

单词 上市公司

See also:




hit the market (of a new product)
float (a company on the stock market)


(business) company

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,上交所的指引还包括一段关于境外矿业权的取 得和转让的要求上市公司供其行为是否符合矿 产所在地的法律法规的有效法律文件。
SSE’s guideline includes a paragraph on
[...] acquisition and transfer of mining right overseas, requiringlistedcompanies to provide evidence [...]
that activities
are in line with the laws and regulations of the host country.
彼亦为若上市公司事,包括长江实业(集团)有限公司及东方海外(国 际) 有限公司等。
He is a director of a number
[...] of public companiesincluding Cheung Kong (Holdings) [...]
Limited and Orient Overseas (International) Limited.
在规制交易市场(例如证券交易所)内,收上市公司导致投票权的改变,应在交 易日起的六个交易日内按上述要求发出的通 知。
In the case of a change resulting from the
acquisition of shares
[...] of a publiccompany in atransaction on a regulated market(e.g. a stock exchange), [...]
the above mentioned
requirement is due no later than within six trading days from the transaction date.
除上文及下文「购回股份」一节所披露者外及於最後实际可行日期,朱小坤先生、朱志 和先生、吴锁军先生及李卓然先生各自於过往三年内概无在任何其上市公司任何董 事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成员公司担当任何职务,与本公司任何其他董事、高级 管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关系,亦无拥有本公司股份的任何权益(定义见证 券及期货条例(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
ZHU Xiaokun, ZHU Zhihe, WU Suojun and LEE Cheuk Yin, Dannis did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three years and does not hold any positionin any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
[...] 方项目,目的是为伊斯坦布尔证券交易所上市公司投资者推出一个土耳 其的可持续基准。
The Istanbul Stock Exchange Sustainability Index is a multi-stakeholder project developing best practices with
the goal of launching a Turkish sustainability benchmark for Istanbul Stock
[...] Exchange-listed companies and their investors.
She has held various senior financial positions in both
[...] multinational companies and Hong Kong listed company.
上述19名现任公 司董事、高级管理人员及1名卸任的公司高级管理人员所获授的股权激励股票的20% 部分(即上述按《公司法》及《深圳证券交易上市公司、监事和高级管理人员所 持 本 公 司 股 份 及 其 变 动 管 理 业 务 指 引》等 相 关 规 定 需 继续锁 定 不予解 除限售 的 709,582股A股)锁定期已满,并於2010年2月26日在中国证券登记结算有限责任公司 深圳分公司办理了解除限售手续,详情请见本公司於2010年2月26日发布《关於董 事、高级管理人员获授的股权激励股票第一次解除限售的公告》。
The lock-up period for 20% of the shares granted under the Share Incentive Scheme to the said 19incumbent directors and senior management staff members of theCompany and 1 former senior management staff member who had resigned, namely the 709,582 A shares remaining under lock-up and subject to sale restriction under the relevant regulations of the Company Law and the Guidelines for the Administration of Company Shareholdings by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Officers of Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Changes in Shareholdings, has expired.
邝先生亦出任多间香上市公司立非执行董事,包括:中远国际控股有限公司、天津发 [...]
展控股有限公司、北京首都国际机场股份有限公司、星狮地产(中国)有限公司、新创建集团有限公司、中海油田 服务股份有限公司、正奇投资有限公司、中国诚通发展集团有限公司、中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司、华富
国际控股有限公司、中国电力国际发展有限公司、恒基兆业地产有限公司、恒基兆业发展有限公司、雅居乐地产 控股有限公司及中信1616集团有限公司。
Mr. Kwong also serves as an independent non-executive director of a number
[...] of Hong Konglisted companies, including [...]
COSCO International Holdings Limited, Tianjin
Development Holdings Limited, Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited, Frasers Property (China) Limited, NWS Holdings Limited, China Oilfield Services Limited, Concepta Investments Limited, China Chengtong Development Group Limited, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Limited, Quam Limited, China Power International Development Limited, Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Henderson Investment Limited, Agile Property Holdings Limited and CITIC 1616 Holdings Limited.
透过接上市公司,南聯股东将向要约人出售其不附带任何留置权、质押、申索及 产权负担的南聯股份以及随附於南聯股份的所有权利,包括接收在提上市公司日 期(即公布相关要约文件)後宣布、作出或支付的所有股息和分派,但不包括以实物方 式分派及特殊现金股息。
By accepting the ListcoOffer, Winsor shareholderswill sell their sharesin Winsor to the Offeror free from all liens, charges, claims and encumbrances and with all rights attached to them, including the rights to receive all dividends and distributions declared, made or paid after the date onwhich theListco Offer is made, being [...]
the date of posting
of the relevant offer document(s), excluding the Distribution In Specie and the Special Cash Dividend.
As the Company isalisted company on the TSX and [...]
the HKEX, its common share price will also be subject to numerous influences
including broad trends in the stock market and the share prices of individual companies or sectors.
国际石油公司(根据 PFC 能 源
[...] 50 强-基于市场价值对全球大型能上市公司名,最大的公司为西方石油公司、加拿大能源和戴文能 [...]
源公司)几乎都聚焦于上游产业(勘探与生产)运营, 下游产业(炼油与销售)基本为零。
IOCs (according to the PFC 50, a
ranking of the world’s largest listed
[...] energy firms by market capitalisation, the [...]
biggest are Occidental, Encana and Devon
Energy) focus almost exclusively on upstream (exploration and production) operations, with little downstream (refining and marketing) activity.
委员会在二零一一年初最初厘定执行董事的基本薪金时,亦计及 市场上可获得的财政规模相若上市公司计数据,以及整个 Glencore集团的薪酬与条件,以确保大部分高级雇员的薪酬与其他 [...]
机 构 的 薪 酬 维 持 於 相 若 水平。
When the Committee originally set the remuneration for the Executive
Directors in early 2011, it took
[...] into accountmarket data from listed companiesof a similar [...]
financial size, and pay and conditions
in the wider Glencore group to ensure that pay for our most senior employees is consistent with, and aligned to, the rest of the organisation.
经 考 虑 周 先 生 之 专 业 背 景 、 彼 於 基 建 行 业 的
经 验 , 特 别 是 於 港 口 发 展 、 营 运 及 管 理 方 面 的
[...] 经 验 , 以 及 彼 於 营上 市 公 司的 知 识( 特 别 是 [...]
本 公 司 )、 彼 之 社 会 、 专 业 地 位 和 网络, 本 公 司
认 为 费 用 合 理 和 可 接 受 。
Having regard to Mr. Chow’s professional background, his experience in the infrastructure industry, in particular, port development,
operation and management, and his
[...] knowledge in running a listedcompany(the Company [...]
in particular), his social, professional
status and network, the Company considered the fee to be reasonable and acceptable.
例如,中国建 信基金管理公司的上证社会责任指数交易基金(建
[...] 信上证社会责任ETF)就是根据每股社会贡献价值评 选出100家具有良好社会责任表现的沪上市公司
For example, the China Construction Bank SSE Social Responsibility Index Exchange
Traded Funds (CCB SSE Social responsibility Index ETF), is
[...] based onthe top 100 ranked companies according to their SCVPS.
上市公司东个人或与其分公司或母公司 持有达到或超过了该公司总投票权90%的股 [...]
票,有权在持股达到或超过上述比例的3个月 内要求其他股东把持有的公司全部股票卖给 他。
A shareholder ina publiccompany, who individually [...]
or jointly with its subsidiaries or parent entities has reached or exceeded
90% of the total vote in the company, shall be entitled, within three months from the day on which this threshold has been reached or exceeded, to demand that the other shareholders sell all the shares held in the company.
AsiaSat is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited, a company listed (Stock Code: 1135) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
公 司 严 格 按 照 法 律、法
[...] 规 和《深 圳 证 券 交 易上 市 公 司信 息 披 露 》以 及《公 [...]
司 章 程 》的 规 定,真 实、准 确、完 整、 及 时 地 披 露 相 关 信 息,并 确 保 全 体 股 东
有 平 等 的 机 会 获 取 信 息。
Relevant information is disclosed in strict
compliance with Rules on Fair Information
[...] Disclosureby Companies Listed on the Shenzhen [...]
Stock Exchange and the Articles in
a true, accurate, complete and timely manner, and ensures that all shareholders have equal access to information.
谭先生 亦担任其他五间香港联交所主上市公司鞋业集团有 限公司(自一九九四年五月起)、中建电讯集团有限公司(自 一 九 九 九 年 十 二 月 起 )、 首 长 四 方( 集 团 )有 限 公 司( 自 一九九六年二月起)、星光集团有限公司(自二零零四年七 月起)及万顺昌集团有限公司(自二零零四年九月起)以及 一间香港联交所创业上市公司策略控股有限公司(直 至二零一三年二月)的独立非执行董事。
Mr. Tam also serves as an
[...] independent nonexecutive director of five other listedcompanies onthe main board of the HKSE, namely, Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited, CCT Telecom Holdings Limited, Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited, Starlite Holdings Limited and Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited sinceMay 1994, December 1999, February 1996, July 2004 and September 2004, respectively, and a listedcompany onthe GEM board of the HKSE, namely, North Asia Strategic [...]
Holdings Limited, till February 2013.
公司总部位于瑞士圣安特尼诺市,这上市公司球拥有 28 家子公司、约 1,500 名员工。
Headquartered in Sant‘ Antonino, Switzerland, the exchange-listed company employs some 1 500 people at 28 enterprises around the globe.
本基金现时只能持有以人民币为单位之 「B」股。此类股份及合法的中上市公司为非中华人民共和国人仕或个人投资者而设, [...]
At present, the Fund will only be able to hold "B shares"
which are Renminbi denominated special
[...] shares inthe PRC companies listed on an authorised [...]
exchange for investment only by
non-PRC legal persons and individuals and traded in foreign currency (currently US dollars and HK dollars).
除 上 文 披 露 者 外 , 范 先 生 与 本 公 司 任 何 董 事 、 高 级 管 理
人 员 、 主 要 股 东 或
[...] 控 股股东 概 无 任 何 其 他 关 系 , 亦并无 於 过 去 三 年 出 任 公上 市 公 司何 其 他 董 事 职 务 , 且 并 无 其 他 资 料 须 根 据 创 业 板 上 [...]
市 规 则 第 17.50 (2) (h) 条
至 第 17.50 (2) ( x) 条 规 定 而 作 出 披 露 。
Save as disclosed above, Mr. Fan does not have any other relationships with any directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or
[...] shareholders ofthe Company and has not held any other directorships in listedpublic companies inthe last [...]
three years and there
is no other information to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rule 17.50(2)(h) to 17.50(2)(x) of the GEM Listing Rules.
2008年,上海证券交易所发布了上市公司公告格式指引第十八号上市公司权的取得、转让公告》,要上市公司矿业权的取得和转让相关信息。74 指引中 详细包括了要求公司披露是否已取得勘探许可证或采矿许可证,是否已取得必要的项目 审批和环保审批以及按照行业通行标准披露可采储量、矿业权有效存续年限等据以说明 矿业权价值的因素。
The Shanghai Stock Exchange issued regulations in2008, entitled “No.18 Format Instruction on Temporary Announcements of Listed Companies”, requiring listedcompanies to disclose information regarding the acquisitions and transfer of their mineral rights.74Details set out in the instructions include whether companies have obtained exploration or mining licenses, whether they have the necessary project and environmental protection approvals as well as setting out industry standard information regarding the project’s value such as recoverable reserves and how long the mineral reserves would last.
领先的网络基础设施供应商Xtera今天宣布,Oi(纽约证券交易所和博维斯帕证券交易上市公司下子公司、面向南美市场的国际领先的传输和容量批发运营商GlobeNet选择了Xtera NXT 20 Gbit/s微分相移键(DPSK)技术用于海底网络升级。
Xtera, a leading network infrastructure provider, announced today that GlobeNet, a leading wholesale carrier for international transport and capacity to South America, and a subsidiary of Oi (listed on both NYSE and Bovespa exchanges) has selected the Xtera NXT 20 Gbit/s Differential Phase Shift Key (DPSK) technology as part of its submarine network upgrade.
由於创业上市公司的性质所然,在创业板买卖的证券可能会较於联交所主板买卖之证 [...]
Given the
[...] emerging nature ofcompanies listed on GEM, [...]
there is a risk that securities traded on GEM may be more susceptible
to high market volatility than securities traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange and no assurance is given that there will be a liquid market in the securities traded on GEM.
3.4 阁下承认及确认,凡属於除证券买卖外并无任何其他业务且受阁下控制的上市公司出的申请应被视作是为阁下的利益而提出的申请。
3.4 You acknowledge and confirm that, if an application is made by an unlisted company that does notcarry onany business other than dealing in shares and in respect of which you exercise control, such an application shall be deemed to be an application made for your benefit.
Wolansky先生曾为厦门东南融通系统工程有限公司(纽约证券交易上市公司非执行董 事、泛华保险服务集团(纳斯达上市公司非执行董事。
Mr. Wolansky was previously a non-executive director of Longtop Financial Technologies Limited, a companywhose shares are listedon the New York Stock Exchange, and a non-executive director of CNInsure, Inc.
该项目的目的是审查在伊斯坦布尔证券交易上市公司其可持续性问题的情况,并且创建一个可以显示土耳上市公 司作用的指数。
The aim of the project is to
[...] review listedcompanies on theIstanbul Stock Exchange on the basis of their management of sustainability issues and to create an index that will demonstrate the leadership of listedTurkish companies.




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