

单词 上一年



ten years of practice for one minute on the stage [idiom.]

See also:

上年 n

preceding year n

External sources (not reviewed)

调查发现上一年可卡因的使用率在 0.3%到 4.7%之间,甲基苯丙胺的使用在 0.3%到 3.4%之间。
The surveys found past-year cocaine use ranging between 0.3 and 4.7 per cent, and amphetamines use between 0.3 and 3.4 per cent.
由 於每年的薪酬調整均屬獨立進行的工作,當局沒有安 排以下一年的調整來抵上一年的調 整。
As each year's pay adjustment was an independent
exercise, there were no arrangements to offset
[...] the adjustment in one year against the [...]
adjustment in the following year.
孟加拉国常驻亚太经社会代表以常驻代表咨委会报 告员的身份列述了常驻代表咨委会 上一年 内 开展的活动要点。
In his capacity as Rapporteur of the Advisory Committee, the Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to ESCAP presented the highlights of the activities of the Committee during the preceding year.
虽然对超额规划表示了 忧虑,但认识到上一年的业 务计划相比,在减少超额规划方面已有较大改进。
Concern was expressed at the over-programming, but it was recognized that there had been considerable improvement in reducing over-programming compared to the previous year’s business plans.
一.33 秘书长指出,2010 年该办公室的案件处理数继续增加:从联合国秘书处 收到的案件数增至 1 206 件,上一年增加 70%;监察员综合办公室(负责秘书处、 联合国基金和方案以及难民署)2010 年处理的案件总数为 1 745 件,而 2009 年则 为 1 287 件(同上,第 1.89 段)。
I.33 The Secretary-General indicates that the Office continued to see an increase in its case workload in 2010: the number of cases received from the United Nations Secretariat rose to 1,206, reflecting a 70 per cent increase over the preceding year, and the integrated Office of the Ombudsman, which covers the Secretariat, the United Nations funds and UNHCR, handled a total of 1,745 cases in 2010 as compared with 1,287 in 2009 (ibid., para. 1.89).
自 2008 年 4 月 1 日以来,根据关于切尔诺贝利灾难受害公民社会保护的 1992 年 1 月 30 日第 909-XII 号法律确定的养恤金按政府决定增长了 17%,因为 年度居民消费价格指数增长了 12.3%和年度平均国家工资增长了 21.7%,而根据 关于为某些类别公民提供国家社会津贴的 1999 年 7 月 14 日第 499-XIV 号法律 确定的国家社会津贴调整指数,除了护理津贴和死亡津贴之外,为 12.3%,依据 的上一年居民 消费价格指数年平均增长情况。
Starting with 1 April 2008, by means of Government Decision No. 316 from 17.03.2008 on the update of the social insurance allowances and of certain state social allowances, the pensions, set by Law No. 909-XII from 30 January 1992 on social protection of the persons that suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe have been increase with 17%, following the annual increase of the consumer prices indicator with 12.3% and the annual increase of the average country salary with 21.7%, whilst the update indicator of the state social allowances, set by Law No. 499-XIV from 14 July 1999 on state social allowances for certain categories of citizens, with the exception of the nursing allowance and the death allowance, was 12.3%, following the average annual increase of the consumer prices indicator for the preceding year.
上一年度 之 分類數據自「物業投資及管理」分類重新列入「服務式住宅物業管理及投資」分類,以資比較。
For comparative purposes, certain last year’s segment figures were reclassified from the segment of “Property Investment and Management” to “Hospitality Investment and Management”.
根據《退休金( 增加) 條例》及《孤寡撫恤金( 增 加 ) 條例》,在任何年,如由上一年4 月 1 日開始至當年3 月 31 日止的12個月內,平均每月甲類消費物價指數較在此期間之前 12個月高出0.1%以上,則行政長官須在可行的情況下,盡快在 憲報刊登公告,宣布或指明相等於上述指數升幅的有關退休金 及撫恤金增加百分率。
Under P(I)O and WOP(I)O, if in any year, the average monthly CPI(A) of the period of 12 months beginning on 1 April of the previous year and ending on 31 March of the year in question exceeds the average monthly CPI(A) of the period of 12 months immediately preceding that period by more than 0.1%, the Chief Executive shall declare or specify a percentage of increase in the respective pensions equal to the excess expressed as a percentage as soon as practicable by notice in the Gazette.
上一年在附 录 2-A中规定了最高允许消费总量之后,在本年底将完成氟氯化碳和 氟氯烃淘汰管理计划及相关协定。如果届时按照第 5(d)款和第 7 款的规定计划及随后 几次修订中预期的活动仍未完成,则将在执行剩余活动后推迟到年底完成。
The completion of the CFCs and HCFCs phase-out management plan and the associated Agreement will take place at the end of the year following the last year for which a maximum allowable total consumption has been specified in Appendix 2-A. Should at that time activities be still outstanding which were foreseen in the Plan and its subsequent revisions as per sub-paragraph 5(d) and paragraph 7, the completion will be delayed until the end of the year following the implementation of the remaining activities.
此外,纳税 义务人有义务在3月31日前对纳税义务产生上一年度进行纳税申报。
Additionally, a taxpayer is
[...] obliged to submit an annual tax declaration [...]
before 31 March following the year in which the tax obligation arose.
关于预算外资金,多数项目是以多年为基础设计和管理的,且一年的拨款中包括上 一年未使用的拨款数额。
For extrabudgetary resources, most projects are conceived and managed on a multi-year basis and the allotment issued in a given year includes the unused allotment carried forward from the previous year.
今年的国际保护说明围绕关 键主题,审上一年在保 护方面出现的一些动态。
This year’s Note on International Protection reviews protection developments around key themes that have emerged over the last year.
每个缔约国每年都须向执行支助股提交一份报告,介 上一年 度 发 生的本条 B 节第 1 和第 2 段所述武器转让情况,以及为监管或控制本《条约》范围内物品 和交易而采用的任何新的国内立法或其他措施。
Each State Party shall submit annually to the Implementation Support Unit a report for the preceding year concerning the transfer of arms, as detailed in section B, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the present Article, as well as any new national legislation or other measures used to regulate or control the items and transaction within the Treaty’s domain.
上一年里,道德操守委员会加强了秘书处及 各种基金和方案内部有关道德操守方面各项政策及 活动的协调,目的是要确保全系统采用一致的道德 操守做法。
Over the previous year, the Committee had improved the coordination of ethics-related policies and activities within the Secretariat and the funds and programmes in order to ensure a coherent approach to the system-wide application of ethics.
但没有证明文件,对财务报表报 告上一年调整 数额以及相应的环境署非消耗性财产的价值,审计委员会无法做 出合理保证。
However, in the absence of supporting evidence, the Board was unable to give reasonable assurance on the amount of prior-year adjustments reported in the financial statements and, consequently, on the value of the non-expendable property of UNEP.
在区域使用方面,Teletrax 广播监测系统发现,在通过卫星传送的联合国电 视广播平台报道的使用量中,有 54%来自中东,上一年相比增长了 20%。
In terms of regional use, the Teletrax monitoring system shows that 54 per cent of the pickup of UNifeed stories from the satellite transmission was from the Middle East, a 20 per cent increase compared to the previous year.
如秘书长的 报告(S/2009/135)所述,上一年相比 ,此类事件的 发生数目在 [...]
2008 年 12 月增加了 42%,在 2009 年 1 月 增加了 75%,这是一种消极的趋势,甚至可说是与国 际社会为恢复阿富汗和平与稳定而力求出现的趋势 背道而驰。
As the report of the Secretary-General [...]
(S/2009/135) notes, the number of incidents compared with the previous year increased
by 42 per cent in December 2008 and by 75 per cent in January 2009, which is a negative trend, not to say the opposite of what is sought by the efforts of the international community to restore peace and stability in Afghanistan.
6 月,新西兰凭借担上一年小武 器和轻武器问 题政府专家会议的主席职务,将资助我们的加勒比共 [...]
同体伙伴举办关于火器非法跨国界贸易讲习班,重点 特别放在海事安全问题上,这些问题迄今在联合国内 尚未得到足够关注。
In June, building on our chairmanship [...]
of last year’s meeting of governmental experts on small arms and light weapons, New
Zealand will fund a workshop for our Caribbean Community partners on combating the illicit trade in firearms across borders, focusing particularly on maritime security issues, which have so far received insufficient attention within the United Nations.
据阿富汗官员说,2010 年,叛乱活动造成的死亡人数上一年高出 50%以上,平民伤亡数目增加了三分之一。
According to Afghan officials, in 2010 the number of annual deaths caused by insurgent activities was over 50 per cent higher than in the previous year and civilian casualties rose by a third.
最近在比利时、德国和瑞典对普 通人群开展的调查表明上一年可卡 因使用的普及率在这些国家总体稳定,而 联合王国则报告有所减少。
The latest general population surveys conducted in Belgium, Germany and Sweden suggest that the prevalence of past-year cocaine use has generally stabilized in those countries, while decreases were reported by the United Kingdom.
上一年同期相比,记录的案件数增加了,因此,科索沃警察已指 示各区域警察办事处增加在文化和宗教遗产场地的巡逻。
Given that
[...] the number of cases recorded showed an increase compared [...]
with the same period during the previous year, the Kosovo
police have instructed all regional police offices to increase patrols at cultural and religious heritage sites.
欧洲联盟上一年启动 了其《贸易援助战 略》,现在它依旧承诺继续提高这一机制的质量和数 量,并且呼吁所有其他捐助方也采取类似行动。
Having launched its own Aid for Trade Strategy the previous year, the European Union remained committed to improving the quality and quantity of that mechanism and called on all other donors to take similar action.
在 2010 年第四季度期间,内审办采取现场审查 的做法,以评上一年总体 评级被定为不满意的审计报告所提建议的执行情况。
During the fourth quarter of 2010 OIA introduced a practice of
conducting on-site reviews
[...] to assess implementation of recommendations in audit reports that have an overall unsatisfactory [...]
rating in the preceding year.
(p) 在 2011 年提交报告过程中的一项积极发展是,很多承包者已按照委员上一年度的 评估报告的要求作出澄清,并在遵守 ISBA/15/LTC/7 号文件所载委 员会财务建议方面取得实质性进展。
(p) A positive development in reporting for 2011 is that many of the contractors have provided clarification in response to the Commission’s 2011 evaluation report and have made substantial progress towards being compliant with the Commission’s financial recommendations as contained in document ISBA/15/LTC/7.
会议还回顾,“缔约国对执行支助股的指示”要求执行支助股就执行支助 股的活动、运作和财务情况向缔约国会议作出书面和口头报告,并向协调委员会 提上一年度的 审定年度财务报告和本年度的初步年度财务报告,以随后提交缔 约国第十一届会议批准。
Also in recalling the “Directive from the States Parties to the ISU” which tasked the ISU to report in written form as well as orally on the activities, functioning and finances of the ISU to each Meeting of the State Parties, and, to submit an audited annual financial report for the previous year and a preliminary annual financial report for the present year to the Coordinating Committee and subsequently to the 11MSP for approval, the Meeting approved the report on the activities and finances of the ISU, contained in Annex IV to this report, and the ISU’s 2010 audited financial statement.
2005-2009 年间,男性和女性 15 岁及以上人口的就业率均呈上升趋势(2009 年除外,上一年相比,2009 年两性就业率均下降了 0.6-0.7 个百分点)。
During 2005-2009, the employment rate for persons aged 15 years and above followed an ascendant trend for each gender (excepting for 2009, when the employment rates decreased by 0.6-0.7 p.p., as against the previous year).
秘书长在 1974 年 1 月 31 日的照会中要求按“规定形式”提出此类通知,即应由上述三位当 权者递交此类通知;该通知以 1974 年 5 月 30 日巴基斯坦总理签署的一份新函件的形式提出 (文字措辞不同上一年的函 件)(见埃利胡·劳特帕赫特爵士代表巴基斯坦提出的书状,2000 年 4 月 5 日,CR/2000/3, 和 A. Pellet 代表印度提出的书状,2000 年 4 月 6 日 CR/2000/4)。
In a note dated 31 January 1974, the SecretaryGeneral requested that such notification should be made “in the form prescribed”, in other words, that it should be transmitted by one of the three authorities mentioned above; this notification took the form of a new communication (formulated in different terms than that of the preceding year), dated 30 May 1974 and signed this time by the Pakistani Prime Minister (see the pleadings by Sir Elihu Lauterpacht on behalf of Pakistan, 5 April 2000, CR/2000/3, and by A. Pellet on behalf of India, 6 April 2000, CR/2000/4).
相对于先 进经济体,欧洲新兴经济体的名义利率保持在相当高的水平;例如,俄罗斯中央 银行主要利率在经上一年的 12 次降息后,在 2010 年仅降至 8.5%。
Nominal interest rates remain considerably higher in the European emerging economies relative to the advanced economies; for example, the main Russian central bank rate only declined to 8.5 per cent in 2010 after 12 rate cuts over the previous year.
相 對 主 要 供 應 內 銷 市 場 的 電 梯 鋼 絲 繩 產 品,雖 然 同 樣 面 對 成 本 上 升 和 市 場 競 爭 加 大 的 挑 戰,但 憑 著 市 場 上 的 龍 頭 地 位,加 上 良 好 的 品 牌 和 管 理,年 內 收 入 和 盈 利 對上 一 年 度 都 有 雙 位 數 字 增 長。
Despite similar challenges of rising costs and increased market competition, elevator wire rope products that are supplied predominantly to the domestic market in China achieved double-digit growth year-on-year in revenue and profitability terms — due in part to our leading market position, our excellent brand reputation and sound management.
审评建议了一个范围更大的磋商方法,以根 上一年 对 工 作的审查以及巴 勒斯坦权力机构在政策咨询、培训方案、研究论文和技术援助项目拟定等方面确 定的优先事项清单,制订工作方案。
The evaluation recommends a broader consultative approach to building the work programme, based on a review of the previous year’s work and a list of priorities identified by the PA in terms of policy advisory; training programmes; research papers; and technical assistance project formulation.




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