

单词 上瘾

上瘾 ()

become addicted
get into a habit


上瘾的 adj

addictive adj

See also:


addiction n


External sources (not reviewed)

上瘾者,考虑采取消除歧视和基于公共卫生的措施,如开丁丙诺 啡处方。
(f) With regard to addicted persons, consider decriminalization and public health-based measures such as prescription of buprenorphine.
这种药在加沙十分畅销,并且很容 上瘾。
It has become a popular drug in Gaza
[...] and can be very addictive.
对杰克的愿望,主要是为了娱乐,他们三人提供圣诞老人Oogie不羁,赌 上瘾 的 妖 怪阴谋玩游戏与圣诞老人的生命危在旦夕。
Against Jack’s wishes and largely for their amusement, the trio deliver Santa to Oogie Boogie, a gambling-addict bogeyman who plots to play a game with Santa’s life at stake.
此外,这种巨大压力下产生的身体问题正在增加对初级 保健提供者的需求,而他们多次误诊和用药不当,包括开出令 上瘾 的 止 痛药。
Furthermore, physical problems arising from such intense stress were increasing demands on primary health-care
givers, who in many cases were misdiagnosing and prescribing inappropriate
[...] medications, including addictive pain killers.
学校的心理健康服务应得益于充足的资源和合格的工作人员,以便 处理尤其是对青少年有影响的问题,例如自杀的念头以及营养 上瘾 等 问题 ( 比利时)
90.21. Mental health services in schools should benefit from sufficient resources and qualified staff in order to deal with
problems affecting in particular adolescents, such as suicidal thoughts
[...] and nutritional or addictive problems (Belgium)
[...] 可能的,以使阿富汗及其各邻国摆脱吸 上瘾 的 祸害 和经济上对这一非法贸易的依赖。
Yet we know that a better future is
possible, freeing Afghanistan and its neighbours from the
[...] curse of drug addiction and economic [...]
dependence on this illicit trade.
事实说明,现在的局势十分严重,由于 大规模生产,阿富汗及其邻国都有人吸 上瘾。
The facts speak of a dramatic
[...] situation, with addiction both in Afghanistan [...]
and neighbouring countries due to massive production.
催眠可以用来治疗许多问题,例 上瘾 的 问 题,体重问题,失眠等。
Hypnosis can be used to treat several
[...] problems such as addiction, weight problem, [...]
insomia and many more.
出席了若干会议,包括毒品和吸 上瘾 研 究所全国大会的“干预制止模型—— 对毒品使用的高质非刑罪化”(2009 年)、与欧洲和地中海警察部队和具军事地位 宪兵部队协会举办的首届犯罪和社会学研讨会闭幕式(2006 年)、“恐怖主义受害 者:安全部队的心理社会反应”(2006 年),此外还有部长理事会主席团制止毒品 委员会举办的关于吸上瘾问题 的研讨会(2001 年);欧洲委员会蓬皮杜小组组织 的关于刑法系统中毒品使用者和违法者问题的研讨会的毒品和吸毒者问题小组 主席(1998 年)。
Participated in a number of meetings, including “Deterrence model of intervention — quality decriminalization of drug use” at the National Congress of the Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction (2009), the closing ceremony of the first Criminal and Social Sciences Seminar with the Association of the European and Mediterranean Police Forces and Gendarmeries with Military Status (FIEP) (2006), “Victims of terrorism: the response psychosocial of the security forces” (2006), in addition to seminars on drug addiction by the commissions for the [...]
drug deterrence of
the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2001); Chair of the panel on drugs and drug addicts at a seminar on drug users and offenders in the penal system, organized by the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (1998).
第 三,青年健康问题,特别是酗酒、吸 上瘾 及 艾 滋病 毒/艾滋病,是另一个令人关切的问题。
Thirdly, youth health issues, particularly
[...] alcohol abuse, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS, [...]
are another concern.
(d) 许多儿童使用药物、或其上瘾的父 母给予他们药物、希望他们保持 安静,有三分之一没有获得保健服务的妇女使用麻醉药物来治疗自己及子女,结 果导致成瘾
(d) A significant number of children use drugs or are given drugs by addicted parents who want them to keep quiet, and one third of women who do not have access to health services use narcotic drugs to treat themselves and their children, resulting in addiction
这是一款令上瘾的复 古游戏,它的打斗模式让我们不禁想起经典的《街头霸王》,只不过这一次你扮演的是火影忍者。
An attractive game with retro flavor that reminds us the classic Street Fighter because of its game mode at the same it time it allows you to play the role of Naruto.
土耳其毒品和吸上瘾监测 中心负责人、里斯本欧洲毒品和毒瘾监测中心国 [...]
家联络人(2006-2011 年);曾从事毒品相关调查,包括处理贩毒、路边毒品买卖、 捣毁秘密制毒厂,以及进行国内和国际调查,包括与贩毒目的地国家开展了若干 次受控交货行动(1994-2006 年)。
Head, Turkish Monitoring Centre for
[...] Drugs and Drug Addiction, National Focal [...]
Point for the European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon (2006-2011); experience in drug-related investigations, including drug trafficking, street drug dealing, dismantling clandestine laboratories and conducting domestic and international investigations, including several controlled delivery operations with drug destination countries (1994-2006).
[...] games are the most addictive classic games where [...]
you can solve simple puzzles and dive into small funny adventures.
对yesterdecade经典蛇游戏领域,海蛇提供了一个愉 上瘾 , 直观有趣的体验。
Expanding on the classic snake games of yesterdecade, Sea Snake
[...] delivers an enjoyably addictive, intuitively fun [...]
实际吸入物质的多少不仅取决于一项产品消费前就已具备的物质内容,还取决于吸烟行为 上瘾 程 度
Actual levels of inhaled substances are
determined not only by the content of substances in a product prior to consumption, but also by
[...] smoking behavior and addiction.
知道它永远! 贝基是乐趣和令上瘾的方 式学习语言。
Know It Forever!
我们要求所有的管理人员必须参加戒除瘾癖的培训,以帮助他们辨别员工是否 上瘾 倾 向或 已 上瘾 , 并 为此类员工提供专业指导。
All managers are required to attend classes on the prevention of drug dependence that will enable them to recognize employees who are at risk or already addicted, and to encourage them to seek the proper treatment.
Anamnesis and advice on habits entailing risks to health, such as the use of
[...] tobacco, alcohol and addictive substances, including [...]
accident prevention
报告指出,目前有许多关于设计师 毒品的错误资讯在流传,包括这类药物不 上瘾 等 等 会造成危害的理论。
Reports indicate that much misinformation currently circulates regarding designer drugs, including the pernicious myth
[...] that such drugs are not addictive.
[...] 2008 年 3 月的《毒品依赖治疗原则》,46 其中明确提到在道德治疗标准方面必须 将 毒品依赖 与其他医学 关 怀 同等看待,并 强 调说毒上 瘾 者 享 有 自 主和隐 私 权。
In this regard, the Special Rapporteur wishes to recall the WHO/United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Principles of Drug Dependence Treatment of March 2008,46 which explicitly refer to the need to view drug dependence as
any other health-care
[...] condition, in terms of the standards of ethical treatment and stress that drug addicts enjoy [...]
the right to autonomy and privacy.
为探讨吸毒瘾上的性别差异问题以及为支助受药物滥用影响的脆弱妇 女,犯罪司法所启动了一个题为“毒品、酒精和妇女网络”的项目。
To address the issue of gender
[...] differences in drug addiction and to support [...]
vulnerable women affected by drug abuse, UNICRI
initiated the project entitled “Drugs, Alcohol and Women Network”.
(vi) 针对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能、将为特殊人群提供强化戒烟支持作为其工作重心的卫生工作者 需要学习3 ——为将提供戒烟支持作为其工作一部分的医务工作者提供的所有内容, 上 适 用 于伴心血管疾病 或合并其它疾病的患者、孕妇、接受精神卫生和 瘾 治 疗 服务的患者(尤其是有严重心理障碍者)的戒烟药 物;吸烟对多种药物代谢的作用;在依赖评估和治疗计 上 允 许并记录的步骤,收集和整理以保证对患者进 行标准监督和服务有效性的戒烟服务数据;使用不止一种有效的行为支持方法;对患者进行不间断的支持; 尼古丁依赖的治疗。
(vi) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide intensive cessation support to specific populations as their sole focusa – all of the content for health staff providing cessation support as part of their
role, plus cessation medications in clients with cardiovascular disease and other co-existing medical conditions, pregnant women, and
[...] users of mental health and addiction treatment services (especially for those with complex psychological disorders) effects of smoking on the metabolism of various medications; allowing and documenting steps in dependence assessment and treatment planning and collecting and collating [...]
data on
the cessation service provided to allow the standard monitoring of clients and service effectiveness; using more than one effective behavioural support method; ongoing support for clients; and treating nicotine dependence.
麻醉药物委员会第五十一和五十四届会议;每年主持两次欧洲毒品和 瘾监 测 中心联络人国家会议,里斯本(2006-2011 [...]
年);在匈牙利任欧盟轮值主席期间 以土耳其代表团团长身份参加欧盟土耳其对话会议,布鲁塞尔(2011 年);蓬皮杜 小组:研究平台会议(2007
年)和部级会议(2006 年),巴黎和斯特拉斯堡;近东 和中东非法贩运毒品及有关事项小组委员会第四十一次会议(2006 年);联合国毒 品和犯罪问题办公室关于在巴黎契约框架下使用伊朗边界的专家评估会议,伊朗 伊斯兰共和国(2005 年);麻管局黄玉色行动和紫色行动联合会议,墨西哥(2005 年)。
Fifty-first and fifty-fourth sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs; chaired
national European Monitoring Centre
[...] for Drugs and Drug Addiction focal point meetings [...]
twice a year, Lisbon (2006-2011);
European Union-Turkey dialogue meeting during the Hungarian presidency of the Union, as head of the Turkish delegation, Brussels (2011); Pompidou Group: Research Platform meeting (2007) and ministerial meeting (2006), Paris and Strasbourg; forty-first meeting of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, Amman (2006); United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Expert Assessment Meeting on utilizing Iranian borders within the framework of the Paris Pact, Islamic Republic of Iran (2005); International Narcotics Control Board combined meetings on Operation Topaz and Operation Purple, Mexico City (2005).
(v) 对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能,并将提供戒烟支持作为他们工作一部分的医务工作者需要学 习——烟草控制;尼古丁瘾;戒 烟指南;尼古丁依赖评估;可用、可获得、可负担、性价比高的戒烟药物 [...]
为;相关的基本解剖学和生理学知识,尤其是大脑内涉及奖赏和依赖的区域,肺脏和心血管系统;证实自我 报告戒烟真实性的可行方法;治疗终点,特别是七天的时点戒烟率及持续戒烟率;保持戒烟状态,复杂病例 的建议;对特殊人群的风险效益评估。
(v) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide cessation
support as part of their rolea - tobacco
[...] control; nicotine addiction; cessation guidelines; [...]
assessing nicotine dependence; available,
accessible, affordable, cost-effective cessation pharmacotherapy; setting a quit date; behavioural support; arranging follow-up support; identifying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal; cues that trigger urges to smoke; tobacco use compensation behaviour; basic relevant anatomy and physiology, particularly the areas of the brain involved in reward and dependence, the lungs, and the cardiovascular system; available methods of verifying self-reported abstinence; treatment endpoints, in particular seven-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence; maintaining abstinence, seeking advice on complex cases; and risk-benefit assessment of specific population groups.




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