

单词 上旬

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External sources (not reviewed)

我預 期 選 管 會 在 11 月上旬 向 行政長官 提交中期報告,並在 12 月期間提交最 後報告。
I expect that the interim report will be submitted to the Chief Executive in early November and the final report to be submitted in December.
是次調查被評分的行政會議非官守議員,皆於首階段在 1 月 上旬 進 行 的提名調查中,在未經提示下獲得最多被訪者提名的議員。
The top councillors listed in our latest survey were all those who obtained the highest unprompted mentions in our first stage naming survey conducted in early-January.
三位外长于 4 月上 旬在雅加达会面继续讨论这份文件。
The three foreign ministers met in Jakarta in early April to discuss the document.
谈 判后,12 月上旬与选 定的供应商签订合同,管理咨询人在合同签订后数日内就开 始工作,2010 年 12 月 7 日举行了指导委员会与供应商的第一次会议。
Following negotiations, the contract with the selected vendor was signed early in December, and the management consultants commenced their work within days of the signing of the contract, with the first meeting of the Steering Committee with the vendor being held on 7 December 2010.
2010 年 2 月上旬,庭 长和副庭长连同一名高级法律干事一道前往贝鲁特, [...]
会见了黎巴嫩高级官员并为贝鲁特律师协会和大学教授及学生举办关于黎巴嫩 问题特别法庭问题的讲座。
In early February 2010, the President [...]
and the Vice-President, together with a senior legal officer, travelled to Beirut
to meet with senior Lebanese officials and give talks to the Beirut Bar Association and university professors and students on issues relating to the Tribunal.
和我們最大的收穫是從十一月到二 上旬 在 伸展 - 年度踩踏運行斜坡上升亞洲買盤餵食。
And our biggest gains come in the stretch from November to early February - the annual stampede run fed by ramped up Asian buying.
鉴于特别法庭作出 的这一决定,并经过与塞拉利昂当局协商,我在 2011 年 2 月 11 日给安全理事会
[...] 主席的信中(S/2011/74),通知已开始筹备撤出联利特派团的警卫队,将于 3上旬完成这一工作。
In view of the determination made by the Special Court, and following consultations with Sierra Leonean authorities, I informed the President of the Security Council in my letter dated 11 February 2011 (S/2011/74)
that preparations had been initiated for the withdrawal of the UNMIL guard
[...] force, which will be completed in early March.
特别代表于 2009 年 10 月上旬在纽约以及 2010 年 3 月在日内瓦与非政府组 织咨询理事会举行会议。
The Special Representative met with the NGO Advisory Council in early October 2009 in New York, and in March 2010 in Geneva.
我们还期待着欢 迎联合国各反恐委员会 6 月上旬参加下一届太平洋论 坛反恐工作组。
We also look forward to welcoming the United Nations counter-terrorism committees to the next Pacific Forum Working Group on Counter-Terrorism in early June.
Kuijpers 先生指出,2012 年 11 月上旬提议的欧洲委员会含氟气体条例的内容包括,到 2020 年禁止使用全 球升温潜能值大于 2500 的氢氟碳化合物,这可能会在全球范围内影响全球升 温潜能较高的制冷剂的应用。
Mr. Kuijpers noted that the European Commission F regulation, as proposed in early November 2012, included a ban on HFCs with a global-warming-potential greater than 2,500 by 2020 and that that might impact the application of those high-global-warming-potential refrigerants globally.
2008 年 8 月上旬,在喀布尔举行的阿富汗和 CAREC 联合会议上,与会者同意开展运输 走廊调查。
During a joint Afghan CAREC meeting in Kabul early August 2008 participants agreed a transport corridor survey needs carrying out.
王家英文章列舉的第二個原因是調查時間和頻次的問題:「中大每月只進行一次,時間是在每月的下旬,而港大則每月進行兩次,進行的時間是在每月 上旬 和 下旬......較有意義的做法是將中大和港大在同一期間(每月下旬)所做的調查進行比較。
Wong Ka-ying has suggested the second reason which is related to the survey period and frequency. He wrote, "CUHK only conducts (the surveys) once a month, the survey period is end of the month; whereas the HKUPOP carries out the surveys twice every month, and they are conducted at the beginning and end of each month ......The more meaningful way is to compare the surveys conducted by the two universities at the same period (at the end of each month).
2011年1 月上旬出访该国。12月17 日,缅甸联邦常驻联合国日 [...]
内瓦办事处和其他国际组织代表团答复指出:“缅甸联邦有关当局的通知 [是 ], 鉴于其当务之急是准备开展选后转型进程,缅甸有关当局目前无法答复金塔纳先 生的请求”。
On 17 December, the Permanent Mission [...]
of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations
in Geneva replied that “the information received from the authorities concerned of the Union of Myanmar [is] that due to authorities’ preoccupation with post-election preparations for transformation process, the relevant authorities of Myanmar are not in position to reply to Mr. Quintana’s request at present”.
配對後之洽談時間表將於10月上旬統 一 以E-mail通知,如欲更改或取消洽談,請於1星期內以E-mail或傳真與主辦單位承辦人聯絡,否則視同確認。
The notice of any change or cancellation you wish make should be sent to us by e-mail or fax within one week, otherwise the schedule serves as the commitment you made.
此外,本年 1月上旬,有的士司機在20 天內兩度 吸食氯胺酮(俗稱“K仔 ”)後駕駛導致車 禍,最後被判入獄18個 月及停牌兩年 。
Moreover, in early January this year, a taxi driver who drove after taking ketamine on two separate occasions within 20 days was eventually sentenced to imprisonment for 18 months with his driving licence suspended for two years.
市民如想參加是次比賽,可透過「粵港澳文化資訊網」(www.prdculture.org)報名參加,評審結果將於二○一三年四 上旬 在 該 網站公布。
Interested applicants can submit their photos via the Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD) Cultural Information Website (www.prdculture.org), and the competition result will be announced on the website in early April 2013.
5,344 個標準箱之船舶「東方中國」亦已於七 上旬 出 售,並向買家以計時 傭船租約方式租回三年。
Another 16-year-old 5,344 TEU vessel ‘OOCL China’ was sold in early July and was also leased back from the new owner for 3 years on a time-charter basis.
1上旬在布 鲁塞尔召开的欧洲环境局会议更加突出了这些事实:欧洲环境专员Janez Potočnik 先生在其题为“处处洁净空气:欧洲空气政策迎来改革之风”的发言中谈及空气质量以及迎接保护人类健康和环境的挑战。
These facts were recently highlighted in early January at the European Environmental Bureau Conference in Brussels, "Clean Air Everywhere: Blowing the Winds of Change into European Air Policy", where Janez Potočnik – European Commissioner for Environment – spoke about air quality and meeting the challenge to protect human health and the environment.
小组委员会注意到,在美国联合空间作战司令部就被登记为空间碎片的一 个物体的预期碰撞路线向尼日利亚政府提供了相关信息之后,2010 年 1 月上旬 成功避免了一次潜在的碰撞。
The Subcommittee noted that a potential collision had been successfully avoided in early January 2010 following the provision of information by the United States Joint Space Operations Command to the Government of Nigeria relating to the anticipated collision course of an object catalogued as space debris.
不過,由於消費者對 2004 年上旬抱樂觀態度,亞太區的消費 者信心在 2003 年底強勁反彈至 66.5。
The region, however, rebounded strongly by the end of 2003, returning to optimism with a score of 66.5 for the outlook of the first half of 2004.
The new film is set to premiere at a star-studded "Red Carpet" screening in New York in early October 2012.
上旬 有關 香港業務拓展總部 香港業務拓展總部(HKMC)是索尼香港的附屬公司,在香港及澳門提供 Sony 消費者產品 及廣播與專業產品的有關銷售、市務推廣及售後服務。
Hong Kong Marketing Company (HKMC), a division of Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited, provides sales, marketing and after sales services for Sony’s consumer electronics products as well as broadcast and professional products in Hong Kong and Macau.
为了配合ALTERA推出第三代Cyclone系列产品,我们分别在 4 月 上旬 - 南京及广州举办了研讨会介绍低成本的Altera Cyclone® III FPGA,共超过100位以上工程师参加。
In order to coordinate with ALTERA to promote the third generation of Cyclone series products, we held seminars in beginning of April to introduce the low-production-cost Altera Cyclone® III FPGA in Nanjing and Guangzhou respectively.
12 月上旬形势开始缓 和,部分原因是科索沃特派团作出努力,促成了报告 [...]
所称的有当地塞族领导人、驻科部队、欧盟驻科法治 团和欧安组织参加的“新的安全协调论坛”。
In early December the situation [...]
began to de-escalate, in part thanks to the efforts of UNMIK, which facilitated what the
report terms “a new security coordination forum” that involves local Serb leaders, KFOR, EULEX and the OSCE.
78 四上旬,他 说军方采取了更为合作的态度,并派出重要指挥官 在公开的听证会上就暴力事件作证,但警官仍然不 愿合作,他们即使出席作证,派出的人员有时对情 [...]
At that time, Somchai instead publicly complained that the TRCT had not received [...]
responses to its requests to interview
army officers on the ground and for autopsies from the government forensic agency; private telephone companies had also refused to provide information.78 In early April, he said the military had become more willing to cooperate, sending key commanders to testify at public hearings on violent incidents.
2012年8月旬到9月上旬,挪 威视觉艺术家丽塔•马尔豪格(Rita Marhaug)将在北京举行的两个表演艺术节上演出其《挪威液体》(Norwegian Liquid)系列作品。
Norwegian visual artist Rita Marhaug is presenting her performance series “Norwegian Liquid (NL)” at two different performance festivals in Beijing in late August – early September 2012.
City of Hope 与 Medidata 公司的专业服务团队协同工作,在 2009 年下半年为其团队 8 位核心成员提供 Medidata Rave 培训,并于 2010 年1月上旬开始构建自己的研究。
Working collaboratively with Medidata’s professional services team, City of Hope trained eight of its core team members on Medidata Rave in late 2009 and began building its own studies by early January 2010.
現 在 的 事 態 發 展 瞬 息 萬 變 且 牽 涉 範 圍 甚廣 很難有清晰的脈絡可循 希望如此撲朔 迷離的情況在接下來的幾週內能有較明朗的發 展 本作者乃寶華綜合經濟研究院院長暨國 立清華大學科技管理學院榮譽教授 2011 年 10 月 26 日 歐洲各會員體領導人 及銀行家除針對第二次救援希臘方案敲定細節 外 也為挽救多年危機而商議一套更全面的措 施 這些措施的批准過程遭遇若干阻礙 意即 希臘總理帕潘德里歐 George Papandreou 擬 將救援方案交由公投決定 以及義大利總理貝 盧斯科尼 Silvio Berlusconi 長久以來因為債券 收益率飆升而無法贏得市場認可 兩位總理皆 於 10 月上旬下台 隨後兩會員體即各自組成 技術官僚政府
On 26th October, European leaders and bankers finalized the details of a second Greek rescue package, and a more comprehensive set of measures to salvage the multi-annual crisis. The ratification process encountered several obstacles, namely that the Greek PM George Papandreou riddled with the idea of putting the bailout package to a referendum and that for a long time the Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi also couldn’t win market approval as bond yields rocketed.
沈阳市东北摩托车市场G座3号档口的业主左某, 2008年 10 月 上旬 从 山 东省济南市购入假冒“铃木”商标的后转灯总成、前大灯、启动电机总成、点火线圈总成、活塞环组合、前转向灯总成、启动继电器等配件共计245个,准备以购入价格2-10倍的价格对外销售。
In October 2008, a stall owner surnamed Zuo, running business in No.3 stall, Building G, Dongbei Motor Market in Shengyang, purchased counterfeit auto-parts bearing SUZUKI trademark, including 245 units of back indicator light, headlight, start motors, ignition coils, piston rings, front indicator light, starting relays, etc., and prepared to sell these auto-parts at the price of 2-10 times to purchase.
2011 年旬至 2012 年初间,中国在南 海问上的态度趋于缓和,这表明只要中央政府愿 意,就能对其海事部队和地方政府加以一定控制 力,但中国认为保持一定程度的政策模糊性为其在 [...]
必要时采取更强硬立场提供了一定的自由空间,因 此符合自身利益。
China’s ability to moderate its
[...] approach to the South China Sea between mid-2011 and 2012 suggests that it is able [...]
to exert some control
over its maritime forces and local governments when it so chooses, but sees a degree of ambiguity as in its interest, giving it the freedom to take a more hardline position when deemed necessary.




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