单词 | 上乘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 上乘 —first-classless common: best quality See also:乘 (...) v—ride (sth.) v 乘—mount • make use of • take advantage of • avail oneself of • four (archaic) • generic term for history books • four horse military chariot (archaic) • Buddhist sect or creed • surname Cheng • multiply (mathematics)
當被車上乘 客提醒時,公共小巴司機可減低車速至設定車速或以下,並採 取有關車速限制器操作情況的適當跟進行動。 legco.gov.hk | When alerted by passengers, PLB drivers can [...] reduce the driving speed to the set speed or below and take appropriate follow [...]up actions regarding the operation of the speed limiter. legco.gov.hk |
位于派克斯(Parkes)的极具吸引力的 澳大利亚国立艺术馆 拥有该国最上乘的澳大利亚艺术藏品。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The stunning National Gallery of Australia in Parkes has arguably the best collection of Australian art in the country. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
四月於新濠天地全新開幕的御膳房,嚴選全球 最 上乘 的 材 料,以一絲不苟及力臻完美的烹調理念,為客人提供經典歐陸美饌。 yp.mo | Utilizing the freshest seasonal ingredients from around the world, the Tasting Room, opened in April, offers classical European delicacies to its customers. yp.mo |
如 果司機不理勸諭,乘客可作出投訴或向警方舉報。當被 車 上乘 客提 醒時,公共小巴司機可減低車速至設定車速或以下,並採 [...] 取有關車速限制器操作情況的適當跟進行動。 legco.gov.hk | When alerted by passengers, PLB drivers [...] can reduce the driving speed to the set speed or below and take appropriate follow [...]up actions regarding the operation of the speed limiter. legco.gov.hk |
嫌犯馬上乘坐一 台等候中的汽車逃走,目擊者指汽車是一輛深藍色或黑色,2000年代早期的Audi A6。 ktsf.com | The suspects fled and jumped into a waiting vehicle, described by witnesses as a dark blue or black early 2000s-model Audi A6, police said. ktsf.com |
作为一个规划文件,多国战略框架不失 为 上乘 的 基础信息工具,它可以有效地向未来 的捐助者传达多国办事处的长远目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Even though, as a planning document, a cluster strategic framework is an excellent base information tool that can effectively serve to communicate the vision of a cluster to potential donors, it constitutes neither a comprehensive strategy nor a fully-fledged resource mobilization strategy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
38 这样,当事人未得离开法国到自己选择的国家,也未得通知他 的妻子或律师,而是被戴上手铐上乘 车 驱 逐到瑞士,在阿讷马斯附近边界移交给 瑞士警方。 daccess-ods.un.org | 38 Accordingly, without being allowed to leave France for a country of his choice or to inform his wife or his lawyer, he was placed inside a vehicle in handcuffs and expelled to Switzerland via the frontier near Annemasse, where he was handed over to the Swiss police. daccess-ods.un.org |
如此驕人業績足證保誠的亞洲、美國及英國業務質 素 上乘 , 財 務狀況及金融規程穩健,助本集團在持續的宏 觀經濟逆境中實現增長及賺取現金。 prudential.co.uk | As these results demonstrate, the quality of our businesses across Asia, the US and the UK, combined with the strength of our balance sheet and financial discipline, underpins the Group’s ability to deliver both growth and cash in the face of continued macroeconomic headwinds. prudential.co.uk |
不论您想从自己的汽艇跳入水中还是坐在皮 船 上乘 风 破 浪-爱尔兰都为您准备好了。 discoverireland.com | And whether you want to dash through pristine waters on your very own jet-ski or ride the rapids in a kayak – Ireland’s got it sorted. discoverireland.com |
我国政府呼吁国际社会向以色列施加压力,要求其立即释放这 艘船,确保船上乘客的 安全,并允许该船舶及其船员到达其目的地,向加沙平民 [...] 运送人道主义援助物资、药品和粮食。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Government calls on the international community to press Israel to [...] immediately release the ship, ensure [...] the safety of the passengers and allow the vessel [...]and crew to reach their destination [...]and deliver the humanitarian, medical and food assistance to the civilians in Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的生产制造团队包括18,000多名熟练員工,所有团队成员都接受了精密的机器操作培训,能够完成复杂的工作任务,并确保质 量 上乘。 leo.com.hk | At Leo, our manufacturing team is comprised of more than 18,000 skilled employees, all trained in operating sophisticated machinery, completing complicated tasks, and assuring superior quality. leo.com.hk |
Camila Klein 呈现了三个系列创作︰Aspen系列 项链和长耳环的金链上缀有深红色和蓝色仿水晶,散发着迷人的古典气质﹔一如其名般令人惊艳的 Cleópatra [...] [...] 系列提供两个组合︰一个是深蓝色仿水晶为亮点的戒指、穿孔耳环和长项链套装,另一个项链、手链和穿孔耳环套装则将独特别致的深蓝色仿水晶元素,搭 配 上乘 的 精金与别具异国风情的长绳﹔Meduse 系列的两款项链和耳环,将淡雅柔美的图案花式石与织有小巧珍珠的纤细水晶纱线完美结合。 brand.swarovski.com | Camila Klein offers three collections: Aspen’s necklace and long earrings, with crystals of deep ruby and blue suspended on golden chains, has an antique feel; the bold opulence of the aptly-named Cleópatra collection offers two looks: the deep blue crystals of a ring, earposts and long necklace [...] set, plus a second set featuring a [...] necklace, bracelet and earposts with deep blue statement [...]crystals combined with textured [...]gold and exotically colored slender ropes; lastly, the two necklaces and earrings of her Meduse collection come in soft shades of Graphic Fancy Stones mixed with Crystal Yarn micro-strands threaded with tiny pearls. brand.swarovski.com |
吊車公司不時公布並在吊車系統上或吊車系統區內張貼的告示、一 覽表或列表所載的車費,即為在吊車系 統 上乘 搭 吊 車的車費。 np360.com.hk | The fares appearing in notices, lists or tables published from time to time by the Company and posted at the Cable Car System or in the Cable Car System area are the fares for travel on the Cable Car System. np360.com.hk |
來自日本的手製皮革團隊Roberu,一向聞名於精細造工 及 上乘 的 皮 革物料應用。 think-silly.com | Japanese leather-maker Roberu has been renowned for their world class craftsmanship and creative use of leather material. think-silly.com |
墨累• 高本合作有限公司产品质量上乘,积 极参与企业社会责任活动,赢得了中澳两国政府的大力赞誉,2009 年5 月,公司捐赠310 万澳元成立MG 慈善基金,用于帮助贫困婴幼儿。 australiachina.com.au | Its high-quality products and active involvement in corporate social responsibility are greatly appreciated by both the Chinese and Australian governments, with the company donating A$3.1m to found the MG Charity Fund to help infants in need in May 2009. australiachina.com.au |
您可以享受无比清晰的聆听体验,效果堪比直接与 车 上乘 客 进 行交谈。 jabra.cn | You’ll enjoy sound so clear, it will be [...] like talking to a passenger in the car. jabra.com |
在以色列当局没收且没有归还的物品中,有 船 上乘 客 ,包括许多专业记 者,用电子或其他器材录制或拍摄的大量录像和摄影。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amongst the items confiscated and not returned by the Israeli authorities is a large amount of video and [...] photographic footage that was recorded on electronic [...] and other media by passengers, including [...]many professional journalists, on board the vessels of the flotilla. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新问世的克里顿系列必将在名士的历史中留下划时代的一笔,它承载着由Louis-Victor和 Célestin Baume两兄弟于1830年在瑞士株罗山创立公司之初所树立的远大目标,克里顿象征着创始人的非凡远见,传承着创始人的座右铭:“唯美主义,只制造品质 最 上乘 的 腕 表”。 wthejournal.com | It showcases the very quest for excellence that shaped the destiny of this company, founded back in 1830 by brothers Louis-Victor and Célestin Baume in the heart of the Swiss Jura Mountains. wthejournal.com |
首先我們會精心挑選出上乘石材 ,然後切割成薄片,最後以專利方法製作飾邊。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | We start by carefully selecting the best pieces before cutting them into wafer-thin sheets and finishing them according to a patented method. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
結合五代流傳下來的釘裝書籍技術及品質 最 上乘 的 製 作原料,Leather Craftsmen 在製作手工攝影集行列中享負盛名達 70 多年,如今他們還與世界各位最具鑑賞品味的攝影家合作。 mammals.org | Combining five generations of custom bookbinder skills with the finest-quality materials, Leather Craftsmen has been proudly handcrafting photography albums for nearly 70 years and works with some of the world’s most discriminating photographers. mammals.org |
憑藉AIRCAP設計,E系列開蓬跑車為車 上乘 客 提供無風壓的輕柔空氣,即使坐在後排也可擁有極盡舒適的體驗。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Thanks to AIRCAP riding in an E-Class Cabriolet is an airy and draught-free experience. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
Bourns 的目标是,在满足全球客户需求的同时实现健康增长,提供具有创新设计 、 上乘 品 质 和杰出价值的科技产品。 digikey.cn | Bourns' goal is to satisfy customers on a global basis while achieving sound growth with technological products of innovative design, superior quality and exceptional value. digikey.com.mx |
除在登上或離開越礦飛車時外,在越礦飛 車 上 , 乘 客 須 時刻保持 繫上為其座位提供的安全帶和保持鎖上為其座位提供的安全欄桿。 oceanpark.cn | (1) A passenger shall keep the safety belt provided for his seat fastened and keep the safety bar provided for his seat locked at all times whilst aboard the Mine Train except when mounting or dismounting from the Mine Train. oceanpark.cn |
产品推广聚焦于表达现代男士的充实内涵,以突出Samsonite新产品线 的 上乘 质 量。 ba-repsasia.com | The campaign focused on expressing the inner subtleties of the modern man to highlight the premium quality of Samsonite’s new product line. ba-repsasia.com |
这与船上乘客 的 说法相抵触,据乘客说,以色列无视他们的抗议登船,并违背他们的意志将船 [...] 带往阿什杜德。 daccess-ods.un.org | This contradicts the [...] assertion by passengers of the ship [...]that they were boarded after protest and were taken to Ashdod against their will. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1997年开始,尼森先生一直与联合国儿童基金会合作,那时他还是“零钱表爱心” 募捐活动的代言人,这项活动筹集飞 机 上乘 客 捐 献的零钱来帮助发展中国家的孩子们。 unicef.org | Mr. Neeson has worked with UNICEF since 1997 when he was the public face of the [...] Change for Good partnership, which collects unused [...] currency from airline passengers to help children [...]in the developing world. unicef.org |
简而言之,调查团根据对事实进行的详尽分析 得出的结论是:以色列军队在拦截船队和在以色列拘 禁船上乘客, 直至把他们递解出境的过程中,犯有一 系列违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法的行 为。 daccess-ods.un.org | In short, the mission concluded, based on a very detailed analysis of the facts, that a series of violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, were committed by the Israeli forces during the interception of the flotilla and the detention of passengers in Israel prior to their deportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
構思及製作歷逾一年時間,選用高質物料如鈦金屬、18K黃金、白金,以及 最 上乘 的 日 本材質醋酸纖維,製作過程中不斷反覆測試,美麗而精妙的手工呈現出對品質的堅持。 think-silly.com | Over a year in the making, the collection is made of quality materials such as titanium, 18 carat gold, platinum and the best Japanese acetate fiber. think-silly.com |
事實上,品質上乘粉紅 鑽的價格是同類白色鑽石的20至50倍;而2009年5月,日內瓦蘇富比拍賣行以破紀錄港幣7,400萬元,成功拍賣出一顆被美國寶石學會 [...] (GIA) 鑒定為成色及淨度均是「毫無瑕疵」的彩藍鑽石;加上藍鑽具有半導體性能,與其他顏色的鑽石不同,因而更為罕見;至於綠色彩鑽石是少之又少,即使市場有需求,亦因為礦床有限而事與願違。 chowtaifook.com | In fact, quality pink diamonds worth [...] 20-50 times more than white diamonds of the same type. In May 2009, a blue diamond [...]was appraised by the GIA as “flawless” in both colour and purity, and smashed the world record at Sotheby's Geneva auction for a value of HKD 74 million. chowtaifook.com |