

单词 三轮车夫

See also:

三轮 n

tricycle n


cart driver

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,又会进行一项《三轮再造》的计划,重新包装本澳 三 轮 车 及 三轮车夫 的 形 象, 三轮车夫 换 上 醒目服饰 三 轮 车 铺上地毡,让三轮车这个澳门特色更加能够得到发挥。
The "Service Standards Training Programme for Hotel and Restaurant staff" is aimed at enhancing their service quality. Moreover, the "Pedicab Image Building" includes new decorations for pedicabs, which are one of Macau's special characteristics, and a new visual for pedicab drivers.
游客可选择多种交通方式游览长滩岛,包括paraw帆船 三轮车 、 酒 店穿梭巴士和山地自行车。
There are several ways of getting around Boracay,
[...] including paraws, tricycles, resort shuttle and mountain bikes.
Tricycles are the most common [...]
mode of transportation on the island.
此外,阿布沙夫集团成员三宝颜 省和苏禄省绑架老师,在平民中造成惊恐, 并使受冲突影响地区儿童的学习生活受到破坏。
Furthermore, accounts of schoolteachers
[...] abducted in Zamboanga and Sulu provinces by members of the Abu Sayyaf caused fear [...]
among the civilian population
and disrupted the learning activities of children in conflict-affected areas.
三轮车曾经 是乔治镇内以及周边地区很普遍的交通工具,如今主要供游客享用,且仅限于在市中心。
These three-wheeled trishaws were [...]
once a common form of transport in and around George Town.
马利赛尔抱着龙龙坐上摩车,跟 她的 夫 和 其他孩子沿着泥泞的道路前往诊所。
Along a muddy road, Maricel held Longlong on
[...] the back of a motorbike, with her husband and other children.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、酒后驾驶、两轮 三轮 机 动 车 驾 驶 员不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车辆不安全以及创伤护理不当。
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child restraint use,
drinking and driving, lack of
[...] helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, [...]
poorly designed and inadequately
maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.
马尔代夫有超过 6 800 名教师,其中五分三是马尔代夫人 , 其余的是从邻 国印度和斯里兰卡招聘的教师。
There are over 6,800 teachers serving in
[...] the Maldives of whom three-fifth are Maldivians.
她在陈述中表示,她的两个兄弟前往纽约金矿营地, 她随后跟着他们走,晚上与另一名妇女在难民营过夜,该名妇女的 夫 也 是 作为 Youbor 车队成员被关押在 Zwedru 的。
Her statement notes that two of her brothers travelled to New York gold camp, and that she followed them, spending the night in
Prime Timber Production refugee camp with
[...] another woman whose husband was jailed in Zwedru as part of the Youbor convoy.
三轮车(摩 托车与sidecars),在outlaying地区和郊区,安静,特别是在麦丹岛。
Tricycles (motorcycles with sidecars) [...]
are popular in outlaying areas and in the suburbs, quiet notably within Mactan Island.
在经历 1994 年的扩张阶段后,公司开始进入 车车轮 和 轮 胎 组 装业务,将其在中国无锡的工厂面积扩大 三 倍 , 并充分利用其全球制造和服务架构,从而为其他机械和机器提供商提供全球合同制造。
Following an expansion phase since 1994, the
[...] company has entered the automotive wheel and tyre assembly business, tripled its manufacturing space in Wuxi, China, [...]
and has leveraged
it’s global manufacturing and service infrastructure to offer global contract manufacturing to other machinery and mechanism providers.
基于安全因素,乘骑玩具必须平稳。四轮或更多 轮子车子会比三轮或双轮的平稳。
For safety reasons ride-on toys must be
[...] stable, and vehicles with four or more wheels tend to be more stable than three- or two-wheeled vehicles.
第一个案件涉及 Maragathan Ravinathan 先生,据称他于 2008 年 8 月 1
[...] 日在位于亭可马里县的家中被一伙便 衣男子逮捕,这伙人驾三轮车而来 ,自称是 Uppuveli 警察局的警员。
The first case concerned Mr. Maragathan Ravinathan, who was allegedly abducted from his home, located in Trincomalee district, on 1 August 2008, by
a group of men in civilian clothes
[...] who arrived in a three-wheeler and identified themselves [...]
as officers from the Uppuveli police station.
4.33 亿无组织行业的工人,包括纺织工、棕榈汁采集 者、人车夫、比迪烟工人和女工。
The Government has also set up National Social Security Fund for unorganised sector workers to benefit 433 million
workers in the unorganised sector, including weavers,
[...] toddy tappers, rickshaw pullers, beedi [...]
workers and women workers.
COMEST 还参加了可持续发展问题世界首脑会议(南非约翰内斯堡,2002
年);“科 学技术中的伦理及社会责任”国际会议(埃及亚历山大,2002
[...] 年)、“国际水资源管理: 由对抗到对话—挑战与机会” 国际会议(荷兰德夫特,2002 年 11 月);三世界水问题 论坛(日本京都,2003 年 3 月)及其它事件。
COMEST also participated in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002); in the International Conference on “Ethical and Social Responsibilities in Science and Technology” (Alexandria, Egypt, 2002); in the International Conference “From Conflict to Cooperation in International Water Resources
Management: Challenges and
[...] Opportunities” (Delft, Netherlands, November 2002); in the Third World Water Forum [...]
(Kyoto, Japan, March 2003); and other events.
这个地区还 以七处景观公园以三个高尔夫球场 为傲,使其成为度假者 心目中的胜地。
The region also boasts seven
[...] landscape parks and three golf courses, making [...]
it an attractive destination for holidaymakers.
2010 年 4 月 8 日下午 5 时 40 分,奥地利警察拦下了一辆属于白俄罗斯驻奥 地利大使馆的奔驰 E-230 型车;汽车由大使馆司机布利夫 先 生 驾驶,赛夫 大使就在车里, 前往参加一次正式会晤。
On 8 April 2010 at 5.40 p.m. the Austrian police stopped a
[...] Mercedes E-230 vehicle belonging to the Embassy of Belarus in Austria, driven by Mr. S. I. Blinov, an Embassy driver.
的高夫酒店停车位( 300米离我们)是为滑雪巴士巴士站,这将带你到滑雪胜地沃格尔或Krvavec和背部。
The parking place of hotel Golf (300m away from us) is a bus stop for the ski [...]
bus, which will take you to the ski resorts Vogel or Krvavec and back.
当地学校前面的空白地,有充足的松散部分和非传统的 游戏材料——一辆破车,一个翻过来的 三轮车车 架 , 坟墓,破东西的残余,以及大量的碎 片”(Chatterjee [...]
The open space in front of the local school had ‘abundant loose parts and
unconventional play materials – a broken car, an
[...] upturned broken three-wheeler shell, graves, [...]
remnants of demolished structures,
and lots of debris’ (Chatterjee 2006: 184).
你 覺得是 否 須 在香港發 展三 個公眾高夫球場呢?
Do you think that there
[...] is a need to develop a third public golf course in [...]
Hong Kong?
第三个案件涉及 Yogachandran Velayutham 先生,据称他于 2008 年 2 月 24 日在从
[...] Muthur 镇回到位于 Ralkuli 的家的路上被 一三轮车上的 人绑架,负责保卫该地区的海军军官也参与其中。
The third case concerned Mr. Yogachandran Velayutham, who was allegedly abducted on his way from Muthur
town to his home, located in Ralkuli,
[...] by persons on a three-wheeler who acted with the [...]
involvement of the Navy officers guarding the area on 24 February 2008.
我要感谢绍达巴夫部长介绍轮值 主 席国哈 萨克斯坦未来一年的工作方案与优先事项。
Let me thank the Minister for the presentation of the programme of work and the priorities of the Kazakh Chairmanship-in-Office for the coming year.
5.21 根据《应课税品条例》(第109章) ,凡符合《道路交通条例》(第374章)第 2
[...] 条所下定义的伤残人士,可获豁免缴付所拥有及驾驶的私家车、伤残者车辆、 电单车或机三轮车所使 用的碳氢油的税款
No exemption will be granted if he has, within the
[...] previous five years, registered a motor vehicle without payment [...]
of tax or subject to exemption.
他们开始学蹬脚踏板,有些小孩尤其是两岁半以后的小孩,则可能开始骑有脚踏 板三轮车。
They are learning to pedal and some children may
[...] start using tricycles with pedals—especially during the [...]
latter half of this age period.
我们不仅检查收到用于转配的钢圈和轮胎质量,而且检查装配 车轮 的 质 量。
We check the quality of the rims and tires we receive for assembly as well as the
[...] quality of the assembled wheels.
再者, 往 來 香港和 珠 三角的交通 網 絡 日益發 達 ,三角的夫球場 可 發 揮優勢 互 補 的 作用, 為本港的 高 爾夫球愛 好 者 提 供所需的 服 務,符 合 大 珠 三角各 個 城 市相互 合 作、資源 共享的理念 。
Moreover, in the wake of the fast growing transportation network between Hong Kong and the PRD Region, golf courses in the PRD Region may complement each other's strengths and provide the service that golf-lovers of Hong Kong would need, so as to fulfil the idea of mutual co-operation and sharing of resources.

2005, XT5三轮车叛徒 “忘我”设计师系列全不锈钢机身和框架铬油底壳和正时链罩编织软管珍珠白与黑色内饰鬼火焰翼子板 350 雪佛兰小块引擎 (294 惠普 (约: 325 HP) 自动过驱动传动器与转换器巡航控制系统B和M黑色海洋地毯拉绒铝破折号的半透明窗口/语言LED'spflame主题的前叉, 通气孔盖, 值覆盖, 香烟/电源插头盖自定义侧面反映了扩展/更宽的挡泥板更宽的轮胎: 全新轮胎 (库珀眼镜蛇) 美国赛车车轮上锁的 (可拆卸) 硬质行李箱盖卡扣黑色行李箱盖完整 三轮车 灰 尘覆盖黑色可拆卸的硬顶 (照片可应要求提供) (2) 地板杯座先锋AM / FM磁盘系统的前制动后盘式制动器空气悬架手工缝制的镶座气喇叭有线平 4 大拖车插头猫眼尾灯,前转向灯更多的照片可根据请求调用巴里 ,823.


2005, Renegade Ecstasy

[...] Designer Series XT5 Trike All stainless steel body and frame chrome oil pan and timing chain cover Braided hoses Pearl White with black trim ghost flames on fenders 350 Chevy Small block engine (294 HP (approx: 325 hp) Automatic over-drive tramsmission with B and M Shifter cruise control black marine carpet brushed aluminum dash with translucent window/guages LED's flame themes on front forks, breather cover, value covers, cigarette/power plug cover custom side mirrors extended/wider fenders wider tires: BRAND NEW Tires (Cooper Cobra) on American Racing wheels lockable (removeable) hard trunk cover snap on black trunk cover complete trike dust cover black [...]
removable hard-top
(photo available upon request) (2) floor cup holders Pioneer AM/FM Disk system front brake rear disk brakes air ride suspension hand sewn seat inserts air horns wired for flat 4 trailer plug cat-eye tail lights larger front turn signals more photos available upon request call Barry ,823.
该项目通过为导游、机三轮车司机 、食品生产者和销售人员提供 就业机会,对 Luang Namtha 经济产生了影响,还推动了客店等其他旅游业的发展。
The project impacted on the economy of Luang Namtha via the employment of guides, tuk tuk drivers, food producers and sellers, and was also found to have provided a boost to other tourist businesses such as guest houses.




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