liable to any party or any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this web site or any other hyperlinked web site, including without limitation, any loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programs of other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
香港交易及结算所有限公司、香港联合交易所有限公司与证券及期货事务监察委员会本网上资料集的内容概不负责,对其准确性或完整性亦不发表任何声明,并明 确表示概不就本网上资料集全部或任何部分内容而产生或因倚赖该等内容而引 致的任何损失承担任何责任。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the Securities and Futures Commission take no
responsibility for the
[...] contents of this Web Proof Information Pack, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising fromor in reliance upon [...]
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of the contents of this Web Proof Information Pack.




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