

单词 上书


书架上 n

bookshelf n


Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897)

External sources (not reviewed)

在这样的时间框架下,中德在商业合作关 上书 写 了一个成功的史诗。
During this time frame, the Chinese-German relationship has developed to become a significant commercial success story.
然后在点阵上书 写以将新笔记与现有录音链接。
Then write on dot paper to link your new notes to the existing audio.
书写和确认密码之后,请返回并在密 上书写 其他数字以伪装密码。
After writing and confirming your password, go back and write other numbers over your password to disguise it.
出版公司,无论是硬拷贝、上书籍 或杂志以及软件生产商应当考虑它们的定价策略,以 [...]
Publishers, both of hard
[...] copy and on-line books and journals, and [...]
software producers should review their pricing policies
to help reduce unauthorised copying and to facilitate access to their products in developing countries.
一个曾经承认过“通用标准”并作过答复的国家在以后再次承认一条食典 商品标准时,可参照上次承书上的条 件。
When accepting a Codex commodity standard, a
country which has already accepted and
[...] responded to the General Standard can then [...]
refer to the terms of that acceptance in any subsequent responses.
检方和辩方均已提出上诉 通书,上诉案情摘要正在准备中。
Both parties filed notices of appeal and the briefing is in progress.
Tharcisse Muvunyi 和 检方均于 2010 年 3 月 15 日提出上诉通书,上诉案 情摘要正在准备中。
On 15 March 2010, both Tharcisse Muvunyi and the Prosecution filed their notices of appeal, and the briefing is in progress.
该证书上明确写有获许活动范围,找工作时向雇主出示此证明书, 可作为合法就业的证明。
This certificate indicates the activities authorized, and the holder can submit it to a potential employer to prove eligibility for work.
(a) 凡应聘在既定期间工作的人员,包括各国政府或机构临时借调到联合国
[...] 工作的人员,可准予定期任用,每次任用期限为一年或以上,最多五年,并在任书上注明届满日期。
(a) A fixed-term appointment may be granted for a period of one year or more, up to five years at a time, to persons recruited for service of a prescribed duration, including persons temporarily seconded by national
Governments or institutions for service with the United Nations, having an expiration date
[...] specified in the letter of appointment.
律师与科纳克里的一位法院执达员联系,该执达员称,在离婚判书上签字 的女书记官否认了签字和书记官印鉴,而另一位书记官则认出她的签 字,这说明本案中书记官之间的舞弊。
Her lawyer contacted a bailiff in Conakry, who informed the lawyer that the registrar who allegedly signed the divorce decree did not recognize the signature or the seal, whereas another registrar did recognize his signature, which attests to the corruption among registrars in this case.
(a) 董事应负责保管印章,除经董事或获董事授权的董事委员会授权并有一名 董事或秘书或董事或董事委员会为此而指定的其他人(一人或多人)在场
外,不得加盖印章于任何文件,该董事、秘书或其他人应在于他或他们在 (b) 本公司的公章可按该条例第 73A
[...] 条所许可,用以盖在本公司发行的股份 或其他证券的书上(任 何此等证书或其他文件无需任何董事、人员或其 [...]
属有效并应被视为已按照董事会的授权盖章及签立,尽管如上述般没有任 何签署或机械复制)。
(a) The Directors shall provide for the safe custody of the seal, which shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Directors or of a committee of the Directors authorised by the Directors in
that behalf and in the presence of one
[...] Director or of the Secretary or such other person [...]
or persons as the Directors or the
committee of Directors may appoint for that purpose; and such Director, the Secretary or other person or persons shall sign every instrument to which the seal is so affixed in his or their presence.
有些全国委员 会还在教科文组织与美洲农业合作研究所的协 书上 签 了 字。
Some of the National Commissions also signed the Letter of Agreement made between UNESCO and IICA.
双方签署了低碳技术服务合作框架协议书,将以国际标准ISO14064作为企业实施低碳管理的切入点,将温室气体排放管理纳入企业日常工作,引领中国照明企业的低碳发展模式;上海宏源照明电器有限公司无极灯系列产品“LVD”商标,经国家商标局认定,已正式通过注册商标申请,并成功获得国家商标局颁发的商标注册 书 ; 上 海 宏源照明电器有限公司李维德发明的LVD无极灯城市节能照明智能控制系统荣获第三届上海市职工优秀技术创新成果一等奖及第二十三届上海市优秀发明金奖。
The low-carbon management in enterprise is based on the international standard ISO14064 and the management of the greenhouse gas emissions is included into the routine work, ushering in the low-carbon development pattern of Chinese lamp companies;Approved by the State Trademark Bureau, the trademark of “LVD” for the series of induction lamp in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd passed the trademark registration,and
received access to the registered trademark
[...] certification approved by the State Trademark [...]
Bureau; The LVD induction lamp city
energy-saving illumination control system invented by Li Weide in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd won first prize in the third Shanghai excellent workers’ technological innovation and the 23rd Shanghai excellent innovation gold award.
哈苏奈法官和西马法官在法院判 书上 联 合 附上了反对意见;基思法官在法院判书上附上了个别意见;斯科特尼科夫法官在法院判 书上 附 上 了 声 明;坎夫 多·特林达德法官在法院判书上附 上 了 个别意见;优索福法官在法院判 书上 附上了声明;格林伍德法官在法院判 书上 附 上 了 个 别意见;专案法官托雷斯·贝 纳德斯在法院判书上附上了个别意见;专案法官比努埃萨在法院判 书上 附上 了反对意见。
Judges Al-Khasawneh and Simma appended a joint dissenting opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge Keith appended a separate opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge Skotnikov appended a declaration to the judgment of the Court; Judge Cançado Trindade appended a separate opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge Yusuf appended a declaration to the judgment of the Court; Judge Greenwood appended a separate opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Torres Bernárdez appended a separate opinion to the judgment [...]
of the Court;
and Judge ad hoc Vinuesa appended a dissenting opinion to the judgment of the Court.
他们被迫在事先准备好的认书上签 字 和按 手印。
They were forced to sign and fingerprint pre-prepared confessions.
工发组织在执行《关 于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议书 》 26 上保持 着良好记录,其采取创新办法应 对新挑战的能力进一步加强了这一点,根据执行蒙特利尔议定书多边基金秘书处 [...]
The proved track record
[...] of UNIDO in respect of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances [...]
that Deplete the
Ozone Layer26is complemented by its ability to innovate and to tackle new challenges; and in fact UNIDO has consistently ranked as the best performer among all the implementing agencies, according to the annual performance evaluation conducted by the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF).
董事会可议决(无论 股票 一般情况或任何特定情况)任何有关股票(或其他证券的 书 ) 上 的 任 何签名毋须 为亲笔签名惟可以若干机印方式加盖或加印于该等 书上。
The Board may by resolution determine, either generally or in any particular SHARE CERTIFICATES case or cases, that any signatures
on any such
[...] certificates (or certificates in respect of other securities) need not be autographic but may be affixed to such certificates by some mechanical [...]
means or may be printed thereon.
结婚证书或姓名更改证书,如果成绩单和 书上 面 的 名字有所 不同。
Marriage certificate or change of name certificate, if the transcripts and certificates show a different name.
(h) 尽早查明缔约国在履行《公约》及其各项议定书所规定的义务上遇到
[...] 的困难(视适用情况而定)以及缔约国在努力实施《公约》并视适用情况实施 其各项议书上采用的良好做法
(h) Identify, at the earliest stage possible, difficulties encountered by States parties in the fulfilment of their obligations under the Convention and its Protocols, as applicable, and good
practices adopted in efforts by States parties to implement the Convention and, where
[...] applicable, the Protocols thereto
此外,上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,书长已 在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 [...]
319 811 300
美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included [...]
in his report a projection
of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
您所购买的产品可能与说书上所示 有些许不同,但请不用担心, 这只是我们为产品所作的改善。
As of the date of publication, all features, descriptions, and illustrations in this manual are correct.
正如许多代表团已经提到的那样,通过与裁军事 务部密切合作,我国将于下个月主办咨询委员会的第
[...] 三十一次部长级会议,其重点几乎将完全集中在草拟 一项关于在中非控制小武器和轻武器、弹药以及任何 可能用于制造这些武器的装备的法律 书上。
Working in close cooperation with the Department for Disarmament Affairs, as many delegations have mentioned, next month my country will host the Committee’s thirty-first ministerial meeting, which will focus almost exclusively on a draft legal instrument on the control
small arms and light weapons in Central Africa,
[...] their ammunitions and any equipment that might be used in their manufacture.
(iii) 对文化财产的出口实施监控,比如建立专用证书制度,出口国在 书上 可 明确 标明某件文化财产是否允许出口。
(iii) control the export of cultural property, such as introducing an appropriate certificate by which the exporting State would specify that the export of the cultural property in question is authorized.
因为每一个新 专利都可以获得长达 30 个月的自动停止审
评,所以这种专利被用于阻碍仿制药进入市 场。125 例如,在联邦贸易委员会诉 Bristol Myers
[...] 公司案中,公司被发现进行了错误的 列名——“因为 FDA 并没有对桔书上所 列 的专利进行审查,判断其在事实上是否符 [...]
Such patents have been used to delay the entry of generics, as each new patent could be used to obtain a new automatic stay for 30 months.125 In a case decided by the FTC against Bristol Myers, for instance, the company was found to have made wrongful listings “because the FDA
does not review patents presented for
[...] listing in the Orange Book to determine whether [...]
they do, in fact, meet the statutory listing criteria.
[...] 得到大会认可的建议时,两法庭审案法官曾签过字的 任书上都有 一项规定,即使审案法官的工作年限在 三年以上,除了已有的应享权利或福利外,不可能再 [...]
However, it should be pointed out that, in implementation of an earlier recommendation
of the Advisory Committee,
[...] subsequently endorsed by the General Assembly, all letters [...]
of appointment signed by ad litem
judges at both Tribunals contained a proviso stipulating that, in the unlikely event that the service of an ad litem judge were to exceed three years, no additional entitlements or benefits, other than those which already existed, would apply.
该杂志在利用 Flickr 等其 他社会媒体工具的同时也出现在 书上 , 这 使该杂志能够通过与本组织的优先议 题直接相关的建设性照片和征文比赛,积极同读者接触。
The magazine’s presence on Facebook, in conjunction with other social media utilities such as Flickr, has allowed it to actively engage readers through constructive photo and essay contests related directly to the Organization’s priority issues.
[...] 草案,不要将自己限定在编写“软性法律” 书上 , 但 也有代表团认为各种类型 产出的组合也是值得欢迎的进展。
Concerning the outcome of the Commission’s work, while some delegations stressed that the Commission should concentrate on elaborating draft
articles and not limit itself to producing
[...] “soft law” instruments, the combination [...]
of various types of outputs was also seen as a welcome development.
然而,委员会认为:如果说这些规则可以提供有益的 借鉴,却因其特殊性质,而不能够简简单单地转用于保留和解释性声明:不能够 卤莽地将一些适用于公约性文书的规则转用到单方面的 书上 面 来
However, in the Commission’s view, while these rules provide useful indications, they cannot be purely and simply transposed to reservations and interpretative declarations because of their special nature.




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