单词 | 上下班 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 上下班—start and finish workExamples:上下班时间—rush hour 上下班往返v—commutev 上下班路程n—commuten See also:上下—about up and down top and bottom old and new 上班—go to the office go to work start work be on duty 下班—get off work finish work 班上—(in the) class
但使用再生纸、尽量减少办公室废弃物、骑自行车上下班等行动,都能够有效地减少温室气体排放,清查也应考虑这些行动的影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The impact of using recycled paper, minimizing office waste, or commuting by bicycle to the workplace, which effectively reduce GHG emissions, is yet to be addressed in the inventory. daccess-ods.un.org |
一.20 关于加班费问题,咨询委员会获悉,其他工作人员费用项下减少 244 000 [...] 美元,原因是自觉作出努力,通过错开上下班时间、加强监测和自我评价机制以 及采用信息技术工具和软件等新机构安排,减少加班需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | I.20 With regard to overtime, the Advisory Committee was informed that the reduction of $244,000 under other staff [...] costs reflected a conscious effort to [...] reduce the need for overtime through the adoption [...]of new institutional arrangements, [...]such as staggered working hours, better monitoring and self-evaluation mechanisms and the introduction of information technology tools and software. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,在各组织的账目上,不承认“无害环境”项目的价值,比如采用新 技术和技能,以有效利用资源、替代能源或业务模式(比如可持续采购、水回收 利用、水消费、可持续上下班交通等)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, in the accounts of the organizations, values of “environmentally sound” projects, such as the adoption of new technologies and techniques for the efficient use of resources or alternative sources of energy or modes of operations (e.g. sustainable procurement, waste recycling, water consumption, sustainable transportfor commuting, etc.), are not recognized. daccess-ods.un.org |
位于拉普拉塔的全球交付中心坐落于市中心,为员工的上下班以及客户的来访提供了便利。 softtek.com | The Global Delivery Center in La Plata is located in the middle of the urban center, facilitating access and mobility of our associates and visits of our clients. softtek.com |
电动车是否会鼓励更多人开车上下班? thisbigcity.net | Will electric cars encourage more people to drive to work? thisbigcity.net |
(VI. 19.)号政府法令规定,为与培训有关的当地和城市间旅行 费用退款,为乘公交车辆上下班和获得工作经验提供支助,为与使用服务相关的 旅费提供支助,为求职有关的当地和城市间旅行费用退款。 daccess-ods.un.org | (VI. 19.) provides for the refund of the costs of local and interurban travels related to training, the support given for commuting and gaining work experience, the support for group passengertransportation related to commuting and gaining work experience, the support for the travel costs related to making use of the service and for the refund of the costs of local and interurban travels connected with job seeking. daccess-ods.un.org |
学生甚至可在上下班的火车上学习英语,或与通过在线课程论坛结识的朋友一同学习。 australiachina.com.au | They could be sitting on a train learning English as they commuteto work or studying with friends who they met via the online course forums”. australiachina.com.au |
( 比如可持续采购、水回收 利用、水消费、可持续上下班交通等) 。不考虑从这类措施中获得的经济和生态 [...] 效益,并因此根据不完整的信息做投资,从而不能做出最好的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The economic and ecological advantages to [...] be derived from such measures are not [...] considered and as a result, investments are [...]based on incomplete information leading to suboptimal decisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
参与者可订定如何在空气污染指数偏高的日 子,采取减少废气排放的措施,例如鼓励员工在上下班使用公共交通、与顾客及供应商合作 减少价值链中其他环节的废气排放、更改本身 的营运流程、材料或设备,或重新编排工作时 间。 cleanair.hk | Each participant can determine how they can reduce emissions on days of high pollution, such as promoting use of publictransportation,by working with their customers or vendors to reduce emissions elsewhere in the value chain, by substituting a different process, material or equipment at their own facilities, or by re-scheduling things that could be done at another time. cleanair.hk |
设计项目包括举办一场为解决孟买上下班严重交通拥堵状况设计解决方案的公开赛,以及一个改造基础设施、增加公共空间和步行设施的探索。 tipschina.gov.cn | Design projects include an open competition to develop solutions for a heavily congested traffic junction in Mumbai and an exploration of ways to refit infrastructure with new public space and pedestrian functions. tipschina.gov.cn |
你花了很多时间,在您的汽车上下班? hkcarworld.com | Do you spend a lot of time in your carcommuting? hkcarworld.com |
为不同能力的人提供电话预约服务,接送其上下班、上学、去对外办 公的政府机构办事以及去超市购物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Provision to differently-abled persons of a dial-a-ride service for transportationto work, school, to Government agencies that offer services to the public, and to the supermarket. daccess-ods.un.org |
工伤的认定在整工 作和在上下班的中途的伤等等被接受。 sir.or.jp | Accidents which occur during and on the way to work are also compensated. sir.or.jp |
这样 的话,市民可以在任何时间聯络政府部门,不再受政府上下班时间的限 [...] B. 电子公民參与 procommons.org.hk | This would enable citizens to make round-the-clock contact with the different [...] departments of the [...] Government,without the restrictionsof office hours of the officein thecase of telephone [...]enquiries. procommons.org.hk |
可向身体或其他残疾的 人或这种人的亲属,退还乘公交车辆上下班的费用、为获得工作经验而乘坐当地 和城市间车辆旅行的费用或乘坐自己的车上下班的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The costs of commuting, those of traveling for gaining work experience by local and interurban vehicles or the costs of commuting by own vehicle may be refunded to the person with physical or other disability or to the relative of such a person, too. daccess-ods.un.org |
里约显然需要公开更多资讯,规划时也应考量更多社会需求,协助更多弱势及低收入居民,同享经济发展预期利益,而非继续将他们排挤至违章建筑、完全不顾他们的需求,故关键在於提供平价住宅、就业机会、上下班交通工具。 thisbigcity.net | There is a clear need for more transparency and for more social consciousness in planning that will help incorporate disenfranchised and low-income residents. thisbigcity.net |
不过计费方式也可能重新调整,塞车费制度连带效应可能影响邻近地区,因为严重缺乏基础建设,会冲击相对薪资与生活品质,国内许多地区都在研拟发展运输系统,希望纽约等城市在持续运作同时,也能调整成长脚步;塞车费其实是平衡城市进步与交通壅塞的力量,鼓励民众放弃开车,以其他途径上下班,也迫使市政规划专家扩增大众运输建设涵盖范围,进而抵销塞车费对邻近区域的冲击。 thisbigcity.net | Congestion pricing works towards the center from both ends; it incentivizes getting to work in every other way outside of driving and forces city planners to extend public transportation infrastructure even further. thisbigcity.net |