单词 | 上山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 上山 —go uphillless common: pass away • spin cocoon (silkworms) 山上 noun —rustic nExamples:逼上梁山—force sb. to desperate action • drive to revolt • driven join the Liangshan Mountain rebels 上山下乡—work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers) • forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals
处于不同阶段的年轻癌症患者在离开医院后,均怀着同一个目标—— 攀上山脉之巅、划独木舟探索不同岛屿,或乘搭沙漠飞车游历沙漠。 clarinsusa.com | Young people at different stages of cancer leave the hospital and come [...] together with a common goal - to [...] reach the summit of a mountain, explore an archipelago [...]in a sea canoe or travel through deserts on a skidoo. clarinsusa.com |
因為地勢多山,很多時上山要踏 得頗為吃力,所以只適合體格壯健的人。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Only recommended for the fit and [...] determined due to the hilly terrain. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
同时对心血管系统的要求没有步 行上山那么高。 hpcosmos.com | At the same time the demands on the cardiovascular system are not so high compared to walking uphill. hpcosmos.com |
在蠕动管上,山都平 热塑性硫化弹性体8281-65MED可以替代硅部件,是拥有更高耐化学性和挠屈耐疲劳性的具有成本效率的消毒方案。 exxonmobilchemical.com | In peristaltic tubing, Santoprene TPV 8281-65MED can replace silicone components, providing a cost-effective sterilizable solution with improved chemical and flex-fatigue resistance. exxonmobilchemical.com |
不仅仅是蓬特蕾西纳(Pontresina)的居民为永冻层的融化而担忧,对缆车 及 上山 吊 椅 的经营者而言永冻层的融化也同样是一个威胁:因为这些设施通常不是固定在坚固的岩石上,而是固定在所谓的永冻层上。 swissworld.org | Pontresina is the first [...] village in the Alps to tackle the problem, [...]but communities throughout the area are under similar [...]threat, and so are the cable cars and chair lifts whose supports are anchored in permafrost rather than in solid rock. swissworld.org |
山形县上山市( KAMINOYAMA City),靠近温泉街的山地村庄以及标高1000米的藏王坊平,以此地为中心,引进了以德国的「气候性地形疗法」之疗养方法为基础的健康步行疗养法,推行新的日本型温泉健康保养地之地方都市建设。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Kaminoyama city in Yamagata Prefecture [...] is repositioning it as a destination for spa therapy (Kurort), offering walking sessions [...]in semi-natural areas close to the spa resort quarter or Zaobodaira of 1,000 meter above sea level, based on German method called Climatherapy. en.tohokukanko.jp |
一个逃脱招募的年轻人说,叛乱人员在 Kitchanga 至 Kilolirwe 的路上拦 [...] 截车辆,还把年轻人带到位于 Kilolirwe 的 Inturo 山上的一个据点进行军事训 练。 daccess-ods.un.org | A young man who escaped recruitment reported that the mutineers had been blocking vehicles on the road between [...] Kitchanga and Kilolirwe, and had been taking young men for military training in a position [...] situated on Inturo Hill in Kilolirwe. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了设在基利巴附近的总部外,民解力量目前还占领菲齐县 Mboko 村山上的 一些阵地和乌维拉县 Middle Plains 的一个阵地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to their headquarters near Kiliba, FNL currently maintain positions in hills above the village of Mboko in Fizi territory and a position in the Middle Plains of Uvira territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数边境了望站 也已被改造成山上茅舍 、残疾儿童康复中心或 边境地区文化中心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The majority of border watch posts have been [...] transformed into mountain huts, recreation [...]centres for disabled children, or cultural centres in border areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们逃跑,机车脱落雪橇,沿着陡峭 的 山上 , 它与其他机车在铁路终点站碰撞,造成锅炉爆炸开始营和森林火灾。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They escape, and the locomotive falls off its sledge and [...] down the steep hill where it collides [...]with another locomotive at the railhead, [...]causing a boiler explosion which starts the camp and woods on fire. seekcartoon.com |
1958年,江苏省的嘉定、宝山、上海、 松江、金山、川沙、南汇、奉贤、青浦、崇明10个县划归上海,使上海市的辖区范围扩大到5910平方公里,几乎是解放初期的10倍。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 1958, ten districts [...] (Jiading, Baoshan, Shanghai, Songjiang, Jinshan, Chuansha, [...]Nanhui, Fengxian, Qingpu, Chongming, all [...]in Jiangsu province) were joined to form Shanghai resulting in an area of 5,910 square kilometers, almost ten times bigger than in 1949. shanghaibiennale.org |
黑杰克静静地住在一所房子位于一座 小 山上 与 她的助理Pinoko他的精灵们。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Black Jack lived quietly in a [...] house located on a hill with her assistant [...]Pinoko his elves. seekcartoon.com |
在一座俯瞰海地太子港的山上,米 斯利特.莱森抱着女儿珍妮.巴普蒂斯特.罗德琳站在搭建的帐篷旁边。 unicef.org | Miscillite Leisson holds her daughter Jeanne Baptiste Rodelin next to their tent [...] in a camp atop a hill overlooking Port-au-Prince, Haiti. unicef.org |
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上,有 一小簇破旧的平顶石屋,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。 unicef.org | Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun [...] is a small cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, surrounded on all sides by a leafy [...]landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement. unicef.org |
我们中国人都喜欢坐北向南的房子,不光风水好,家里的采光也好,而在西温, [...] 坐北朝南的房子和土地更是来自世界各地人们争相追捧的热点,因为有机会看到海天一色的美景,如果在西 温 山上 眺 望 ,东起高贵林,本拿比,温哥华,北温,正南看到温哥华市中心的高楼林立,五帆酒店,史旦立公园,狮门桥,列治文, [...] 西到温哥华岛,中间由大海连接,大山陪衬,难怪人说“Million [...]Dollar View” (百万难买的风景)。 homewithtyra.com | From top of Glenmore, view from the [...] east of Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver and [...]North Vancouver, then south of Vancouver Downtown, [...]Lions Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park, to the west of Vancouver Island…Once you see the view, you will understand why people saying “Million Dollar View”. homewithtyra.com |
整個比較辛苦的部分是開始的部分,至於危險的部分 是 山上 有 一 段水道旁的窄小木橋,大家要小心哦。 4tern.com | As a conclusion, the hardest part would be the beginning, the dangerous part would be the narrow wooden bridge at the water race (a small portion), just be careful when crossing this section. 4tern.com |
建于14世纪的梧梦寺坐落于素帖山旁边的 小 山上 , 里 面有迷宫般交叉的独特隧道。 shangri-la.com | This 14th century temple is perched on [...] top of Suthep Mountain (Doi Suthep). shangri-la.com |
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑 士城堡也是不错的选择。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
在村庄附近的小山上,他 们看见穿着制服的士兵于下午时分 接近该村。 daccess-ods.un.org | From a hill near the village, they [...] saw soldiers in uniform approaching the village in the afternoon. daccess-ods.un.org |
防曬乳液不含化學防曬劑,防汗防水,無著色,微香性,UV指數為SPF50 PA+++,具有強力防曬效果,海邊山上 娛 樂 ,運動及購物、上學、上班時均可使用。 aster.com.hk | Sunscreen does not contain chemical sunscreen agents, anti-sweat waterproof, non-staining, micro-fragrance, UV index for the SPF50 [...] PA + + +, has a strong effect of [...] the sun, the seaside mountain entertainment, sports [...]and shopping, going to school, work can be used when. aster.com.hk |
在巴勒斯坦被占领土,已为纳布卢斯基利 心 山上的 S amaritan 博物馆提供了支助,对该 博物馆进行了升级工作,并将其纳入了旅游文物部监管的《国家博物馆名录》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 109. In the Occupied Palestinian Territory, support was provided to the Samaritan Museum on Mount Gerizim in Nablus, [...] which was upgraded and [...]included in the National Museum List supervised by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,1991 年,西撒哈拉全民投票首次提出时, 我还在山上领导抵抗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, in 1991 [...] I was still in the mountains leading the resistance [...]when the Western Sahara referendum was first proposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
黑山上诉法 院 驳回上诉,裁定波德戈里察商事法院的判决符合法律的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court of Appeal rejected the appeal finding the decision of the Commercial Court to be in conformity with the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
這一天,我發現窗外山上的雪 已逐漸融化。 4tern.com | On this day, I realized the mountain outside of my hostel [...] window has melted. 4tern.com |
秘鲁 库茨克城:在海拔 3,416米高的安第斯山上,空气稀薄,车辆也十分稀少。 life.bosch.com.cn | Cuzco, Peru: in the Andes, at an altitude of precisely 3,416 meters above sea life.bosch.com.cn |
彼得宣称,我们不是随从乖 巧捏造的虚言;(参看《彼得后书》1:16) 当他目睹了摩西、以利亚和耶稣身着闪光衣 [...] 服的荣耀“异象”,他就看到了在变 容 山上 那即 将到来的耶稣之国的荣耀——摩西代表 [...] 古代伟人(参看《希伯来书》11:38-40), 他将成为天国在地上的代表;以利亚代表福 音时代的“征服者”——这完整的一幕预 示着,那“随后而来的荣耀”在为公义的 [...] 缘故受难后,将依照他的喜好完成拣选。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Peter declares (2 Pet. 1:16), that we are not following cunningly devised fables; that he saw in a figure the [...] glory of the coming kingdom [...] of Christ on the mount of transfiguration, [...]when he beheld the glorious “vision” of Moses and Elijah and Jesus in glittering garments—Moses representing [...]the ancient worthies (Heb. 11:38-40) who shall be the earthly representatives of the heavenly Kingdom, and Elijah representing the “overcomers” of this Gospel age—the scene as a whole foreshadowing the “glory to follow,” after the sufferings for righteousness’ sake shall have completed the election according to favor. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
请您作好准备,观赏爱丁堡巍峨的亚瑟王座山灯火通明,而组成光源的竟然是人群!作为伦敦 2012 [...] 文化节和爱丁堡国际文化节活动的一部分,NVA的光之速将让人们在成群结队 在 山上 跑 步 和步行之前穿上特别的发光服,点亮爱丁堡的自然景观。 visitbritain.com | As part of London 2012 Festival and Edinburgh International Festival, NVA’s Speed of Light will illuminate Edinburgh’s natural [...] landmark by dressing runners and walkers in special light suits, before they start [...] running to and from the hill en masse. visitbritain.com |