

单词 三藩之乱

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

但非常重要的是,必须强调,过去一年, 所有平民伤亡中有四之三以上是由 乱 分 子 造成 的。
But it is very important to
[...] stress that over three-quarters of all civilian casualties last year were caused by insurgents.
於 2005 年三藩市商業時報提 名他三藩市灣區最有影響力 的西班牙之一﹐並獲十大灣 區地產協會頒發給他的總統 獎。
He was named one of the most influential Hispanics in the San Francisco Bay Area by the San Francisco Business Times in [...]
2005 and received
the President’s Award from Ten Bay Area Real Estate Associations.
该进程必须以信任、诚信和决心认真解决将 决定一个被剥夺了最基本权利、已经遭受多年战争和乱之苦的 人民的命运的各种问题为基础。
That process must be based on trust, good faith and the will to seriously address the
issues that determine the
[...] fate of a people that has been deprived of its most fundamental rights and suffered the consequences of war and unrest for many years.
以芝加哥、洛杉機、紐約三藩市為出發地或目的 之 乘 客只可於航班啟航前24小時內辦理自助列印登機證或手機登機證。
Passengers travelling to or from Chicago,
[...] Los Angeles, New York or San Francisco can only issue Self-Print [...]
Boarding Pass / Mobile Boarding
Pass within 24 hours prior to the flight departure.
本地的供電 可靠性為 99.99%以上。相比其他主要城市,三藩 市、倫敦、悉尼、首爾(漢城)和上海等地所達到的 99.95% 至 99.99%9 之間的供電可靠性,香港位列於世 界最高水平之內。
We enjoy a high level of supply reliability that currently
exceeds 99.99%, which is
[...] among the highest in the world, when compared to that ranges between 99.95% and 99.99%9 in some major cities such as San Francisco, [...]
London, Sydney, Seoul and Shanghai.
信息来源告知工作组,2009 年 7 月新疆乌鲁木齐发生乱之后, 据报告称 上百名维吾尔族青年男子因涉嫌参与暴乱被拘留,其中一些还遭到强迫失踪。
The source informed the Working Group
[...] that, following the July 2009 unrest in Urumqi, Xinjiang, [...]
hundreds of Uighur young men
were reportedly detained on suspicion of having participated in the unrest and some of them were also subjected to enforced disappearance.
现在,这种杂食动物在水满村随处可 见,它们在路边和路上四处游荡,鼻子在 土乱拱,三五成 群地散布在村庄池塘旁, 或是拖着大大的肚子在房之间的 空地上 蹒跚而行。
Now one can see the omnivorous creature everywhere in Shuiman,
wandering next to or over the road,
[...] its snout in the rubbish, four of them by the village pond or dragging their stomachs across the ground between houses.
在過去幾年內三藩市課餘計劃的選 擇大有增加,而且它之間有很多不 之 處 , 包括在地點 (學校,社區中心,非牟利機構,遊樂場和康樂中 心;項目,(補習和幫助寫功課,戶外活動,藝術,等等);和在其他方面,例如﹕年齡,運作時間,取錄方 式,費用等。
Over the
[...] last several years, the afterschool program options in San Francisco have expanded, and there are many differences among them, [...]
including location
(schools, community centers, nonprofit organizations, playgrounds, and recreation centers); focus, (tutoring and homework help, outdoor activities, arts, etc.); and other factors, including ages served, hours of operation, enrollment policies, cost to participants, and other characteristics.
下 面的學校一覽表列出哪三藩市聯合校區學校在 2013-2014學年提供特別 日班。
The lists below identify the SFUSD school sites that will offer Special Day Classes in 2013-2014 school year.
然 而,三藩市、紐約及倫敦均 無須作 出此方面的通知。
However, in San Francisco, New York and London, such notice is not required.
在 7 月份三个星期,乱分子 在计划的斋月攻 之 前 集 结力量,直接威胁 到过渡联邦政府和非索特派团的部队和向成千上万逃离索马里中南部的饥荒而 蜂拥到摩加迪沙的国内流离失所者提供人道主义援助。
The first three weeks of July were marked by insurgent build-up ahead of their planned [...]
Ramadan offensive, directly threatening
Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM forces and the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the thousands of internally displaced persons who had flocked to Mogadishu, fleeing the famine in south-central Somalia.
三藩市身 份證提供一些折扣優待,同時可簡化 使用市政服務的方便。
The City ID also permits certain discounts and allows streamline access to City services.
現為香港獨立自資劇團「好戲量」主席、「一毛製作」藝術總監、香港賽馬會創意藝術中心駐場藝術家,更是2012年「香港十大傑出青年」得 之 一 。 電影話劇雙棲,曾赴印度參與《第五屆婦女劇場節》及做個人表演,並獲藝術發展局獎學金赴美國 三藩 市 默 劇團》深造;獨立錄像作品《笨蛋老師》、《馬檻》曾在香港、台北等地公開放映,更憑短片《1+1》獲多個獎項,包括「鮮浪潮2010——國際短片展」最佳電影及最高榮譽鮮浪潮大獎、第十七屆ifva比賽公開組金獎、印度第4屆CMS International Children's Film Festival最佳短片、入選第30屆溫哥華國際電影節等。
Her short film “1+1” was awarded in several film festivals, including “Gold Award” in the Open Category of 17th ifva Awards, Finalist of the International Competition (Fiction up to 70 mins) in Mumbai International Film Festival 2012, Official Selection of 30th Vancouver International Film Festival, Fresh Wave Grand Award and the Best Film Award of the Local Competition Open Division in the Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival 2010.
专家们还注意到关于新疆自治区2009年7 月乱之后的秘密拘留的报 告。
The experts also take note of reports of secret detention in
[...] the aftermath of unrest in the Xinjiang [...]
Autonomous Region in July 2009.
本报告涵盖了 2002 年 5 月至 2004 年 5 月的这两年,在这段时 间中,阿富汗在 20 年乱之后, 经历了一段相对和平的时期。
The present report covers the period from May 2002 to May 2004, a two-year period during which Afghanistan has experienced relative peace after two decades of armed conflict.
尽管我们依然生活在压迫与乱之下 , 除去那本应带头打击贩毒,制止疯狂杀戮的政府、一场恐怖的战争以及苦苦挣扎的公民社会,我仍想重拾对于自己作为动物、野兽或灵长类的自豪。
And although we continue living in a regime of
[...] repression and war, other than the one government [...]
is supposed to be leading against drug
traffickers and the uncontrollable scenarios, a war of fear and cornering of public society, I would like to recover for myself the pride in being an animal, a beast, or a monkey.
这次辩论会正值 全世界、特别是非洲和中东处于各种危机造成的乱 之中,其造成的人道主义和人权后果受到安理会的高 度关注。
This debate is taking place at a time when the world, in particular Africa and the Middle East, is in a state of upheaval as a result of crises whose humanitarian and human rights consequences are of major concern to the Council.
[...] 地亚、比利时和菲律宾船员;声称对此负责的非洲海洋突击队,是一个下属尼日三角洲叛乱分子的尼日尔武装团体。
For example, a Belgian vessel and the Croatian, Belgian and Philippine sailors comprising its six-member crew were taken hostage near Douala, for
which the Africa Marine Commando, an armed Nigerian gang affiliated
[...] with the Niger Delta rebels, is claiming responsibility.
再 看看其他地 方 的 情況,英航在 倫 敦 的 希 斯 魯
機場是 佔了三 成 八; 美 國的情況便更嚴重, 聯合和美 國 航
[...] 空 公 司 在 芝 加 哥 的 出 入乘客方 面 佔了 76%, 美 國 航 空 公 司 在 達 拉 斯 州 方 面 佔了 46%, 聯合航 空 公 司三 藩 市佔了 52%,西 北 航 空 公 司 在 底特律 佔了 61%,Delta 航 空 公 司 在亞特 蘭 大佔了 63%。
In the Heathrow Airport, London, 38% passengers take British Airways; the situation is more serious in United States, in Chicago, 76% passengers take United Airlines and American Airlines; in Dallas, 46%
passengers take American
[...] Airlines; in San Francisco, 52% passengers take United Airlines; in Detroit, 61% passengers take Northwest Airlines while 63% take Delta Airlines in [...]
2002 年 10 月,国王解 散选举产生的内阁并任命了内阁部长,此后,尼泊尔一直处于政治 乱之 中。
The country has been in political turmoil since October 2002, when the King dismissed the elected cabinet and appointed cabinet ministers.
例如三藩市 地 區一家軟體公司的創始人,早在1997年就通 過向朋友和同事發電子郵件的方式,敦促人們 [...]
向自己所在地區的民選官員呼籲,制止對當時 總統克林頓的彈劾程序,向前推進(move on) 其他政治議程。
For example, the
[...] founders of a San Francisco-area software [...]
company began e-mailing friends and colleagues in 1997, asking
them to urge their elected officials to end the impeachment process against then President Bill Clinton and to “move on” to other policy issues.
海地利用当地水处理产品,保护家庭免受 乱之苦
In Haiti, guarding
[...] families from cholera with local water [...]
treatment product
正是亚裔美国人和华人以及其他移民的血、汗、泪, 三藩 市 、 洛杉矶、西雅图、芝加哥这样的城市的繁荣做出贡献。
And it was the blood, sweat and tears Asian-Americans and Chinese, and other immigrants, that contributed to the prosperity of the cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago.
[...] 1997 年和 1999 年的 社会政治乱之后, 已经采取了若干措施来规范武装和安全部队在行使职能时的 [...]
In the Republic of the Congo, implementation of the Code of Conduct has not encountered major
difficulties, because in the aftermath of social
[...] and political unrest in 1997 and 1999, [...]
several measures were taken to regulate
the behaviour of the armed and security forces in the performance of their duties.
紧急服务部门、无辜的民众和警 方也使用社会媒体,且社会媒体对在 乱之 后 团结社群、帮助组织清理活动也发 挥了作用。
Social media were also used by the emergency services, by innocent people and by police, and were instrumental in bringing communities together and helping to organise clean-up operations in the aftermath of the riots.
三藩市是美國西岸的經濟樞紐,美國第二大銀行Wells Fargo
[...] Bank(富國銀行)、最大的金融理財機構Charles Schwab(嘉信理財)、最大的信用卡公司VISA信用卡公司和最大的石油公 之 一 Ch evron(雪佛龍石油)等很多重要的銀行和金融機構總部都集中 三藩 市 市中心金融中心,而AM1510剛好覆蓋市中心。
The second largest U.S. bank Wells Fargo, the largest financial banking institutions Charles Schwab, the largest credit card company VISA, one
of the largest oil companies Chevron, and
[...] many other major banks and financial institutions’ headquarters are concentrated in downtown San Francisco Financial Center.
然后,他们留下来在金矿、木材营地中工作,还在西海岸的一些大城市中行商,从圣夫兰西斯科 三藩 市 ) 到洛斯安吉利斯(洛杉矶)到西阿特尔(西雅图),当然,他们也在纽约这样的城市定居。
They then stayed to work in the gold mines, the lumber camps, and actually served as the merchants in some of the great cities of the West Coast, from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Seattle, and of course they settled in cities like New York.
總 括 來 說 ,
[...] 若 德 川 政 權 必 需 依 靠藩 之 間 的 互 相 抗 衡 來 鞏 固 勢 [...]
力 的 , 那 麼 西 方 叩 關 則 消 除 了 那 些 障 礙 , 江 戶 時 代 因 而 注 定 終 結 。
To conclude, if the Tokugawa system must be consolidated through
[...] mutual antagonism among the han, it was the coming [...]
of the West that helped remove
those barriers and accordingly doomed the end of the Edo era.
由基金赞助的展览及教育项目包括:「蔡国强:我想要相信」,是古根汉美术馆首次为当代中国艺术家举行的个人回顾展览; 「The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan」是一个专注保存及纪录金刚乘佛教艺术文化的跨年项目; 而最近 三藩 市 亚洲艺术博物馆开幕的「明代宫廷艺术」展览,更是美国亚洲艺术博物馆与北京故宫博物院、上海博物馆及南京市博物馆有史以来的首次合作;不但将明代的艺术成就活现于观众眼前,更标志著中国与美国博物 之 间 的一次艺术外交。
Major exhibitions and education programs supported by the Foundation include Cai Guo-Qiang: I Want to Believe, the Solomon R. Guggenheim New York’s first
solo retrospective dedicated to a
[...] Chinese artist; The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan, a multi-year project to preserve and document the living Vajrayana Buddhist culture of Bhutan; and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, the first gallery of Buddhist sculpture in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, which will open in April 2009.




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