单词 | 上来 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 上来 —approachless common: come up • (verb complement indicating success) Examples:后来居上—the pupil surpasses the master • lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation
一些非政府组织呼吁把考虑重点转移到活文 化 上来 , 并 认为应为此而增加有关拨款的 百分比。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some NGOs called for a shift of focus in the direction of living cultures and considered that this should be reflected in an increase in the percentage of the resources allocated. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管在生物学上来 说只 有一个种族,但种族歧视是一种社会建构产物,由于社会已经设定了该术语 [...] 的意思,其影响和后果是真实存在的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even though biologically there was only one race [...] and racial discrimination was a social construct, its impact and consequences [...]were real because society had given the term meaning. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,必须把青年人的健康放在更广阔的背 景 上来 看 , 因为有众多年龄老大 时生病的病例,根源都在童年和青年时期。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the health of young people must be seen in a wider context, because a large number of cases of disease in later age have their root causes in childhood and adolescence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在关于南部非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的高层会 议 上 , 来 自 赞 比亚、津 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统 [...] 的九名行政长官共聚一堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 面面临的主要挑战并明确联合国系统在支持各国工作方面的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in [...] southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, [...]Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho met together with nine United Nations system Executive Heads, had the objectives of identifying key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
人居署的活动,加上来自技 术合作经常方案的更多资源,有一个强大的乘数 效应,并产生了一个重要的项目组合,这体现在下列成果中:为受 2010 年 1 月 地震影响的海地城市制定统筹恢复和重建的战略方针;多方捐助者支持方案,协 助 10 个试点发展中国家采用关于权力下放和获得基本的普遍服务的国际准则; [...] [...] 城市间合作方案,为西部非洲 5 个国家提供培训、研究和能力发展;阿拉伯区域 可持续城市发展战略,将在 2012 年 5 月在科威特举行的“促进阿拉伯城市可持 续性的市政管理和城市发展”区域会议上启动。 daccess-ods.un.org | UN-Habitat activities, with additional resources from the regular programme of technical cooperation, had a large multiplier [...] effect and generated [...]an important project portfolio, as demonstrated by the following results: the formulation of strategic lines for integrated recovery and reconstruction developed for Haitian cities affected by the January 2010 earthquake; a multi-donor support programme, assisting 10 pilot developing countries to adopt international guidelines on decentralization and access to basic universal services; a city-to-city cooperation programme providing training, research and capacity development for five countries in Western Africa; and a sustainable urban development strategy for the Arab region, to be launched at the regional conference “Municipal management and urban development for sustainability in Arab cities” to be held in Kuwait in May 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
提议的修订分四类:(a) 已得到委员会核可的对 2001 年《示 范公约》的实质性修改;(b) 委员会尚未核可的实质性修改;(c) 反映《经合组 织示范公约》参考部分更新内容的修改,从本 质 上来 说 这些修改是实质性的,因 为这种修改会对按《联合国示范公约》订立的条约的解释和适用产生影响;(d) 纯 粹文字上的修改。 daccess-ods.un.org | There were four types of revisions proposed: (a) substantive changes to the 2001 Model Convention that had already been approved by the Committee; (b) substantive changes not yet approved by the Committee; (c) changes reflecting updates of referenced parts of the OECD Model Convention, which were substantive in nature as they could have an impact on the interpretation and application of treaties that would follow the United Nations Model Convention; and (d) purely editorial changes. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些评论家认为世界贸易组织从本质 上来 说 是 一个自由贸易组织,而全球知识产权标 准在社会和经济发展水平悬殊的不同国家的执行不应当属于其职权范围。 iprcommission.org | Some commentators have taken the view that the WTO is essentially a free trade organisation and the global enforcement of IP standards, among nations at very different levels of social and economic development, should not fall within its terms of reference. iprcommission.org |
从理论上来可以降低服务器的高负荷。 javakaiyuan.com | Theory to reduce the high server load . javakaiyuan.com |
水库排空后,即使用水泵将水抽上来。 voith.com | If the tank was empty, water was pumped up from the bottom again. voith.com |
在举行的各次 工作会议中,有两次会议特别值得一提:在议会联盟召集的一次会 议 上 , 来自 2 0 多个国家的约 50 名议员组成的代表团展开了辩论,讨论议会在促进跨文化对话 和理解中的作用,以及议会参与国家计划和区域战略的程度;另一次是以“应对 仇视伊斯兰现象:利用相互尊重和包容的未用机会”为主题的圆桌会议(由不同 [...] 文明联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲委员会和英国文化协会共同主办),这次会议 产生了意见分歧,并引发了一些争议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the various [...] working sessions, two deserve special mention: the meeting convened by IPU with a delegation of approximately 50 legislators from more than 20 countries [...]who debated the role of parliaments in promoting cultural dialogue and [...]understanding, as well as their participation in national plans and regional strategies; and the round table on “Addressing Islamophobia: building on unused opportunities for mutual respect and inclusion” (co-organized by the Alliance of Civilizations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Council of Europe and the British Council), which generated polarized opinions and sparked some controversy. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我们呼吁安全理事会和所有当事方作出必 要的努力和致力于确保切实执行该决议,以便结束所 有军事活动和暴力;解决加沙地带长期遭受以色列非 [...] 人道封锁的巴勒斯坦平民的人道主义和经济需要;并 帮助各方摆脱危机将我们带入绝境的局面,重新回到 和平的道路上来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, we call on the Security Council and all concerned parties to make the necessary efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of the resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, who for too long have been under Israel’s inhumane [...] siege; and to help the parties return from the precipice to which this [...] crisis has brought us and back to the path of peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会和所有相关方必须进行所需的努力 并尽力确保该决议得到有效实施,以结束所有的军事 活动和暴力;解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民严重的人道 主义需要和经济需要,包括通过解除以色列的封锁; [...] 保证实现持久停火;并帮助各方从这场危机导致我们 走上的悬崖返回到和平的道路上来。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is imperative that the Security Council and all concerned parties exert the required efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of that resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, including through the lifting of the Israeli blockade; to guarantee a durable [...] ceasefire; and to help the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has led us and [...] back to the path of peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使知识产权的缺 点有时超过其优势,大体上来说, 发达国家都拥有经济实力并建立了相应的法律机制,足 以克服它造成的问题。 iprcommission.org | Even if their disadvantages sometimes outweigh their advantages, by and large the developed world has the national economic strength and established legal mechanisms to overcome the problems so caused. iprcommission.org |
因此,要避免 1930 年代的错误,需要全世界范围的刺激、贸 易开放和资金流动;从这个意义上来 说 结 束多哈回合至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, worldwide stimulus, open trade and financial flows were needed to avoid the mistakes of the 1930s; the conclusion of the Doha round was vital in that sense. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此次研讨会上,来自越 南青少年记者俱乐部的代表们强调了互联网和社交媒体的许多其他好处,其中包括与全世界的其他年轻人交流的机会、了解其他文化的机会及促进全球对话的机遇。 unicef.org | At the workshop, representatives from the Junior Reporters Clubs of Viet highlighted many other benefits of the Internet and social media, including the opportunities to connect with other young people around the world, to learn about other cultures and to foster global dialogue. unicef.org |
从概念上来说,电影摄影 机有一个多世纪没有改变了。 motion.kodak.com | Conceptually, motion picture cameras haven’t changed for more than a century. motion.kodak.com |
这包括基于“共同创作”之上的内容,即当地教材 加上来自于由全世界各大学和高中提供资料的全球免费资料库的内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes content based on “co-creation”, a mix of local teaching materials supplemented with content sourced from a free global repository with contributions by universities and high schools worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
军事问题将重新成为政策制定 的核心,焦点也会从社会和经济改革重新转移到国 家安全问题上来。 crisisgroup.org | It could also put the military back at the centre of much policymaking, as well as shift the focus away from social and economic reform back to national security issues. crisisgroup.org |
这不仅从生态学观点上来看带来了益 处 - 这一点得到了越来越多企业的 认可,同时它已被包含在了环境分析过 程中。 groz-beckert.pl | This brings benefits not only from an ecological point of view – a fact that is being recognized by an increasing number of business sectors and evaluated as part of an environmental analysis process. groz-beckert.pl |
该委员会强调,由军事司法机 关审判平民应当是一种例外,也就是说只限于缔约国能表明从目的和严肃理 由上 来说使 用军事法院是绝对必要和有道理的、涉及特殊人员和犯罪、普通平民法院 不能审判的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee emphasized that the trial of civilians by military jurisdiction should be exceptional, that is to say limited to cases where the State party can show that the use of such courts is absolutely necessary and justified on objective and serious grounds and where, in relation to the specific category of persons and offences, an ordinary civilian courts are not able to undertake a trial. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国代表团期待在对秘书长报告(A/65/373)所列出 的四项选择的优劣进行分析的基础 上来 讨 论 对编外 人员的争议解决机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation looked forward to discussing a dispute resolution mechanism for non-staff personnel on the basis of an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the four options set out in the Secretary-General’s report (A/65/373). daccess-ods.un.org |
与会者还指出,土著女孩是第 22(2)条考虑的同样重要的对象,关于消除针 对妇女的暴力行为的国际讨论非常容易忽视土著女孩的问题,尽管从根 本 上来 说, 暴力侵害土著女孩的行为所涉及的习惯和做法也造成了侵害妇女的暴力和歧 视行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants also noted that indigenous girls were an equally important consideration of article 22 (2) and were too readily overlooked in international discussions on violence against women even though, fundamentally, violence against indigenous girls was related to the same norms and practices that caused violence and discrimination against women. daccess-ods.un.org |
联利特派团报告说,2012 年 3 月 20 日(次日)早上,来自邻近 Dougee 镇的大批利比里亚青年进入难民营 K 区进 行报复,并抓捕所涉嫌犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNMIL reported that the following morning on 20 March 2012, a large group of Liberian youths from neighbouring Dougee Town invaded Block K of Dougee camp to avenge and arrest the suspects involved. daccess-ods.un.org |
从理论上来看,这个办法意味着一些缔约国集团可以强迫其他缔约国 [...] 接受它们商定的保留规则,这不符合对条约的相互关系原则;换句话 说,可能发生一种情况,就是一些国家或国际组织达成协议,认为它 们共同提出的保留只可以共同撤回或修改,但对这项保留所涉的其他 [...]条约缔约国来说,这样一项协议则是他人之间的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | In theoretical terms, it would [...] imply that a group of parties could impose upon the others the rules on reservations agreed [...]upon by them, which is hardly compatible with the principle of privity to treaties; in other words, it was possible that a number of States or international organizations might agree to consider that the reservation formulated collectively by them could only be withdrawn or modified collectively, but such an agreement would be res inter alios acta with regard to the other contracting States or organizations to the treaty to which the reservation related. daccess-ods.un.org |
当有关某一 特定事件的所有事实均呈报上来后, 办公室会建议和指导采取适当的行动方案, 以确保本着开发署和工作人员的最佳利益解决问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | When all the facts are presented for a particular case, the office will provide advice and guidance on the appropriate course of action to ensure that the issue is resolved in the best interests of UNDP and the staff member. daccess-ods.un.org |
你可以通过改变桌面视图(背景图片,日历安排,字体,颜色等)以及加入像日历一样的全功能的 PIM ,它可大可小,或透明,或者甚至隐藏在桌 面 上 , 来 设 置愉快的工作气氛。 evget.com | You can set up pleasant working atmosphere by changing desktop view (background image, calendar arrangement, fonts, colors etc.) and adding a full-functional PIM like a calendar which can be small or large, transparent or, even, hidden on your desktop. evget.com |
从某种意义上来说, 声明者是在“预订约会”,以便一俟出现争议, 即可称这就是其解释,但又不将声明作为其加入条约的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The declarant “sets a date”, in a sense; it gives notice that, should a dispute arise, its interpretation will be such, but it does not make that point a condition for its participation in the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
在东耶路撒冷发生的情况更糟,本雅明·内塔尼 亚胡不想把这个问题拿到谈判桌上来 , 这 样,以色列 就能够继续执行它自 1967 年占领东耶路撒冷以来一 直推行的政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even worse is what is happening in East Jerusalem, which Netanyahu would like to keep off the table so as to enable Israel to continue the policy it has adopted since its occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
与 会者一致同意,随着达尔富尔混合行动即将实现全员部署,特派团和三方会议的 重点将从部署转移到对部队和警察的有效使 用 上来 , 特 别是有关特派团行动自由 的问题和采取措施增强联合国人员安全、减少犯罪的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The meeting participants agreed that, as UNAMID reached near full deployment, the focus of the mission and the tripartite meetings would shift from deployment towards the effective employment of troops and police, in particular with regard to the mission’s freedom of movement and measures to enhance security for United Nations personnel and reduce criminality. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行委员会还赞赏地注意到巴拉圭在执行其消耗臭氧层物质立法方面面临的困难已被克 服,而且该国已回到履行 2006 年氟氯化碳和四氯化碳消费水平的道 路 上来。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee also notes with appreciation that the difficulties faced by Paraguay in the implementation of its ODS legislation has been overcome and that the country has returned to compliance in consumption levels of CFC and CTC in 2006. multilateralfund.org |