单词 | 上岸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 上岸verb—landv上岸—disembark abandon a boat and go ashore fig. give up evil ways and return to virtue 岸上—ashoreSee also:岸n—shoren coastn bankn beachn
许多渔业,特别是热带水域的多鱼种渔业,大量的兼捕渔获物已经上 岸并被利用。 fao.org | In many fisheries, particularly multispecies fishing in tropical waters, substantial quantities of bycatch are already being landed and used. fao.org |
蓝色马尔马拉号的一 [...] 些乘客说,船抵达港口后,他们在武装看守下在船内等了最长达12 个小时,一 些人到次日清晨才上岸。daccess-ods.un.org | Some passengers from the Mavi Marmara said that they had to wait up to 12 [...] hours inside the ship under armed guard after it had arrived at the port [...] and somedidnotdisembark until the next morning. daccess-ods.un.org |
东北大 西洋渔委管制区内的非法、无管制和未报告的捕鱼活动已成为一项重大挑战,为 解决这一问题,东北大西洋渔委已迅速、果断地采取了若干措施,包括制订开展 [...] 非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动渔船清单、禁止 上岸、关闭港口及其他港口国 控制规定以及超出粮农组织文书规定标准的一些措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities in the NEAFC Regulatory Area had become a serious challenge, but NEAFC had moved swiftly and decisively to adopt a number of measures to address the problem, including illegal, [...] unreported and unregulated fishing vessel lists, [...] prohibition of landings,closure to [...]ports and other port State control provisions, [...]and some measures exceeded the standards in FAO instruments. daccess-ods.un.org |
与中西太平洋渔委违规船只名单有关的程序规定应采取非歧视性措施,包 [...] 括禁止涉及从事非法、无管制和未报告捕捞活动的船只的商业交易、进口、上岸和转运活动,并鼓励贸易商、进口商、运输商和其他有关方面避免参与被中西太 [...]平洋渔委的公约所禁止、由违规船只名单所列渔船捕获的鱼种的交易。 daccess-ods.un.org | The procedures relating to the WCPFC negative vessel list provided for the adoption of non-discriminatory measures, [...] including prohibiting commercial [...] transactions, imports,landings and trans-shipments [...]involving illegal, unreported and unregulated [...]fishing vessels and encouraging traders, importers, transporters and others involved to refrain from transactions in species covered by the WCPFC Convention which were caught by vessels on the negative vessel list. daccess-ods.un.org |
东北大西洋渔业委员会控制和执法制度中包括两项主要工具,用以打击非 法、无管制或未报告的捕鱼活动,即:把悬挂《东北大西洋渔业公约》非缔约国 [...] 国旗的船舶列入黑名单,以及港口国控制系统,它控制冷冻鱼在东北大西洋渔业 公约区内国外港口的上岸量。daccess-ods.un.org | NEAFC had two main tools to combat IUU fishing that were part of its scheme of control and enforcement, namely the blacklisting of vessels under flags of non-Contracting Parties to [...] NEAFC and a port state control system, which [...] controlledthe landings offrozen [...]fish into foreign harbours in the NEAFC Convention Area. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,尽管有技术进步和创 新,许多国家,特别是不发达国家依然缺乏充足的基础设施和服务,包括卫生的上岸中心、电力供应、饮用水、路、冰、制冰场、冷库和冷冻运输。 fao.org | However, notwithstanding the technical advances and innovations, many countries, especially less-developed economies, still lack adequate infrastructure and services including hygienic landing centres, electric power supply, potable water, roads, ice, ice plants, cold rooms and refrigerated transport. fao.org |
当地渔民 [...] 报告害怕“在地平线上消失,声称有同行的尸体被海水冲 上岸,头部有弹孔,据 称是从事非法、 无管制和未报告的捕捞活动的悬挂外国国旗的船只所为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Local fishermen report fear of going “beyond the [...] horizon”, claiming that the bodies of their [...] peers have washed ashorewith bulletholes [...]to the head, purportedly inflicted by foreign-flagged [...]vessels engaging in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. daccess-ods.un.org |
f. 每位旅客均同意在任何时候遵守承运人及其高级职员的一切规定及指示,否则旅客可能会被要求 上岸,而 承运 人将不承担退款或支付任何相关费用或损失给旅客或任何随行旅客的责任。 starcruises.com | Each Guest agrees to abide by all rules and follow the directions of the Carrier and its officers at all [...] times and failure to do so may [...] subject the Guesttodisembarkation without any liability [...]on the part of the Carrier for [...]a refund or any other related expenses or losses to the Guest or any accompanying Guest whatsoever. starcruises.com |
除印度洋东部以外,食鱼性动物的上岸量有的海域已达 到顶峰(东北太平洋、东北大西洋、西印度洋、太平洋中西部),有的海域则下降了(太平 洋中东部、西北大西洋、西北太平洋)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A key feature of ecotoxicology is its reliance on the use of models of various kinds to extrapolate from laboratory studies to the field, from individuals to communities, and from effects of single chemicals to multiple effects of complex mixtures, i.e., to extrapolate from experimental observations to effects in nature. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各国政府采取措施,接收载人船只并提 供援助,确保人员安全上岸及接待和其他服务,难民署为此深感鼓舞;然而海上 [...] 救援制度仍存在漏洞,刻板的官僚划界做法造成人员被弃之不顾、不得不听天由 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNHCR is encouraged by measures taken by Governments to receive and provide [...] assistance for boats carrying people [...] and ensuresafe disembarkation, reception and [...]other care, yet gaps in rescue-at-sea [...]regimes have left persons abandoned to their fate by bureaucratic linedrawing. daccess-ods.un.org |
移民法》第 31 节还规定将禁止入境者逐出文莱达鲁萨兰国,根据该条规 定,在对抵达文莱达鲁萨兰国的任何人进行检查或必要的询问后,如果认定此人 [...] 为禁止入境者,移民局长应按照该法任何条例的规定,禁止此人 上岸或下机,或 酌定将其拘留在移民站或局长指定的其他地点,直至有机会将其遣返其启程地或 [...]出生国或国籍国。 daccess-ods.un.org | further provides for the removal of prohibited immigrants from Brunei Darussalam, where it states that, if during the examination of any person arriving in Brunei Darussalam or after such enquiry as may be necessary such person is found to be a prohibited immigrant the Controller shall, subject to the provisions of any regulations [...] made under this Act, prohibit such person [...] from disembarkingor may in his discretion [...]detain him at an immigration depot or [...]other place designated by the Controller until an opportunity arises to return him to his place of embarkation or to the country of his birth or citizenship. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们为您精心安排了独特的岸上游行程,同时您还可以根据我们打印的 岸上游信息或者咨询您的私人管家和专属迎宾厅来定制您所偏好的 岸上游。 msccruises.com.cn | As an MSC Yacht Club guest you can design your own tailor-made excursions, benefiting from comprehensive printed information and the personal advice of our butlers and concierge service. msccruises.com.au |
受到保护的 区域往往会在海图上标明,并用浮标来明示,或在 岸上设立警 示通告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Protected sites are often indicated on admiralty charts and marked by [...] buoys or warning notices on the shore. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有 消息说,没有告知村民新的布雷地点,这些地雷分布在村民使用的繁忙路径、田 间小路、稻田附近以及河渠岸上。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the information, villagers are not being notified of the location of the new [...] landmines, which are on busy paths used by villagers, in farm field huts, around paddy fields [...] and along thebanks of canals. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了确保您能够享受到最好的自行车 岸上游,在我们的旅途上,您将使用由意大利领先自行车制造商Lombardo提供的自行车。 msccruises.com.cn | And to ensure you enjoy the best possible experience on two wheels, you’ll find state-of-the-art bikes, on all the tours, provided by market-leading Italian bike maker Lombardo. msccruises.com.au |
国民卫队 [...] 军官抓住塞内加尔人,将他拖到岸边,立即开始做心肺按摩,此时塞内加尔 人仰面躺在岸上。daccess-ods.un.org | The Civil Guard officer took hold of the Senegalese and pulled him [...] to shore, where he immediately began to perform heart and chest massage, while the [...] Senegalese lay face up onthe shore. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些特征可能包括:海上和海岸上的应对 和清理活动、敏感环境资源的位置(例如野生生物栖 [...] 息地和特殊栖息地)以及商业利益(包括市容地带、 工业区和海洋养殖设施)。 itopf.com | These might include response and clean-up [...] activities at sea and on shore, the location of sensitive [...]environmental resources such as [...]wildlife and special habitats, together with commercial interests including amenity areas, industrial sites and mariculture facilities. itopf.com |
风暴过后,马德修米达的父母收拾了所剩无几的家当,一家九口人搬到了位于森德班三角洲戈萨巴镇的一个泥筑堤 岸上。 unicef.org | After the cyclone, Madhumita's parents collected the little that remained of their household effects and moved the family of nine to a nearby mud embankment in Gosaba, intheSunderbans delta. unicef.org |
鉴于海上资产供应减少而且尚没有任何国家出面接管海事工作 [...] 队的牵头作用,联黎部队作为一项临时措施,已作出了 岸上指挥和控制安排,以 确保海事工作队有持续能力进行其双重任务,直到一个牵头国出面在海上布署一 [...]艘旗舰指挥海事工作队。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the reduced availability of maritime assets and the fact that no nation has come forward to take over the [...] lead of the Maritime Task Force, UNIFIL [...] has putin place on-shore commandand control [...]arrangements as an interim measure, to [...]ensure that the Task Force can continue to carry out its dual mandate until a lead nation comes forward to command it with a flagship at sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
比赛开 始信号将于澳大利亚东部夏令时间 12 月 26 日发出,时值澳大利亚盛夏和年终节庆 [...] 的高峰,该比赛是全球观看人数最多的单项帆船比赛,成千上万的观众在充满节日气 氛的悉尼海岸上、电视直播上和互联网上观看比赛状况。 regattanews.com | With the warning signal for the start of the race sounding at 13:00 AEDt on 26 December, in the middle of the Australian summer and end-of-year festivities, the race start is the single most viewed sailing event on the [...] globe as hundreds of thousands of people watch [...] from the festive shores in sydney, live on [...]television and over the internet. regattanews.com |
海岸上游人如梭,海螺和海蟹成群,白色海浪波光粼粼,是热门的婚纱摄影拍摄地。 shangri-la.com | The coast, richwith conches, sea crabs and a pure white surf, makes this a popular spot for landscape and wedding photography. shangri-la.com |
(7) 白翎岛岸上的一名大韩民国哨兵说,大约在发生爆炸时,他亲眼看见一 个高约 100 米的“白色光柱”,光柱持续了 [...] 2 至 3 秒钟——表明他从白翎岛能够 看见事件发生地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7) A Republic of [...] Korea sentry on theshore of PY-Do stated that [...]he witnessed an approximate 100 m high “pillar of white [...]flash” for 2 to 3 seconds at the approximate time of the explosion — demonstrating his ability to see the incident location from PY-Do. daccess-ods.un.org |
您还可到 赖兴瑙岛湖岸上溜旱冰、骑车或慢跑,或者在空中缆绳乐园 感受攀岩带来的强烈刺激。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | You can cycle [...] or jog alongthe shores of the lakes to the [...]Reichenau Island or experience a rock climbing adventure in the high rope course. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
光市位于日本第一大岛 本州岛的西南海岸上,这里生产半导体工业用硅晶片以及 [...] 世创电子材料其它生产基地和太阳能光伏产业用单晶硅。 reports.wacker.com | Located on the southwest coastof Japan’s main [...] island of Honshu, Hikari produces silicon wafers for the semiconductor industry [...]and monocrystals for other Siltronic sites and for the solar industry. reports.wacker.com |
联合国儿童基金会项目宣传专员兼快速评估小组成员纳西尔.阿提克(Nasir Ateeq)说:“我们看到一个接一个的村庄被水淹没,住在堤 岸上的儿童和他们的父母努力挽救所剩无几的家当。 unicef.org | We saw village after village under water, children and their parents on broken embankments trying to salvage whatever was left of their homes and belongings," said UNICEF's Programme Communication Specialist Nasir Ateeq, who was part of UNICEF's rapidassessment team. unicef.org |
该地图是由着名安特卫普版画师海欧纳莫斯·考克刻版,他在其中添加了很多艺术元素,包括三大对手强国的盾徽、蜿蜒在南美洲北部的蛇形亚马逊河、海洋中的美人鱼和神秘的海怪以及非洲西海 岸上的大 象、犀牛和狮子。 wdl.org | The map was engraved by the famous Antwerp engraver Hieronymus Cock, who added numerous artistic flourishes, including the coats of arms of the three rival powers, a snake-like Amazon River that winds across the northern part of [...] South America, mermaids and mythical monsters at sea, and an elephant, rhinoceros, and [...] lion on the westerncoast of Africa. wdl.org |
(c) 对於其他非随身行李而言,则由承运人或其雇员或代理人在岸上或船上接收这些行李起,直至交回这些行李为止之期间。 cotaijet.com.mo | (c) with regard to other luggage which is not Cabin Luggage, the period from the time of its taking over by the Carrier or its servant or agent onshore or on board until the time of its re-delivery by the Carrier or its servant or agent. cotaijet.com.mo |