

单词 上下班往返

See also:


start and finish work


up and down
top and bottom
old and new


get off work
finish work


round trip
go back and forth
go to and fro

External sources (not reviewed)

我们知道,如果能够采用更好的管理软 件就可以跳过这一步进而考下一步 措施,并通过远程管理设备 极大地节省工程往返现场 和维护的时间”。
We knew that with better management software we could take it one step
[...] further and remote manage the devices, drastically reducing our engineers’ visits and maintenance time.
往返班车将经过江北,循环运行在江南地区,将经过 下 地 点:能感受异国特色的梨泰院,汇集各种美容专业店的明洞,有众多迷人的咖啡馆和时尚品牌店的新沙洞林荫路,如同PSY的歌曲《江南Style》所形容的那样,白天可进行精品购物, 上 可 尽享激情四射、饱含俱乐部文化的狎鸥亭和清潭洞,还有能同时享受时尚购物和文化生活的COEX MALL。
The bus will circle through the exotic atmospheric Itaewon and the home to various cosmetic shops Myeong-dong in Gangbuk and to Sinsa-dong Garosu-gil packed with small cafes and fashion brand shops, Apgujeong & Cheongdam-dong where you can enjoy elegant luxury shopping in daytime and heating club culture at night as described in Psy’s [...]
“Gangnam Style,”
and COEX Mall where you can simultaneously enjoy shopping and culture in Gangnam.
拟编列 519 600 美元,用下列各 项:由执行办公室代表管理事务部集中 管理的商业通信服务所需经常性费用,按照从 往 支 出模式得出的标准费率确定 (434 800 美元);购置标准通信设备(24 300 美元);为重要工作人员提供移动办 公技术和令牌,以便在工作人员无法前来办公 上班 时 可 远程访问联合国服务器 (56 000 美元);视频会议服务(4 500 美元)。
An amount of $519,600 is proposed to provide for
[...] recurring requirements centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management for commercial communications services, at the standard rate derived from past expenditure patterns ($434,800), for the acquisition of standard communications equipment ($24,300) and for mobile office technology and tokens for critical staff to enable remote [...]
access to the United Nations server in the event that staff are unable
to come to the office to carry out their duties ($56,000), as well as for videoconferencing services ($4,500).
事務委員會在2008年 1月 28日的會議上討論上述對該指引 作出的修訂時,一些委員指出,部分車長可能住在偏遠地區,要 花很長時往返上班地點,因此,上文第14(b)段所述的改善安排 未必能確保巴士車長有足夠休息。
During discussion on the above revisions to the Guidelines at the Panel meeting on 28 January 2008, some members pointed out that, since some drivers might live in remote areas and spend a long time traveling to and from workplace, the improvement in paragraph 14(b) above might not ensure sufficient rest for bus captains.
上 述 安 排 中 新 增 及 擴大的第五 航 權 被 充分使 用, 將 可讓雙 方 的 航 空 公 司提供 每 周 超 過 共 100 班客運 航 班 、 70 班 貨 運 航 班 , 以 及 50 班客/ 貨 運班 , 往 返 世 界 各 地 多個航 點 , 遍 及 亞洲、 中 東 、 歐洲、 北 美 洲 及 澳 紐 等 不同 地 區 。
If the new and expanded fifth
[...] freedom rights in the above arrangements are fully utilized, it would enable airlines of both sides to provide together on a weekly basis more than 100 passenger services, 70 cargo services, and 50 passenger/cargo services to and from a large number of destinations in the world, including [...]
points in Asia, the
Middle East, Europe, North America and Australia and New Zealand.
訪問團將於2010年 5月 10日乘下午7時 35分的班由上海返回香港。
The delegation
[...] would take the 7:35 pm flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong on 10 May 2010.
例 如,在三方工作小組的努下,廣 州與香港兩個飛行情報區之間 將在 2006 年 12 月增設一個新移交點,供飛越香港降落廣州的航 班使用,以分擔現有移交點處往返 華 北 航 班 的 壓 力。
For example,
[...] through the efforts of the tripartite working group, a new handover point between the Guangzhou and the Hong Kong Flight Information Regions will be established in December 2006 to cater for flights overflying Hong Kong [...]
and landing in Guangzhou.
在交通方面的遷就可能包括﹕將僱員 調 往 工 作 上並不一定要開車的職位﹑將僱員與能夠開車前往會議或 活動的同事配成搭檔﹑調整工作時間表好讓僱員能使用公共交通工具﹑容許僱員在家裏工作﹑或幫忙安 排與同事多人共乘一上下班。
Accommodations in regards to transportation could include: transferring an employee to a position whereby driving is not
an essential job
[...] function, pairing an employee with a co-worker who can drive to meetings or events, adjusting the work schedule so employee can access public transportation, allowing employees to do work from home or helping to facilitate a carpool with co-workers for transportation to/from work.
第六次报告增编 2 完成了对驱逐程序的审议(包括执行驱逐决定、对驱逐决 定提上诉、确定目的国以及过境国保护人权等问题),并审议了驱逐的法律后 果(尤其是对受驱逐的外国人的财产权和类似利益的保护、如发生非法驱逐情下返回权 的存在问题以及驱逐国对于非法驱逐的责任,其中包括外交保护问 题)。
Addendum 2 to the sixth report completed the consideration of the expulsion proceedings (including the implementation of the expulsion decision, appeals against the expulsion decision, the determination of the State of destination and
the protection of human rights in the transit State) and also considered the legal consequences of expulsion (notably the protection of the
[...] property rights and similar interests of aliens subject to expulsion, the question of the existence of a right of return in the case of unlawful expulsion, and the responsibility of the expelling State as a result of an unlawful expulsion, [...]
including the question of diplomatic protection).
上述叙述,申诉人 在阿富汗与巴基斯坦之往返旅行
According to that submission, the author travels between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
我们的办公场所遍及丹麦各地,需 往返 于 各 地的定期的 IT 工作造 成了大量的时间浪费,而基础设施为用户提供的服务质量也非常下。
With offices all over Denmark, there was a lot of wasted time travelling backwards and forwards to locations for regular IT activities and the infrastructure was delivering a poor service to our users.
在 過 去 一 年 , 國 泰 增 添 了 兩 架 貨 機 , 並 開 辦往 返 上 海 、 達 拉 斯 及 亞 特 蘭 大 的 貨 運班 。
Two additional freighters have joined the fleet in the past year and new services commenced to Shanghai, Dallas and Atlanta.
武 漢 陽 邏 港 乃 位 於 長 江
[...] 中 游 之 深 水 地 區 性 集 裝 箱 樞 紐 港往 上 海 港 口 之 支 線 船舶碼 頭 ,往 返 武 漢 及 沿 長 江 流 域 周 邊 地 區( 包 括 [...]
重 慶 市 境 內 屬 長 江 上 游
之 地 區及周 邊 各 省 )之 集 裝 箱 貨 物 運 輸 方 面 起 著 重 要 之 作 用 。
As a deep water regional container hub port at
the mid-stream of
[...] Yangtze River and a feeder port to the ports in Shanghai, the WIT Port plays a key role in [...]
the transportation of
container cargo to and from Wuhan and surrounding areas along the Yangtze River corridor, including the upstream areas of Chongqing and neighbouring provinces.
凌晨 2 时 05 分,常驻代表从中美洲航空公司 566 号班下机后,前往外交 官专队排队,并向当值官员上所要 求的证件。
The Permanent Representative, after disembarking from Taca flight 566 at 2.05 a.m., joined the line reserved for diplomats and handed the required papers to the official on duty who, after checking them, asked her to step out of the line and took her to an internal interrogation area, even though she had previously identified herself as the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations.
但使用再生纸、尽量减少办公室废弃物、骑自行上下班等行 动,都能够有效地减少温室气体排放,清查也应考虑这些行动的影 响。
The impact of using recycled paper, minimizing office waste, or commuting by bicycle to the workplace, which effectively reduce GHG emissions, is yet to be addressed in the inventory.
(二) 曾否考慮上述換 證期內,每天為長者提供 班往返 各 區 指定地 點和智能身份證中心的免費接駁巴士服務?
(b) whether it has considered providing, for the elderly
[...] people, a free shuttle bus service operating once daily during the above call-up period between designated locations in various districts [...]
and Smart Identity Card Centres?
長 遠 而 言 , 在 城 市 規劃上 , 香港的主要 經 濟 活動全 集 中在港島 和 九龍市 區 , 而 居 住 的地方 則規劃在較偏 遠 的 新市鎮 地 區 發 展 , 因此導 致 很 多市民 須 從新市鎮往 市 區 上 班 ,下班 時 亦須乘搭交通工具回家,造成了 交通擠塞、 空 氣污染、 交通開支大增等 問題。
Therefore, many people will have to make home-to-office journeys on modes of transport from the new towns to the urban areas, causing such problems as traffic congestion, air pollution and substantial increase in transport expenses.
復 康 巴 士 服 務 由 香港復 康 會 以 政 府 資 助 形 式 提 供, 目 的是接 載 行 動 不 便 的 殘疾人士往 返 上學、 上 班 地 點或活動中心 。
Rehabus services are provided by the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Society with government funding, the objective being to take people with disabilities to and from their schools, workplaces and activity centres.
(b) 采取具体措施,防止在过境期间——包括在港口和机场以及边境和移 民检查站——发生对移徙者人权的侵犯;培训 上 述 设施和边境区域工作的公职 人员对移徙者及其家属以礼依法相待;依照适用法律,追究在移徙者及其家往 返原籍 国与目的地国——包括途经国家边境期间——发生的任何侵犯其人权的行 为,诸如任意拘留、施加酷刑和侵害生命权,包括法外处决行为
(b) To adopt concrete measures to prevent violations of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and in border areas to treat migrants and their families respectfully and in accordance with the law, and to prosecute, in conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights of migrants and their families, such as arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during their transit from their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their transit through national borders
但由於規劃及估計錯誤,大批市民仍要晝出夜歸 往返 市 區 ㆖ 班 , 因而製造了大量的 交通需求。
However, as a result of misjudgment and improper planning, a lot of residents
still need to travel to
[...] the urban area to work early in the morning and return home late in the evening, [...]
thereby creating an enormous traffic demand.
一.20 关于加班费问题,咨询委员会获悉,其他工作人员费用项下减少 244 000
[...] 美元,原因是自觉作出努力,通过错 上下班 时 间、加强监测和自我评价机制以 及采用信息技术工具和软件等新机构安排,减少加班需要。
I.20 With regard to overtime, the Advisory Committee was informed that the reduction of $244,000 under other staff
costs reflected a conscious effort to
[...] reduce the need for overtime through the adoption [...]
of new institutional arrangements,
such as staggered working hours, better monitoring and self-evaluation mechanisms and the introduction of information technology tools and software.
根据第 12/15 号决议第 4
[...] 在现有资源范围内,定期举办关于增进和保护人权的区域安排讲 班 , 下 一 次在 2010 年上半年 举办,以便就如何加强联合国与人权领域各区域安排之间的合作进 [...]
障碍的战略,讲习班应邀请来自各不同区域的相关区域和分区域安排的代表、专 家,以及所有有关的联合国会员国、观察员、国家人权机构和非政府组织的代表 参加。
Under the terms of paragraph 4, of resolution 12/15, the Human Rights Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to hold a workshop on regional arrangements for the promotion and
protection of human rights on a
[...] regular basis and to convene the next one in the first semester [...]
of 2010, within existing resources,
to allow further sharing of information and concrete proposals on ways and means to strengthen cooperation between the United Nations and regional arrangements in the field of human rights and the identification of strategies to overcome obstacles to the promotion and protection of human rights at the regional and international levels, with the participation of representatives of the relevant regional and subregional arrangements from different regions, experts and interested States Members of the United Nations, observers, national human rights institutions and representatives of non-governmental organizations.
清晨 5 时 05 分,常驻代表从多米尼加 LAN 航空公司 XL516 号班下机后往外交官专队排队,并向当值官员 上 所 要 求的证件。
The Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and informs it of the unacceptable and regrettable incident that
again occurred when
[...] H.E. Ms. María Rubiales de Chamorro, Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations, entered the United States of America on Saturday, 26 June 2010 at Miami International Airport (MIA) in the City of Miami.
當 然 , 自 由 黨也很明 白 , 居 住 於 新 界 東 而 每 天 都 要 乘搭火 車 再 轉 乘 地往市區上班 下 班 的 市 民 , 都 十分渴 望 目 前 兩 鐵 的 轉 乘 車 費可以 立 即 下 調 , 要 是 兩 鐵 在合併 前,即未整合、未 發 揮 協 同 效 益 前,已 經 可 以取消 [...] [...]
或調減 收 費 , 自 由 黨 認 為這當然 是 最 理 想 不 過 的,不 過 , 實際上能否在合併 前做得 到 呢 ?
To the Liberal Party, it will of course be most satisfactory if the two railway corporations can abolish or lower the charge before any merger and synergy.
3.2 如果两届会议相距太近,执行局委员指定的代表不便回到自己正常居住地点,可以根 据他的请求,不发给他到居住地点 往返 旅 费 ,而每天按从前届会议结束 下 届 会 议 召开期间的生活津贴的 75%发给生活津贴,但本组织所发的数额不能超过会议地点到 [...]
3.2 When the interval between two sessions is not sufficient to enable a representative appointed by the Member to return conveniently to his normal place of residence he may receive, at his
[...] [...] request, instead of the payment of the round trip to his place of residence, a daily [...]
subsistence allowance equivalent to 75% of the daily subsistence allowance granted during sessions for the period between the close of one session and the opening of the
next, provided that the amount so to be provided by the Organization shall not exceed the cost of a round trip between the place of meeting and the representative appointed by the Member’s normal place of residence.
事實上,大家都會贊成提高職業安全的 工作,但要立即全面提高法定賠償金額,並大幅提高用以釐定補償額的
[...] 僱員每月收入上限,以及把自僱人士及所有員 上下班 途 中 受傷皆列入 法例的保障範圍,我認為要作出深入的研究,並進行廣泛的討論。
Actually, all of us agree to stepping up efforts to promote occupational safety, but regarding immediately increasing the statutory amount of compensation across the board and substantially increasing the employees' maximum monthly income for calculating the amount of compensation and including self-employed persons and all
employees who sustain injuries when travelling
[...] to and from work under the coverage of [...]
the Ordinance, I think thorough examination
and extensive discussion are required.
监督厅还会评估派调查员到 乌干达恩德培区域服务中心工作的好处,因为由于该中心开展各种支助工作,相 关风险有所增加,同时也可以利用定 往返 各 特 派团 班 车 (机 )。
OIOS will also assess the merit of placing investigative capacity in the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe, Uganda, in view of its role in carrying out a wide range of support functions with increased associated risk and to take advantage of efficiencies such as scheduled transportation to missions.
(三 ) 會 否 加 強 觀 光 巴 士 服 務(包括增 發 營 辦 牌 照、增加服 務 路 線班 次 ),以 改往返 各 景 點 的交通 安 排 ; 若會,詳 情為何 ; 若 否 , 原 因為何 ?
(c) will enhance the service of sight-seeing buses (such as issuing more licences for operators and increasing the number of routes and frequency) to improve the transport arrangements for travelling to and from tourist attractions; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?




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