单词 | 三音度 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三音度—third (musical interval)See also:三音—third (musical interval, e.g. do-mi) 三度—third (musical interval)
他的乐队Masqualero巡演过欧美,参加了许多音乐节,三次获得挪威年度音乐大奖。 norway.org.cn | With his band ”Masqualero” he toured both Europe and USA, created great [...] music at several [...] festivals, and took home three statuettes at the main Norwegian annual musicaward “Spelemannsprisen”. norway.cn |
重复以上调整步骤,直到获得所需的八度音,然后拧 紧琴弦锁上的压脚螺丝(图4 F)。 ibanez.co.jp | Repeat these adjustments until [...] the requiredintonation is reached, [...]and then tighten the pressure pad screws (Fig. 4 F) in the locking nuts. ibanez.co.jp |
旨在帮 助全球联盟成员更富有成效地发展文化事业和项目的《全球联盟工具》系列已出版了第一 本,包括三项关于音乐行业的全球性和地区性趋势的调查及一份对博物馆及其派生产品的简 介。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, the first series of Global Alliance tools – designed to help Alliance members to effectively develop their cultural enterprises and [...] projects – was [...] released andincluded threesurveyson global and regional trends in the musicindustry,as well [...]as a briefing on museum [...]enterprises and derivative products. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(a) 制订新法例,进㆒步减低空气、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞击式破碎机; 增加空气污染罪行的刑罚和简化有关发出消减空气污染滋扰通知书的手续;管 制石棉的使用;管制废物处理装置的使用和维修,并订立条文规定楼宇业主将 废物排放入公共污水渠;设立㆒项收费制度,就处理工业污水,使之符合标准 而徵收费用,以及立例管制化学废物的处理,并徵收费用。 legco.gov.hk | They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it. legco.gov.hk |
当 使用的介质或碳带宽度小于打印机最大打印宽度三分之一时,您可能需要手动将 左侧压力块向左滑动。 printronix.com | When using media or [...] ribbonwidths lessthan one-thirdtheprinter’s [...]maximum printing width, you may need to manually slide [...]the left pressure block further to the left. printronix.de |
在“2005-2006 年度”之後加上“的 3 [...] 个”;在“会期”之後加上 “内”;在“曾”之後加上“三度”;在“研究”之後删除“现行法 例,在有需要时修订法例或立法,促使”,并以“修订《残疾歧视条 [...]例》,以消除对真正有需要的残疾人士提供票价优惠的法律障碍,并 [...]与”代替;在“各公共交通机构”之後加上“商讨”;在“(三)”之 後删除“优先推行”,并以“带头聘用更多”代替;及在“私人机 构”之前删除“就业配额制度,并鼓励”,并以“,以便对”代替, 及在其後删除“执行”,并以“起积极的示范作用”代替。 legco.gov.hk | To add "on three occasions" after "motions [...] passed";to add "three Sessions of" after [...]"by this Council in the"; to delete "Sessions" [...]after "2005-2006" and substitute with ","; to delete "examining the existing legislation and, if necessary, introducing legislative amendments or enacting laws to press" after "(a)" and substitute with "exploring amending the Disability Discrimination Ordinance to remove legal impediments to the provision of fare concessions to people with disabilities in genuine need, and discussing with"; to delete "according priority to the introduction of a quota system for" after "(c)" and substitute with "taking the lead in"; to add "more" after "employing"; and to delete "and encouraging its implementation in" after "people with disabilities," and substitute with "so as to set a positive example for". legco.gov.hk |
使用 PULSE 平台,通用电气医疗保健将能够进行 CPB、FFT、八度音阶分析和模态分析,以获得其动态行为的数学模型。 bksv.cn | Using the PULSE platform, GE Healthcare performs CPB, FFT, octave analysis and modal analysis on its products in order to obtain a mathematical model of their dynamic behaviour. bksv.com |
应当强调的是,2007 年除在三家音乐机构(国家交响乐团、管风琴演奏厅 和“摩尔多瓦音乐会”)内部开展演出活动的 [...] 9 家专业艺术团外,另外成立了 2 家 新的艺术团体:“Ginta Latină”文化艺术中心下属吉卜赛歌舞团和管风琴演奏厅下 [...]属手风琴师合唱团“Concertino”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is to be underlined that in 2007, besides the 9 [...] professional artistic groups which have their [...] activitywithinthree concertinstitutions [...](the National Philharmonic, The Organ [...]Hall and “Moldova-Concert”), another 2 new groups have been founded: The Choir of Gypsy Songs and Dances within the Culture and Art Centre “Ginta Latină” and the Choir of Accordionists “Concertino” within the Organ Hall. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些非旋转不锈钢活塞杆式节能执行器坚固耐 用、无噪音,可提供三种ISO 15552 气动级框架尺寸 (32、 [...] 40 和 63 mm),使气动系统得到 完美提升。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | Available in three ISO 15552 pneumatic-class frame [...] sizes (32, 40, and 63 mm), these durable, quiet, and energy efficient [...]non-rotating stainless steel piston rod actuators are an excellent upgrade for pneumatic systems. emea.rockwellautomation.com |
李资深大律师提出,李教授在二零零四年一月二十一日前应 已知道给教院的二零零五至零八年度三年周期开始筹划信件的内容, 李教授意图强迫莫礼时教授提出全面合并,因为他不满将於二零零四 [...] 年三月发表的《赖能报告书》的建议。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Lee SC submitted that Professor Li, prior to 21 January 2004, would have been aware of [...] the contents of the Start Letter to HKIEd [...] for the 2005-08triennium and that it was [...]his intention to coerce Professor Morris [...]into initiating a full merger as Professor Li was not satisfied with the recommendations in the Niland Report, which was to be released in March 2004. legco.gov.hk |
该产品可同时对露点/湿度、压力和温度三个参数进行高精度的测量,希尔思仪表为本款产品注入了多项人性化的革新,如用户友好界面,触摸屏,高分辨率的彩色屏幕显示图形或数字信息,数据记录功能(内置的SD卡可记录1亿个数据),业内首创的通过蓝牙实现现场的无线便携式打印,通过USB或SD卡对数据进行转存,并利用希尔思仪表的与高品质传感器设计相结合的软件进行数据分析和报告。 csinstrument.com | The DP 500 / DP 520 can measure [...] highly accuratelythree vital parameters [...]dew point / humidity , pressure and temperature, [...]and CS Instruments implemented a number of user-friendly innovations such as the touch screen operation, high resolution color screen display for graphics or digital information,data logging capability (100 Mio values on a SD card), wireless portable printing on site via Blue tooth, data transfer via USB/SD for data analysis with the advanced analysis & reporting software solutions of CS Instruments combined with high quality sensor design. csinstrument.com |
D. 虽然须建造 3 米高的实心围墙,作为消减噪音措施,但由於三所拟建学校的工地总面积(15 703 平方米) [...] 较一所标准中学、一所设 有 30 间课室的标准小学和一所设有 24 间课室的标准小学的工地 面积( 分别为 6 950 平方米、6 [...]200 平方米和 4 700 平方米) 的总和( 即 17 850 平方米) 细小,渠务和外部工程费用因而较低。 legco.gov.hk | D. Despite the need to build a 3-metre high solid [...] boundary wallas a noisemitigation measure, the cost [...]for drainage and external works [...]cost is lower because the total site area for the three schools (15 703 square metres) is smaller than the aggregate total site area (17 850 square metres) for a standard secondary school (6 950 square metres), a standard 30-classroom primary school (6 200 square metres) and a standard 24-classroom pimary school (4 700 square metres). legco.gov.hk |
(三)鉴於以低噪音物料重铺 72 个路段的工程已於 2002 年展开,而当 [...] 局亦正进行一项试验计划,研究采用一些全新和更有效的低噪音 物料重铺另外的 26 个路段的路面,该等工程和试验计划的进展 为何? legco.gov.hk | (c) given that the works to resurface 72 road [...] sections with low-noise road surfacing materials [...]had commenced in 2002 and the Administration [...]is implementing a trial scheme to study the use of new and more effective low-noise road surfacing materials for resurfacing another 26 road sections, of the progress of such works and the trial scheme? legco.gov.hk |
Vivid Sydney创意艺术节每年都将创意文化推至更高层次,2013年我们将看到活动在灯光、音乐和创意三方领域的全面拓展,令各节日爱好者满载而归。 ipress.com.hk | Vivid Sydney raises the creativity bar every year, and in 2013 we will see an expanded [...] program acrosslight, musicandideasto delight [...]festivalgoers. ipress.com.hk |
2012 年第一季度,三个缔约国将提交请求,另一缔约国或有可能提交请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the first quarter of 2012, three States Parties [...] will need to submit requests and a fourth may need to submit a request. daccess-ods.un.org |
杨习礼曾被传媒赞誉为「具想像力,富浪漫诗情」、「把技术与音乐融为一体,擅於传达美的讯息」、「真挚情感表露无遗,演绎的深度,音色的精致脱俗,令人深受感动」,於意大利罗马国际钢琴大赛和德国博伦舒威的国际音乐节中获奖。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Esteemed by the press as the pianist with 'imagination and romance in his poetry'’, 'exquisite tone, interpretative insights and deep communicative powers', Raymond Young won the First-prize Medal (TwoPiano section) and the Silver Medal(Piano Duet section) at The International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy; and was honoured at the Braunschweig Classix Festival in Germany as a promising young artist with the 'Forderpreis'. tomleemusic.com.hk |
(b) 根据与 Cheongju 市政府达成的安排,本奖项由大韩民国提供资金,金额为教科文 组织每个双年度三万美元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) The Prize shall be funded by the Republic of Korea through arrangements made with the Municipal Council of Cheongju City and shall consist of a sum of US $30,000 for each UNESCO biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,要延长肉制品的保质期,除使用防腐剂外,在情况许 可下调低贮存温度两三度,亦能延长保质期。 cfs.gov.hk | For example, besides using preservatives to [...] increase the shelf-life of meat product, reducing storage [...] temperatures by 2-3 degrees wherepossible may [...]extend its life. cfs.gov.hk |
信息及相关技术控制目标17 ME.4.6 要求确认 (一) 已经达到或超过商定 的信息技术目标;(二) [...] 在实现这些目标方面的进展达到预期程度;(三)管理层 在未达到目标或未取得预期进展时采取了补救措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | COBIT ME.4.6 control objective17 requires confirming that (i) agreed-upon IT goals have been met or [...] exceeded; (ii) progress toward such goals meet [...] expectations;and(iii) whenobjectives [...]have been missed or progress is not expected, [...]management takes remedial action. daccess-ods.un.org |
重复以上调整步 骤,直到获得所需的八度音,然后拧紧琴码锁定螺丝。 ibanez.co.jp | Repeat these adjustments until [...] the requiredintonation is reached, and [...]then tighten the saddle lock screws. ibanez.co.jp |
壹只音乐铃(八音琴)可播放35首歌曲----圣诞、儿童、流行曲目均可;具备长、短时间控制;循环播放,跳动播放;音量大小调节;三基色LED灯随音乐变幻;带动马达随音乐开关;带LED灯顺闪、跳闪;触发恢复到初始状态;下壹步将进壹步开发上链式、拉绳式(玩具产品)开关触发带发条功能,使传统机芯与新壹代机芯更完美的结合。 giftstoys.com | Can the One only music bell (serinette) play 35 songs ---- Christmas, children, popular tracks; possess long, short-term control; looping, [...] beating playback; volume [...] control; the tricolorLEDlamp with music changes; driven motor switch with the music; smoothly [...]with LED lights flash, [...]jump flash; trigger back to the initial state; The next step will be into the One Step development chain rope (toy products) switch trigger with clockwork more perfect combination of the traditional movement with the new Next-generation movement. giftstoys.com |
3号馆3305展位,展 [...] 示享誉世界的美国哈曼专业集团的众多新品:JBL 3730系列三分频电影音箱,6000系列音箱,CBT 70系列强指向性控制音柱;CROWN XLS-3系列功放; [...]SOUNDCRAFT VI 1数字调音台,SOUNDCRAFT Si+系列和Si [...]Compact系列数字调音台。 acehk.com | Booth 3305, Hall 3 - Demonstrate world-renowned Harman [...] Professional Group many new [...] products: JBL 3730Three-Way Bi-Amplified/Passive ScreenArray® Cinema LoudspeakerSystem, [...]6000 Series Speakers, [...]CBT 70 Series Constant Beamwidth Technology™ Line Array Column Loudspeaker, CROWN XLS-3 Series Amplifiers; SOUNDCRAFT Vi1 Digital Mixing Console, SOUNDCRAFT Si+ Series and Si Compact Series Digital Mixing Consoles. acehk.com |
该扬声器配备三个预设低音装置,用于摆放在墙角、背对墙体或独立放置。 bang-olufsen.com | The speakers havethree pre-set bass settings for [...] placement in corners, against walls, or freestanding in a room. bang-olufsen.com |
当九十年代初 "grunge" [...] 音乐占主导地位时,Paul和MR.BIG并没有随波逐流,他们的乐迷对此极为赏识,尤其是在日本Budokan舞台上,Paul的演出获得了空前的成失w─一连三场音乐会的门票销售一空。 tomleemusic.com.hk | BIG refused to compromise their music for trends. Their fans appreciated [...] this, especially in Japan where Paul found himself playing the legendary [...] Budokan arena for three sold-out concertsin a row! tomleemusic.com.hk |
利用在世界上某些最好录音棚中采用的相同 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,CI 600 系列定制安装扬声器可让您的房间萦绕绝妙、逼真的三维音效。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Harnessing the same Bowers & Wilkins technologies that are used in some of the world's best recording [...] studios, the CI 600 Series of custom [...] installation loudspeakers filla room with stunning,lifelike,three dimensional sound. bowers-wilkins.eu |
联合检查组(JIU)关于自愿捐款的报告(JIU/REP/2007/1)和 2007年度三年期全面政策审查(TCPR)也都确认确实需要进一步加强此类政策的协调,呼吁联合 国各组织采取行动,确保核心资源不能用于补贴由非核心资源资助的项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The need for further harmonization was indeed confirmed by the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) Report on Voluntary Contributions (JIU/REP/2007/1) and by the TCPR 2007, which called upon United Nations organizations to ensure that core resources do not subsidize projects funded by non-core resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于在一叛军单反第一次,新的反叛T3i配备了大型多角度三英寸液晶克利尔维尤1,040,000网点/ [...] VGA分辨率加上防反光及防污性的光明,从任何角度清晰地收看涂料。 technologeeko.com | For the first time in a Rebel DSLR, the new Rebel T3i features a [...] large Vari-Anglethree-inch ClearView [...]LCD screen with 1,040,000 dot/VGA resolution [...]plus anti-reflective and smudge-resistant coatings for bright clear viewing from any angle. technologeeko.com |
根据三自教会的网站蔡奎(CaiKui,音译)所说,北京三自教会委员会(Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee)的主席代表首都的许多牧师和平民领袖发言,说:“在过去九十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停止关怀和照顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳定不变的共生互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。 amccsm.org | According to the TSPM website, Cai Kui,chairman of the Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM [...] Committee, spoke on behalf of the [...]many pastors and lay leaders in the capital, saying: "In the past 90 years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and various walks of life in China, has never stopped caring about and helping Chinese Christianity... Facts have proven that the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government. amccsm.org |
事实㆖,音统处过去提供的服务,包括对在学青少年提供㆗西乐 器训练、合奏和欣赏,有效㆞填补了目前教育制度㆗音乐课程的不足,使学生有更充 实的课余活动和更多样的音乐训练,具有积极的功能。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, the Music Office has been providing services, including Chinese and Western musical [...] instrument training, band [...] trainingand music appreciation training for school children, that effectively make up for the shortfalls ofmusic teaching in [...]the present school system, [...]enable students to fill out their after-school hours and widen the range of music training. legco.gov.hk |