

单词 上家



sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

上,家庭暴 力大多數在下午或日間發生,而熱線 服務中心可於必要時向有需要的人士提供輔導服務及其他協 助。
In fact, domestic violence mostly [...]
occurred in afternoons or during day time, and DHSU was able to provide counselling services
and other assistance to the needy when required.
自 2004 年 4 月 1 日起,三个或三个上家人的遗属养恤金比率为养老 金的 100%,两个家人的为 80%(先前为 [...]
70%),一个家人的为 50%(先前为 40%)。
Since 1 April 2004, the rate of
the survivor’s pension for
[...] three or more family members is 100%, for two family members 80% [...]
(previously 70%), and for one
family member 50% (previously 40%) of the old-age pension on the basis of which the survivor’s pension is calculated.
这是一个发起的文章)选项使用您的计算 上家 代 理 (通过互联网)交易系统购买和出售资产,越来越多的方便和有吸引力的。
(This is a sponsored article) The option to buy and sell assets using your computer on a home broker (trading [...]
system via internet),
is increasingly accessible and attractive.
此外,在“儿童代言人:儿童的声音”试点项目基 上 , 《家 庭法 》草案规定儿童有权拥有代言人,其基本目的是在父母利益与儿童利益相反 [...]
Furthermore, on the basis of a pilot project
entitled “Child advocate: voice of the
[...] child”, the draft Family Code defined a child’s [...]
right to an advocate, whose basic
purpose was to protect a child’s rights when the interests of the parents were contrary to those of the child and when a child’s rights could not be adequately protected.
42 500 个家庭 (3.8%)说明,除主要住所外,他们还持有其他房屋的所有权,其中一半 上家庭 持有对私人房屋或部分私人房屋的所有权,约四分之一的家庭持有对公寓式住房 的所有权,五分之一的家庭持有对季节性住房的所有权,只有 2%的家庭持有对 共有公寓式住房或旅馆房间的所有权。
Thus, 42,500 or 3.8% of the total number of households have indicated that besides the main residence they hold other housing in property.
这就需要将其活动集中在少数教育问题上和/或 家上 , 尤其要侧重于非洲。
This will require concentrating its efforts on a restricted number of
[...] education issues and/or countries with particular [...]
emphasis on Africa.
公司总部位于瑞士圣安特尼诺市, 家上 市 公 司在全球拥有 28 家子公司、约 1,500 名员工。
Headquartered in Sant‘ Antonino, Switzerland, the exchange-listed company employs some 1 500 people at 28 enterprises around the globe.
委员会还指出,采用最高上限和最不发达 家上 限 , 导致分摊比额表上的点数重 新作出分配。
The Committee also noted that the
application of the maximum ceiling and the
[...] least developed countries ceiling resulted [...]
in the redistribution of points in the scale of assessments.
这包括国家最高法院、家上诉法 院和所有其他国家法院,它们共同代表 国家保护人权的主要机制。
This includes the National Supreme Court, national courts of [...]
appeal and all other national courts, which together represent
the main national mechanism for the protection of human rights.
我們正積極籌備落實上網學習支援計劃,務求能在本年 九月下一學年開始前如期推出服務,協助低收入家庭學生家 上網學習。
We are also making active preparations for the Internet Learning Support Programme with a view to rolling out services as scheduled before the
start of next school year in this September to help students from
[...] low-income families undertake web-based learning at home.
委员会回顾,现行 方法包括一个 22%的最高分摊率(亦称上限)和一个 0.010%的最不发达国家最高分 摊率(亦称最不发达家上限)。
The Committee recalled that the current methodology included a maximum assessment rate, or ceiling, of 22 per cent
and a maximum assessment rate for the
[...] least developed countries, or least developed countries ceiling, of [...]
0.010 per cent.
目前,郑先生也是家上市公司的董事/顾问,这包括 Genetec Technology [...]
Currently, he sits on various public [...]
boards of directors/advisors including that of Genetec Technology Berhad, a regional
precision engineering group based out of Malaysia and listed on the stock exchange of Malaysia.
考虑到教 科文组织作为“知识管理者”的作用,还建议本组织可把它的专家力量重点放到少数优先家上(最 不发达国家或属于联合国共同国别方案的国家)并担当全民教育的政策顾问,倡导 全民教育。
Taking into account its role as “knowledge-broker”, it was further proposed that UNESCO could concentrate its expert resources on a small focused set of priority countries (LDCs or countries undertaking United Nations common country programming) and act as a policy adviser and advocate for EFA.
家上学同 样也是一个不错的选择, 可通过聘请家教或视频会议的方式实现。
Home-schooling is also an option, using home tutors or by video conference.
应该在5天、10天 或者15天内向家上诉厅 提出上诉,时间取 决于合同的金额大小。
The appeal should be
[...] lodged with the National Appeal Chamber within [...]
5, 10 or 15 days, depending on the value of the order or contract.
2002年 該 筆 研 發 撥 款 已 經 使 用 完 畢 並 經 航 天 科 工 集 團 驗 收,但 由 於 本 公 司 是家 上 市 公司,在 國 家 現 有 法 規要求下不能定向對航天科工集團增發股份,使得航天科工集團一直不能實現國家出資人代表權益, 航 天 科 工 集 團 未 提 出 撤 回 撥 款 的 要 求。
The R&D fund had been fully utilised by 2002 and due inspection for acceptance had been performed by the CASIC Group. However, since the Company is a listed company and it is not permissible under current State regulations to issue additional shares to the CASIC Group, the CASIC Group has not been able to exercise its rights as the representative of the State capital contributor.
该产品已在美国、加拿大、欧洲几个主要国家、日本及几个拉美和东南亚 家上 市。
The product is available in the USA, Canada, several
[...] major European countries and Japan as well [...]
as several Latin American and Southeast Asian markets.
另一方面,為期5年的“一家一網e學習”上網學習支援計劃已在2011年7月14日推出,以協助合資格的家庭透過靈活的付款方式購置價格相宜的電腦及上網服務,並向這些家庭的學生及其父母提供使用上的支援及輔導,讓他們能善用上網費津貼及 家上 網 學 習的機會。
On the other hand, a five-year Internet Learning Support Programme, named “i Learn at home”, was launched on 14 July 2011 to help the eligible families acquire affordable computer equipment and Internet access service through flexible payment arrangement, and to provide the students and their parents in these families with user
and social support to enable their effective use of the subsidy and proper
[...] use of the associated educational [...]
消防队、公安部门及灾害控制中心等公共服务部门可以通过拨打电话获得专家指导,也可以要求 家上 门 指 导或购置专用设备。
Public services, such as fire departments, police and disaster control agencies, can contact TUIS for telephone consultation services or request specialized equipment or assistance from experts.
He did not arrive at the workplace and has not been heard from since.
她注意到中等收入国家的关切,并保证开发署将继续将优 先重点放在最不发达家上。
She took note of the concerns of
the middle-income countries and assured that UNDP will continue to give priority focus to
[...] the least developed countries.
现在在如家上传和 管理您的所有房屋将更为简单容易。
Now it’s even easier and simpler to upload and manage all
[...] of your properties with Roomorama.
国际办 法的重点仍然主要集中在单个家上 面 , 而且在应对 诸如西非和中美洲等地出现的区域挑战方面遇到困 难。
International approaches are still primarily focused
[...] on individual nation-States, and they [...]
encounter difficulties in addressing regional
challenges such as those in West Africa and Central America.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙家政策 和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历 上对 该 国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 [...]
定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of
[...] [...] recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of [...]
recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development
of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
在作业的各阶段进行社区协商,做好根据协商修改项目计划和做法的准 备,在勘探、开采、废弃物处置和关闭的所有阶段展开和保持相关的社区协商,
[...] 包括在合适和可能的情况下请一位社区观察员参观海洋开采船只,请一位海洋研 究科家上船入队。
Establish community consultation prior to each stage of operations, be prepared to modify project plans and practices according to the consultations, develop and maintain appropriate community consultation through all stages of exploration, extraction, waste disposal and closure, including, where
appropriate and feasible, inviting a community observer to visit and a
[...] marine research scientist to join a marine [...]
mining vessel.
投資者氣氛 的轉淡以及股票價格的調整令港交所 1, 4 9 6 家上 市 公 司的總 市值按年倒退了17%至2011年底的17.5萬億港元。
Due to the downturn of investor sentiment and adjustment in stock prices, total market capitalization of 1,496 companies listed on the Stock Exchange dropped by 17% to HK$17.5 trillion at the end of 2011.
三十多年来,彩虹集团累计实现销售收入逾千亿元,实 现利税逾百亿元,现拥有二级全资、控股公司11家,参股公司9家,拥 有 2 家上 市 公 司:彩虹股份(600707.SH)和彩虹电子(0438.HK);员工约2 万人,总资产170多亿元,为中国电子信息产业的蓬勃发展做出了卓越贡献。
For more than 30 years, the rainbow group realized total sales income of more than one hundred billion yuan, now more than ten billion yuan of real profits, now have a secondary wholly owned and holding company 11, share company nine, with two listed companies: rainbow shares (600707. SH) and rainbow electronic (0438, HK); About 20000 employees, with total assets of more than 170 yuan, is China's electronic information industry's vigorous development made outstanding contributions.
繼二零 零七年七月南聯地產股份全面收購建議成功 完成後,富聯國際於二零零七年十二月三十 一日向南聯地產注入三項優質投資物業(瑞興 中心、裕美工業中心及W Square),以求策略 性地調整家上市公司之業務重心。
Following the successful completion of the general offer for Winsor Properties’ shares in July 2007, USI injected three quality investment properties (Shui Hing Centre, Unimix Industrial Centre and W Square) into Winsor Properties on 31 December 2007 in order to forge a more strategic alignment of the two listed companies’ business focus.
一般情況下,對身為Boston Scientific的競爭對手、供應商或客戶的公 司投資需要事先批准,除非是對 家上市 公 司進行投資,且投資占公司總流通股份 的比例不到 1%。
In general, investment in a company that is one of Boston Scientific’s competitors, vendors, or customers requires prior approval unless the investment is in a publicly traded company and makes up less than one percent of the company’s total outstanding stock.
宏达高科控股股份有限公司始创于1985年,经过二十多年的创新发展,已成为中国经编行业 家上 市 公 司,各项经济指标名列国内同行前茅,人均创利税位居中国针织行业首位,是“中国针织行业竞争力前十强企业”。
All economic indexes of the company rank the first among its domestic competitors and revenue per capita ranks the first in China’s knitting industry, being one of the 10 most competitive enterprises in China’s knitting industry.




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