

单词 上空



topless car wash


launch into space


potential rise

External sources (not reviewed)

Ku 波段包括有兩個功率強大的固定波束,分別覆蓋東亞 及南亞地區,以及一個現已固定於中南半 上空 的 在軌調轉式波束。
The Ku-band coverage consists of two high powered fixed beams serving East Asia and South Asia, as well as a steerable beam currently positioned over Indochina.
何議員要求政府當局提供有關市上空 置豪 宅單位的資料,包括有關的數目及空置率。
Ms HO requested the Administration to provide
[...] information about vacant luxury flats in the market, including the number and the vacancy rate.
应始终在升起柱塞板或上空气辅 助装置之前对密 封件放气。
Always deflate the seal prior to lifting
[...] ram plate or engaging air assist.
该 表所列的空缺职位是指“在预算意 上空 缺 ” 的职位,即扣除了用于支付临时人员费用的那 些职位后,正在产生结余的空缺职位。
The vacant posts shown in this table correspond to those that are “budgetarily vacant”, i.e. the vacant posts that are generating real savings, after deducting the vacant posts that are financing temporary assistance.
除了亞洲二號衛星 外,本集團之衛星隊伍現包括有亞洲三號 S 衛星、亞洲四號衛星及亞洲五號衛星,定位於亞 上空 之 對 地 靜止軌道位置,為我們的客戶提供無可比擬的廣闊覆蓋範圍,服務全球三分之二的人口。
In addition to AsiaSat 2, the Group’s fleet now comprises AsiaSat 3S, AsiaSat 4 and AsiaSat 5, which are located in geostationary orbital positions over Asia providing our customers with unparalleled coverage across two-thirds of the world’s population.
如果无 GPS 设备,则必 须通过速度恒定并且进行了计时 上空 飞 行 来确 定油类的扩散范围。
If GPS equipment is not available, the extent of oil must be established by a timed overflight at constant speed.
还有 53
[...] 家企业从事船只及其他制冷运输设备中上空调、制冷系统的安装业务,氟氯烃消费总量为 [...]
44.00 公吨。
There are also 53 enterprises engaged in the
[...] installation of marine air conditioning, refrigeration [...]
systems in vessels and other refrigerated
transport applications, with a total consumption of 44.00 mt of HCFCs.
如果有两个或两个上空额要在同样情况下同时通过选举填补,并如果在第 一轮投票中得到所需的过半数票和得票最多的候选人的人数若不超过空额数,则 [...]
When two or more elective
[...] places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, those candidates, [...]
in a number not
exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot the majority required and the largest number of votes, shall be elected.
攻占民主同盟军的几个重要营地的“拉 迪攻击”行动开始后,民主同盟军 3 月 19 日和
[...] 21 日射击在 Nadui 叛军总上空 飞行的联刚稳定团直升机。
When operation “Radi Strike” was launched in an attempt to
overrun key ADF camps, ADF fired on MONUSCO helicopters overflying the
[...] rebel headquarters of Nadui, on 19 and [...]
21 March.
关于上、空中、 公路、铁路或内陆水道的危险货物国际运输的所有主要法 律文书或规则均已做出相应修正,从 2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效,而许多国家政府 也已将《示范条例》内的规定纳入本国的交通立法,从 2011 年起适用。
All the main legal instruments and codes governing the international transport of dangerous goods by sea, air, road, rail or inland waterway have been amended accordingly, with effect from 1 January 2011, and many Governments have also transposed the provisions of the Model Regulations into their own legislation for domestic traffic for application from 2011.
Three comets
[...] appeared in the skies over Europe in [...]
1618, a phenomenal series of events that ignited a debate about the nature
of these celestial bodies and the implications of their appearance for the Aristotelian theory that celestial bodies were unchanging and “incorruptible.
甚长波的无线电频率(甚低频或 VLF)经反射离开电 离层,从而能够在地平线上空和成 弯曲形状的地球周围进行无线电通信。
Radio frequencies with a very long wavelength (very low frequency or VLF) bounce back off the ionosphere allowing radio communication over the horizon and around the curved Earth.
為此,有可能出現下述情況:在下雨 時上空的煙羽會隨風飄至深圳水塘( 東江水經此水塘輸送到 [...]
香港) 、萬宜水庫和船灣淡水湖,而在這些水塘所積聚的輻射 物質,會導致香港所有食水供應來源受到污染。
There was a possibility that in case of raining, [...]
the wind would carry the plume over the Shenzhen Reservoir (through which
water from Dongjiang would be delivered to Hong Kong), the High Island Reservoir and the Plover Cove Reservoir and the depositing of the radioactive substances in these reservoirs would result in contamination of all sources of water supply to Hong Kong.
大会第 65/97 号决议第 34 段请委员会继续作为优先事项审议维持外层空间用于
和平目的的方式和方法,并就此向大会第六十六届会议提出报告,同意委员会 在审议此事项时,可继续考虑如何根据历次美洲空间会议和空间科学和技术促 进可持续发展问题非洲领导人会议得出的经验促进区域内和区域间合作,以及
[...] 在执行可持续发展问题世界首脑会议提出的各项建议一 上空 间 技 术可发挥的 作用。
In paragraph 34 of its resolution 65/97, the General Assembly requested the Committee to continue to consider, as a matter of priority, ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session, and agreed that during its consideration of the matter, the Committee could continue to consider ways to promote regional and interregional cooperation based on experiences stemming from the Space Conferences of the Americas and the African Leadership Conferences on Space Science and
Technology for Sustainable Development and
[...] the role that space technology could [...]
play in the implementation of recommendations
of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
小组成员指出了若干难解决的问题,譬如,缺乏反对种族主义的意识和动 员,遭受歧视的工人在参与工会活 上空 缺 和不足,这些工人在决策实践中的代 表性不足,以及这个主题在社会对话过程中纳入不够。
The panellist pointed out a number of problematic issues, such as the lack of awareness and mobilization against racism, the absence or inadequate involvement of workers from discrimination groups in trade union activities, the poor representation of those workers in decision-making instances and the inadequate integration of the subject in the social dialogue process.
大会在第 66/71 号决议第 19
段中,请委员会继续作为优先事项审议维持外层空 间用于和平目的的方式和方法,并就此向大会第六十七届会议提出报告,还同 意委员会在审议此事项时,可继续考虑采取一些方法促进区域和区域间合作,
[...] 以及在执行可持续发展问题世界首脑会议提出的各项建议一 上空 间 技 术可发 挥的作用。
In paragraph 19 of its resolution 66/71, the General Assembly requested the Committee to continue to consider, as a matter of priority, ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, and agreed that during its consideration of the matter the Committee could continue to consider ways to
promote regional and interregional
[...] cooperation and the role space technology [...]
could play in the implementation of recommendations
of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
12 时 40 分至 14 时,两架以色列敌战斗机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从 Kafr Kila 上空入境,在黎巴嫩各地上空盘旋 ,最后从沿 上空 飞 离 纳库拉。
Between 1240 hours and 1400 hours, two enemy
Israeli warplanes violated
[...] Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over all Lebanese regions, and departed over the sea off al-Naqurah.
就北约支持武器禁运和对利比上空 实 施“禁飞区”行动而言,北大西洋理 事会明确表明欢迎非北约国家支持和参与这次行动。
As in the case of the NATO operations in support of the arms embargo and to enforce a no-fly zone over [...]
Libya, the North Atlantic
Council has made clear that it will welcome support of and participation in this operation by non-NATO countries.
这个世界最大的风力涡轮机组将高出海平面约160米,其巨型叶片将在这个由546个岛屿组成,最高海拔74米,景色美丽迷人的城 上空 高 高 旋转。
Reaching some 160 metres above the sea surface, the world’s largest wind turbine will be
spinning its rotor blades far above this
[...] municipality’s fascinating landscape of [...]
546 islands, where the highest elevation is a mere 74 metres.
上空间的 不同方面和它断裂的历史之间有着没有脚本又悬而未决的关联。
There are unscripted and unresolved links between different aspects of
[...] the Island space and its ruptured [...]
这方面有无数的例子,而且,在我国政府努力执 行第
[...] 1701(2006)号决议各项规定的时候,以色列却继 续几乎每天都从上、空中和 海上侵犯黎巴嫩的主 权。
There are countless examples of this, and at a time when my Government is striving to implement all of the provisions of
resolution 1701 (2006), Israel continues to violate Lebanon’s sovereignty on an almost
[...] daily basis, by ground, air and sea.
上空气阀底部的两个螺丝 (41) 并对 齐端盖 (1) 和底盖 (3) 拧紧。
Install the bottom two air valve screws [...]
(41) tight to align the end caps (1) and bottom cover (3).
76 几个小时后,受伤乘客由以色列军方直升机从 上空 运 到 以色列的医院。77 然而,一些伤员仍然留在蓝色马尔马拉号,至少一人是遭受枪伤,没有得到适当 [...]
Over several hours the wounded
[...] passengers were then airlifted by Israeli forces [...]
helicopters from the ship to hospitals in
Israel.77 However, some of the wounded remained on board the Mavi Marmara, at least one of whom had injuries caused by live ammunition and did not receive appropriate medical treatment until after the ship’s arrival at the port of Ashdod in Israel many hours later.
因此,我要告诉每个人,利比亚人民期待着尽早 解除利比上空的禁飞区和第 1973(2011)号决议中 规定的关于保护平民的任务授权。
I would therefore like to inform everyone that the Libyan people are looking forward to terminating as soon as possible the no-fly zone over Libya and the mandate on the protection of civilians set out in resolution 1973 (2011).
美国政府绝对清楚路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯参与了 1976 年在巴巴多上 空炸毁 古巴航空公司飞机的行动和 1997 年炸毁古巴旅游设施的活动。美国政府 也知道他在 2000 年计划在巴拿马谋杀我国总司令,并为此在该国被判处徒刑。
The United States Government is well aware of Posada Carriles’ involvement in the downing of a Cubana de Aviación flight over Barbados in 1976, the bombings of Cuban tourist sites in 1997, and the planned assassination of the Commander-inChief in Panama in 2000, for which he was in fact convicted in that country.
它是在地上空,它 的居民是“有光明和永生穿衣服,吃的生命树”(同上lviii。
It is above the earth, and its inhabitants are "clothed with garments of light and eternal life, and eat of the tree of life" (ib. lviii. 3) in the company of the Lord and His anointed.
[...] 部分或依其授予或行使的任何权利,不应影响“区域”上覆水域的法律地位,或 这种水上空的法律地位”;另一方面,《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》 [...]
中“开采”的定义包括加工和运输系统的施工和作业,这显然远远超出了海底的 范围。
On the one hand, article 135 states that “Neither this Part nor any rights granted or exercised pursuant thereto shall affect the legal
status of the waters superjacent to the
[...] Area or that of the airspace above those waters”; [...]
on the other hand, the definition
of “exploitation” in the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules includes the construction and operation of processing and transporting systems, which would obviously extend well beyond the seafloor.
联合国维也纳办事处副总干事兼联合国维也纳外层空间事务事务处处长致 开幕词,谈到在这世上空间信息的使用范围越来越广,地名越来越重要,在处 理日常活动以及自然和人为灾害时都很需要。
Mazlan Othman, Deputy Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Director of
the United Nations
[...] Office for Outer Space Affairs in Vienna, made an opening statement on the increasing importance of geographical names in a world where the use of spatial information [...]
is becoming much wider
in scope in order to meet the challenges of day-to-day activities and natural and man-made disasters.
一位成員認為,混能車輛在靜止時是以電池或太陽能驅動上 空調, 即使並未熄匙,靜止混能車輛的引擎亦會停止轉動,停 車熄匙的管制應充分考慮混能車輛的情況。
Their engines would stop running when stationary even if the vehicles remained switch on.




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